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How India got screwed by U.S for the fall of rupee

^^ well, import of gold needs to be reduced to very low level, at least for some months if this is true

I will avoid buying gold or gold jewelry for the festival season this year. I think every Indian feels like I do then we will be fine.

With our out of control dowry cultures, I don't think our Rupees can ever be appreciated to a respectable value.

When the British Empire and others started the economic trade with the Mughal Empire, it is said that this region was the richest or the second richest in the world at that time.

I can't really think of what exactly made it so rich apart from huge accumulation of precious metals in the region held by the rulers and the people alike for centuries on end.

What I am trying to say is our love for the precious metals in the Bar-e-Saghir region is culturally strong as it has always been and I don't think that's about to change anytime soon.

In Pakistan, we have laws on the maximum amount of dowry to be given on weddings but no one cares for such a law.
LOL. How simpler can it get ?

USA doesn't want India to be strong and hence pose a threat to the Americans in the future.


Mate, we never threatened Usa nor we ever back down when someone threatens us,
---The Usa had their 7TH fleet in Indian ocean but still we we liberated East bengalis( who were caught in a genocide done by Now Pakistan and erstwhile West Pakistan) and helped them make Bangladesh.
indira gandhi crying uncontrolably - YouTube
----Usa puts sanctions on India why cos we exploded nuclear bomb in pokhran which their intelligence nor spy sats couldn't detect.:omghaha:Their best failed to detect what we were gonna do.
----So do you think Usa can dictate our economy? when it couldn't dictate India during all those sanctions it put up when we exploded a nuke, We got over their sanctions we developed more during their sanctions , it was Usa who came to us to do business not the other way around.
So please stop BS , look at how many times we voted No for USA in UN.
Yet even now we wont have any problem, we will show all those speculators who say we are doomed how we bounce back.Will they take back their Thesis,PHD,s,Dissertations written against India?:no:
I will avoid buying gold or gold jewelry for the festival season this year. I think every Indian feels like I do then we will be fine.

Bro,this isn't about gold buying or festival season, This was always expected we Indians Hoard GOLD.The Congress leadership is trying to cover up their shortcomings :--
SCAMS,Corruption,Crime etc.
How is this anyway related to gold? We were doing fine till a year ago and now they say about inflation.Who is to be blamed?
When you can't handle a +economy but make it a Deficit= Economy Who is to be blamed?
Your policies which you made without any forbearance about future implications.Yet you still make those policies.
------Last time we had farmer waiver fine and others fine.
------Food distribution bill (controversial but ok).I mean who eats those grain which you supply please!
------Land Acquisition bill---->Where any industrialist can't buy land to make a company?WOW.
If i want to open a medical /Pharmaceutical company, do i have to ask 80% or 70% of villagers for approval so that i can open one?
This seems to me like only one thing, The Congress has lost hope coming in power next time, so why not spoil everything and economy and ask BJP to resurrect it,While they as opposition will keep continuing their rants until BJP makes the economy right!

This is a bad mentality of congress "If it's not mine it wont be anyone else's".
Pity our congress party goes around with such mentality!
The Arabs were barbaric nomads then.....and the region China was divided into many territories ruled by different rulers........until we Indians gave China its name and taught the Arabs how to count...thereby civilizing both of them........these are historical facts....

Be careful in saying stuff about the Arabs they employ 3+ million Indians in the middle east. If all of them get deported to India, then the Indian economy will suffer .........
You guys believe on this?? When India was educated and had books over medicines, astrology etc Then that time Arabs were struggling for a way to survive.

Arabs were more advanced then the Indians. Mohammad Bin Qasim of Arabia's naval engineers built the naval ships and loaded his army on the ships, sailed across the Arabian Sea/Indian Ocean and invaded India through Sindh and defeated the Indians, so we know how advanced the Indians were.

Out of the 5000 years of history Indians are bragging about Indians lived under occupation for thousands of years and were defeated dozens of times by foreign invading armies. The Moghuls came from Central Asia and ruled India for 1000+ years. Shabbudin Gahuri invaded India 17 times from Afghanistan and defeated the Indian Hindu Armies 17 times.....We can go on and on, but let's verify these facts before we move to additional ones.
We do have problem with gold hoarding in our country. It is hard to wean people from buying gold because it is a cultural thing.
It does little to our economy. I just believe we have to do our part. We can only hope our next govt. (BJP) is less corrupt.

What is this Land acquisition bill you mentioned?? Has it been passed yet??
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We do have problem with gold hoarding in our country. It is hard to wean people from buying gold because it is a cultural thing.
It does little to our economy. I just believe we have to do our part. We can only hope our next govt. (BJP) is less corrupt.

What is this Land acquisition bill you mentioned?? Has it been passed yet??

How are you so sure that BJP will be the next government of India?

Also, maybe India should control the import of gold. It would drive up the price of gold and increase black market. Or India can make it a crime to give gold/precious medal in dowries.
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How are you so sure that BJP will be the next government of India?

Also, maybe India should control the import of gold. It would drive up the price of gold and increase black market. Or India can make it a crime to give gold/precious medal in dowries.

In India if the price of gold is going up more people actually buying it. As a safety net before it goes any higher.

As an example my cousin buys gold every month even few grams at a time irrespective of how much it is trading. He has one daughter and he is planning ahead. There are thousands of families like that who buy few grams at a time. It all adds up and our govt. has no solution other than raising taxes and using those rupees for their vote bank schemes like food bill, farmers loan waivers etc.
How are you so sure that BJP will be the next government of India?

Also, maybe India should control the import of gold. It would drive up the price of gold and increase black market. Or India can make it a crime to give gold/precious medal in dowries.

Cos it is the most saner ones among lunatics we have right now,Look at their profiles, a drug addict, who half the time does not know what he says is being projected as next Indias Prime Minister.Tomorrow during his bouts of high he might even order a Nuke strike on another country ,as he thinks it was funny.
Arabs were more advanced then the Indians. Mohammad Bin Qasim of Arabia's naval engineers built the naval ships and loaded his army on the ships, sailed across the Arabian Sea/Indian Ocean and invaded India through Sindh and defeated the Indians, so we know how advanced the Indians were.

Out of the 5000 years of history Indians are bragging about Indians lived under occupation for thousands of years and were defeated dozens of times by foreign invading armies. The Moghuls came from Central Asia and ruled India for 1000+ years. Shabbudin Gahuri invaded India 17 times from Afghanistan and defeated the Indian Hindu Armies 17 times.....We can go on and on, but let's verify these facts before we move to additional ones.

When you talk about Bin Qasim in 700 AD there was Lothal in Gujrat famous for Ship building and Indians deliver the world Spices and clothes in 1000 years BCE.

Kingdom, attack and Barbarism, Does that show advancement?? Killing people for Expansion of kingdoms is way too different than advancement and even if we consider that then Chandrgupta Vikramaditya and Maurya's empire was spread from Arab to Cambodia.

Cos it is the most saner ones among lunatics we have right now,Look at their profiles, a drug addict, who half the time does not know what he says is being projected as next Indias Prime Minister.Tomorrow during his bouts of high he might even order a Nuke strike on another country ,as he thinks it was funny.

Who is that drug addict? That sound dangerous. India should not have a drug addict being the PM.

In India if the price of gold is going up more people actually buying it. As a safety net before it goes any higher.

As an example my cousin buys gold every month even few grams at a time irrespective of how much it is trading. He has one daughter and he is planning ahead. There are thousands of families like that who buy few grams at a time. It all adds up and our govt. has no solution other than raising taxes and using those rupees for their vote bank schemes like food bill, farmers loan waivers etc.

India should wean itself from the gold buying for dowry. Does India also practice bride price in addition to Dowry?
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