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How many of you will agree that India has a big hand in spoiling the relations between Pakistan and the United States

Bomb Pakistan. Your wish lol. You are talking about a country name pakistan which took down 2 supper powers in last 40 years it not a joke.Do you think America will be able to safe itself by fighting with Pakistan? I tell you atomic powers never fight directly with eac other they alway fight proxies. At the moment pakistan is clear winner in this proxy war. I know this was not easy win when you count 70 thousands deaths. Second when your best friend who is next supper power of the world Borders you. Clearly kingmaker
Two super powers ??

You really believe that copium story 😂 , USSR was already a failing system and Afghanistan resistance was natural catalyst , and you got funds flowing from US government to aid taliban to bring down USSR , it was like a shock for US when twin towers were bombed ,(some call it false flag to start a new war ) .

USA left Afghanistan not because ,they lost the war , they were there to fight to fund their arms industry , they left it as they are on move for next battlefield .

If you really think you defeated them in proxy war , then look at ttp and bla , nds basically work on direction of cia , and they have been directing attacks on you , your government can't blame them , so they blame indian RAW , because of a in built hate for anything indian , which supercede hate for american as they are biggest cash cow and helping hand in international politics on kashmir etc for you till now .

Realize your enemy , bad-mouthing us has got you nowhere , except creating terror hub out of yourself
Trying to make coherence of what you said.
How is America able to save itself and why does it need to save itself from Pakistan or by Pakistan ir anything to do with just Pakistan?

America sees China as an emerging threat and is intertwining India just as much as the Indian lobby here is working hard to intertwine itself for additional benefits. CPEC primarily benefits China and provides it a lifeline in case the Malacca’s and the Spralty’s become difficult for it. So if an enemy that America is trying to squeeze out has a lifeline, will America let that lifeline be? If push comes to shove they will use military force to shut it down in case of an all out war with China. They are publishing scenarios on it and training for it. Gen Tariq Khan has alluded to that in his last interview.

Top it off with another unstable or hawkish American President like Trump and add the many Indians that dot the advisory circles of republicans and state department machinery - and that new year threat from Trump will seem like a trailer.

Pakistan entered the proxy was because its leadership cabal under Musharraf was completely incompetent in terms of negotiation and cowardly in self preservation in trying to get the most out of that situation - call Nawaz Sharif what you want but that gagoo even when selling out nuclear capability to the Clinton Admin tried to land a F-16 production line in Raiwind along with the usual Fauji wishlists.

Meanwhile the Pakistani commando chief executive is boasting about using vietnam type helidrops and peak captures while doing bounties on people in his book while at the end TTP still got a stronghold anyway? So either the Pakistani military leadership were incompetent or liars or both? Was it an American that wanted peace with their brothers in Swat who were using Pakistani troop heads as footballs? Or was it an American that gave the NRO? Was Rehman Malik an American too to give visas freely ? Or was it an American who delayed the command chain response and compromised response to the may 11 raid detection?

America can do nothing to Pakistan which Pakistanis dont allow - unfortunately like the majority of Pakistanis looking to pin blame in everything from car accidents to girls being born instead of boys to overflowing gutters to theft/corruption to letting incompetent leadership be - you too are happy blaming America for looking after its interests and never understanding how to use the system to make those interests work for you.

However, whether I retain frequent visits to this forum or not or even breath in ten years.. there will be new posts on whatever state Pakistan is in then talking of appointed foreign agent civil/
Military leadership and blaming America, India, China or Timbukoo for it.
I don’t agree with many of the current PM’s (seemingly) incoherent actions but I do agree with his premise: Allah does not help any nation that doesn’t help itself - Ill add to it is to even think of helping yourself is to admit you are the cause and cure of your problems and no one else.

What you stated is on point and it’s a bitter pill many know they have to swallow but pride doesn’t let them.
How many of you will agree that India has a big hand in spoiling the relations between Pakistan and the United States because the Indians have been putting misinformation about Pakistan in the ears of the Americans which has caused more damage to the United States. Has happened. The United States has lost the war today because of blindly believing in Indian propaganda and United States has lost possession of being a superpower i strongly believe it was Pakistan that helped the United States become the sole superpower when it defeated the Soviets.I think America has lost its best friend only because of India.In 1980s, the United States could never have become a solo superpower without the help of Pakistan, because of the Soviet defeat, the United States became alone king of the world, but now Pakistan has decided to stand with China because Pakistan knew that India was giving false information to US and American Were believing Indian lies. This create strong believe in Pakistan that United state is not trust worthy friend as China is for pakistan.By the time the Americans realized this fact, it was too late.today what Pakistan is doing for China, Pakistan did for American in 80z.
Even today, the Americans are not ready to accept the fact that Pakistan has given seventy thousand deaths only for the glory of United States.America has lost a very best friend only because of India.The United States has learned a lesson that India will never shed its blood for the United States way Pakistan has done for USA.In the end I must say United state must punish India for its lies. I think leaving India alone in Afghanistan is a prime example of punishment. Let me know what you guys think
Seriously?...is this question worth asking even?....India is your enemy..what else you'd expected from an enemy......I guess the more important question is
How many of you will agree that either India has better strategy, vision, planning and foreign relation management capabilities or our chest thumping, braggers sitting on our heads are useless and always look for excuses to hide their failures??
Well I do not see deterioration in relations but rather changing to more balanced one based on self respect and common self interest in the domains other than WOT and alike … as Pak PMIK had eluded to so many times in the past …
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The US didn't really need Pakistan, it used Pakistan against its enemies, the Soviet Union, the Taliban. When the US pivot to China, Pakistan has only two choices, join the US against China and give up the relationship with the US. But the US has a better choice—— India.

In fact, Pakistan has no choice. India lacks the power to stand up to China, so the US will even acquiesce in India's annexation of Pakistan. India's annexation of Pakistan and control of Afghanistan can be a blockade to encircle China from the west. This is in the best interest of the US. But Modi does not seem that stupid. But it is understandable, given America's history with its Allies.

What's more, the US wants to suppress all countries that threaten its hegemony, not just China. India also has great power ambitions and the US will start targeting India when India is strong enough.

We live in a world where the US must be king of the world. Everyone will try to overthrow it, and the collapse of the hegemonic order will accelerate as soon as the US shows weakness. So the US was particularly afraid of military defeat. He desperately urged his dogs to attack China. But how dare its dogs actually attack when the US is afraid to hide behind and says it does not seek confrontation with China?
Seriously?...is this question worth asking even?....India is your enemy..what else you'd expected from an enemy......I guess the more important question is
How many of you will agree that either India has better strategy, vision, planning and foreign relation management capabilities or our chest thumping, braggers sitting on our heads are useless and always look for excuses to hide their failures??
The purpose of asking this question is to understand the tricks of the enemy , mr genius
Two super powers ??

You really believe that copium story 😂 , USSR was already a failing system and Afghanistan resistance was natural catalyst , and you got funds flowing from US government to aid taliban to bring down USSR , it was like a shock for US when twin towers were bombed ,(some call it false flag to start a new war ) .

USA left Afghanistan not because ,they lost the war , they were there to fight to fund their arms industry , they left it as they are on move for next battlefield .

If you really think you defeated them in proxy war , then look at ttp and bla , nds basically work on direction of cia , and they have been directing attacks on you , your government can't blame them , so they blame indian RAW , because of a in built hate for anything indian , which supercede hate for american as they are biggest cash cow and helping hand in international politics on kashmir etc for you till now .

Realize your enemy , bad-mouthing us has got you nowhere , except creating terror hub out of yourself
you an idiot.. Russia is still a world power which is smaller Version of Soviet union what kind of shit do you smoke idiot. US n nato tried everything but still failed. Idiot
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The US didn't really need Pakistan, it used Pakistan against its enemies, the Soviet Union, the Taliban. When the US pivot to China, Pakistan has only two choices, join the US against China and give up the relationship with the US. But the US has a better choice—— India.
Hahah good choice. The Soviets recognized India as their ally. Look where soviet is today. The United States had made Pakistan its ally. Pakistan had made them superpower. When Pakistan took side with China look Chinese are super power now. Indian going bring misery for United States. Indian are afraid of dying and Indian will not serve any purpose to American. American need blood. Usa asked India to press China in Ladakh. Result was India losing its land. And India tried to be macho man on the 27th fab result was losing three jet fighters American knows Indians are only Good in propaganda they cannot fight.
I think you need to stop worrying about losing super power friends or needing big countries to friend you.

learn to stand tall and proud and successful by yourself. then you make friends easily..

usa France Israel.arabs will treat you better if you had something about you as a nation.

you nuclear bomb got you zilch

you need gdp money and educated pakistan diaspora that works in your favour in the west .. learn to understand western mindset win their hearts

India has these in abundance this is why the west court India
The purpose of asking this question is to understand the tricks of the enemy , mr genius

How long we need to understand the tricks Mr. Intelligent? 74 years are less still? Irony is we are still trying to understand...and Why US only?...They did same with Europe, Ummah..... How many friends we have left with?...Even China and Turkey are slipping away.
I think you need to stop worrying about losing super power friends or needing big countries to friend you.

learn to stand tall and proud and successful by yourself. then you make friends easily..

usa France Israel.arabs will treat you better if you had something about you as a nation.

you nuclear bomb got you zilch

you need gdp money and educated pakistan diaspora that works in your favour in the west .. learn to understand western mindset win their hearts

India has these in abundance this is why the west court India
Shakespeare once said Human are social animals. They do need friends they need family. I agree what saying. This world is getting globalise you know you cannot standalone look at North Korea and then Iran..
How long we need to understand the tricks Mr. Intelligent? 74 years are less still? Irony is we are still trying to understand...and Why US only?...They did same with Europe, Ummah..... How many friends we have left with?...Even China and Turkey are slipping away.
But still you can not meet the Modern world requirements. Healthy conversation bring new ideas
I think you need to stop worrying about losing super power friends or needing big countries to friend you.

learn to stand tall and proud and successful by yourself. then you make friends easily..

usa France Israel.arabs will treat you better if you had something about you as a nation.

you nuclear bomb got you zilch

you need gdp money and educated pakistan diaspora that works in your favour in the west .. learn to understand western mindset win their hearts

India has these in abundance this is why the west court India

india is the biggest sh*thole and open sewer in the world. It is the biggest disaster ever known to mankind. Over 732 million indians defecate in the open. india has nearly 40% of the ENTIRE earth's most severely malnourished and extreme poor. The total deaths due to COVID in india is probably over 4 million. india is now such a failed state that it receives famine relief from Kenya and other sub-saharn African nations. Even both Somalia and Ethiopia are more successful and better examples to follow than india:

india is the biggest sh*thole and open sewer in the world. It is the biggest disaster ever known to mankind. Over 732 million indians defecate in the open. india has nearly 40% of the ENTIRE earth's most severely malnourished and extreme poor. The total deaths due to COVID in india is probably over 4 million. india is now such a failed state that it receives famine relief from Kenya and other sub-saharn African nations. Even both Somalia and Ethiopia are more successful and better examples to follow than india:

this is not the shinning India the west sees.
that's why you pakistan can't get into your heads.

india perception in west is not the hatred green.eyed Pakistani version..
How many of you will agree that India has a big hand in spoiling the relations between Pakistan and the United States because the Indians have been putting misinformation about Pakistan in the ears of the Americans which has caused more damage to the United States. Has happened. The United States has lost the war today because of blindly believing in Indian propaganda and United States has lost possession of being a superpower i strongly believe it was Pakistan that helped the United States become the sole superpower when it defeated the Soviets.I think America has lost its best friend only because of India.In 1980s, the United States could never have become a solo superpower without the help of Pakistan, because of the Soviet defeat, the United States became alone king of the world, but now Pakistan has decided to stand with China because Pakistan knew that India was giving false information to US and American Were believing Indian lies. This create strong believe in Pakistan that United state is not trust worthy friend as China is for pakistan.By the time the Americans realized this fact, it was too late.today what Pakistan is doing for China, Pakistan did for American in 80z.
Even today, the Americans are not ready to accept the fact that Pakistan has given seventy thousand deaths only for the glory of United States.America has lost a very best friend only because of India.The United States has learned a lesson that India will never shed its blood for the United States way Pakistan has done for USA.In the end I must say United state must punish India for its lies. I think leaving India alone in Afghanistan is a prime example of punishment. Let me know what you guys think
There never really was one. They always stabbed us in the back.
Said the resident of the UK where anti-state elements such as Altaf Hussain and others reside/meet along with corrupt former leadership roams regent street freely. Where a former Shah of Iran is on record in his book of catching fake clerics and pirs trained in the UK to spread sectarianism and extremism.. and continues to occur.
Where vested interests forced the useless supermarine attacker on Pakistan along with other crap equipment. But America, which basically looked out for its interests that never aligned with what Pakistani misinterpreted as expected(read the fine print) but instilled the training and safety standards that still reflect in the high standards for Pakistan today.. was never a friend.
Well I just spent 7 years in Pakistan and corrupt people like you were there voting for likes NS and PPP to destroy our country.
Drop 10 rupees and you people sell yourselves..then you get on the Islam bandwagon and in 7 year I never met a Pakistani who knew the meaning of namaz. These fake pics and clerics are products of Pakistan...I do not belive in pir of cleric or sheikhs or mullahs...I was educated here and belive in Allah and Islam. I belive these people are the enemies of Islam. I bet not even you know the meaning of namaz. Test it on your family. I am not pointing fingers...I want you to be better than me and these jahil pics.

So when you get on your high horse look in the mirror. What have you achieved since 1947. Not even electricity.

Yes now I reside in the UK and you are just jealous because there is no way out for you. That's why your so called rulers of Pakistan run here because you all want that.

The above are facts...deal with it and make Pakistan better. Stop spending your time talking crap and do something with your life.

Have a nice day
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