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How India betrayed Pakistan

I'm assuming this is referring to the IA's training of irregulars in Bengal? I would love some more information on this guerilla conflict if anyone can help.

PM me your email i will send you research paper. It will clear many things including our mistakes and Indian terrorism too.

BTW Indian army out of guilt has destroyed the record of all such Terror camps inside India which India establish to train terrorists for terrorism in 71

Jana mam, why dont you open a new thread and post that research paper, so that we could openly debate over it and prove who is "Terrorist" the army that rescues the bangladeshi or the one which rapes them.
By sending him mail, he would have only one sided story which you love and it would be a kind of ORANGE media.
Jana mam, why dont you open a new thread and post that research paper, so that we could openly debate over it and prove who is "Terrorist" the army that rescues the bangladeshi or the one which rapes them.
By sending him mail, he would have only one sided story which you love and it would be a kind of ORANGE media.

Brother... Perhaps you should read about R&AW... And 'some' of it's successes about Pakistan... Which for one was creation of Mukti Bani and separation of east Pakistan from us. Also u guys gave a gift of Tamil Nadu fighters to sri lanka... Its the truth... No offence...
Thank the report looks legit (at least superficially). I'll put it on my reading list.

Oh come on CardSharp, please do not be so blatant that it becomes a no-brainer for even a 5th grade student.

If you are so interested to know two sides of the story and within context, please be advised that

Hamoodur Commission report is to Pak what Henderson-Brooks- PS Bhagat is to the Government of India.

Insightful and damning to the respective governments, consequentyl both of them met the same fate, one finding itself in the stong room of ZAB and the other in the bottomless pit called War Archives/Official Secrets...

Just to put things in perspective
india is the eternal enemy of Pakistan, because her elite drink in hatred for Islam and Pakistanis like mothers milk.

Thats a misconception which most Pakistani have, even today if your govt. tries and raises hand for friendship, India would gladly welcome it beacuse India is a responsible neighbor.

Being a regional superpower its India's responsibility too look after peace in S.Asia. But Pakistan non state actors like taliban don't want peace, their objective destroy India like its doing to your country.
I havent gone thru the whole thread, but doesnt betrayal imply being disloyal. And loyalty can never be there among enemies. And India and Pakistan have been enemies from as far back as 1947 when Pakistan attacked Kashmir and Maharaja of Kashmir came into India's folds for protection.

So where does the question of betrayal come from??
Hyderabad,Junagadh and all the NE states have non muslim majorities..how could they join Pakistan?

However West Bengal,East Punjab and Kashmir should have been a part of Pakistan.

such blatant statements from people neither bengali nor sikh is quite worrying .....sir ( not knowing if your american or not)....do you know the religious composition of East Punjab and west bengal...? East Punjab is predominantly sikh ...during partition Baldev Singh the sikh representative " found it unacceptable for Punjab to be wholly included in the bloc with muslims on grounds that this would put sikh culture in serious jeopardy".....need any more be said ?

and isn't it hypocritical to think that muslims get the entire Punjab or Bengal disregarding the sentiments and apprehensions of Hindus or Sikhs ......why not the same offer to Hindus in bengal or sikhs in punjab ?.....give the entire punjab and bengal to India...?......

and here you yourself brought up a LIVE example.....KASHMIR.....
in a short span of two to three decades almost the entire valley has been depopulated of Hindus ....over hundreds of thousands of Kashmiri pandits forced to flee southwards .....and i'm sure several such examples are found in West punjab and East bengal....

the growing and flourishing muslim population in India, in comparision is there for all to see .....whether it be in hyderabad or west bengal or any other province......
"Dost orr Dushman Key Pechan Rakkhoo"
and i think India is not our friend.
india is the eternal enemy of Pakistan, because her elite drink in hatred for Islam and Pakistanis like mothers milk.

india's elites are not fedual lords.
if they have to grow then they have to work hard for their business.
so i don't think they have much time to indulge in such petty politics.
but i am not sure about pajistans elites.

Another thread devoted to the past.

Someday we shall be able to look forward & instead of lamenting on what did not happen we shall be able to consolidate what we have and move ahead.
So is your neutrality about India is debatable. All you have to go is check wikipedia about 1965 war (which by neutral sources Pakistan got whacked) and Mukti Bahini.

If you are still pissed that we played a part in dismembering pakistan, you have not left any stone unturn to return India that favor.

So PLEASE Spare us.. your high horse sermon.

Sigh. I am from Paksitan. I have never claimed to be neutral about India.

My whole point is that there is no such thing as a neutral observer in political matters. Even the UN takes sides.

So where does the question of betrayal come from??

You are right. The partition was full of mutual distrust and animosity, so it was perhaps naive of either side to expect gentlemanly behavior.
Crapy article just to satisfy himself that yeah, its not pakistan who betrayed.
He complains about why pakistan got independence 1 year early:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Greatest assumption is that 2 months time wasnt enough for pakistani provinces to organize, but more than enough for large india.

He remember of millions farmers of East pakistan dependent on Kolkatta, but doesnt give account to millions more dependent on indian side..

It also showed how much deeply britishers were committed for indian partition,they knew in there long term plan they would earn bread from two foes, unfortunately at that time some people dont understand.

:disagree::no: this is the problem!!! till today indians believe the idea of PAKISTAN was a british "idea" and QUAID-E-AZAM played into their hands!!

well no! Jinnah was a staunch supporter of congress until congress won elections in 1930s and showed its true hindu ideology! and muslims were made to feel sidelined!

as for india also suffering same fate well not really indian government apprentice was already in place! pakistan had to start from scratch!

and IF and i say IF your dream of "pakistan was a british idea to mae a living out of it" was true pakistan would have been annexed by india by now! but the idea of pakistan has never been stronger & its time INDIANS ADMIT TO IT & MAKE PEACE WITH IT!
The only person who played in british hands would be desperate Nehru charmed by gora memsaab Lady GaGa-Batten!
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