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How long will Russia last?

On topic, I think Russia will last a long long time.

The Russian people are united in their identity, even if there was an economic collapse, I don't think they would split into separate states.
On topic, I think Russia will last a long long time.

The Russian people are united in their identity, even if there was an economic collapse, I don't think they would split into separate states.

Thanks bro, it saner people like u who bring balance in this chaos. :smitten: Regarding this thread bro i think it is really childish to comment on a nations rise or fall isnt't it. Its like a cyclical process. Look at our three countries for example. China was with lot of problems 30 years back, but look at u now pride of the east i can say for sure. India was also in the same situation , though not as much as u we too have done some progress. Regarding Pakistan it too has seen its fair share of development in 1990's but unfortuantely lately they are under regression which we need not discuss here. For India and China, if we go some centuries years back we were prosperous then too but fell for times.

As i say nations can raise and fall but its cyclical, hope u agree with me. If not please share ur thoughts, i would love to hear.
Thanks bro, it saner people like u who bring balance in this chaos. :smitten: Regarding this thread bro i think it is really childish to comment on a nations rise or fall isnt't it. Its like a cyclical process. Look at our three countries for example. China was with lot of problems 30 years back, but look at u now pride of the east i can say for sure. India was also in the same situation , though not as much as u we too have done some progress. Regarding Pakistan it too has seen its fair share of development in 1990's but unfortuantely lately they are under regression which we need not discuss here. For India and China, if we go some centuries years back we were prosperous then too but fell for times.

As i say nations can raise and fall but its cyclical, hope u agree with me. If not please share ur thoughts, i would love to hear.

You're absolutely right, it goes in cycles. :cheers:

Here is a good video from the Economist:

According to the Economist, "Asia" controlled the VAST majority of the Earth's GDP for most of recorded history. We then fell quite far in the last 200 years.

But now China and India and Asia are re-emerging and I think the world will be a better place if we all cooperate with each other. :thinktank:
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and who are you? Don't like what I said then leave. why are you in China sub-fourm? tell Indian to shut their mouth about China and Chinese..I know you guys are obsess with us, but let's be serious here, we are not that into you.

You Indian live in a glass house but you talk a lots of junks about us. Every forum I been too, Indian shut their mouths when in a China sub-forum but here that is different. So I sign up here..

I don't know which forums u have been visiting but this forum doesn't operate like that. If we go by your logic there is no use of a forum if everybody shuts their mouth, since a forum is to inspire discussion with which trolling also comes around due to reasons like national pride, ego and security of identity. Since one never foes face to face with others one thinks one can write anything and get away.

This trash talking is a two way traffic sir, there are many great posters from the Chinese side like Mr. Chinese - Dragon, Chauism and Brotherhood etc who set a standard and do not troll. Please try to follow them. I will end it here.
Russia is not a power is a joke in the g-8. It's the black sheep. Their only power is the UNSC's veto.

If you feel we're a joke come on over and do something about it.

They are an resources exporter like Africa states.

They are a large exporter of natural resources and they are making alot of money from it. However, the IT market is rising rapidly. Russia also has the third largest reserve and one of the smallest debts for a developed country. The GDP has been quickly growing too, of course in the 2008 world economic crisis it took a dip like most countries but it has started to grow again.

The government system is joke. They can't manufacture anything but old soviet junks. So name a thing that is made in Russia?

Are you serious? Russia has created countless technologies/weapons since the Soviet Union calpsed, now prepare get red in the face. This is just some not all things Russia has created.


skat stealth drone
Sukhoi Su-80
Sukhoi Superjet 100

Ships :

Steregushchy class corvettes,
Saarov class submarines
Sergey Gorshkov class frigates
Gepard class frigate
Ivan Gren class landing ship
Udaloy class destroyer
Sovremenny class destroyers
Neustrashimy class frigates

and more...


Oscar class submarine
Sierra class submarine
Victor class submarine
Akula class submarine
Kilo class submarine
Borei class submarine
lada class submarines
Yasen class submarines

and more...

Air defences:


and more...



Many more...

Then of course there is all sorts of electronics like new sonars, jet engines, jammers, PESA radar, AESA radar.

Countless new generation air-to-air and air-to-ground weapons.

They kidnap investors for ransom in Russia..To do business in Russia you need to pay the mafia. During the recession, Russia was the wost hit in the world. To tell me Russia is better off than China LOL...

Although i never stoop down as low as mocking another person's country i will say this, why don't you wory about kidnapping in the US, and while you're at it worry about crime since the US in#1 in this depatment. This is not a mockery but something for you to ponder before you make fun of Russia.
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Russia has created countless technologies/weapons since the Soviet Union calpsed, now prepare get red in the face. This is just some not all things Russia has created.

You are right, Russia is the most important arms market for China. We understand very well how good Russian weapons systems are, or we would not pay billions and billions of dollars for them each year. :cheers:

The user LOLLOL is just trying to wind people up, he doesn't know what he is talking about.
I don't know which forums u have been visiting but this forum doesn't operate like that. If we go by your logic there is no use of a forum if everybody shuts their mouth, since a forum is to inspire discussion with which trolling also comes around due to reasons like national pride, ego and security of identity. Since one never foes face to face with others one thinks one can write anything and get away.

This trash talking is a two way traffic sir, there are many great posters from the Chinese side like Mr. Chinese - Dragon, Chauism and Brotherhood etc who set a standard and do not troll. Please try to follow them. I will end it here.

LOLLOL is not even Chinese. He is a TROLL posing as a Chinese.
If you feel we're a joke come on over and do something about it.

They are a large exporter of natural resources and they are making alot of money from it. However, the IT market is rising rapidly. Russia also has the third largest reserve and one of the smallest debts for a developed country. The GDP has been quickly growing too, of course in the 2008 world economic crisis it took a dip like most countries but it has started to grow again.

Are you serious? Russia has created countless technologies/weapons since the Soviet Union calpsed, now prepare get red in the face. This is just some not all things Russia has created.


skat stealth drone
Sukhoi Su-80
Sukhoi Superjet 100

Ships :

Steregushchy class corvettes,
Saarov class submarines
Sergey Gorshkov class frigates
Gepard class frigate
Ivan Gren class landing ship
Udaloy class destroyer
Sovremenny class destroyers
Neustrashimy class frigates

and more...


Oscar class submarine
Sierra class submarine
Victor class submarine
Akula class submarine
Kilo class submarine
Borei class submarine
lada class submarines
Yasen class submarines

and more...

Air defences:


and more...



Many more...

Then of course there is all sorts of electronics like new sonars, jet engines, jammers, PESA radar, AESA radar.

Countless new generation air-to-air and air-to-ground weapons.

Although i never stoop down as low as mocking another person's country i will say this, why don't you wory about kidnapping in the US, and while you're at it worry about crime since the US in#1 in this depatment. This is not a mockery but something for you to ponder before you make fun of Russia.

I consider a lots of country a joke but you want me to do something to them too? Do you have any logic?

resource exporter is a one trick pony..That is why russia has a -%9 gdp last year. Most of Russia resources company almost went bankrupt. they need to borrow money from China banks to survive.

The only red face is you..Those are Soviet techs that they just copied( I even said that last post learn to read red face). Soviet techs are junk..if China doesn't have the arm embargo they would of buy from us and eu, not human wave weapons from russia.
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LOLLOL is not even Chinese. He is a TROLL posing as a Chinese.

LOLLOL talk more like Rahul Indian and some other insane Indian member. He is different than schinese, who at least make some sense and not totally :flame:

Its most likely that LOLLOL is not Chinese. If that is the case, he is most likely a disguise from a particular background and nationality.
You are right, Russia is the most important arms market for China. We understand very well how good Russian weapons systems are, or we would not pay billions and billions of dollars for them each year. :cheers:

The user LOLLOL is just trying to wind people up, he doesn't know what he is talking about.
believe what you want..an illogic person like you don't believe who I am then that's just good for me.

Russia is not a market for Chinese arms..You too uneducated for me to reply. I think i will be lowing my IQ if i continue with you. You can't type a coherent and logic sentence to save your life. Go give high five..
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LOLLOL talk more like Rahul Indian and some other insane Indian member. He is different than schinese, who at least make some sense and not totally :flame:

Its most likely that LOLLOL is not Chinese. If that is the case, he is most likely a disguise from a particular background and nationality.
Stop being a tool, why don't you ask the mods if I'm Chinese or not.

and what is that particular background and nationality you are talking about?? care to tell all of us genius?
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Rightly identified by you and thanks for that.

LOLLOL talk more like Rahul Indian and some other insane Indian member. He is different than schinese, who at least make some sense and not totally :flame:

Its most likely that LOLLOL is not Chinese. If that is the case, he is most likely a disguise from a particular background and nationality.

LOLLOL is probably a white nationalist trying to pit Chinese against Indians. White people love to divide and conquer others. LOL
what the hell,the thread is still here,the one who created may have thouht that russia is going to fall in some 2 or 3 days,but it have been months,and even after some centuries u can see Russia as a prosperous and powerful nation as it is of now,but the thread in pdf keep on continue.....when will Russia fall
I consider a lots of country a joke but you want me to do something to them too? Do you have any logic?

This is how i meant it, if you think Russia i so weak why doesn't any dare to take advantage and try us?

resource exporter is a one trick pony..That is why russia has a -%9 gdp last year.

I told you that the Russian GDP started to decline in 2008 because of the world economic crisis, but it started to rise again in 2010.

This is the trend in the Russian GDP:

File:Russian economy since fall of Soviet Union.PNG - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Most of Russia resources company almost went bankrupt. they need to borrow money from China banks to survive.

Russia has a 6% share of the most profatable companies in the world. In fact, the second most profatable company in the world is located in Russia.

BTW tell me no US or Chinese companies have ever barrowed from Russia....

The only red face is you..Those are Soviet techs that they just copied( I even said that last post learn to read red face).

No you have the red face. When did the Soviet Union have stealth drones, or stealth aircraft? When did they have anything similar to the KA-52 or Yak-130 or S-400? How did Russia copy Soviet ships and submarines when they have totally different designs, capabilities and electronics?

Soviet techs are junk..if China doesn't have the arm embargo they would of buy from us and eu, not human wave weapons from russia.

Yes that's why the US purchased Soviet junk to power its Atlas rockets, and that's why the Lockheed Martin had Russian advisers to help them with the VSTOL in the F-35.

Human waves? I t didn't seem like Russia had much of a problem destroying Georgia in only five day. It should be noted that Georgia had equipment from the US, Israel, and Turkey as well as upgraded Soviet equipment with Israeli systems. BTW the Georgians were US trained.

And in the end Russia only lost 67 men a number of those were peice keepers killed when Georgia attacked South Ossetia and shelled their camp when they were sleeping. So much for human waves :rofl:
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