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How Islamicised is the Pakistan army?

sir tell me one thing. is islam not a secular religion? does it not allow freedom to minorities? does it force anyone to offer his prayers?
but yes it does stop you from drinkin, gambling, prostitution etc. reason being coz such acts have a negative effect on ur society. their negatives are more than their positives.

thats true and that is often what i argue.....

Of course it allows freedom and tolerance.......which is why Army must destroy the people who say 'hindu' or 'shiia' are kaffir and the people who are bombing our Mosques and civilian institutions
Some guud view point from Wiki.

Jihad (pronounced /dʒɪˈhɑːd/; Arabic: جهاد‎ [dʒiˈhæːd] ), an Islamic term, is a religious duty of Muslims. In Arabic, the word jihād is a noun meaning "struggle." Jihad appears frequently in the Qur'an and common usage as the idiomatic expression "striving in the way of Allah (al-jihad fi sabil Allah)".[1][2] A person engaged in jihad is called a mujahid, the plural is mujahideen.

A minority among the Sunni scholars sometimes refer to this duty as the sixth pillar of Islam, though it occupies no such official status.[3] In Twelver Shi'a Islam, however, Jihad is one of the 10 Practices of the Religion.

According to scholar John Esposito, Jihad requires Muslims to "struggle in the way of God" or "to struggle to improve one's self and/or society."[3][4] Jihad is directed against Satan's inducements, aspects of one's own self, or against a visible enemy.[1][5] The four major categories of jihad that are recognized are Jihad against one's self (Jihad al-Nafs), Jihad of the tongue (Jihad al-lisan), Jihad of the hand (Jihad al-yad), and Jihad of the sword (Jihad as-sayf).[5] Islamic military jurisprudence focuses on regulating the conditions and practice of Jihad as-sayf, the only form of warfare permissible under Islamic law, and thus the term Jihad is usually used in fiqh manuals in reference to military combat.[5][6] (the one who understood this last sentence would have no further doubts as regards to Jihad)

Usage of the term

The term "Jihad" used without any qualifiers is generally understood in the West to be referring to holy war on behalf of Islam.[5] (now here the things go wrong)In broader usage and interpretation, the term has accrued both violent and non-violent meanings. It can simply mean striving to live a moral and virtuous life, spreading and defending Islam as well as fighting injustice and oppression, among other things.[7] The relative importance of these two forms of jihad is a matter of controversy.

Greater Jihad

Within Islamic belief, Muhammad (PBUH) is said to have regarded the inner struggle for faith the "greater jihad", prioritizing it over physical fighting in defense of the Ummah, or members of the global Islamic community.[8] One famous hadith has the prophet saying: "We have returned from the lesser jihad (battle) to the greater jihad (jihad of the soul)."[9] Muslim scholar Mahmoud Ayoub states that "The goal of true jihad is to attain a harmony between islam (submission), iman (faith), and ihsan (righteous living)."[10] Greater jihad can be compared to the struggle that Christians refer to as "resisting sin", i.e. fighting temptation, doubt, disbelief, or detraction. The greater jihad is about holding fast against any ideas and practices that run contrary to the Muhammad's revelations (Qur'an), sayings (Hadith) and the examples set by how he lived his life (Sunnah). This concept of jihad has does not correspond to any military action.

In Modern Standard Arabic, jihad is one of the correct terms for a struggle for any cause, violent or not, religious or secular (though كفاح kifāḥ is also used).[citation needed] For instance, Mahatma Gandhi's struggle for Indian independence is called a "jihad" in Modern Standard Arabic (as well as many other dialects of Arabic); the terminology is applied to the fight for women's liberation.[11]

In modern times, Pakistani scholar and professor Fazlur Rahman Malik has used the term to describe the struggle to establish "just moral-social order",[12] while President Habib Bourguiba of Tunisia has used it to describe the struggle for economic development in that country.[13]

Lesser Jihad (Jihad bil Saif)

Within Islamic jurisprudence jihad is the only form of warfare permissible under Islamic law, and may be declared against apostates, rebels, highway robbers, violent groups, non-Islamic leaders or non-Muslim combatants, but there are other ways to perform jihad as well, including civil disobedience. The primary aim of jihad as warfare is not the conversion of non-Muslims to Islam by force, but rather the expansion and defense of the Islamic state.[5][6][14]

In the classical manuals of Islamic jurisprudence, the rules associated with armed warfare are covered at great length.[14] Such rules include not killing women, children and non-combatants, as well as not damaging cultivated or residential areas.[15] More recently, modern Muslims have tried to re-interpret the Islamic sources, stressing that Jihad is essentially defensive warfare aimed at protecting Muslims and Islam.[14] Although some Islamic scholars have differed on the implementation of Jihad, there is consensus amongst them that the concept of jihad will always include armed struggle against persecution and oppression.[16]

Jihad has also been applied to offensive, aggressive warfare, as exemplified by Muhammad's (PBUH) own policies and the entire subsequent history of the spread of Islam. From the first generation of Islam, jihad ideology inspired the conquest of non-Muslim populations, forcing them to submit to Muslim rule or accept outright conversion (although conversion was not generally demanded of "Peoples of the Book," this too could be forcibly imposed on non-"Peoples of the Book"). (now that's where the problem comes in, the statement in green has no truth in it) Jihad ideologies also inspired internal civil conflict, as can be seen in early movements like the Kharijites and the contemporary Egyptian Islamic Jihad organization (which assassinated Anwar Al Sadat) as well as Jihad organizations in Lebanon, the Gulf states, and Indonesia.[3] When used to describe warfare between Islamic groups or individuals, such as al-Qaeda's attacks on civilians in Iraq, perpetrators of violence often cite collaboration with non-Islamic powers as a justification.[17] Terrorist attacks like that of September 11, 2001, which was planned and executed by radical Islamic fundamentalists, have not been sanctioned by more centrist groups of Muslims.[18] (this is the WRONG interpretation of the word "Jihad")

This kind of terrorism has been condemned by Muslims all around the world.[19][20]

The word itself has been recorded in English since 1869, in the Muslim sense, and has been used for any doctrinal jihad since c. 1880.[21] (sheer propaganda i must say)


Controversy has arisen over whether use of the term jihad without further explanation refers to jihad of the sword, and whether some have used confusion over the definition of the term to their advantage.[22]

Middle East historian Bernard Lewis argues that "the overwhelming majority of classical theologians, jurists, and traditionalists [i.e., specialists in the hadith] ... understood the obligation of jihad in a military sense."[23] (misconseptionn)

...........A number of Islamic scholars[who?] have distinguished jihad, as legitimate struggle, from fasad, as illegitimate violence and troublemaking, and argue that terrorism should be called fasad, not jihad..........[/B]

The rest is not much of the truth so i have omitted it.

Lastly, i or anyone else has No authority what so ever to wage Jihad on anyone as it is the State's responsibility to decide.
thats true and that is often what i argue.....

Of course it allows freedom and tolerance.......which is why Army must destroy the people who say 'hindu' or 'shiia' are kaffir and the people who are bombing our Mosques and civilian institutions

agreed. and that is wat army is doing.
wat is kufr? not keepin a beard?
can u explain how

You have misunderstood I have not stated that not keeping a beard is kufr at all.

To reject it i.e by calling it for it to be banned would entail kufr.

There are many sunan,wajibat,farahid that we, due to one reason or another do not fulfill and we would be considered sinful (depending on which one we do not act upon) for neglecting them, as long as we accept them and do not reject them. BUT THE MOMENT WE REJECT THAT WHICH IS AGREED UPON WE WOULD BE GUILTY OF KUFR MAY ALLAH SAVE US FROM THAT AAMEEN.

I hope you understand now, if not do not hesitate to ask for an elaboration and I will InshaAllah give you some examples.
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You have misunderstood I have not stated that not keeping a beard is kufr at all.

To reject it i.e by calling it for it to be banned would entail kufr.

There many sunan,wajibat,farahid that we, due to one reason or another do not fulfill and we would be considered sinful (depending on which one we do not act upon) for neglecting them, as long as we accept them and do not reject them. BUT THE MOMENT WE REJECT THAT WHICH IS AGREED UPON WE WOULD BE GUILTY OF KUFR MAY ALLAH SAVE US FROM THAT AAMEEN.

I hope you understand now if not do not hesitate to ask for an elaboration and I will InshaAllah give you some examples.

dont u think kufr is quite an extreme. if a muslim says ban beard, that will be a sinful act but not kufr. kufr is when one denies God.
According to scholar John Esposito,


We have many many of our own great scholars why would we need to refer to a non Muslim to teach us our deen?

sir tell me one thing. is islam not a secular religion?

No secularism is a kufr concept, in Islam there is no separation of the state and the deen,the governance (hukm) is for Allah.

does it not allow freedom to minorities?

Yes Islam allows non Muslims to live peacefully within the Islamic state and they are afforded protection of their properties etc.

does it force anyone to offer his prayers?

Non Muslims are not obliged to pray under Islamic rule and they are not forced to accept Islam because Allah the most high states that "there is no compulsion in religion" this is for the non Muslim.

A for the Muslims then yes they are obliged to offer the five daily prayers and there is a severe punishment for those who do not, the four schools of Islamic jurisprudence are in agreement about this.

but yes it does stop you from drinkin, gambling, prostitution etc. reason being coz such acts have a negative effect on ur society. their negatives are more than their positives.

Yes drinking, gambling etc do have a negative effect on society but that is not the primary reason that we abstain from such activities,these are merely secondary reasons, the primary reason is because Allah made such actions Haram and we as Muslims submit to the will of Allah.That is also the reason we fulfill our obligations.
dont u think kufr is quite an extreme. if a muslim says ban beard, that will be a sinful act but not kufr. kufr is when one denies God.

No, to deny even one letter of the quran or one statement of the Prophet Peace and blessings be upon him is kufr.

The Pagan Arabs at the time of the Prophet Peace and blessings be upon him did not deny god they believed in god but they denied the message brought by our beloved messenger of Allah Peace and blessings be upon him. Yet they have been declared as Kuffar by Allah the most high.
Today i went to get my new Paksitani Passport and there was something that really stuck me and i found it completely stupid/absurd and downright offensive. What exactly is the point of having the heading

DECLERATION IN CASE OF MUSLIM? These are three things that i had to check

1) I am Muslim and believe in the absolute and unqualified finality of the prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh) as the last prophets.

2) I do not recognize any person who claims to be a prophet in any sense of the word or of any description whatsoever after Muhammad (Pbuh) or recognize such claimant as prophet or a religous reformer as Muslim

3) I consider Mirza Ghulam Quadiani to be an imposter nabi and also consider his followers wether belonging to the Lahori or Quadiani group, to be NON-MUSLIM.

What absolute garbage nonsense is this? Our nation is seriously hijacked by a bunch of idiots. What does this have anything to do with a Passport. Why the hell is this an issue anyways, what difference does it make? A Pakistani is a Pakistani be it from what ever creed, color or religion. A Simple Passport application form is a disgrace to say the least.
Today i went to get my new Paksitani Passport and there was something that really stuck me and i found it completely stupid/absurd and downright offensive. What exactly is the point of having the heading

DECLERATION IN CASE OF MUSLIM? These are three things that i had to check

1) I am Muslim and believe in the absolute and unqualified finality of the prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh) as the last prophets.

2) I do not recognize any person who claims to be a prophet in any sense of the word or of any description whatsoever after Muhammad (Pbuh) or recognize such claimant as prophet or a religous reformer as Muslim

3) I consider Mirza Ghulam Quadiani to be an imposter nabi and also consider his followers wether belonging to the Lahori or Quadiani group, to be NON-MUSLIM.

What absolute garbage nonsense is this? Our nation is seriously hijacked by a bunch of idiots. What does this have anything to do with a Passport. Why the hell is this an issue anyways, what difference does it make? A Pakistani is a Pakistani be it from what ever creed, color or religion. A Simple Passport application form is a disgrace to say the least.

I don't see why the above 3 conditions should be problematic for any Muslim.

Those conditions do not state that you cannot be a Pakistani if you reject them, only that you cannot be considered a Muslim Pakistani, and rightly so.

So you either denounce your religion or your citizenship.

This is the writ of the state :yahoo:

If you notice Islamist are enemy making and enemy seeking - ask yourself, why?

It's most unfortunate that Pakistanis are made to accede to these demands and Musharraf should have been more forceful in ridding us of these anachronisms.
I don't see why the above 3 conditions should be problematic for any Muslim.

Those conditions do not state that you cannot be a Pakistani if you reject them, only that you cannot be considered a Muslim Pakistani, and rightly so.

So you either denounce your religion or your citizenship.

This is the writ of the state :yahoo:

This isn't about being problamatic for Muslim. A Country's application form should have nothing to do with Religion period. No respectable country in the world has application forms where you denounce one belief over other, this isn't or shouldn't be a state's problem this is a personal choice.

Its not about me denouncing my Religion or State, infact I wouldn't be surprised if those who are NON-Muslim fill up this application and automatically feel like second class citizens before they even get their passports.
Jihad is a fundamental aspect of Islam and is NOT what the media portrays it to be! Jihad means struggle, and their are 2 kinds of Jihad!

The first kind of Jihad is the purification of the self.

And the second is to fight the enemy!

Alhamdulillah, Islam teaches us peace, but at the same time we are never to give up our self-respect... And therefore we must defend ourselves from any enemy!
This isn't about being problamatic for Muslim. A Country's application form should have nothing to do with Religion period. No respectable country in the world has application forms where you denounce one belief over other, this isn't or shouldn't be a state's problem this is a personal choice.

Its not about me denouncing my Religion or State, infact I wouldn't be surprised if those who are NON-Muslim fill up this application and automatically feel like second class citizens before they even get their passports.

The 3 conditions are ment only for QADIANIS & AHMADIS. It only pinches them not to any other non-muslim
The 3 conditions are ment only for QADIANIS & AHMADIS. It only pinches them not to any other non-muslim

I don't care what Qadiani's or Ahamdi's think.. i don't care what anyone believes or thinks for that matter. This is a complete non-issue that needs to be removed as it serves absolutely no purpose what so ever in a professional application form. The Goverment of Pakistan has no right to Pinch people for whatever they believe in.. it doesn't serve any purpose and only causes hatred..

From what i see Religion lives, breathes and thrives on segregation and segregation forces you to choose differences.. and focusing on differences leads to hatred and hatred is one step towards violence Period!!
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