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How long will it take for India to realise it's not a great country?

Don't be try to fool yourself . You are Pakistani living in Singapore. May be.
Why Singapore civilians will hate India?? There is no reason for it .
Don't be try to over smart. I know difference between a donkey and an human.
That's where Indians are extremely intransigent.
Indians cannot understand why their obnoxious ways are hated by others, not just Pakistan or the Chinese.
FYI, the Chinese, Malays, Pinoys and Indians(Singapore) don't like Indians(India) as well, but unless they learn more about the evil the Indians commit through this site, though I wouldn't call it as hate.

Just introspect, how not to hate Indians when you would decorate a commander for using a human shield against unarmed protestors in Kashmir instead of a court martial.
This dislike may aggravate to hate over time when one is exposed to how boastful and shameless Indians conduct themselves.

You sure is an ignorant fool, not knowing how hated your kind are in the world.
Ignorance is bliss.
Read the anti Indian rants in Singapore few years back around 2011 that resulted in significant loss for the ruling party which they redeemed themselves by drastically restricting Indian workers.
Indians are also known as "Keleng" or "Anei" here.
Singapore blocks visas for Indian IT professionals
How long will it take for India to realise it's not a great country?
Governments must learn to tell the truth and not hype the lies.

Sir Edmund Burke’s last stanza from his poem "Mirror" is telling of our times.

So never be concerned
It is really the mirror,

That needs correction...

a lot longer than it for Mao dsedung to bring China into communistic slavery and destroy half its cultural heritage.
Settle Indus Valley Civilization status with Pakistan before you claim your ancient India Stronk.
Shows you are just a bigger plain idiot.
The whole world knows how brainwashed and clever India is, IQ 82.
PISA, Program for International Student Assessment, Singapore #1, India dared not participate(too stupid).
IMO, International Maths Olympiad, Singapore #7, India #52.
Don't be try to fool yourself . You are Pakistani living in Singapore. May be.
Why Singapore civilians will hate India?? There is no reason for it .
Don't be try to over smart. I know difference between a don
That's where Indians are extremely intransigent.
Indians cannot understand why their obnoxious ways are hated by others, not just Pakistan or the Chinese.
FYI, the Chinese, Malays, Pinoys and Indians(Singapore) don't like Indians(India) as well, but unless they learn more about the evil the Indians commit through this site, though I wouldn't call it as hate.

Just introspect, how not to hate Indians when you would decorate a commander for using a human shield against unarmed protestors in Kashmir instead of a court martial.
This dislike may aggravate to hate over time when one is exposed to how boastful and shameless Indians conduct themselves.

You sure is an ignorant fool, not knowing how hated your kind are in the world.
Ignorance is bliss.
Read the anti Indian rants in Singapore few years back around 2011 that resulted in significant loss for the ruling party which they redeemed themselves by drastically restricting Indian workers.
Indians are also known as "Keleng" or "Anei" here.
Singapore blocks visas for Indian IT professionals

You are still a Pakistani , wanna be Singaporean.
Indian barbarians have had the honor of instigating and executing Singapore's 1st riot in 48 years.

Republic of Singapore (1965-)

Nationwide, our citizens were in shock and disbelief that such a secular, tolerant, organised, orderly and developed society like us could actually experience such a riot- due to the courtesy of Indians.

Singaporeans were also disappointed that instead of repaying the generosity that our nation have granted them(Indians were supposed to work hard by helping to construct our buildings, landscape our trees, sweep our streets and thus- earn good money);

1 Singapore Dollar equals
47.40 Indian Rupee

they wrecked havoc and turned Singapore upside down. What was supposed to be win-win situation(cheap Indian labour for jobs that no locals want to do in SG, good $$$ for Indians to remit home n feed starving relatives subsisting on cow dung) became a lose-lose one(like damage to public property and assets for SG , deportation for Indian nationals).


"SINGAPORE - Submissions to the Committee of Inquiry's hearing in Court on Wednesday revealed that the Little India riot resulted in over $650,000 worth of damages to public property, reported Shin Min Daily News.

Among the damages were overturned police cars, a burnt ambulance, broken cement blocks, and dustbins and metal poles that were tossed aside.

According to earlier reports, the Home Team sent 300 police and Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) officers to the riot scene, of which 22 police officers, five auxiliary police officers and 12 SCDF personnel were injured.

There were also 16 police and nine SCDF vehicles damaged, of which an ambulance, three police cars and one traffic police bike were burnt."

Also, indirect result of this riot is the umbrella quota reduction for entry in SG for Indian nationals.

A direct result of it is the enaction of 1 of the world's most stringent laws for alchohol consumption(outside the Muslim world).

On April 1, 2015, a new Liquor Control (Supply and Consumption) Act came into effect. This law has created a partial ban on drinking in public places and limitations on the times alcohol can be bought. Shops cannot sell alcohol after 10:30pm, nor can citizens drink in public places after 10:30pm.Apr 7, 2016

Yes, u cant buy or drink alchohol in public places after 10.30pm anymore and this covers every1 living on the island- thanks to Indians.

It is a well-observed phenomenon that locals avoid taking public buses or trains on Sundays, as we have to tolerate massively-cluttered foul Indian body odour in public transport on that day(when most Indian foreign workers r having their offday), which is part of the reason why taxi drivers tend to earn lotsa $$$ on Sundays. We dont have the freedom of drinking anytime we like anymore.

Hence, Indian barbarity affected our secular way of life.

Atrocious acts by Indians committed not in their own homeland, but in other people's country.:








"Indian national, Jayaraman Kannan, was today sentenced to a 4-month jail sentence by the courts for using criminal force to outrage the modesty of a girl on a MRT train at about 9am on Aug 18 last year.

34-year-old Jayaraman, who is a bio-technologist working in Singapore, pleaded guilty to pressing his exposed private parts against a 19-year-old girl while in the train which was travelling from Choa Chu Kang to Bukit Gombak."


"SINGAPORE — Once the seat belt sign was turned off, he asked for four glasses of whiskey. After downing them, he drunkenly harassed the SilkAir flight’s crew, badgering them for more drinks even after the crew refused him.

Things got uglier when Kizhakkumkkara Thomas Ajeesh molested a flight stewardess by touching her breasts. Today (Nov 18), Indian national Kizhakkumkkara was sentenced to nine months’ jail for using criminal force to outrage the flight stewardess’ modesty, and becoming so intoxicated it jeopardised order on the aircraft."


"SINGAPORE: She said “no” and put up a struggle, but Indian national Daler Singh paid no mind to the victim’s pleas. He pinned her to the ground and forced himself on her.

The 29-year-old Indonesian tourist could not escape, but managed to stop Singh from raping her by covering her private parts with her hands.

Singh, a construction worker, was sentenced to four years and nine months’ jail and four strokes of the cane on Tuesday (Jul 11) for attempted rape."

Indians thought their host nation is their own grandfather's backyard.

Rapists, molesters and rioters. Not just in their own shithole country India, but also in their host nations where they turn to begging for work.

India a 'great power'? A world super nation? Haha Be ashamed of yourselves.

Give me a f**king break please(my grandma needs one too).
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Indian barbarians had the honor of instigating and executing Singapore's 1st riot in 48 years.

Republic of Singapore (1965-)

Our citizens were in disbelief that such a secular, tolerant, orderly and developed society like us could actually experience such a riot- due to the courtesy of Indians.

Singaporeans were also disappointed that instead of repaying the generosity that our nation have granted them, Indians were supposed to work hard by helping to construct our buildings, landscape our trees and sweep our streets(and thus, earn good money);

1 Singapore Dollar equals
47.40 Indian Rupee

Instead, Indians wrecked havoc and turned Singapore upside down. What was supposed to be win-win situation(cheap Indian labour for SG, good $$$ for Indians to bring home n feed starving relatives subsisting on cow dung) became a lose-lose one(like damage to public property for SG , deportation for Indian nationals). Also, indirect result of this riot is the umbrella quota reduction for entry in SG for Indian nationals.

A direct result of it is the enaction of 1 of the world's most stringent laws for alchohol consumption.

On April 1, 2015, a new Liquor Control (Supply and Consumption) Act came into effect. This law has created a partial ban on drinking in public places and limitations on the times alcohol can be bought. Shops cannot sell alcohol after 10:30pm, nor can citizens drink in public places after 10:30pm.Apr 7, 2016

Yes, u cant buy or drink alchohol in public places after 10.30pm anymore and this covers every1 living on the island- thanks to Indians.

It is a well-observed phenomenon that locals avoid taking public buses or trains on Sundays, as we have to tolerate massively-cluttered foul Indian body odour in public transport on that day(when most Indian foreign workers r having their offday), which is part of the reason why taxi drivers tend to earn lotsa $$$ on Sundays. We dont have the freedom of drinking anytime we like anymore.

Hence, Indian barbarity affected our secular way of life.







India a great power?

Give me a break(my grandma needs one too).
Because of these 3rd world ruffians with freedom to poop, coffee shops and supermarkets now have restrictions to sell alcoholic drinks beyond 10.30 pm.
Coffee shops now have much reduced activity and less business pass 10.30pm.
All because 1 drunkard from freedom to poop country seek his own death by hanging onto the outside of a moving bus.
Some Indian members here are puzzled why Singaporeans abhor self adulating Indians.
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