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How I beat COVID

Did you catch COVID

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Dec 14, 2008
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United Kingdom
I returned from the US to the UK three weeks ago and seemed to have caught COVID somewhere along the travel. After a few days in the UK I became extremely tired and must have slept for about 5 days and only muster enough energy to get up to eat and go back to sleep. It's a weird disease, I was suffering from no fever and no temperature and showing no cold /flu symptoms other than extreme fatigue and weakness. I ordered a COVID home test kit and sent it off and the result returned positive. I immediately started taking Homeopathic Arsenicum Album 30C 5 drops directly on tongue 4 times a day. I felt better after about 5 days and then the virus decided to camp out in the throat. I started suffering a bad sore throat and a tickly cough. I continued with the Arsenicum and also started taking one teaspoon honey with black seed and homeopathic Ipecac 30C 5 drops 4 times a day for 3 days. Thank god my symptoms improved and my health is 99%. I must note that whilst I was sick I continued to eat normally (even though I didn't feel hungry) took lots of fluid and vitamins. It seems like Arsenicum 30C is the best homeopathic med for this horrid disease and your best option to survive it. If you have any suggestions for treatment or medication for forum members then please do let us know how you beat COVID if you caught it.
I returned from the US to the UK three weeks ago and seemed to have caught COVID somewhere along the travel. After a few days in the UK I became extremely tired and must have slept for about 5 days and only muster enough energy to get up to eat and go back to sleep. It's a weird disease, I was suffering from no fever and no temperature and showing no cold /flu symptoms other than extreme fatigue and weakness. I ordered a COVID home test kit and sent it off and the result returned positive. I immediately started taking Homeopathic Arsenicum Album 30C 5 drops directly on tongue 4 times a day. I felt better after about 5 days and then the virus decided to camp out in the throat. I started suffering a bad sore throat and a tickly cough. I continued with the Arsenicum and also started taking one teaspoon honey with black seed and homeopathic Ipecac 30C 5 drops 4 times a day for 3 days. Thank god my symptoms improved and my health is 99%. I must note that whilst I was sick I continued to eat normally (even though I didn't feel hungry) took lots of fluid and vitamins. It seems like Arsenicum 30C is the best homeopathic med for this horrid disease and your best option to survive it. If you have any suggestions for treatment or medication for forum members then please do let us know how you beat COVID if you caught it.

Good to hear you are okay, I cannot say about the medicines you have suggested. In April 2020 me and my whole family were down due to COVID. Curtesy of lack of control in patient movement in the NHS.
I think it was brought into our household by one of my family members who works in the NHS.

Anyway, in short everyone has body aches and breathlessness, the only people who were badly effected were my dad (he is diabetic) and my younger brother, everyone else had mild symptoms.
We all experienced the same issue, we felt hungry but the appetite was gone. I was the only one in the family who had no fever, I had body aches and no sense of taste for 2-3 weeks.

In short I think it effects people differently, in our case by dad and brother were both effected very similarly, however, both are very different, dad is in 70's and is diabetic whereas brother is a somewhat fit 30ish bloke (doesn't smoke or drink).

We took panadol or ibuprufen every 4 hours as painkillers. When my throat looked to go, I started taking Day/Night Nurse and drinking orange juice like tea, that was it.

My dad and brother both came out very fragile after this recovery loosing in excess of 20 Kg body weight.
Everyone else was fine.

So I think general health and healthy choices help. In terms of medicine - who knows.
Also FYI - today I am getting the Pifzer shot so will see what happens.
Good to hear you are okay, I cannot say about the medicines you have suggested. In April 2020 me and my whole family were down due to COVID. Curtesy of lack of control in patient movement in the NHS.
I think it was brought into our household by one of my family members who works in the NHS.

Anyway, in short everyone has body aches and breathlessness, the only people who were badly effected were my dad (he is diabetic) and my younger brother, everyone else had mild symptoms.
We all experienced the same issue, we felt hungry but the appetite was gone. I was the only one in the family who had no fever, I had body aches and no sense of taste for 2-3 weeks.

In short I think it effects people differently, in our case by dad and brother were both effected very similarly, however, both are very different, dad is in 70's and is diabetic whereas brother is a somewhat fit 30ish bloke (doesn't smoke or drink).

We took panadol or ibuprufen every 4 hours as painkillers. When my throat looked to go, I started taking Day/Night Nurse and drinking orange juice like tea, that was it.

My dad and brother both came out very fragile after this recovery loosing in excess of 20 Kg body weight.
Everyone else was fine.

So I think general health and healthy choices help. In terms of medicine - who knows.
Also FYI - today I am getting the Pifzer shot so will see what happens.
Glad to hear you and your family recovered, do you need the Pfizer shot as you already have caught it?
@khansaheeb glad to hear you recovered. I go it back in March. My first symptom was a loss of concentration, that lasted for quite a while. I was also very tired and unable to stay awake for 4-5 days. Only waking to eat and go to the toilet. I had no appetiite too - could only eat dry toast and tea which is shocking, because i normally fix a cold by eating a load more food! :p:

My family all got it too, some of the suffered breathing difficulties but took anti-biotics to clear up their chests. Unfortunately like @Invicta we have a few family members working in the NHS, and they bought it back home with them. :tdown:
Glad to hear you and your family recovered, do you need the Pfizer shot as you already have caught it?

There is no data that says you are immune from COVID if you have had it.
It was offered by my work so I decided to go for it. Would be interesting to see what happens - if you were to believe our lovely Chinese posters on this forum here I will be mutating soon.
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