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How long will it take for India to realise it's not a great country?

LOL ... you were part of the old Indian chola empire.
So for all practical purpose you used to be slaves of Indians :lol:

So you have been captured by all, by Indians, tamils, british, Japanese ......... LOL at your foolish boasts.

There is no Buddha if you reject ancient Buddhist suttas. So the only way you can believe in Buddha is to believe in the old buddhist Suttas which then go on to claim his Hindu and Indian ancestry. :lol:

What a sore @ss that butt hurt must be giving you. But since you already have experience in being India's bitch, you should not have any problem swallowing this reality as well. Adios loser.
You are really delirious from obsession with Indian greatness and grandiose.
There is Chola empire, NO INDIAN prefix.
Didn't know you were around at that time.
Fortunately I wasn't around during the Chola empire.

I was around when Singapore is prospering while India is a shithole 3rd world country begging for jobs in Singapore.
I don't understand why you go on incessantly about Buddhist Suttras to an agnostic.

Glad you are so proud that your country are former slaves to the British.
The British used Singapore to suck the resources in the region and Singapore prospered.
So both our countries have much to thank the British.
Thanks to the British, Singapore have control over the regional air space and sea lanes.
Thanks to the British, Indians got India, although they had their country sucked dry of their resources and made to sacrifice for the British on the war front in addition to providing cheap slave like labor.
You are really delirious from obsession with Indian greatness and grandiose.
There is Chola empire, NO INDIAN prefix.
Didn't know you were around at that time.
Fortunately I wasn't around during the Chola empire.

I was around when Singapore is prospering while India is a shithole 3rd world country begging for jobs in Singapore.
I don't understand why you go on incessantly about Buddhist Suttras to an agnostic.

Glad you are so proud that your country are former slaves to the British.
The British used Singapore to suck the resources in the region and Singapore prospered.
So both our countries have much to thank the British.
Thanks to the British, Singapore have control over the regional air space and sea lanes.
Thanks to the British, Indians got India, although they had their country sucked dry of their resources and made to sacrifice for the British on the war front in addition to providing cheap slave like labor.

Looks like you are only proud of your slavery to the British and not the Cholas :lol:

Right now Singapore is begging for protection from India and begging us to train your army and air force. LOL at your illusion of grandeur.


Lying is your second nature it seems.
China is "China" to the outside world, a name opted by the British when they were your masters.
It is 中国 (zhōngguó) to all Chinese.
There is no "China" sounding word in Chinese.
Don't show your ignorance here.

We call Indians "Keleng" and "Anei" (Ahsan in China) and "African Monk" (黑人僧) here.
It comes from the Singapore world.
After I joined this forum, I learned Indians are also called dhoti, bharat, desi.

No written records about Gautama were found from his lifetime or some centuries thereafter.
So Buddhist records are written by the centuries old ghost of the disciples of the Buddha according to you.
Waste my time talking to an ignoramus.

You are going on & on about Buddha even after getting all facts & proof. If Buddhism is not Indian give proof.

And you go on to say there is no records of Gautama Buddha, but claim Buddhism is not Indian when there is no records. You are even tagging Wikipedia links for all your claims, where it clearly says it's religion of India & Gautama Buddha is Indian in the same link. What a joke. (He is believed to have lived and taught mostly in the eastern part of ancient India sometime between the sixth and fourth centuries BCE. The evidence of the early texts suggests that Siddhārtha Gautama was born into the Shakya clan, a community that was on the periphery, both geographically and culturally, of the eastern Indian subcontinent in the 5th century BCE.)

Read through the links you provide before posting, when you make counter argument or claims with the same links. You are only making fool of yourself.

Don't give statements of your own if there is no records. Your statement will not become a historic proof. Heights of hatred & Double standards.

Kauṇḍinya (Koṇḍañña) was a Buddhist monk follower of Gautama Buddha and the first to become an arhat. He lived during the 6th century BCE in what is now Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, India.

Koṇḍañña was aware as the foremost of the five initial disciples of the Buddha and later traveled around India spreading the dharma. Among his notable converts was his nephew Puṇṇa, who the Buddha acknowledged as the foremost preacher of the dharma. In his final years, he retreated to the Himalayas and predeceased the Buddha.


Alara Kalama taught Gautama Buddha meditation, especially a dhyānic state called the "sphere of nothingness" Alara Kalama (IAST Ārāḷa Kālāma) was a hermit Brahmin saint and a teacher of yogic meditation.

Uddaka Rāmaputta was a meditator, probably of Brahmanical background and a teacher of meditation. Uddaka Rāmaputta, as his name implied, was either a son of Rāma or a disciple of Rāma. Uddaka, who was one of the teachers of Goutama Buddha, taught refined states of meditation known as the immaterial attainments from him.
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Yes we know Chinese and cheerleaders are whining since doklam incident resolution.

For a change why not do some comedy by issuing outrageous threats?

How long will it take for India to realise it's not a great country?
Governments must learn to tell the truth and not hype the lies.

Sir Edmund Burke’s last stanza from his poem "Mirror" is telling of our times.

So never be concerned

If wrinkles/extra flab appear

For one thing I’ve learned

Which is very clear,

Should your reflection

be less than perfection,

It is really the mirror,

That needs correction...

Indeed, it is the mirror’s fault. There have been huge job losses. Farmer suicides continue unabated, there is severe drought in the southern parts of the country, education systems and standards indifferent as ever, be it in higher or secondary school level, index of industrial manufacturing is down, Q4 financial results finally show the bite inflicted by demonetisation, borders on the west are alive and afire.

All of them are but passing clouds which by a few Vedic mantras will disappear and the sun will shine on our divinely blessed republic, nice and bright. After all, we have seen and done all this before. Plastic surgery, wind powered planes, moving mountains is a part of our heritage and our civilisational history. Soon there will be a resurrection and our ancient knowledge will be revealed unto us again. The world, particularly, China and Pakistan, better watch out!

Meanwhile, the mundane continues to shock and awe. Class 12 results in Bihar are a dismal 33 per cent or so, because strict vigilance allegedly had ensured there will be no cheating. Contrast this with the good times of yore when the space between 98 per cent and 99.5 per cent was jammed with Bihari students as the entire world’s IQs seeded in Nalanda times had yielded a never ending crop of geniuses.

Cow protection has taken higher precedence over the right to life of humans. We have people’s courts dispensing instant justice without a trial and lynch mobs carry out the execution. Be it love jihads or caste violations, khap panchayat-like tribunals or self-proclaimed vigilante groups are pronouncing summary verdicts of guilt on hapless segments of our society.

All this happens, yet the law enforcers of the state are ignorant.

It is not that rogue elements do not exist in any regime but their ability to obtain political support, vocal or muted, is a cause for alarm and indeed a threat to the fabric of a fair and just environment, in which the rule of law is always supreme. Sadly, it is this rule of law that is frequently becoming a casualty all around us.

It is so tempting to blame it all on the kind of people we are. All pervasive lack of civic consciousness, casual regard for discipline, total irreverence for fair play and increasing admiration for might is right.

How can such natives be deserving of justice and fair governance?

Most times, we are handed out lofty slogans by our leaders and for governance, we get deaf ears or inept management pleading scarce resources for non-delivery of public services.

Even artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity, which is abundantly in evidence in the kind of political engagement getting widespread acceptance as the way we run our affairs.

It is so relevant to recall the extract from Henry Miller, the great writer’s essay ‘On Turning Eighty':

“One can fight evil but against stupidity one is helpless… I have accepted the fact, hard as it may be, that human beings are inclined to behave in ways that would make animals blush. The ironic, the tragic thing is that we often behave in ignoble fashion from what we consider the highest motives. The animal makes no excuse for killing his prey; the human animal, on the other hand, can invoke God’s blessing when massacring his fellow men. He forgets that God is not on his side but at his side.”

We have appropriated our preferred Gods to support our respective set of misdeeds and little battles are being fought for and against by invoking their divinity. Gods are safe, but humans are surely imperiled.

It is time that we faced a few home truths. For one, we are not a great power and are not likely to be one, either by 2030 or 2050, or ever, unless we entrench the rule of law, save no exception.

Governments must learn to tell the truth and not hype the lies. If the police have fired on farmers in Mandsaur, then the minister in the state must accept so and not indulge in bare denials. If the farmers have a problem, then it will not disappear by a chief minister going on a fast.

Everybody promises loan waivers, so who will tend to the national treasury? The finances of the nation are not looking good. If the progress of our GDP is facing resistance, then let's not dress it up with masks to belie the real number.

The country is grown up enough to realise that we are facing cumulative consequences, some of good decisions and some of bad or no decisions. We need real steps, beginning with understanding of the issues involved and securing a resolution over a given time frame.

Our problems are hard and intractable through years of glossy attempts at facile answers. They need some serious understanding and solutions rooted in the reality and acceptance of the people.

Public health, decrepit cities with severely impaired civic infrastructure, crippling licensing regimes for doing business, agriculture-related facilitation both in inputs and access to markets, surplus power and deficit power, virtually no land management system and converting to usable supply for various needs, transport solutions, so many issues need urgent attention.

Truth be told, it is the appearance that needs improvement. The mirror can only but reflect the image of an appearance as it receives.

Also read: 3 years of Modi government has turned India into Hindu Rashtra

Hey man I didnot write that...which post are you quoting..please post the post number....this is weird..I didnot write that

Thanks these are what i've always stated-

That india is a nation deeply steeped in religious superstitions n clouded by the mist of mysticism.

In the name of a primitive concept invented by mankind back in an age when modern science was still underdeveloped- called 'religion';

They choose to believe that there is a 'divine being' residing in a lake, treat the Bos Taurus aka cows as 'sacred divine beings', avoid animal sources of protein(when Nature has always intended them to be a natural nourishment source for omnivores like us- the Homo Sapiens) and prostrate themselves to sculptures of giant human genitalia.

No way can such a backward nation ever become a major player on the world stage(maybe praying to their 'gods' might make them 1).

Atually Buddha himself is indeed racially placed in a related category as the Sinitics(aka Chinese) themselves- he was a Tibeto-Burman and the land where he dwelled in the foothills of the Himalayas in Nepal are indeed populated by Tibeto-Burmans to this very day.

Not that i care or wanna emphasise about- just setting the record straight.

Buddha was an Indo-Aryan from Ikshvakshu Kshatriya lineage...even the most archaic of Buddhist texts report that..He was birn within few kms of Indian border..where people are completely Indo Aryan..you donot see Tibeto-Burman in Nepal before you go more than 1500m..but solid posting thanks
Looks like you are only proud of your slavery to the British and not the Cholas :lol:

Right now Singapore is begging for protection from India and begging us to train your army and air force. LOL at your illusion of grandeur.


Singapore don't have enough land and air spaces to train our military.
Our 1st overseas training was at Taiwan 1972 and subsequently we have made arrangements with the US, Australia, Brunei, Thailand and lastly India.
So India is willing to take our money and let us train in their land.
Don't be cocky, or we will leak your military secrets to the Chinese and Pakistan.
Our men will receive with gloom when told of training in India, they much prefer to train in the US and Australia.
Don't act great when you have to lease your land and air space to a foreign force to train in your land for money.
It is win win for Singapore and India.

Buddha was an Indo-Aryan from Ikshvakshu Kshatriya lineage...even the most archaic of Buddhist texts report that..He was birn within few kms of Indian border..where people are completely Indo Aryan..you donot see Tibeto-Burman in Nepal before you go more than 1500m..but solid posting thanks
You don't see them because they were massacred and their land annexed.
It was claimed some escaped to Burma(Myanmar).
Singapore don't have enough land and air spaces to train our military.
Our 1st overseas training was at Taiwan 1972 and subsequently we have made arrangements with the US, Australia, Brunei, Thailand and lastly India.
So India is willing to take our money and let us train in their land.
Don't be cocky, or we will leak your military secrets to the Chinese and Pakistan.
Our men will receive with gloom when told of training in India, they much prefer to train in the US and Australia.
Don't act great when you have to lease your land and air space to a foreign force to train in your land for money.
It is win win for Singapore and India.

You are just a puny village that does not even have land to train your police men

Much less train your handful of armymen.

Only thing "big" about you is your mouth and the stink that comes from it.

If you wanted to train with the US and Aussiz why did you come begging to us loser ? :lol: ... cuz u'r govt. knew better than its foolish citizens. They know they exist on Indian good will and charity.

Then again, I know you are a chinese false flagger, but since there are no real Singaporeans in pdf, its fun insulting you and your puny village :D
We know because of Buddhist records.

His name was Siddharth, and his gotra was Gautama. His fathers name was Raja Suddhodana and his mothers name was Maya.

We even know of the Buddha's who came before him based on the same records. This is what Buddha himself said,

From the Mahapadana Sutta,
"The Lord Buddha Vipassi’s Father was King Bandhuma, his mother Queen Bandhumati and King Bandhuma’s royal capitol was Bandhumati. (Duryodhana married the princess of Bandhumati)

The Lord Buddha Sikhi’s Father was King Aruna, his mother Queen Pabhavati; King Aruna’s capitol was Arunavati.

The Lord Buddha Vesabhu’s father was King Suppatita, his mother was Queen Yasavati; King Suppatita’s capitol was Anopama.

The Lord Buddha Kakusandha’s father was the Brahmin Aggidatta, his mother was the Brahmin lady Visakha. The king at that time was Khema; his capitol was Khemavati.

The Lord Buddha Kanogamana’s father was the Brahmin Yannadatta, his mother was the Brahmin lady Uttara. The king at that time was Sobha; his capitol was Sobhavati.

The Lord Buddha Kashyapa’s father was Brahmin Brahmadatta, his mother was the Brahmin Lady Dhanavati. The king at that time was Kiki; his capitol was Varanasi.

And now, monks, my father is King Suddhodana, my mother was Queen Maya, and the royal capitol was Kapilavatthu."

If you don't believe that, then why even bother to believe there was indeed a Buddha ?

He was from the 'wrong' side of the Himalayan foothills for you to claim him to be sinitic. He was very much Indian based on the language of that region.

Again just keeping the record straight.


Which is why I did not want to debate you knowing your inability to handle the truth.

I knew you would find it difficult to reconcile with Buddha's Indian heritage with your hate for India.

That "offense" you feel is self generated, otherwise nothing I have said is "offensive".
My arse- what a strawman.

When did i claimed he's sinitic? I said he's a tibeto-burman from the foothills of Nepal, and tibeto-burmans are indeed related to Sinitics due to both belonging to the Sino-tibetan group, while your 'ancient vedic' tribes are Indo-aryans

R u disputing that?

Btw, im atheist. I happily show my middle finger to buddha or whoever he is.
Singapore don't have enough land and air spaces to train our military.
Our 1st overseas training was at Taiwan 1972 and subsequently we have made arrangements with the US, Australia, Brunei, Thailand and lastly India.
So India is willing to take our money and let us train in their land.
Don't be cocky, or we will leak your military secrets to the Chinese and Pakistan.
Our men will receive with gloom when told of training in India, they much prefer to train in the US and Australia.
Don't act great when you have to lease your land and air space to a foreign force to train in your land for money.
It is win win for Singapore and India.

You don't see them because they were massacred and their land annexed.
It was claimed some escaped to Burma(Myanmar).

If we are gonna have a debate about ethnicity of the Buddha, then let's pull sources..I am up for it..I have been studying this my whole life as a practicing Buddhist

My arse- what a strawman.

When did i claimed he's sinitic? I said he's a tibeto-burman from the foothills of Nepal, and tibeto-burmans are indeed related to Sinitics due to both belonging to the Sino-tibetan group, while your 'ancient vedic' tribes are Indo-aryans

R u disputing that?

Btw, im atheist. I happily show my middle finger to buddha or whoever he is.

He was within 5 kms of present Indian border--his birthplace..All the ancient scriptures say he looked no different than the Biharis he mingled with
Buddha was an Indo-Aryan from Ikshvakshu Kshatriya lineage...even the most archaic of Buddhist texts report that..He was birn within few kms of Indian border..where people are completely Indo Aryan..you donot see Tibeto-Burman in Nepal before you go more than 1500m..but solid posting thanks

Do you know which book provide evidence of Buddha being from the Suryavansha lineage ?

The Vinshu Puran.


The interesting fact is that since the Gotra of Buddha was Gutama, it meant that his gotra was a Brahmin gotra, and not a Kshatriya gotra.

This is the evidence of merit based "Varna" which over time converted Men from a Brahmin gotra into a Kshatriya clan.

My arse- what a strawman.

When did i claimed he's sinitic? I said he's a tibeto-burman from the foothills of Nepal, and tibeto-burmans are indeed related to Sinitics due to both belonging to the Sino-tibetan group, while your 'ancient vedic' tribes are Indo-aryans

R u disputing that?

Btw, im atheist. I happily show my middle finger to buddha or whoever he is.

I have already proven that he was not. He was not Tibeto-burman. In fact his gotra clearly shows he was an Vedic India.

People from the Gautama Gotra still exist in India today.
Back to the topic. India is a great country because its created by the British. If it was created by French, than India would be even worse off.:cheesy::azn:
Back to the topic. India is a great country because its created by the British. If it was created by French, than India would be even worse off.:cheesy::azn:

French did control and influence a large part of India in the 18th century.


The British however did not own whole of India. Multiple independent kingdoms exited in India during British times.

It was a free India that consolidated all these kingdoms into a single union called Bharat.

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