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How many Indians here would support annexation of Katchatheevu island from Sri Lanka ?

I was talking about you advocating using morality as a pillar of our international diplomacy
No relation whatsoever to Katchathief island.
Morality comes after pragmatism.
Morality should be the 2nd tier/level of our decision making system after pragmatism in International Relations.

For example - I would suggest that India use all means available to ensure Pakistan keeps boiling as that benefits India more, regardless of whether those are legal or illegal means, but I would not suggest the same for Sri Lanka or Bangladesh. Having progressive and successful Bangladesh and Sri Lanka is essential for India.

Context is everything.
Effective and drastic measures such as ?

The moment a SL Navy combatant engages our fishermen,start firing at it.First deliver some warning shots....if they leave good for them and if they don't then blow them to smithereens.In short,show them who the top dog is like what the Israelis have been doing.Show them India has taken enough shits and bent enough already......show them our patience is no longer "RUNNING" out but it has run out and India is not gonna take any shit no more.
I was talking about this kind of drastic and decisive measures.
Morality comes after pragmatism.
Morality should be the 2nd tier/level of our decision making system after pragmatism in International Relations.

For example - I would suggest that India use all means available to ensure Pakistan keeps boiling as that benefits India more, regardless of whether those are legal or illegal means, but I would not suggest the same for Sri Lanka or Bangladesh. Having progressive and successful Bangladesh and Sri Lanka is essential for India.
Umm where did i say otherwise ?
You are just saying what I said.Morality after pragmatism.

It is not right morally to capture the Island as long as the presence of that Island in Sri Lankan or any other country's authority causing security threats for India and/or Indians.
Let me clarify.
Suppose one fine day, oil or any other valuable natural resources is discovered in or around katchathief island.
Wouldn't India try every trick in the book to get it even though there is no threat to India's security ?

Morality only comes into the picture when there is absolutely no conflict of interest.
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I don't think annexing is a right word, the Island went to Srilanka as an agreement and an agreement between the two countries can bring it back.
Umm where did i say otherwise ?
You are just saying what I said.Morality after pragmatism.

Let me clarify.
Suppose one fine day, oil or any other valuable natural resources is discovered in or around katchathief island.
Wouldn't India try every trick in the book to get it even though there is no threat to India's security ?

Morality only comes into the picture when there is absolutely no conflict of interest.
Thats exactly what we are doing do Bangladesh in Bay of Bengal where gas has been discovered recently.
We have to give them a share as we are not strong enough.
Thats what China is doing in SCS.
Thats what Japan is doing in Senkaku islands.
Thats... well you get the point.
Since most Indians (including me) on here supported Russia in it's move to annex Crimea, I would like to ask what do Indians feel India should do since we are in a very similar situation with the Katchatheevu island which the Indian government ceded to Sri Lanka in 1974. now some Tamil Indian politicians are talking about taking it back ?

I presume that Indians would support India's annexation of Katchatheevu to reclaim it from Lanka ? I have been thinking about it but couldn't reach a conclusion.

What are your views on this ? In fact do you think India should make a move on Pakistani Kashmir or what about against China in Aksai Chin (if we can) ?

@Star Wars @karan.1970 @OrionHunter @Joe Shearer @Rajaraja Chola @ranjeet @AUSTERLITZ @KRAIT @Indo-guy @IndoCarib @Ayush @kurup @Srinivas

India should totally 'make a move' on Azad Kashmir. This is exactly what everyone needs right now. Just don't forget that India is not Russia, nor Pakistan is Ukraine. Keep this hegemonic Akhand Bharata 'BULL' lungi dance outside our borders or don't blame us if we incinerated you.
India should totally 'make a move' on Azad Kashmir. This is exactly what everyone needs right now. Just don't forget that India is not Russia, nor Pakistan is Ukraine. Keep this hegemonic Akhand Bharata 'BULL' lungi dance outside our borders or don't blame us if we incinerated you.

Calm down boy. This is a hypothetical situation. In reality we are not even interested in your side of Kashmir.

I made up these situations just to trigger a debate and I believe that is what this forum is meant for ? This thread is anyway more about Katchatheevu island.

I know it makes no difference to you but having a position of responsibility on this forum should have at least made you think twice before writing words like "Lungi dance" or "incinerate you".

As for incineration don't forget, what you can do to us, we can do it 10 times over to you. At the moment you need to focus on protecting yourself from getting incinerated at your own hands.
Do you think that by reclaiming the island the issue of fishermen will be solved ?

I think it will further aggravate the issue and it will further our problems ...

Let us be honest ..if we do cold calculations....the Cons outweigh the Pros ....

What calculations? Do you think by playing China card SL will threaten India? Is Indian Military that spineless to have its say in a Island barely 30km from Rameshwaram?

good to hear from an Indian Tamil. Would like other Tamil's opinions as well. @Rajaraja Chola

I dont support outright annexation. Fishermen killings were at a height during a time period of 2007-2011. Now diplomacy have given itself to less incidents , though shootings happened, had their nets teared, arrested, less murders were seen.
We arrive at a consensus with SL, to give fishing rights to local fishermen's without arrests , or provide back the Island by cancelling the 1974 agreement. If nothing comes out of diplomacy, yes, Annexation is the way.
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In order to cede any territory of India to a foreign country approval of both houses of the parliament with 2/3rd majority is required. The move by the then Govt to give Katchatheevu was not ratified by the Parliament and hence the cession of Katchatheevu is incomplete.
A question to all Indian brothers . I am seeing a trend, in which, people from other states, comment on so called regionalism by Tamils on Lankan Issues, and jokes are passed around from Politicians of other states to pdf . I wish to put a pull stop right now.
Lets rewind back to 1940's. Does Tamil Muslims or Tamilians are in any other way related to formation of Pakistan or Kashmir struggle? People of N.India formed Pakistan, and fought for Kashmir. We Tamils (also), fought for our brothers defended our borders, throwed off invaders from kashmir in 1947, 65, 71, 98.
Second in 1971, is there any relation between Bengal and TN? People in WB protested everyday killings in East Pakistan, millions of refugees came, and all people of India sent Aid items, and fought Pakistanis on East and West including Tamils. We didnt ask why that time, why should we fight. We fought for the sole reason of being Indians, brotherhood and patriotism . We stood by our brothers in the thick of moments, in the thick of every crisis.
I am not asking for the LTTE to be resurrected. They had become violent, and had killed an Indian PM. No Mercy for them. But others? India, so called champion of human rights?

But now when we are demanding for investigation for some rights abuses to Tamils in one Islands, nonw suddenly Fking STRATEGIC ADVANTAGE AND THINKING comes into mind? WTH is this?

@nick_indian , @Indo-guy @Srinivas @Contrarian @godofwar @kaykay @sreekumar @oFFbEAT @surya kiran
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