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How many nuclear submarine does China have

About 10x~15x , the detail number of China nuclear-subs is a secret ... maybe more coz recent years China built many warships & subs at different shipyards (the nuclear-sub shipyard is still confidential, even Chinese few persons saw it/them.)

The first two Type 094 were deployed in 2004/2005, while the first two Type 093 were deployed in 2006/2007.

And now it is almost a decade later, so China should have built more by now.
a 093 & a 094

092's missile-bays

094's missile-bays


3x 094s together
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True. Unless China can detect Virginia or la class subs and then verify its not around, China cannot confirm that these two type of subs can't track type 91-94.

On August 2014, China's J-11BH has intercepted a P-8A in the SCS.

The US probably sent this anti-sub aircraft to track our newest nuclear sub, and perhaps it was accompanied by the SSN underwater.

Chinese J-11BH 'aggressive' with USN P-8A, says DoD - IHS Jane's 360

There was also an earlier case with the USS John McCain trying to tail a Chinese nuclear sub in the SCS back in 2009.

Sub collides with sonar array towed by U.S. Navy ship - CNN.com
The Type 093/094 is not great compared to best of the US subs, that's why we are not satisfied.

But calling them noisy is too much, since even a noisy nuclear sub can be quite silent if it is sailing in low speed.

Even the Type 091 was not so easy to detect when we are sailing it to the coast of Yemen, and even the US didn't notice its presence until the Type 091 was surfaced for the replenishment.
I thought you were building Type 95 which people are saying is an awnser to seawolf class of USA Where did Type 96 came from ?
To claim superiority, identify the technology

Noise levels of Chinese nuclear submarines are purely speculative.

Aside from the hump on the Type 094, there is no obvious inferiority in Chinese nuclear submarines vis-a-vis American subs.

Unless you can specify the exact technological advantage on a US nuclear sub vs. a Chinese competitor, it is pure b.s.

The Virginia-class ducted fan has both an advantage and disadvantage in noise level depending on the orientation of the receiver. It doesn't count.

We could go through the list, feature by feature, and we would conclude that the technology on both Chinese and American nuclear submarines are nearly identical.

1. Asymmetric 7-blade propeller
2. Teardrop shape
3. Anechoic tiles
4. Single shaft engine
5. Double hull design
6. Designed on supercomputers
7. Built with CNC machine tools (We know China has at least 3-micron CNC machine tools)
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Noise levels of Chinese nuclear submarines are purely speculative.

Aside from the hump on the Type 094, there is no obvious inferiority in Chinese nuclear submarines vis-a-vis American subs.

Unless you can specify the exact technological advantage on a US nuclear sub vs. a Chinese competitor, it is pure b.s.

The Virginia-class ducted fan has both an advantage and disadvantage in noise level depending on the orientation of the receiver. It doesn't count.

We could go through the list, feature by feature, and we would conclude that the technology on both Chinese and American nuclear submarines are nearly identical.

1. Asymmetric 7-blade propeller
2. Teardrop shape
3. Anechoic tiles
4. Single shaft engine
5. Double hull design
6. Designed on supercomputers
7. Built with CNC machine tools (We know China has at least 3-micron CNC machine tools)

Due the size of the JL-2, hence we got a huge hump on the Type 094.

Without a strong surface fleet, China didn't want to make a huge SSBN, because it is easier to get detected in the littoral waters.
the detail number of China nuclear-subs is a secret;I know there are about 15 ~ 18
How many Type 95 and Type 96 are operational ????
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