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How gcc arabs view us

Everybody does that.
Some use Niger.
Some use "Abay angrez"
Some use "Sale angrez kaheen ky"
Other say "Paaki".
Its all over the world dear.
But the truth is: a Pakistani is "Chief or Arab Staff".
Because we have a problem. a problem that most of the crimes that happen in our area are done mostly by indians, bengalis but most of all Pakistanis (and to some extent sudanis). Whenever someone is being deported for being an illegal immigrant, it just has to a Pakistani. When stuff like this becomes the norm ofcourse, we are going to see Pakistanis as being something bad, even if unintentionally.
Coming back to Pakistan, i can't count the amount of people here proud of their family members going and living in other countries illegally and sending them money. Amount of people that boast about how so and so went their illegally. Stuff like this only degrades Pakistanis and their reputation. Being a half Pakistani even though it makes me sad to see Pakistanis being treated and thought of like trash at the same time the Arab side of me can't help but recount how many Pakistanis i saw getting arrested on a day to day basis. smh[/QUOTE]
May be to Europe..But not a single Pakistani can enter illegally or be an illegal immigrant in GCC...All are expats no one is immigrant by the way ...hope you know this...
and what is this half Pakistani ? if you are in KSA and your father is Pakistani you will remain Pakistani for even next 100 years even you call yourself half or 30-40 percent Pakistani..
If disliking of Pakistani is due to crime why there is dislike for Indians ?though there are several other reasons for this...But riches don't like poor is one of the simple reasons...and people apply it everywhere irrespective of the country..though it is wrong but that how society now a days behave

I visited KSA and UAE many times and have experience,

They are thinking us 2nd class Muslim converts and really have no respect for Pakistani Muslims but they do respect our army because they need someone to save their @ss in times of need.
"what is convert "and how this thing is bad ?how can any sane muslim regard conversion as a bad or insulting thing
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Fact: Be a proper, pious, God fearing Muslim and adopt all the Sunnahs in your life. You will get respect everywhere, especially Saudi Arabia. First hand experience. It opens doors that are otherwise closed and gets access to places you would normally not be allowed.
lolzzzz it is just a leaf of racist tree sir . :lol: it is very common an expat face daily in gulf so many racist acts . now they even never think abut it they just move on .
Can you give me instances of these racist acts , since i have never lived abroad only travelled for work or tourism ?

But guve me egs which you have seen not heresay .

It is not intended as a hate thread nor a troll one. I have a relative who is a british national (does not have pakistani nationality) and a teacher by profession, some years back she got a job at a government school in uae. she was sharing that she had gotten the job mainly because uae government was recruiting british nationality teachers with british ACCENT to teach in AN ONLY EMIARATI school, the students are only uae locals no expats allowed. Though now she has quit the job and moved back but she was sharing some stories from her school. So she said that when those arab/emarati kids would fight amongst each other they would insult the other kid calling him Hindi-ya (indians) , Pakistani, bengali and sudanese. She was like some kids started fighting and came crying to me complaining that the other kid called me hindiya and would cry non stop , so she scolded them badly that if you are muslims you should know better that noone is inferior in Allah's eyes , then she was like another one came crying very badly and Complained the other kid called me Pakistani. She was telling me they consider words pakistani, bengali , sudanese, hindiya as "galis" or cusswords and very bad insults that if someone calls them that they start crying.

You can not blame kids as they show behavior they are taught at home.
Fine they can consider being indian, sudanese or bengali anything but it irked me to no end when they would consider pakistani an insult word, so their elders at home did not tell them how their coward government was licking us pakistani army's boots for joining yemen and how they were threatening us when we refused to join, did their elders at home not tell them that the military alliance forged by their government is led by none other than the same "cussword nationality guy" , a Pakistani.
Your story is a case of 2 thoughts.
At first u give eg of racism which your relative criticized. And then you gave your own racist eg when you said racism against others is fine except pakistanis ?
Where do u exactly stand on racism ?

Can you give me instances of these racist acts , since i have never lived abroad only travelled for work or tourism ?

But guve me egs which you have seen not heresay .

Your story is a case of 2 thoughts.
At first u give eg of racism which your relative criticized. And then you gave your own racist eg when you said racism against others is fine except pakistanis ?
Where do u exactly stand on racism ?
And regarding gen shareef , he is a security person employeed by the gulf states.
Does a company owner consider the head of his bodyguard detail or security detail equal to himself ?
the other question should be how we pakistanis view arabs. majority of us take them as complete idiots with oil in their skulls, lazy, highly unskilled, good for nothing type of people. similarly we also take afghans as violent degenerates. we generally give respect to nations like china or turkey but "china ka maal" is considered as a joke.
i am sure arabs see israel with lot of respect as israel has thrashed arabs many times in the past .

Fact: Be a proper, pious, God fearing Muslim and adopt all the Sunnahs in your life. You will get respect everywhere, especially Saudi Arabia. First hand experience. It opens doors that are otherwise closed and gets access to places you would normally not be allowed.
saudi arabia is not the gold standard of islamic values and shariah. their govt and their version of islam is right now the biggest threat to muslim unity.
saudi arabia is not the gold standard of islamic values and shariah. their govt and their version of islam is right now the biggest threat to muslim unity.
Not the Sharia but the monarchy is the real danger who are playing in the hands of Salafis just to save their regime.
Not the Sharia but the monarchy is the real danger who are playing in the hands of Salafis just to save their regime.
Monarchy has provided one of the best living standard to its people...I would prefer Monarchy in Pakistan if it provided better standard of life to people..is this democracy is such a heavenly thing that can replace bread and better..who cares its monarchy or democracy
Monarchy has provided one of the best living standard to its people...I would prefer Monarchy in Pakistan if it provided better standard of life to people..is this democracy is such a heavenly thing that can replace bread and better..who cares its monarchy or democracy
Best standards? for not allowing half of the population to drive.
Best standards? for not allowing half of the population to drive.
Lol...come out of this driving phobia my friend ... Is driving the real issue ? then bread and butter be serious...compare what monarchy has provided to its people then what we have in Pakistan
I think we should only care how Allah view us . Arabs views or blah blahs views about us aren't going to be any benefit for us .

And don't worry , there's no place for mutakabir in Allah's sight or in heaven so let them act arrogant as they want .
A man among them has the billions of followers and billions of people are ready to give life for him and that was only cause of his humility , equality , justice and truthfulness not cause of the money that Arabs nowadays feel proud on rather this money has led them go low . Money is no use only your akhlaq matters and prophet Muhammad' saww is the finest example . He was the man who didn't have anything to eat for months in his house but still today he's the man who has billions of followers and lovers in the world since centuries that these Arabs with money can't even dream of .
And you still are deceived by money o Muslims ?
Because we have a problem. a problem that most of the crimes that happen in our area are done mostly by indians, bengalis but most of all Pakistanis (and to some extent sudanis). Whenever someone is being deported for being an illegal immigrant, it just has to a Pakistani. When stuff like this becomes the norm ofcourse, we are going to see Pakistanis as being something bad, even if unintentionally.
Coming back to Pakistan, i can't count the amount of people here proud of their family members going and living in other countries illegally and sending them money. Amount of people that boast about how so and so went their illegally. Stuff like this only degrades Pakistanis and their reputation. Being a half Pakistani even though it makes me sad to see Pakistanis being treated and thought of like trash at the same time the Arab side of me can't help but recount how many Pakistanis i saw getting arrested on a day to day basis. smh

Where there is inequality, crime follows. You can't have the cake (cheap south Asian labour) and eat it too (expect all of them to be 100% compliant and crime free as they toil in 50°c and live in sub standard conditions whilst a Sheikh comes in his air con car and walks into his air con house right past the labourer). Some of the places where these labourers are put in are extremely sub standard (bordering on concentration camp standards) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-labourers-forced-work-50C-heat-pittance.html.

In many European countries such as Sweden, Arabs similarly are seen as "criminal" due to the high rate of crime within areas primarily inhabited by Arabs. Why is this? Well amongst other things young Arab guys suffer discrimination in the job market

Den visar bland annat att den som har ett arabiskt klingande namn har 50 procents mindre chans att få komma på jobbintervju jämfört med en person med ett svenskt klingande namn.
(The study found that a person who has an Arabic name had a 50% less chance to be called to a job interview than a person with a Swedish name)

I know many smart Arab guys here who were good at studies but eventually lost motivation and ended up getting involved in crime , including a neighbour just slightly older than me.

The point is, South Asian labour has turned the GCC from deserts to skyscrapers, however ironically they have very little respect. The day they are provided better rights, better accommodation, better (or even on time) wage etc. crime will automatically go down. It is up to the GCC Arabs if they want to take full advantage of South Asian labour and then take the risk of being at the receiving end of criminal activities of some of them, or improve the labourers situation and reduce the risk of crime.
Bangladeshi or Bengali both terms are synonymous in the ME and Gulf countries.

I didn't mention anything like that, I'm simply referring to the experiences I had there. So why bring something from nothing?

What I said was implicit in your statement. Let me turn the question around for you. When the thread is about how Arabs view all South Asians, then what was your motive for mentioning that Bangladeshis are viewed the worst as they commit the most crimes? What is the point of drawing that distinction?
What I said was implicit in your statement. Let me turn the question around for you. When the thread is about how Arabs view all South Asians, then what was your motive for mentioning that Bangladeshis are viewed the worst as they commit the most crimes? What is the point of drawing that distinction?

There was nothing implicit in my statement about feeling "especially nice" (wtf?), let me refer back to my last reply to you, I simply spoke about my experiences in Arab countries about why they would view my people like this. Nothing MORE, nothing LESS. Your unnecessary and excess nitpicking just reminds me of what Indos are like, nosey, always wanting to know more. Nosey buggers.
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