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How long will Russia last?

Look, do you people see it too.



Saddams dad was Stalin. Russians have to take revenge against USA now.
Yeah they just look like twin brothers :lol:

What a co-incidence :lol:
T-faz , zaki you need to take into consideration the changing times and outlook of people the global citizen today cannot be restricted and voices put down as was before, it can be curtailed as i pointed out but not complete suppressed
I think the russia is losing its military exports which is also a major part of its exports other than oil, gas and minerals. This is because of the fact that their machines are not that hi-tech and their manufacturing quality is quite low and most of their buyers are going for China which is as good as russia in terms of tech and but much better in quality and much cheaper. Others whose can buy expensive are going towards U.S and E.U. These are some of those reason that in future the russia might be broke into several states and this will be the time that Muslims of World might be happy that some of those broken states will be Muslims and the Muslims could live life according to Islam.Inshallah

What a wise overview of the situations.......GR8....u rocks man:tdown:

Russian buyers are going for China.............which are those BUYERS? In fact, during the last 15 years, China itself has been Russia's largest arms buyer followed by India. In the first decade of the century, beginning from 2001, China has bought 16 USD Billion worth of arms from Russia, including 200 Sukhoi fighters of various modifications, S-300 air defence missiles, Sovremenny class destroyers and Kilo class diesel-electric submarines.

Chinese equip. better in quality..............:rofl: They are copied versions of RUSSIEN equip.

Chinese equip. are cheap.............yes they are:cheesy:

These are some of those reason that in future the russia might be broke into several states..............because they can't sell wepons? :rofl::rofl:

this will be the time that Muslims of World might be happy that some of those broken states will be Muslims and the Muslims could live life according to Islam...................Muslims live according to ISLAM only, no matter where they are, in Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Iraq, or USA........thats y they are Muslim:rofl::rofl::rofl:
I am not surprised these come out from indian mouth, having a strong master will let indian feel a little safe.:lol:

REALLY..........RUSSIA is INDIA's Master............?

I believe its CHINA, not INDIA, who followed its master's command.............Communism:china:

No joke, Communist China was indeed Soviet Russia's puppet back in 1950s. After that there was Sino-Soviet split simply because CPC didn't want to be one of CCCP's client states anymore.

Today's Russia isn't communist anymore, it is rather China's strategic patner.
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i think russia cannot become what ussr was, because inspite of having resources their population is decreasing so enough military man will not be available in future bur it will regard as a power ful nation but noway a superpower again.
by the way it can if it import some from its friend india.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
i think russia cannot become what ussr was, because inspite of having resources their population is decreasing so enough military man will not be available in future bur it will regard as a power ful nation but noway a superpower again.
by the way it can if it import some from its friend india.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Too cool your looking :cool::cool:
Russia will last much much longer then china.

Russia has natural resources china has scarcity of them.

Russia has technology, china has copying machine for old Russian stuff.

Russia has most number of nukes in The world.

Russia has more land.

Russia has less population, less mouth to feed, less liability.

Russia is one of the fastest growing economies in the world.

Russia has one true friend India. :cheers:

China will last much much longer than India.
Russia will soon turn into USA's Anti-China minion, Superpower my a**. :rofl:

USSR was a mighty Superpower, but today's Russian Federation is a major embarassment. Even Putin does know that, he would rather have USSR back. :rofl:

Russia is not an ally of China, but also not an enemy of China.
I think the russia is losing its military exports which is also a major part of its exports other than oil, gas and minerals. This is because of the fact that their machines are not that hi-tech and their manufacturing quality is quite low and most of their buyers are going for China which is as good as russia in terms of tech and but much better in quality and much cheaper. Others whose can buy expensive are going towards U.S and E.U. These are some of those reason that in future the russia might be broke into several states and this will be the time that Muslims of World might be happy that some of those broken states will be Muslims and the Muslims could live life according to Islam.Inshallah

just 1 question as rest r answered above by my frnd

which russian buyers r now going for china

the only big ticket buyer of china is pakistan which never happened to b in russia's camp

and russia is still at 2nd spot among arms exporter's,china is not even in top 10

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