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How many Pakistani members on this website respect Dr. Pervaiz Hoodbhoy?

Do you respect Dr. Pervaiz Hoodbhoy as a contributor to Pakistan's progress?

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Yeah sure.. You can disagree with him on things but I do respect his views and many times he hits it hard and I believe that he deeply has Pakistan's best interest at heart like so many of us do...

His article on HEC demeanor in higher studies and Pakistan's lack of proper PHD researchers and decline of research culture was jolting reality.

All things aside what's with the polls these days.. A lot of them. :p :p :p
if one listen his lectures on international forums, he will find:
he always start his lecture by insulting Pakistanis. i mean why? can't he just ignore that rubbish and go on with what he actually is standing/paid there for?

besides i want someone please list down his major efforts/work he has done for Pakistan, i would appreciate.
Where is the third option?

- Who is this Dr Hoodbhoy?

His first name is Pervez/Pirouz. Need i say more?

This just proves, no good comes out when you name your child after the man who tore up Mohammads letter to invitation to Islam.

He comes from Indian background as well.
His first name is Pervez/Pirouz. Need i say more?

This just proves, no good comes out when you name your child after the man who tore up Mohammads letter to invitation to Islam.

He comes from Indian background as well.

Name doesn't matter. The acts of one man don't get attributed to another because of name or connection/relation. Every soul is unique and is responsible and will be held accountable for their own.

I still don't know who this guy is though and if he happens to come on TV, then I'm sorry but I don't really watch TV, the disinformation and distractive machine for the ignorant time wasters who can't even chose what they want to waste their time on, because the TV forces it on them.

There are better sources of both information and entertainment.
Name doesn't matter. The acts of one man don't get attributed to another because of name or connection/relation. Every soul is unique and is responsible and will be held accountable for their own.

I still don't know who this guy is though and if he happens to come on TV, then I'm sorry but I don't really watch TV, the disinformation and distractive machine for the ignorant time wasters who can't even chose what they want to waste their time on, because the TV forces it on them.

There are better sources of both information and entertainment.

This guy is actually quite known in Academia and politico sphere of Pakistan.

Deen i Ilahist down to his core, his critique of Pakistan gets brushed under the carpet for the greater good of 'projection' otherwise he is your intellectual 'rebel'.

And yes the name counts. Try naming your kid Musailymah or Pervez and find out.
This guy is actually quite known in Academia and politico sphere of Pakistan.

Deen i Ilahist down to his core, his critique of Pakistan gets brushed under the carpet for the greater good of 'projection' otherwise he is your intellectual 'rebel'.

And yes the name counts. Try naming your kid Musailymah or Pervez and find out.

If I liked those two names (i don;t) and if they were with good meaning, you think I would care what the people or the assholic society have to say about them?
If I liked those two names (i don;t) and if they were with good meaning, you think I would care what the people or the assholic society have to say about them?

history repeats itself constantly.

Both Pervez and Musaliymah are not evil names by their meaning. They simply are cursed
history repeats itself constantly.

Both Pervez and Musaliymah are not evil names by their meaning. They simply are cursed

There is no curse on any name. Where does it say in the Quran help me understand? Where does Allah or the Prophet (S.A.W) say to not name your kids after some person who was bad even though if the name had a good meaning?

Or are you just trying to introduce your own edition to the religion?
Do not refer to anything that Allah made halal as cursed, that's extreme ignorance and stupidity.

A for the guy Dr. whatever, in question.
If he's not a good Muslim then he can't be a good intellectual. Intellect, wisdom, and strength from the connection with the creator, the weaker it is the more illusory and misplaced the intellect is which can only help mislead others.
So if this guys intellect couldn't help him figure what is needed to be a good Muslim, then I can only feel sorry for him.
There is no curse on any name. Where does it say in the Quran help me understand? Where does Allah or the Prophet (S.A.W) say to not name your kids after some person who was bad even though if the name had a good meaning?

Or are you just trying to introduce your own edition to the religion?
Do not refer to anything that Allah made halal as cursed, that's extreme ignorance and stupidity.

A for the guy Dr. whatever, in question.
If he's not a good Muslim then he can't be a good intellectual. Intellect, wisdom, and strength from the connection with the creator, the weaker it is the more illusory and misplaced the intellect is which can only help mislead others.
So if this guys intellect couldn't help him figure what is needed to be a good Muslim, then I can only feel sorry for him.

You are asking the wrong guy. I do not do Muslim blackmail.
You are asking the wrong guy. I do not do Muslim blackmail.

It's called knowing who to follow and why.
There are plenty of blind sheep out there busy following the blind shepherds, with an absolute lack of reasoning skills for why they are doing so, except because the blind shepherds are their ideals for their projected state of inner selves.
It's called knowing who to follow and why.
There are plenty of blind sheep out there busy following the blind shepherds, with an absolute lack of reasoning skills for why they are doing so, except because the blind shepherds are their ideals for their projected state of inner selves.

as i said i have no interest in your muslim blackmail. You can find your sheep somewhere else to flock.
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