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How italy can profit from the break down in libya


Nov 23, 2013
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ISIS in libya recently made threats againts Italy and mostly against our capital rome. Those morons claim they want conquer roma and i must say its good for some jokes here since nobody takes them serious. But it also offers chances for us.

Libya was for a long time a colony of italy and stayed so also under Gaddafis rule.

It was italy who personally warned Gaddafi as the americans wanted to shot his airplane down in the 80th. Gaddafi more and more acted like an opera dictator and the italian leaders knew exactly how they can catch him. The best of all was Berlusconi. He invited Gaddafi to rome and used a method that our old emperors back then used to impress loyal subkings of occupied provinces:

Invite them to Rome and give them an impressive show:


Gaddafi always got soft on his tours to rome. He signed several billion € deals with our biggest oil corporation ENI.

When Gaddafi finally lost control over Libya it was italy that tried to save his ***. When it was clear thats not working anymore he got dropped like a hot potato. It is said that Gaddafi personally phoned Berlusconi a few days before his death and asked for help....he got no help.

Even in the now unstable Libya the italian ENI corporation is still doing business unharmed and generates enormous profits.

Now after ISIS killed 21 egyptians and egypt starts to attack the ISIS morons start to threat Italy in their nonsense videos. Our PM Renzi said italy will take responsibility and secure libya. Prime example for this is France which gained back its full control over its former colonies like mali and niger with recent attacks against islamist groups there.

We must stop to see this only as threat. Evry risk also generates chances and we should use them.
Getting involved in Libya would mean bringing its mess back to Italy. And Italy isn't as rich as USA which can rage a long war. However joining with Egypt to bomb ISIS targets would be a good option.
Libya was a nominal Italian colony for around 35 years. How is that a long time considering that Libya's history is spanning several thousands years like every other Arab country out there?

Daesh does not control Libya. Only parts of it and this is temporally.

Italy is not able to control Libya. Not even the Americans who are 1 million times stronger can control what is going on now. Forget about it.
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ISIS in libya recently made threats againts Italy and mostly against our capital rome. Those morons claim they want conquer roma and i must say its good for some jokes here since nobody takes them serious. But it also offers chances for us.

Libya was for a long time a colony of italy and stayed so also under Gaddafis rule.

It was italy who personally warned Gaddafi as the americans wanted to shot his airplane down in the 80th. Gaddafi more and more acted like an opera dictator and the italian leaders knew exactly how they can catch him. The best of all was Berlusconi. He invited Gaddafi to rome and used a method that our old emperors back then used to impress loyal subkings of occupied provinces:

Invite them to Rome and give them an impressive show:


Gaddafi always got soft on his tours to rome. He signed several billion € deals with our biggest oil corporation ENI.

When Gaddafi finally lost control over Libya it was italy that tried to save his ***. When it was clear thats not working anymore he got dropped like a hot potato. It is said that Gaddafi personally phoned Berlusconi a few days before his death and asked for help....he got no help.

Even in the now unstable Libya the italian ENI corporation is still doing business unharmed and generates enormous profits.

Now after ISIS killed 21 egyptians and egypt starts to attack the ISIS morons start to threat Italy in their nonsense videos. Our PM Renzi said italy will take responsibility and secure libya. Prime example for this is France which gained back its full control over its former colonies like mali and niger with recent attacks against islamist groups there.

We must stop to see this only as threat. Evry risk also generates chances and we should use them.

Let me put it clearly,Italy is doomed if North Africa fails in it's war against IS
Let me put it clearly,Italy is doomed if North Africa fails in it's war against IS

How exactly is Italy doomed ?

From what i've been reading in the last days it seems that Italians and the French would put boots on the ground in Libya.

Libya was a nominal Italian colony for around 35 years. How is that a long time considering that Libya's history is spanning several thousands years like every other Arab country out there?

History of Libya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Daesh does not control Libya. Only parts of it and this is temporally.

Italy is not able to control Libya. Not even the Americans who are 1 million times stronger can control what is going on now. Forget about it.

I think they will only want to controle some city harbours to restrict immigration into Europe and help Haftar gain more controle.At least i've seen this ideea in other forums circulating,especially from Italians who seem convinced that they will deploy troops.
Most people in Sirte don't report any ISIS presence. If it can be verified that footage wasn't green screen in other location then that shows further complications. Libya is largely run by pro Haftar forces and Libyan dawn. Nobody will accept modern day colonialism besides the people very hungry for power(Haftar, Sisi) that don't mind inviting foreign forces to land that doesn't belong to them. The rest won't accept and it will produce counterproductive results.

I am in favor of popular control over oil resources of Arab nations. If the people decide they want to higher prices or not sell oil at all to Italy then their choice should be honored. If any nation commits an act of aggression due to that. Then it is entirely justified to stomp on the bodies of the criminals in their own capital.
I think they will only want to controle some city harbours to restrict immigration into Europe and help Haftar gain more controle.At least i've seen this ideea in other forum circulating,especially from Italians who seem convinced that they will deploy troops.

He was talking about making Libya an Italian colony which is not only a idiotic claim but very wishful thinking. Arab, European etc. countries have interests in Libya. This is nothing new.

I don't believe that this will be a success and it's impossible to restrict illegal immigration considering the size of the Mediterranean Sea. Libya has the longest Mediterranean coastline. Good luck controlling it when Libyans themselves and Americans lost control of it.

Also the benefits of Libya are not that big to begin with.
He was talking about making Libya an Italian colony which is not only a idiotic claim but very wishful thinking. Arab, European etc. countries have interests in Libya. This is nothing new.

I don't believe that this will be a success and it's impossible to restrict illegal immigration considering the size of the Mediterranean Sea. Libya has the longest Mediterranean coastline. Good luck controlling it when Libyans themselves and Americans lost control of it.

Also the benefits of Libya are not that big to begin with.

They always talk that talk if Arabs don't have an deterrence effect.
They always talk that talk if Arabs don't have an deterrence effect.

I don't know what they think but their 35 years old experience in Libya should have taught them that wishful thinking is one thing and reality a different story.

Libya and Europe will cooperate and have ties simply because we are talking about neighbors here. An unstable Libya is good for nobody. Neither Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt but also not nearby Southern European countries, Italy being one of them.

This whole thread smells of a troll thread from the beginning to the end. The tone it is written in too.
He was talking about making Libya an Italian colony which is not only an idiotic claim but very wishful thinking. Arab, European etc. countries have interests in Libya. This is nothing new.

I don't believe that this will be a success and it's impossible to restrict illegal immigration considering the size of the Mediterranean Sea. Libya has the longest Mediterranean coastline. Good luck controlling it when Libyans themselves and Americans lost control of it.

Also the benefits of Libya are not that big to begin with.

Oh,i won't even go into debating his rants about "making Libya a colony".Still,it's not about the size of the Mediterranean,a heavy flux of immigrants come from specific Libyan harbours.I know that Renzi said something in the lines of "our interests are threathened in Libya,if we supported the US with 5000 troops in A'stan you can imagine we would muster more just across the sea in Libya".

Egypt to would be there probably.
Oh,i won't even go into debating his rants about "making Libya a colony".Still,it's not about the size of the Mediterranean,a heavy flux of immigrants come from specific Libyan harbours.I know that Renzi said something in the lines of "our interests are threathened in Libya,if we supported the US with 5000 troops in A'stan you can imagine we would muster more just across the sea in Libya".

My impression is that most of the illegal migrants that cross into Europe come from Greece and then Morocco. Libya might be third or fifth after Tunisia. You have to remember that the North African countries serve as a transit destination for ALL of Africa. Meaning 1 billion + people. Most of the migrants are Sub-Saharan Africans. Recently due to the civil war in Libya some Libyans have tried escaping too but they are in the minority.

Libya and Tunisia are where most illegal migrants arrive from into Italy simply due to geography.

I really struggle to see what Italy can do to stop it. Influencing events in Libya requires much more than a few hundreds or thousand Italian troops. It would need to be a joint regional (Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, potentially other Arab countries), European and American project. Not a quick one at that but a longer one. Nobody is willing to do that I believe.

This thinking of Italy doing all this alone when Americans and influential Arab countries turned their backs to Libya is wishful thinking.
Let's hope this isn't a game by Arab nations/Italy to target Libyan Dawn(Using green screen ISIS video, with same guy in Syria beheading in Libya , he's going on vacations). That will cause the whole region to destabilize. Its better to cooperate with Libyan Dawn. Any threats against them will result in huge backlash. I challenge the Italians cowards to target Libyan Dawn.

C'mon we want your intervention.
My impression is that most of the illegal migrants that cross into Europe come from Greece and then Morocco. Libya might be third or fifth after Tunisia. You have to remember that the North African countries serve as a transit destination for ALL of Africa. Meaning 1 billion + people. Most of the migrants are Sub-Saharan Africans. Recently due to the civil war in Libya some Libyans have tried escaping too but they are in the minority.

Libya and Tunisia are where most illegal migrants arrive from into Italy simply due to geography.

I really struggle to see what Italy can do to stop it. Influencing events in Libya requires much more than a few hundreds or thousand Italian troops. It would need to be a joint regional (Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, potentially other Arab countries), European and American project.

This thinking of Italy doing all this alone when Americans and influential Arab countries turned their backs to Libya is wishful thinking.

Don't know really know,i just saw this subject a few days ago and to tell you the truth i was surprised myself.Maybe the Italians are trying to make a name for themselves after seeing the French "backpacking" throughout their former African colonies or Renzi was just blowing smoke to reassure people that he's a strong leader and ISIS just across the sea is no danger.Could be that this is just talk and there won't be any troops,which i,personally,find it to be the best solution.
Don't know really know,i just saw this subject a few days ago and to tell you the truth i was surprised myself.Maybe the Italians are trying to make a name for themselves after seeing the French "backpacking" throughout their former African colonies or Renzi was just blowing smoke to reassure people that he's a strong leader and ISIS just across the sea is no danger.Could be that this is just talk and there won't be any troops,which i,personally,find it to be the best solution.

Probably just the classic example of a politician trying to flex his muscles in public whenever there is danger nearby.

If he thinks that illegal migration by boat of mainly poor Sub-Saharan Africans will be stopped just because a few hundred or thousand Italian soldiers (highly unlikely) would have a presence or two in a few Libyan ports then he is very mistaken.

Libya is currently fragmented based on political and regional (Tripolitania vs Cyrenaica) lines and between moderate Islamists, terrorist like Daesh (especially in the city of Derna - read up on it a bit if interested) and non-Islamists. There is also a minority of Berbers in the East (mainly located in the city of Zuwarah) who have talked about autonomy.
Probably just the classic example of a politician trying to flex his muscles in public whenever there is danger nearby.

If he thinks that illegal migration by boat of mainly poor Sub-Saharan Africans will be stopped just because a few hundred or thousand Italian soldiers (highly unlikely) would have a presence or two in a few Libyan ports then he is very mistaken.

Libya is currently fragmented based on political and regional (Tripolitania vs Cyrenaica) lines and between moderate Islamists, terrorist like Daesh (especially in the city of Derna - read up on it a bit if interested) and non-Islamists. There is also a minority of Berbers in the East (mainly located in the city of Zuwarah) who have talked about autonomy.

To whome does the faction located in Misrata belong ? I keep hearing about them being neutral in the confrontations until now altough they pack serious firepower.
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