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How East Asian Flag could look like


Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
Russian Federation

Nice, can't wait to see this fly in the sky of East Asian capitals.
Wow that's one complicated flag...
East Asian rivalries run deeper then South Asian disputes. Keep in mind Japan, China, Korea have been Seperate nations for far longer than Pakistan and India, Bangladesh.

If anything a South Asian flag of similar type or just a Chinese flag incorporating the various countries populated by ethnic Hans is much more likely.
East Asian rivalries run deeper then South Asian disputes. Keep in mind Japan, China, Korea have been Seperate nations for far longer than Pakistan and India, Bangladesh.

If anything a South Asian flag of similar type or just a Chinese flag incorporating the various countries populated by ethnic Hans is much more likely.

i love china thats why i want 4 of them in my flag
Where's vietnam? Though they don't belong geographically to EA, they do culturally.
Wow, very creative......


Not. This flag looks like ****.

its just a joke anyways, east asian countries are too different to be a union. Only asian americans think that because they cant speak asian languages and dont know their culture so they rather define them selfs by their race.
It is a coincidence that it looks like the Russian flag color palette.

BTW, PRC's flag was inspired by the Soviet flag, while SRV from PRC.
What are the different nations represented in that flag ?
What are the different nations represented in that flag ?

all of them, like i said youre american immigrant its normal for you to define your self with your race rather than culture and nation.
all of them, like i said youre american immigrant its normal for you to define your self with your race rather than culture and nation.

First of all I'm south asian..not "asian" as in american context..then I can see only China, Japan and Koreas in that flag..Maybe Russia..I cant recognize the others..And I identify with my nation and culture..South asians dont have "one" race to identify with..So once again, what are the different nations in that flag or did you even create the flag yourself?
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