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How many Indians here would support annexation of Katchatheevu island from Sri Lanka ?

An agreement is an agreement, and so even if the island was to become the world's largest source of some natural resource possessing great utility, India will actually never make a move that's been mentioned in the OP, and rightly so.

As for the safety of our fishermen, both the govts need to develop a mechanism, instead of us flexing our muscle.
India should have annexed Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal and Maldives....not this nations are and can become a scurity nightmare for us. Stupid short term thinking on the part of our planners and strategists...
A question to all Indian brothers . I am seeing a trend, in which, people from other states, comment on so called regionalism by Tamils on Lankan Issues, and jokes are passed around from Politicians of other states to pdf . I wish to put a pull stop right now.
Lets rewind back to 1940's. Does Tamil Muslims or Tamilians are in any other way related to formation of Pakistan or Kashmir struggle? People of N.India formed Pakistan, and fought for Kashmir. We Tamils (also), fought for our brothers defended our borders, throwed off invaders from kashmir in 1947, 65, 71, 98.
Second in 1971, is there any relation between Bengal and TN? People in WB protested everyday killings in East Pakistan, millions of refugees came, and all people of India sent Aid items, and fought Pakistanis on East and West including Tamils. We didnt ask why that time, why should we fight. We fought for the sole reason of being Indians, brotherhood and patriotism . We stood by our brothers in the thick of moments, in the thick of every crisis.

But now when we are demanding for investigation for some rights abuses to Tamils in one Islands, nonw suddenly Fking STRATEGIC ADVANTAGE AND THINKING comes into mind? WTH is this?

@nick_indian , @Indo-guy @Srinivas @Contrarian @godofwar @kaykay
India did support the LTTE. The LTTE then killed Indian soldiers and the Prime Minister.

The world has changed now Rajaraja. We can no longer intefere in other countries domestic affairs like we could earlier. The best we can do now is force GoSL to give genuine democracy to the SL Tamils there. But we can no longer physically intervene.
A question to all Indian brothers . I am seeing a trend, in which, people from other states, comment on so called regionalism by Tamils on Lankan Issues, and jokes are passed around from Politicians of other states to pdf . I wish to put a pull stop right now.
Lets rewind back to 1940's. Does Tamil Muslims or Tamilians are in any other way related to formation of Pakistan or Kashmir struggle? People of N.India formed Pakistan, and fought for Kashmir. We Tamils (also), fought for our brothers defended our borders, throwed off invaders from kashmir in 1947, 65, 71, 98.
Second in 1971, is there any relation between Bengal and TN? People in WB protested everyday killings in East Pakistan, millions of refugees came, and all people of India sent Aid items, and fought Pakistanis on East and West including Tamils. We didnt ask why that time, why should we fight. We fought for the sole reason of being Indians, brotherhood and patriotism . We stood by our brothers in the thick of moments, in the thick of every crisis.
I am not asking for the LTTE to be resurrected. They had become violent, and had killed an Indian PM. No Mercy for them. But others? India, so called champion of human rights?

But now when we are demanding for investigation for some rights abuses to Tamils in one Islands, nonw suddenly Fking STRATEGIC ADVANTAGE AND THINKING comes into mind? WTH is this?

@nick_indian , @Indo-guy @Srinivas @Contrarian @godofwar @kaykay @sreekumar @oFFbEAT @surya kiran

Didn't India officially support a UN enquiry into the Sri Lankan war crimes ? I thought we did.

Anyway, the only think we are against is direct intervention in Lanka. Nothing else.

Also, you can't compare Pakistan and Lanka- Pakistan has supported and sponsored terror attacks all over India, started wars against India and claims Indian territory. Sri Lanka does none of this. Still I think Sri Lankan Tamils deserve their rights and fr that I believe we favoured a UN enquiry.
India did support the LTTE. The LTTE then killed Indian soldiers and the Prime Minister.

The world has changed now Rajaraja. We can no longer intefere in other countries domestic affairs like we could earlier. The best we can do now is force GoSL to give genuine democracy to the SL Tamils there. But we can no longer physically intervene.

Force? You are right. You do know what happens every year at UNHRC sessions. How we force , you can see. Or else India will again "abstain" from voting.
A third country, like UK, Canada, USA with less than a million Tamils combined is effective in asking them to take strong actions at UNHRC, and we India, and look at 75 million Tamils, and look what GoI is doing.
SL is betraying each n every word. They promised so called 13++ amendments to SL constitution and promised openly and Shamelessly to Indian PM. Have they did? Wont you guys even bother to ask the betrayal of words to Indian PM?

Didn't India officially support a UN enquiry into the Sri Lankan war crimes ? I thought we did.

Anyway, the only think we are against is direct intervention in Lanka. Nothing else.

Also, you can't compare Pakistan and Lanka- Pakistan has supported and sponsored terror attacks all over India, started wars against India and claims Indian territory. Sri Lanka does none of this. Still I think Sri Lankan Tamils deserve their rights and fr that I believe we favoured a UN enquiry.

Lol.. I hope you knows how much arm twisting was required by Tamil parties to vote against SL in UNHRC?
Last year it was students protest which took all over TN. Even my coll did one protest. What India did was asking the US to dilute the provisions to be tabled at UNHRC, and finally tabled was a watershed version.
Force? You are right. You do know what happens every year at UNHRC sessions. How we force , you can see. Or else India will again "abstain" from voting.
A third country, like UK, Canada, USA with less than a million Tamils combined is effective in asking them to take strong actions at UNHRC, and we India, and look at 75 million Tamils, and look what GoI is doing.
SL is betraying each n every word. They promised so called 13++ amendments to SL constitution and promised openly and Shamelessly to Indian PM. Have they did? Wont you guys even bother to ask the betrayal of words to Indian PM?

You are right buddy, GOI should be more forceful to SL. But easier said than done, Pakistan & China are waiting to grab any opportunity to get a strategic foothold in our backyard, we are in a very delicate situation.
India should totally 'make a move' on Azad Kashmir. This is exactly what everyone needs right now. Just don't forget that India is not Russia, nor Pakistan is Ukraine. Keep this hegemonic Akhand Bharata 'BULL' lungi dance outside our borders or don't blame us if we incinerated you.

And how you gonna pull the trigger if we obliterate you ....huh??How does that sound mate??
And a parting advice to you
"Vikh mein mili jameen aur daan mili hatyar ki dum pey itna uchal na bhi thik nehi."
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Lol.. I hope you knows how much arm twisting was required by Tamil parties to vote against SL in UNHRC?
Last year it was students protest which took all over TN. Even my coll did one protest. What India did was asking the US to dilute the provisions to be tabled at UNHRC, and finally tabled was a watershed version.

I do believe India needs to be more pro-active in ensuring equal treatment for Sri Lankan Tamils , however I hope you understand that direct intervention in another country's internal affairs that too with a country that has never harmed us directly is not the possible way forward.
A question to all Indian brothers . I am seeing a trend, in which, people from other states, comment on so called regionalism by Tamils on Lankan Issues, and jokes are passed around from Politicians of other states to pdf . I wish to put a pull stop right now.
Lets rewind back to 1940's. Does Tamil Muslims or Tamilians are in any other way related to formation of Pakistan or Kashmir struggle? People of N.India formed Pakistan, and fought for Kashmir. We Tamils (also), fought for our brothers defended our borders, throwed off invaders from kashmir in 1947, 65, 71, 98.
Second in 1971, is there any relation between Bengal and TN? People in WB protested everyday killings in East Pakistan, millions of refugees came, and all people of India sent Aid items, and fought Pakistanis on East and West including Tamils. We didnt ask why that time, why should we fight. We fought for the sole reason of being Indians, brotherhood and patriotism . We stood by our brothers in the thick of moments, in the thick of every crisis.
I am not asking for the LTTE to be resurrected. They had become violent, and had killed an Indian PM. No Mercy for them. But others? India, so called champion of human rights?

But now when we are demanding for investigation for some rights abuses to Tamils in one Islands, nonw suddenly Fking STRATEGIC ADVANTAGE AND THINKING comes into mind? WTH is this?

@nick_indian , @Indo-guy @Srinivas @Contrarian @godofwar @kaykay @sreekumar @oFFbEAT @surya kiran

India's stand on Human rights abuses of Tamils in Srilanka is very clear. India wants Investigation by UN authorities and is also voting/voted against Srilanka.

I think GOI is doing things well regarding Tamil Issue.

Srilanka is hardly 60 Km from India and any moves by foreign country can be countered effectively and nullified, India is not worried about Strategic advantage/disadvantage, the generals who committed the crimes must face trial of UN human rights commission.

India has committed huge money in Srilanka for rehabilitation and India stands firm for implementing democratic rights of Srilankan Tamils.

Mate you are forgetting that India's defense lies in India's north west frontier and traditionally this is from where we faced invasions through out history. As long as North west frontier is at peace Interior India is safe.

The threats emerging from seas and Himalayas are a different story.
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A question to all Indian brothers . I am seeing a trend, in which, people from other states, comment on so called regionalism by Tamils on Lankan Issues, and jokes are passed around from Politicians of other states to pdf . I wish to put a pull stop right now.
Lets rewind back to 1940's. Does Tamil Muslims or Tamilians are in any other way related to formation of Pakistan or Kashmir struggle? People of N.India formed Pakistan, and fought for Kashmir. We Tamils (also), fought for our brothers defended our borders, throwed off invaders from kashmir in 1947, 65, 71, 98.
Second in 1971, is there any relation between Bengal and TN? People in WB protested everyday killings in East Pakistan, millions of refugees came, and all people of India sent Aid items, and fought Pakistanis on East and West including Tamils. We didnt ask why that time, why should we fight. We fought for the sole reason of being Indians, brotherhood and patriotism . We stood by our brothers in the thick of moments, in the thick of every crisis.
I am not asking for the LTTE to be resurrected. They had become violent, and had killed an Indian PM. No Mercy for them. But others? India, so called champion of human rights?

But now when we are demanding for investigation for some rights abuses to Tamils in one Islands, nonw suddenly Fking STRATEGIC ADVANTAGE AND THINKING comes into mind? WTH is this?

@nick_indian , @Indo-guy @Srinivas @Contrarian @godofwar @kaykay @sreekumar @oFFbEAT @surya kiran

What we did in Kashmir and East Pakistan was for benefit of India as whole.We didn't do it for because Kashmiris or Bengalis asked for it.

Letting go of Tamil issues in Sri Lanka is in best interest of India.
Just like we don't give a shit about the pathetic condition of Hindus living in Pakistan except some lip service here and there.
You don't see any North Indians blackmailing Indian govt. about rights of Hindus/Sikhs in Pakistan, do you ?

Sri Lanka has too much of geo strategic importance for world powers like US,EU to let it fall into India's hands and Sri lankans leverage this fact to the hilt..
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You are right buddy, GOI should be more forceful to SL. But easier said than done, Pakistan & China are waiting to grab any opportunity to get a strategic foothold in our backyard, we are in a very delicate situation.

We have our own aces. japan, Viets. I agree we arent as powerfulll and developed as China , yet. But we are loosing the eggs right now, for the expectations of one golden egg in future which might never come

I do believe India needs to be more pro-active in ensuring equal treatment for Sri Lankan Tamils , however I hope you understand that direct intervention in another country's internal affairs that too with a country that has never harmed us directly is not the possible way forward.

Kindly note, I am not supporting an armed annexation or a support of LTTE like thing again. You can call it race affinity or relationships from thousands of year ago. TN and SL are regions connected historically from eons ago. War is done and dusted. Eelam , I believe is a distant dream . I havent supported that either. But the after effects of war? Is India doing enough?
Can you believe according to the lessest of UN estimate 40k tamils had been killed? and not even one Lankan Jawan had ever been prosecuted?
India started the game in Lanka. India shouldnt have started it, but started, now it should have the power to finish it, irrespective of those in power.

What we did in Kashmir and East Pakistan was for benefit of India as whole.We didn't do it for because Kashmiris or Bengalis asked for it.

Letting go of Tamil issues in Sri Lanka is in best interest of India.
Just like we don't give a shit about the pathetic condition of Hindus living in Pakistan except some lip service here and there.
You don't see any North Indians blackmailing Indian govt. about rights of Hindus/Sikhs in Pakistan, do you ?

Sri Lanka has too much of geo strategic importance for world powers like US,EU to let it fall into India's hands and Sri lankans leverage this fact to the hilt..

Are you telling me Bengalis never protested the mistreatment of their brothers in East Pakistan in 1971, and refugee crises?
Eelam was always a dream ever since LTTE killed an Indian PM. Prabhakaran should have been caught in Osama style and hanged in India.
But the people? Why double standards?
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Are you telling me Bengalis never protested the mistreatment of their brothers in East Pakistan in 1971, and refugee crises?
Eelam was always a dream ever since LTTE killed an Indian PM. Prabhakaran should have been caught in Osama style and hanged in India.
But the people? Why double standards?
Bengalis may/may not have protested but the reason we interfered in East Pakistan was because we didn't want Pakistan on both sides and Pakistan was using its soil to support secessionist movements in NE.And they gifted us the perfect opportunity.

Why do you care about Tamils living in Sri lanka ?If them Sri Lankans want to kill other Sri Lankans why should we interfere ?
We can apply mild pressure but thats it.

What Tamils are doing is sabotaging the Indian govt. and jeopardizing our relations with a country that has potential to be our greatest friend in the region.
All for some sort of emotional connection/linguistic pride.
Apply your famous Tamil analytic mind dude.

Letting go of Tamil issues in Sri Lanka is in best interest of India.
Just like we don't give a shit about the pathetic condition of Hindus living in Pakistan except some lip service here and there.
You don't see any North Indians blackmailing Indian govt. about rights of Hindus/Sikhs in Pakistan, do you ?
Are you insane? Only British managed to keep whole Sri Lanka under their territory.

Come on man. We both belong to dharmic religions and have similar cultures. Imagine how strong we could be together :D Our famous Ravana was from Sri Lanka.
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