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How good are the SSG's

I have passion to praise Pak Armed Forces and I can't listen any wrong word about our forces and In Army I most like SSGs.
But in Lal Masjid Case i really disappointed when I read that a Colonel of SSG martyred .... I have one question why it happend that un trained people killed a trained SSG person...how they able to do it???? can some one answer it
I have passion to praise Pak Armed Forces and I can't listen any wrong word about our forces and In Army I most like SSGs.
But in Lal Masjid Case i really disappointed when I read that a Colonel of SSG martyred .... I have one question why it happend that un trained people killed a trained SSG person...how they able to do it???? can some one answer it

It's called bad luck.......all the training in the world can't prevent it.....only reduce the chances of it happening.
I have passion to praise Pak Armed Forces and I can't listen any wrong word about our forces and In Army I most like SSGs.
But in Lal Masjid Case i really disappointed when I read that a Colonel of SSG martyred .... I have one question why it happend that un trained people killed a trained SSG person...how they able to do it???? can some one answer it

SSG doesn't stands for Supermans Super Group, thats why.
Hi rarkan,

At entebe airport, the commander of the israeli special forces was killed in action---I believe the only israeli casualty of the conflict---was trying to be the last man out.

At Lal Masjid, tragically, a very experienced enemy sniper was waiting for a major target of oppurtunity---an innocent mistake---a very basic mistake---the col pops his head up to have a first hand look of his own---he does not believe in the pictures, reccy reports or live video---should have popped up a dummy head to check out for a sniper before popping his head up---he wasn't anticipating the sniper---what a tragic loss of a handsome young officer to his wife, kids, family, the millitary and the nations by a bunch of looneys.

There were some very experienced enemy combatants n the Lal masjid compound.
I have passion to praise Pak Armed Forces and I can't listen any wrong word about our forces and In Army I most like SSGs.
But in Lal Masjid Case i really disappointed when I read that a Colonel of SSG martyred .... I have one question why it happend that un trained people killed a trained SSG person...how they able to do it???? can some one answer it

i beleive he got killed because he was placing explosives in the wall... and the triger got pulled off at the wrong time..:cry:
I have passion to praise Pak Armed Forces and I can't listen any wrong word about our forces and In Army I most like SSGs.
But in Lal Masjid Case i really disappointed when I read that a Colonel of SSG martyred .... I have one question why it happend that un trained people killed a trained SSG person...how they able to do it???? can some one answer it

An untrained person playing soldier is amongst the most dangerous threat on a battlefield.
i beleive he got killed because he was placing explosives in the wall... and the triger got pulled off at the wrong time.
No! he was killed with a Sniper shot.

I have passion to praise Pak Armed Forces and I can't listen any wrong word about our forces and In Army I most like SSGs.
But in Lal Masjid Case i really disappointed when I read that a Colonel of SSG martyred .... I have one question why it happend that un trained people killed a trained SSG person...how they able to do it???? can some one answer it

They wer not untrained my Friend! they were trained terrorist.

Now thats a very interesting discussion going on here.
So I will like to share my opinion..

I dont believe there is something wrong with standard of our SSG as compared to other special forces of the world. Rather they are amongst the best. They train very hard and are amongst the most motivated men of our army. Most of the officers are trained from abroad, so you can be sure they are uptodate with latest tactics and techniques. They are very well equipped and in line with modern forces of the world.

But as some of the earlier posts say, SSG's record is not as good as expected due to all above mentioned merits.

So where lies the problem?

The problem, in my opinion, lies with the people who decide about their employment. These people, or commanders, must see the capabilities of such a force and also the results required. Any EMOTIONALISM or AMBITIOUSNESS can be devastating.

As far as Lal Masjid Operation goes, it was clearly a tactical success, by any standard, especially considering the prevailing psycho-political environement. SSG was not dealing with some ENEMY out there but with OWN renegade people. I can say with quite a high degree of confidence that many SSG soldiers were themselves not convinced of launching an all out operation. Some of the men may even had their own far relatives inside. Moreover, the media and most political forces were also not on board. So even the most well trainied and well equipped soldier with a somewhat weak motivation / sense of purpose cannot be expected to perform to his optimum. We must never forget the HUMAN ELEMENT in military operations even if its the SSG. The Lieutenant Colonel who honourably got martyred, probably had gone ahead himself to motivate his men to follow him.

So overall, our SSG is a potent force provided it is correctly employed i.e at the right place and time and FOR THE RIGHT PURPOSE.
SSG is now not what it was used to be - Since the Pak forces too much indulgence in civilian matters' the effect has taken its toll from proffessionalism.
I have read Mr.Patriotic reply - So far the most sensible and accurate analysis.
SSG is now not what it was used to be - Since the Pak forces too much indulgence in civilian matters' the effect has taken its toll from proffessionalism.

I beg to differ ;). SSG is just as and even more professional than before. SSG has been an apolitical outfit within the armed forces and it has remained this way. Over the past years, SSG has expanded professionally in terms of its scope. Only the best and most motivated within the Army get to join the SSG and to this day it remains a dream of many within the officers corps to join it.

SSG is not involved in martial law duty and is not put on IS duties like other Army units are (until and unless their special skills are specifically needed like the case of anti-decoit ops of the 90s). The training regimen of the SSG is so tough that most officers and men cannot be pulled out of the unit and put on secondary tasks as is the case with other Army units.

I think the issue of employment has been discussed many times. A special force is only as good as the planning and opportunities provided to it. When SSG fails, its not due to lack of hardiness, motivation or training of its cadres, rather its inappropriate planning that leads to failures.
in terms of training yes they are the world,s most deadliest soldiers but weponwise they lack some of modern wepon system that other special services of world have, eg Gign, SAS, Deltaforce etc.
Or maybe they just like to keep the stuff about their weapons discreet so you and I dont know about it?
Or maybe they just like to keep the stuff about their weapons discreet so you and I dont know about it?

Well said! Being an open book is not good for special forces either...as it is I think SSG gets too much publicity...I am one for excluding SSG from the National Day Parades and VVIP CP teams. SSG should be as discrete as it used to be when it was 19 Baloch.
I came accross this videos in youtube, its worth watching.
Enjoy! :enjoy:

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