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How italy can profit from the break down in libya

NATO cowards are afraid of putting troops on the ground, lol. You put troops on ground Islamists get 10 times stronger like every time. You're welcome to do so. :)
Libya was a nominal Italian colony for around 35 years. How is that a long time considering that Libya's history is spanning several thousands years like every other Arab country out there?

Daesh does not control Libya. Only parts of it and this is temporally.

Italy is not able to control Libya. Not even the Americans who are 1 million times stronger can control what is going on now. Forget about it.

Libya was a colony of my people since roman times and our occupation of carthago.

We don´t want control libya. Its a trash bin. But we can profit from it. You deal with small groups and play divide et impera. You secure the oil fields, get for free what once cost money.
NATO cowards are afraid of putting troops on the ground, lol. You put troops on ground Islamists get 10 times stronger like every time. You're welcome to do so. :)

Pls take a chill pill mr. terrorist,you'll have a heart attack if you keep going like this.
Libya was a colony of my people since roman times and our occupation of carthago.

We don´t want control libya. Its a trash bin. But we can profit from it. You deal with small groups and play divide et impera. You secure the oil fields, get for free what once cost money.

Pure nonsense. Romans, of which many were of North African origin themselves, did not "always" control what is now Libya. Unless a few centuries of control of coastal Libya equals "always".

Cathage is not even located in Libya.

Nothing comes for free. You are very naive.

Your tone is counterproductive too and you appear like I buffoon.
Libya was a colony of my people since roman times and our occupation of carthago.

We don´t want control libya. Its a trash bin. But we can profit from it. You deal with small groups and play divide et impera. You secure the oil fields, get for free what once cost money.


You need to become a CEO for a company my friend.
NATO cowards are afraid of putting troops on the ground, lol. You put troops on ground Islamists get 10 times stronger like every time. You're welcome to do so. :)

Islamists never were in a real war with NATO.The question is if we want go that deep or still want hold our higher cultural level.

Pure nonsense. Romans, of which many were of North African origin themselves, did not "always" control what is now Libya. Unless a few centuries of control of coastal Libya equals "always".

Cathage is not even located in Libya.

Nothing comes for free. You are very naive.

Your tone is counterproductive too and you appear like I buffoon.

There is a reason why we call the entire mediterranean "mare nostrum".
Most people in Sirte don't report any ISIS presence. If it can be verified that footage wasn't green screen in other location then that shows further complications. Libya is largely run by pro Haftar forces and Libyan dawn. Nobody will accept modern day colonialism besides the people very hungry for power(Haftar, Sisi) that don't mind inviting foreign forces to land that doesn't belong to them. The rest won't accept and it will produce counterproductive results.

I am in favor of popular control over oil resources of Arab nations. If the people decide they want to higher prices or not sell oil at all to Italy then their choice should be honored. If any nation commits an act of aggression due to that. Then it is entirely justified to stomp on the bodies of the criminals in their own capital.
What popular control???

You think the west and the secret societies leave such important metal in the people's hand which is impossible

All resources most be controlled by the western companies so they could control everything
Italy is not able to control Libya. Not even the Americans who are 1 million times stronger can control what is going on now. Forget about it.

For all sakes less than accuracy. Americans think Libya is a country filled with Rainbows and where every girl has a Unicorn.

Most people in Sirte don't report any ISIS presence. If it can be verified that footage wasn't green screen in other location then that shows further complications. Libya is largely run by pro Haftar forces and Libyan dawn. Nobody will accept modern day colonialism besides the people very hungry for power(Haftar, Sisi) that don't mind inviting foreign forces to land that doesn't belong to them. The rest won't accept and it will produce counterproductive results.

The Italians ruled Libya in 4 political units but under 3 administrative units. Tripolitania (NW), Fezzan(SW), and Cyrenaica (Eastern). Cyrenaica was always the more "Conservative" of the units, hence, it was a "thorn in the side" of Gaddafi. The Civil War in Libya is a struggle for Libyan Culture... And who gets to rule the country.

Islamists never were in a real war with NATO.The question is if we want go that deep or still want hold our higher cultural level.

Islamists never were in a real war with NATO.The question is if we want go that deep or still want hold our higher cultural level.

Quit bullshitting yourself about moral /cultural ground. NATO broke every law of war in its wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and used enormous amount of firepower on cities/villages. Taliban couldn't keep up as Pakistan and every regional nation were cooperating. But look today, Afghanistan still has security incidents on common basis. Iraq never had foreigners to come fight. They were localized militias under siege by NATO, newly formed government and Shia militias. So no doubt they would lose.

You are right, you've never been in real war with islamists because most Arabs in early 2000's weren't Islamist. After the conflicts in region and Arab spring. It is whole different story now.

What popular control???

You think the west and the secret societies leave such important metal in the people's hand which is impossible

All resources most be controlled by the western companies so they could control everything

I know but we will change that. Having popular control also increases likelyhood of war with NATO/Israel. We are preparing for it, once we feel ready it will happen. 4-6 years.
Quit bullshitting yourself about moral /cultural ground. NATO broke every law of war in its wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and used enormous amount of firepower on cities/villages. Taliban couldn't keep up as Pakistan and every regional nation were cooperating. But look today, Afghanistan still has security incidents on common basis. Iraq never had foreigners to come fight. They were localized militias under siege by NATO, newly formed government and Shia militias. So no doubt they would lose.

You are right, you've never been in real war with islamists because most Arabs in early 2000's weren't Islamist. After the conflicts in region and Arab spring. It is whole different story now.

I know but we will change that. Having popular control also increases likelyhood of war with NATO/Israel. We are preparing for it, once we feel ready it will happen. 4-6 years.

enormous amounts of firepower? lol. We didn´t even start. You don´t know what real war means. You face an enemy that could erase you with an blink of an eye in an instant. As i said, you don´t want us to go that way, believe me.

Tell me, how do you counter a neutron bomb? We are bound by moral standards. Mottos like "winning hearts and minds" show that. You could not stand an exterminating war. And lets hope it will never go that route.
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