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How India got screwed by U.S for the fall of rupee

Why is this doctored title thread allowed to continue.... preferential treatment is it?

Americans once again shown to the world that they're master of economy and know how to manipulate and out manoever any potential economic competitors: they have done to Japanese in 1985 with plazza accord that has frozen Japanese economy, China was supposed to the next target for economical regime changed but try to bully their banker is not a good idea so the next victim happened to be India. Intentionally or unintentionally, U.S has cause big trouble for Indian's rupee depreciation.

I don't know if anyone agree with me that U.S is responsible for rupee fall, let discuss, according to this article, it seems that U.S is the perpetrator. I'm wondering what is the overhal economic damage to India.

PM seeks orderly exit of US policy - Hindustan Times
Really, then why you PM is crying about US stimulus at G20 :lol:, your MP knew the pain of what U.S has caused otherwise he could have shut his mouth. You Indians here like to find excuse to comfort yourself and blindfold yourself like ostriches with their heads buried in the sands.:rofl:

Threats of stimulus withdrawal hurting emerging economies: PM

Threats of stimulus withdrawal hurting emerging economies: PM

You really think we Chinese will let a small Uyghur terrorists to jeopadize our relation with our so call all weather friend? :lol:, you Indians are so envy to have such relationship but nobody want "slum" Indian as all weather friend not Ameircan nor Russian, the only time they said the nice thing is to milk India same for China, the only time our business traders went to India is for "trade surplus" otherwise noone want to go to this sht-hole.

No matter how you cry a river about China Pakistan relation, you will never able to save brahmaputra water diverson and Chinese monsoon weapons, India is on our mercy...and the world can't really do anything about it.

Wow such arrogance and inhuman behavior. it seems it is just too much learning from international evergreen friends.

If India is a sht-hole for China which has just twice the per capita income of India, then China should be an 8-10 times bigger sht-hole for Japanese and the West who have an income at least 8-10 times higher than China and China was a 50 times bigger sht-hole for the Japs and Americans in just so early as 1991. China will continue to remain the biggest sht-hole in Eastern Asia for decades or perhaps centuries as its income cannot match the income of Japan/South Korea/Taiwan for at least one century.

The outside world including Indians go to China only to see one thing. how a mass rapist/murderer like Mao is still revered and his statues erected and how the Mao worshippers can eat dog/cat meat. Nowhere in the world except China where this practice of eating dog/cat meat originated which some Chinese spread to other parts of East Asia. but they will soon leave this practice of eating DOG/CAT meat but the Maoists will not leave this practice.

Yes i agree that the world cannot do anything when the Maoists are hanged from the lamp posts in China when democracy arrives. China will turn really very peaceful and stop making unnecessary aggressive moves when democracy comes and the people will hunt the running dogs of Chairman Mao in the streets of China just like Chairman Mao Zedong raped more than 1000 teenage virgin girls and murdered 70 million Chinese so that the running dogs of Mao could enjoy and build their palaces on the bones of those 70 million killed.

China has done the unpardonable war crime of providing nuclear weapons to Pakistan and continues to support terrorists. Hence China Maoists will have to pay for this.

and yes how can we all mention the contribution of Japanese money and brain in pulling China out of the sht-hole it once was for ...... and later it was supplemented by Taiwanese money and investment along with massive investments from West and the Chinese students getting preferential treatment at American Universities from 1976-1989 when America dumped China over Tiananmen square massacre. You cannot discount the contribution of half the world in pulling Chin somewhat out of the sht-hole it has been.

The Hong Kong people are already calling Mao worshipers LOCUSTS. Where do LOCUSTS breed??

From reliable sources: "Many of the women that Mao slept with were daughters of poor peasants who Li said believed that sleeping with the chairman was the greatest"

Please do not infarct or ban me for this as you are all complaining to a Chinese moderate on this site about such comments. Your comments and your acts go unpunished.
Hi Kissi, how are you? :D

I can discuss about economics and how China is so dangerously on credit stimulus, because that's my area of work. But that will be a wasted effort here.

However, on your favorite topic of flattening the Himalays and river diversion; don't worry, we have already planned for the future. Just to give you a hint, it involves creating a fault-line on China-Tibet border and pushing the harder Indian continental plate on softer Tibetan continental plate to create a new Himalayas 5 times bigger on China-Tibet border. That will protect both our rivers and monsoon while China will be doomed. :D

Arre baba, no point in getting into argument with a brain-dead 50 CENT ARMY member. have you not ever read about 50 CENT ARMY????? If not, go and read extensively on internet about the mind games played by these with their evergreen friends.

We too can stop the supply of stray CAT/DOGS to them. Then they will be back to normal human behavior.

Please teach me how to make new threads and particularly bold or capitalize letters while typing messages. i do not see any such buttons.
Arre baba, no point in getting into argument with a brain-dead 50 CENT ARMY member. have you not ever read about 50 CENT ARMY????? If not, go and read extensively on internet about the mind games played by these with their evergreen friends.

We too can stop the supply of stray CAT/DOGS to them. Then they will be back to normal human behavior.

Please teach me how to make new threads and particularly bold or capitalize letters while typing messages. i do not see any such buttons.

To post a new thread first go to a particular forum like "Indian Defense", "Bangladesh Defense" etc. where you want to start the thread, you will see the "Post new thread" button on the top of the forum name.
All the formatting tools are available, select "Go Advanced" for more option. :)
To post a new thread first go to a particular forum like "Indian Defense", "Bangladesh Defense" etc. where you want to start the thread, you will see the "Post new thread" button on the top of the forum name.
All the formatting tools are available, select "Go Advanced" for more option. :)

Thanks. i can click thanks but it does not show up. no issues with that but please also teach me how to bold and capitalize words as i do not see any buttons for them. please reply in your own free time as the keys of keyboard do not capitalize or bold letters on this site nor does copy pasting from word document on computer help with it.
Of course they knew, and of course they don't care. :P

The irony is that Indians here are always boasting that "India's economy is not as vulnerable to external conditions as China's economy is". :lol:

LOL, and with just one "hint" from the US Federal reserve, the Indian currency (as well as growth/manufacturing/deficit/etc) all came crashing down.
@Kiss_of_the_Dragon, @Chinese-Dragon, @Raphael, @Coltsfan, @LaBong, @INDIC, @oFFbEAT, @kalu_miah, @CaPtAiN_pLaNeT, @eastwatch, @Loki

Wanted to share a story with you guys. It's from years ago, when I was a PDF newbie and a freshman at Uni. :D

While on a bus, I had a little chat with an Indian bus operator. He was a well educated Bangali guy, and we started this conversation about our countries, including BD's and it's future. He suggested BD join the "Indian Union" because BD's economic future looks bleak. Once the topic shifted to India's economy, he bragged how stable India's economy was, compared to China's, because of India's reliance on "domestic consumption" and China's focus on creating an "export-oriented economy".

I don't consider myself an economics guy and barely understood his logic. Anyways, to cut a long story short, I agreed with all of his lecture on economics, for the sake of agreeing with him.

Five years on, today, India's economy is on a downward spiral, while China is already the second largest economy well on its way to claim the top spot. What was that guy talking about?!
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This story is from years ago, when I was a PDF newbie and a freshman at Uni. :D

While on a bus, I had a little chat with an Indian bus operator. He was a well educated Bangali guy, and we started this conversation about our countries, including BD's and it's future. He suggested BD join the "Indian Union" because BD's economic future looks bleak. Once the topic shifted to India's economy, he bragged how stable India's economy was, compared to China's, because of India's reliance on "domestic consumption" and China's focus on creating an "export-oriented economy".

I don't consider myself an economics guy and barely understood his logic. Anyways, to cut a long story short, I agreed with all of his lecture on economics, for the sake of agreeing with him.

Five years on, today, India's economy is on a downward spiral, while China is already the second largest economy well on its way to claim the top spot. What was that guy talking about?!

maybe the guy you met was @DRAY :lol: he claim to be economy expert
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Once the topic shifted to India's economy, he bragged how stable India's economy was, compared to China's, because of India's reliance on "domestic consumption" and China's focus on creating an "export-oriented economy".

I don't consider myself an economics guy and barely understood his logic. Anyways, to cut a long story short, I agreed with all of his lecture on economics, for the sake of agreeing with him.

Five years on, today, India's economy is on a downward spiral, while China is already the second largest economy well on its way to claim the top spot. What was that guy talking about?![/COLOR]

LOL! :lol:

That's the argument they ALWAYS use here. They literally kept using this same silly argument even while their growth was collapsing and their currency was collapsing.

"India's economy is based on domestic consumption, so it's not as vulnerable to external conditions as China's export-based economy!"

Then the US Federal reserve made one hint... and India's economy came crashing down. :P

That's the problem when people think they know everything. Firstly, China is an investment-based economy. Secondly, exporting nations like China and Germany did the best in the Eastern/Western world during the 2008 credit crunch.

Having a large current account surplus is a very powerful factor, that gives trade surplus nations a lot of fiscal firepower when the global economy turns bad. India on the other hand, which has the largest current account deficit in the developing world, one hint from the Federal reserve leads to FDI pulling out and the collapse of India's currency.
Bragging about others nation won't washed away India's humiliation, even if these nations hundred time better than China then so what? you Indians still live in slum and backwarded country compare to China and yes we eat dog/cat but we don't worship rats and share the feast on same bow with rats...maybe Rats have highter IQ than Indians so you whorship its :rofl:.

And I lol'ed Indian talk about rapes, I dont know if Mao's rape but I do know that Ghandi was a child molester...it well documented...i will let you have fun to google its, just type two key words: gandhi , Child moleste...then you find a ton article about him :lol:, as mass murder, how can it compare to India slum which let these people slowly die of disease...this is worst than perform genocide against it own people


Gandhi's Darkside Revealed in New Book

You do not worship rats. You eat them. That is the difference. What else can one expect from a dog/cat eating fellow?? That rat temple is only at one place and looked down as a bad practice by a great majority of Hindus. I never been there nor plan to see or visit. But at least those rat worshipers do not torture dogs so mercilessly and kill them for food. Dogs in China are skinned alive because the Chinese believe they have more adrenaline. We do not comment on matters of faith concerning the Chinese or any other nation as far as they do not cause pain to animals or humans.

Some people spread lies about Gandhi but Gandhi still stands tall because he accepted his mistakes and falls but what about the 1000s of girls raped by Mao which has been verified by every learned historian. and yet to this day, this gang rapist Mao is worshiped in China. Better to worship innocent animals than a gang rapist/mass murderer like Mao. Mao was worse than a rabid dog.

Books by imminent historians about the sex life of Mao are freely available over the net.

and may I know what people like you think about Pakistan and its culture???

You should learn humility from the Japanese who are so much richer than you but never talk to you or any other people in the way some of you people talk. Since your ally Pakistan and many other Muslim nations are poorer than India, I can understand your attitude towards Pakistan which you do not reveal as we understand your posts.

Average people in China are as poor or just a little better than in India but it is the wealth amassed by the Maoists and their pampered supporters that makes the Chinese economy look big. Also India supports almost the same size of population as China on land that is just a third of China's. Your arrogance is not good. it will lead to your downfall even before you rise to be anywhere near the top.

We have nothing against China. We think China is 100 times better than any Muslim country on earth but some rotten fellows in China are creating ill feeling for China.

My intention is not to hurt you but make you see that who is your friend and who is your enemy..

Keep away from your evergreen friends for your own benefit. otherwise you will fall into the same abyss as they are in now. Everybody says a man is known by the company he keeps.
No Indians in this forum nor India media dare to blame the mighty U.S stimulus withdraw which has created a great damage to their economy, all they could sais that was their own fault, knowing Indian PM go to G-20 begging others to denounce U.S financial practice. These gutless people are so afraid of Americans that could pull another plug on them: such as not selling military parts for C-17, C-130...

and where is this @JayAtl american cheerleading, he must hidding somewhere in the closet. :lol:

Threats of stimulus withdrawal hurting emerging economies: PM - The New Indian Express

JayAtl is struggling to determine where his loyalty is ! :lol:
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Every despotic regime blames others when their country is failing. Indian propaganda are successfully brainwashing the gullible low IQ poverty-stricken people in their 3rd world country to hate China because we are so 'evil'.

As long as the Indian regime uses its propaganda to distract the gullible people from their economic and currency collapse, that country will never progress.

They will remain just a poverty-stricken 3rd world black hole with an overpopulated disease filled country that has the world's worst social problem (uncontrolled raping).

So with the above highlighted BS you must be getting a good sleep...carry on mas*****ting...
wow....chinese are so happy jumping up and down......

well every dog has his day....this year is for chinese....
wow....chinese are so happy jumping up and down......

well every dog has his day....this year is for chinese....

When U.S screwed India economy, it's not our business, I created this thread to expose how hypocirtical Indian're: knowing only bully small nation such pull out the cooking oils assistance to Bhutan but when facing a tough bullier to put out the stimulus, Indians are like ostriches with their heads buried in the sands.
@Kiss_of_the_Dragon, @Chinese-Dragon, @Raphael, @Coltsfan, @LaBong, @INDIC, @oFFbEAT, @kalu_miah, @CaPtAiN_pLaNeT, @eastwatch, @Loki

Wanted to share a story with you guys. It's from years ago, when I was a PDF newbie and a freshman at Uni. :D

While on a bus, I had a little chat with an Indian bus operator. He was a well educated Bangali guy, and we started this conversation about our countries, including BD's and it's future. He suggested BD join the "Indian Union" because BD's economic future looks bleak. Once the topic shifted to India's economy, he bragged how stable India's economy was, compared to China's, because of India's reliance on "domestic consumption" and China's focus on creating an "export-oriented economy".

I don't consider myself an economics guy and barely understood his logic. Anyways, to cut a long story short, I agreed with all of his lecture on economics, for the sake of agreeing with him.

Five years on, today, India's economy is on a downward spiral, while China is already the second largest economy well on its way to claim the top spot. What was that guy talking about?!

I guess we are doing fine on our own :lol:

Technically, Bangladesh Bank do not allow people to randomly siphon foreign currency abroad. Doing so would be illegal.

Some exceptions of-course are for imports and overseas students like yourself :)

That's why we aren't too affected. And our Taka is set to get stronger overtime.
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