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How Does this Happen?

Gandhi was a deceiver. Jinnah worked with him for 16 years only to be stabbed in the back. Gandhi wanted to turn Muslims into a minority to be ruled by caste Hindu. That wasn't good enough for us so we parted ways.
Wrong Sire!!!
Gandhi might not be my fav but still I strongly believe that he was one man who never wanted to see India divided because he wanted a state where hindus and muslims were equals.
In 1924 he fasted when a riot broke out between hindus and muslims in Kohat.He walked from village to village in riot-torn Noakhali (Bihar) in 40's, where Hindus and Muslims were sabre rattling B, and nursed the wounded and consoled the widowed.
Do you know that he tried to spread respect for Muslims by reading from the Koran at public meetings,???and for this some Hindus called him "Muhammad" Gandhi, a traitor and Jinnah's slave.That should be the reason Mountbatten famously called him a "one-man boundary force" between Hindus and Muslims.
And then after partittion when riots started again between hindus and muslims then Gandhi protested against the continuing violence against Muslims. He fasted, and some Hindus chanted "Let Gandhi die."
Nehru was outraged over the hostility expressed toward Gandhi. The violence against Muslims in New Delhi finally died down and Gandhi ended his fast.
when did he try to oppress muslims @Horus ???
I want you to give us some proof.
Now before Indian and Pakistan members go ballistic and declare me an @$$hole for propagating 're-union'- I want to clarify that like @Star Wars and @Bang Galore I agree that partition was for the greater good (I would support any move that would have prevented millions of deaths though).

But still I'm asking- after strong facebook recommendations I recently started watching 'Zindagi Gulzaar Hai' (very short-lived effort coz I'm not an emotional guy), followed by several other Pakistani dramas recommended by Indians. I know Pak members know lots about Indian movies (hell they enjoy Dhoom 3 while I consider it a declaration of war on humanity). I find us so knowledgeable about each others' cultures and states (I know about Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, target deaths in Lahore and Imran Khan, the fact tha NS has a strong base from feudal Punjab, I know about Sheikh Rasheed , Oriya Maqbool Jan and Moeed Pirzada. Most Pakistani members know about our famous personalities like Arnab Goswami and Subramaniya Swami. If there is NOTHING common, then why would we try to know so much about each other? What set me off was this video- Pakistan media covering Haryana elections? WTF man?

we have so much in common that one day we might unite again. And that would be the end to all woes of both the countries.
Wrong Sire!!!
Gandhi might not be my fav but still I strongly believe that he was one man who never wanted to see India divided because he wanted a state where hindus and muslims were equals.
In 1924 he fasted when a riot broke out between hindus and muslims in Kohat.He walked from village to village in riot-torn Noakhali (Bihar) in 40's, where Hindus and Muslims were sabre rattling B, and nursed the wounded and consoled the widowed.
Do you know that he tried to spread respect for Muslims by reading from the Koran at public meetings,???and for this some Hindus called him "Muhammad" Gandhi, a traitor and Jinnah's slave.That should be the reason Mountbatten famously called him a "one-man boundary force" between Hindus and Muslims.
And then after partittion when riots started again between hindus and muslims then Gandhi protested against the continuing violence against Muslims. He fasted, and some Hindus chanted "Let Gandhi die."
Nehru was outraged over the hostility expressed toward Gandhi. The violence against Muslims in New Delhi finally died down and Gandhi ended his fast.
when did he try to oppress muslims @Horus ???
I want you to give us some proof.

we have so much in common that one day we might unite again. And that would be the end to all woes of both the countries.
Naah we don't!
I am not the one for standing against uniting people, but their ideologies are destructive and not suited for our nation sorry!
They are too radical and wahabi, they dont even tolerate another muslim sect,shias,sunnis,ahmedis, etc.
Forget tolerating us kafirs(infidels).
What is wrong with some people?
You are acting like Gandhi and Nehru who were in the charm of Jinnah and Muslim League,When ACTION DAY happened we non-muslims paid the biggest price in lives.wE DIED IN MILLIONS AND WHEN WE RETALIATED AND STARTED CULLING THE OPPOSITION,WHAT Does Gandhi do? he sits in a Hunger strike to calm us down, What the hell happened to his hunger strike to calm down JINNAH and his MUSLIM League after ACTION DAY!
Fool us once, we are fooled, but fool us twice we are really fools if we cannot learn from the past mistakes.
Why should we want such RE-UNUON again?
Why because they are faring bad economically and security wise?and India is doing good?
Big bro,is faring well, so Younger bro will come to live on his earnings as a parasite?

What a shame Mapilla riots happened in your state when Gandhi gave support to Khilafat and these islamists went berserk and killed and raped you like you worth was lesser than Animals or nothing!You should read what Gandhi told the Hindus in Kerala that time and the women there.Shame on you!You live in a STOCKHOLM SYNDROME!
We in Telangana still know what happened and how Nizam and his Razakars committed atrocities on us and yes we got EVEN on them and had our Revenge we are happy we did it and we always kept them in check so our way of life is protected always.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE Secular retards, Mainly Bengalis and Malayalis?
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Naah we don't!
I am not the one for standing against uniting people, but their ideologies are destructive and not suited for our nation sorry!
They are too radical and wahabi, they dont even tolerate another muslim sect,shias,sunnis,ahmedis, etc.
Forget tolerating us kafirs(infidels).
What is wrong with some people?
You are acting like Gandhi and Nehru who were in the charm of Jinnah and Muslim League,When ACTION DAY happened we non-muslims paid the biggest price in lives.wE DIED IN MILLIONS AND WHEN WE RETALIATED AND STARTED CULLING THE OPPOSITION,WHAT Does Gandhi do? he sits in a Hunger strike to calm us down, What the hell happened to his hunger strike to calm down JINNAH and his MUSLIM League after ACTION DAY!
Fool us once, we are fooled, but fool us twice we are really fools if we cannot learn from the past mistakes.
Why should we want such RE-UNUON again?
Why because they are faring bad economically and security wise?and India is doing good?
Big bro,is faring well, so Younger bro will come to live on his earnings as a parasite?
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace..

Now lets talk business
  • If you've any idea about the amount of money that gets spent on our army because of India-Pakistan rivalry then you may want a permanent solution to this.Our fractitous relations can be mended is what I meant...and the idealist condition would be a reunion is the jist of my post which was quoted by you.
  • With Kashmir issue gone there will be no John Kerry/ Hillary Clinton type flip-flop in America's foreign policy for India, and keeping in mind China, US will have to remain positive towards India with hardly any other option left in the subcontinent.
  • And lets not forget how the terrorists 're being trained and sent to India which disturbs our peace.Such terrorist organisations would've no foundation left once theres' a reunion.Ppl like Dawood Ibrahim will have to find new hiding places.
  • And Pakistan has a lot of fertile land and cloth industry...just a reminder.Lol
wolfpack said:
WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE Secular retards, Mainly Bengalis and Malayalis?
What a shame Mapilla riots happened in your state when Gandhi gave support to Khilafat and these islamists went berserk and killed and raped you like you were nothing!You should read what Gandhi told the Hindus in Kerala that time and the women there.Shame on you!

Source: How Does this Happen? | Page 11
One tight slap!!!!
Next time you judge my post like that I'm gonna give you a tighter slap.
You've edited your post to tone down your post...am glad or I would 've straight away reported it.
People here say that Quaid-e-Azam and Mahatma Gandhi both were against partition before and they agreed upon living of both communities in one countries by saving their rights and interests. But everything changed after Nehru report. Many people criticize Quaid-e-Azam for that too and I have seen many Indians criticizing Mahatma Gandhi too.

Partition happened, we can make union instead of a big country. But first, at least try to solve this Kashmir issue.
Naah we don't!
I am not the one for standing against uniting people, but their ideologies are destructive and not suited for our nation sorry!
They are too radical and wahabi, they dont even tolerate another muslim sect,shias,sunnis,ahmedis, etc.
Forget tolerating us kafirs(infidels).
What is wrong with some people?
You are acting like Gandhi and Nehru who were in the charm of Jinnah and Muslim League,When ACTION DAY happened we non-muslims paid the biggest price in lives.wE DIED IN MILLIONS AND WHEN WE RETALIATED AND STARTED CULLING THE OPPOSITION,WHAT Does Gandhi do? he sits in a Hunger strike to calm us down, What the hell happened to his hunger strike to calm down JINNAH and his MUSLIM League after ACTION DAY!
Fool us once, we are fooled, but fool us twice we are really fools if we cannot learn from the past mistakes.
Why should we want such RE-UNUON again?
Why because they are faring bad economically and security wise?and India is doing good?
Big bro,is faring well, so Younger bro will come to live on his earnings as a parasite?

What a shame Mapilla riots happened in your state when Gandhi gave support to Khilafat and these islamists went berserk and killed and raped you like you worth was lesser than Animals or nothing!You should read what Gandhi told the Hindus in Kerala that time and the women there.Shame on you!You live in a STOCKHOLM SYNDROME!
We in Telangana still know what happened and how Nizam and his Razakars committed atrocities on us and yes we got EVEN on them and had our Revenge we are happy we did it and we always kept them in check so our way of life is protected always.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE Secular retards, Mainly Bengalis and Malayalis?

Nehru Report

The following were the recommendations advanced by the Nehru Report:
1. India should be given the status of a dominion.
2. There should be federal form of government with residuary powers vested in the center.

3. India should have a parliamentary form of government headed by a Prime Minister and six ministers appointed by
the Governor General.
4. There should be bi-cameral legislature.
5. There should be no separate electorate for any community.
6. System of weight age forminorities was as bad as that of separate electorates.
7. Reservation of Muslim seats could be possible in the provinces where Muslim population was at least ten percent, but this was to be in strict proportion to the size of the community.
8. Muslims should enjoy one-fourth representation in the Central Legislature.

9. Sindh should be separated from Bombay only if the Committee certified that it was financially self-sufficient.
10. The N. W. F. P. should be given full provincial status.
11. A new Kanarese-speaking province Karnatic should be established in South India.
12. Hindi should be made the official language of India.

These points became the reason of partition.

In 1929, Md Ali Jinnah drafted his 14-point demand as precondition for United India. If Nehru Committee had shown flexibility and incorporated some genuine demands of Muslim leadership,then partition might be avoided and freedom didn't linger. Main features of Jinnah's 14-point demand were:--
  • Separate electorates and weightage - the 1916 Congress-Muslim League agreement Lucknow Pact provided these to the Muslim community whereas they were rejected by the Nehru Report;
  • Residuary powers – the Muslims realized that while they would be a majority in the provinces of the North-East and North-West of India, and hence would control their provincial legislatures, they would always be a minority at the Centre. Thus they demanded, contra the Nehru Report, that residuary powers go to the provinces.
The inability of Congress to concede these points must be considered a major factor in the eventual partition of India. They have to recommendation of the report
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace..

Now lets talk business
  • If you've any idea about the amount of money that gets spent on our army because of India-Pakistan rivalry then you may want a permanent solution to this.Our fractitous relations can be mended is what I meant...and the idealist condition would be a reunion is the jist of my post which was quoted by you.
  • With Kashmir issue gone there will be no John Kerry/ Hillary Clinton type flip-flop in America's foreign policy for India, and keeping in mind China, US will have to remain positive towards India with hardly any other option left in the subcontinent.
  • And lets not forget how the terrorists 're being trained and sent to India which disturbs our peace.Such terrorist organisations would've no foundation left once theres' a reunion.Ppl like Dawood Ibrahim will have to find new hiding places.
  • And Pakistan has a lot of fertile land and cloth industry...just a reminder.Lol

One tight slap!!!!
Next time you judge my post like that I'm gonna give you a tighter slap.
You've edited your post to tone down your post...am glad or I would 've straight away reported it.
You will believe in no heaven or hell but do they?? its their religion which compels them to believe such things?
Will pakistan be willing to forget about islamic tenets?NO!
then peace cannot be possible as long as one fool believes in no heaven no hell no country boundaries while the other is ready to kill you,why is it that liberals go full retard and become teary eyed over partition and reunion?
what happened is history,no we dont want reuinification it will break this country and cause untld genocide in human history.They are too radical even for themselves, let them cook in their own broth and see where their nation is heading to Anarchy, we just play the waiting game.It is not our job to intervene or help them if they cannot help themselves.

I do have an idea about why our Army is there for a reason and why we spend so much on army,
Two words Pakistan and China.
Pakistan attacked us as soon as their nation was formed and tried to snatch away j&k from us using force.
We repelled them back then they attacked us many times we only defended.
How many times do you want to get hit to learn a lesson that they are not your best well wishers?
Do you think terrorists are trained for peace? yes they are trained to terrorise, why because they are following asymetric warfare and proxy war.
Where they cannot fight us conventionally, they are using their nuclear bomb to shield themselves while denying they have anything to do with terrorists.
Even Lord Krishna asked Arjuna to take up bow and fight and not rue the fact that many are his relatives and they might die, This is karma and it is how things are done.
Your utopian talk is all fine, but simply put the real world doesn't word like fanstasy world.
Please ask them to keep their fertile land and cloth industry, what good is a nation if you are getting killed for being non-muslim.
i agree i went a bit overboard on the last post but yes what i said was real, Gandhi was only urging for hindus to remain calm and peaceful while letting muslims have a go at them.
Even a animal when cornered fights back that is natures way of self defence.
You should read what he said, that he would kiss the feet of the muslim rapists who raped his sisters.
There is no place for such pseudo peace in this world.
Simply put! Not interested in reunification.

Here is one video of another Indian patriot from your state Kerala, listen to what he says and why pakistan does what it does against India.
Nehru Report

These points became the reason of partition.

In 1929, Md Ali Jinnah drafted his 14-point demand as precondition for United India. If Nehru Committee had shown flexibility and incorporated some genuine demands of Muslim leadership,then partition might be avoided and freedom didn't linger. Main features of Jinnah's 14-point demand were:--
  • Separate electorates and weightage - the 1916 Congress-Muslim League agreement Lucknow Pact provided these to the Muslim community whereas they were rejected by the Nehru Report;
  • Residuary powers – the Muslims realized that while they would be a majority in the provinces of the North-East and North-West of India, and hence would control their provincial legislatures, they would always be a minority at the Centre. Thus they demanded, contra the Nehru Report, that residuary powers go to the provinces.
The inability of Congress to concede these points must be considered a major factor in the eventual partition of India. They have to recommendation of the report
Sorry but that was asking too much from Congress, simply put Jinnah made Too many Avaricious Demands, which cannot be fulfilled by any nation.
His main aim was partition by any method,he was radicalized in the later stages. nor was he in mood to negotiate anything so he made very ridiculous demands which no one can fulfill.
Nehru Report

These points became the reason of partition.

In 1929, Md Ali Jinnah drafted his 14-point demand as precondition for United India. If Nehru Committee had shown flexibility and incorporated some genuine demands of Muslim leadership,then partition might be avoided and freedom didn't linger. Main features of Jinnah's 14-point demand were:--
  • Separate electorates and weightage - the 1916 Congress-Muslim League agreement Lucknow Pact provided these to the Muslim community whereas they were rejected by the Nehru Report;
  • Residuary powers – the Muslims realized that while they would be a majority in the provinces of the North-East and North-West of India, and hence would control their provincial legislatures, they would always be a minority at the Centre. Thus they demanded, contra the Nehru Report, that residuary powers go to the provinces.
The inability of Congress to concede these points must be considered a major factor in the eventual partition of India. They have to recommendation of the report

But Jinnah was asking 33% seats in central Legislature and all provincial assembly when Muslims were just 25% of the population and while in most Hindu majority provinces Muslims were no more than 10-15%. So, it translates that Jinnah was asking too much from Congress and they would have lost their trust among Hindus if they have agreed to such kind of appeasement to Jinnah's demand.
You will believe in no heaven or hell but do they?? its their religion which compels them to believe such things?
Will pakistan be willing to forget about islamic tenets?NO!
then peace cannot be possible as long as one fool believes in no heaven no hell no country boundaries while the other is ready to kill you,why is it that liberals go full retard and become teary eyed over partition and reunion?
what happened is history,no we dont want reuinification it will break this country and cause untld genocide in human history.They are too radical even for themselves, let them cook in their own broth and see where their nation is heading to Anarchy, we just play the waiting game.It is not our job to intervene or help them if they cannot help themselves.

I do have an idea about why our Army is there for a reason and why we spend so much on army,
Two words Pakistan and China.
Pakistan attacked us as soon as their nation was formed and tried to snatch away j&k from us using force.
We repelled them back then they attacked us many times we only defended.
How many times do you want to get hit to learn a lesson that they are not your best well wishers?
Do you think terrorists are trained for peace? yes they are trained to terrorise, why because they are following asymetric warfare and proxy war.
Where they cannot fight us conventionally, they are using their nuclear bomb to shield themselves while denying they have anything to do with terrorists.
Even Lord Krishna asked Arjuna to take up bow and fight and not rue the fact that many are his relatives and they might die, This is karma and it is how things are done.
Your utopian talk is all fine, but simply put the real world doesn't word like fanstasy world.
Please ask them to keep their fertile land and cloth industry, what good is a nation if you are getting killed for being non-muslim.
i agree i went a bit overboard on the last post but yes what i said was real, Gandhi was only urging for hindus to remain calm and peaceful while letting muslims have a go at them.
Even a animal when cornered fights back that is natures way of self defence.
You should read what he said, that he would kiss the feet of the muslim rapists who raped his sisters.
There is no place for such pseudo peace in this world.
Simply put! Not interested in reunification.

Here is one video of another Indian patriot from your state Kerala, listen to what he says and why pakistan does what it does against India.

As the generation which faced partition 're vanishing and so is hatred towards India. They support their army and we support our's.
I know Pakistan is in shambles right now but are we 're not any better. It would be like putting blinders if I say that we are progressing in true sense. We 're faring better economically and might do even better in the next few years.But when it comes to social progress then we 're no better.
I liked what you had to say about Krishna and Arjun.True that we must hit back when we're cornered.
But I don't see a reason for this kinda Xenophobia towards Pakistanis. We're so similar that I strongly feel that somewhere in the future we might unite.
No need for such petulance!!

Btw Ajith Doval is not a keralite. He's from Jharkhand who had to train in Kerala.
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Wrong Sire!!!
Gandhi might not be my fav but still I strongly believe that he was one man who never wanted to see India divided because he wanted a state where hindus and muslims were equals.
In 1924 he fasted when a riot broke out between hindus and muslims in Kohat.He walked from village to village in riot-torn Noakhali (Bihar) in 40's, where Hindus and Muslims were sabre rattling B, and nursed the wounded and consoled the widowed.
Do you know that he tried to spread respect for Muslims by reading from the Koran at public meetings,???and for this some Hindus called him "Muhammad" Gandhi, a traitor and Jinnah's slave.That should be the reason Mountbatten famously called him a "one-man boundary force" between Hindus and Muslims.
And then after partittion when riots started again between hindus and muslims then Gandhi protested against the continuing violence against Muslims. He fasted, and some Hindus chanted "Let Gandhi die."
Nehru was outraged over the hostility expressed toward Gandhi. The violence against Muslims in New Delhi finally died down and Gandhi ended his fast.
when did he try to oppress muslims @Horus ???
I want you to give us some proof.

we have so much in common that one day we might unite again. And that would be the end to all woes of both the countries.

I respect your views dear but Gandhi was pro Muslim n Dharmics were/are depicted like real culprits however they(Dharmic) were at receiving end against any Muslim aggression in entire course of subcontinent history ....
Let me be bit blunt to you as well here, Jinnah own more respect from us coz he some how majorly filtered out those communal minds from rest of Indian populace which could have created havoc inside todays india n same mindset seems to be real cause of worry in Pakistan now....
I don't want any merger between two east-west of subcontinent instead we can always hope for cordial relationship with our western neighbour which is the need of hour too.....
As the generation which faced partition 're vanishing and so is hatred towards India. They support their army and we support our's.
I know Pakistan is in shambles right now but are we 're not any better. It would be like putting blinders if I say that we are progressing in true sense. We 're faring better economically and might do even better in the next few years.But when it comes to social progress then we 're no better.
I liked what you had to say about Krishna and Arjun.True that we must hit back when we're cornered.
But I don't see a reason for this kinda Xenophobia towards Pakistanis. We're so similar that I strongly feel that somewhere in the future we might unite.
No need for such petulance!!

Btw Ajith Doval is not a keralite. He's from Jharkhand who had to train in Kerala.
Yes we are doing better than them in social progress we are actually moving forward while they are moving backward.
There is caste erosion in hindus and in a decade there will be no caste as inter caste marriages happen very much these days.Women have more rights than men in some cases like 498a.
We give reservation to socially backward castes be it in jobs,colleges everything and we are now looking beyond south east asia for the first time and Modi will get us there.
Xenophobia comes from belligerence,i was not born during partition even i have doubts because they frequently attack us for kashmir, why dont they get this thing into their heads ,Kashmir is a lost cause they tried 68 years for it which resulted in 4 wars which they lost and numerous terrorist attacks on us.Which other nation would not show Xenophobia if under constant war situation from another nation?
We tried that equality,friendship thing.
Sama,daana,Danda,bhed upaya--Sama(equality) ,daana(gift of friendship) were tried by Gandhi and Nehru in their time, it didnt work instead they still made wars.
Danda(stick) was given to them in all wars they waged against us.
Bheda(divide) was done Indira gandhi in 1971 war and broke that nation into two parts.
We tried all options only one left is the last one,we hold our home strong militarliy & economically progressing and wait while they burn their home unless they give up the idea of Kashmir and finish this boundary war and proxy war once and for all.
I respect your views dear but Gandhi was pro Muslim n Dharmics were/are depicted like real culprits however they(Dharmic) were at receiving end against any Muslim aggression in entire course of subcontinent history ....
Let me be bit blunt to you as well here, Jinnah own more respect from us coz he some how majorly filtered out those communal minds from rest of Indian populace which could have created havoc inside todays india n same mindset seems to be real cause of worry in Pakistan now....
I don't want any merger between two east-west of subcontinent instead we can always hope for cordial relationship with our western neighbour which is the need of hour too.....
Utraash you've put me in an introspection mode. May be you're right that during the partition those with extremist views and those who thought that they would not be able to "adjust" with ppl of other religions decided to form a new nation. Its quite a possibility that then India was mostly left with liberals and ergo secularism came easy to us.
Yes we are doing better than them in social progress we are actually moving forward while they are moving backward.
There is caste erosion in hindus and in a decade there will be no caste as inter caste marriages happen very much these days.Women have more rights than men in some cases like 498a.
We give reservation to socially backward castes be it in jobs,colleges everything and we are now looking beyond south east asia for the first time and Modi will get us there.
Xenophobia comes from belligerence,i was not born during partition even i have doubts because they frequently attack us for kashmir, why dont they get this thing into their heads ,Kashmir is a lost cause they tried 68 years for it which resulted in 4 wars which they lost and numerous terrorist attacks on us.Which other nation would not show Xenophobia if under constant war situation from another nation?
We tried that equality,friendship thing.
Sama,daana,Danda,bhed upaya--Sama(equality) ,daana(gift of friendship) were tried by Gandhi and Nehru in their time, it didnt work instead they still made wars.
Danda(stick) was given to them in all wars they waged against us.
Bheda(divide) was done Indira gandhi in 1971 war and broke that nation into two parts.
We tried all options only one left is the last one,we hold our home strong militarliy & economically progressing and wait while they burn their home unless they give up the idea of Kashmir and finish this boundary war and proxy war once and for all.
You know I genuinely believe that its not the fault of citizens living there instead its the army and politicians who use Kashmir as their trump card.The normal Pakistanis that I meet everyday 're respectful towards me and 're very friendly.I 've every reason to believe that its very genuine too. And ergo my conclusion on reunion...which somehow is a distant and idealistic dream.
You know I genuinely believe that its not the fault of citizens living there instead its the army and politicians who use Kashmir as their trump card.The normal Pakistanis that I meet everyday 're respectful towards me and 're very friendly.I 've every reason to believe that its very genuine too. And ergo my conclusion on reunion...which somehow is a distant and idealistic dream.
Who gave the Army and ISI that kind of power in the first place its the citizens themselves and they still support their army,so their citizens are to blamed for it.Military themselves cannot seize power of citizens don't support it.Why didn't the same thing happen in India? Pakistanis handed their nation to army on a platter,no questions asked as long as they get their wish fulfilled by army,To see India destroyed,Kashmir seized by them and try to rule India ad per their wishes.In fact Kashmir means nothing to them,even if we give them Kashmir they will start demanding Hyderabad and UP next.Their demands will never stop.So let them enjoy their own undoing They broke a part of their nation themselves in 1971,The present situation is looking the same as 1971 only this time India didn't intervene because the refugees were not flooding into India ad Bengali's did.
I too have many Pakistani friends in real life whom i studied with we still talk even now.I know we are not that different but,Their nation is that way you cannot change it.
Utraash you've put me in an introspection mode. May be you're right that during the partition those with extremist views and those who thought that they would not be able to "adjust" with ppl of other religions decided to form a new nation. Its quite a possibility that then India was mostly left with liberals and ergo secularism came easy to us

Yes many liberal Muslims stayed back in India but secularism(khoongressi version imposed vote appeasement) has even isolated them(Liberal Muslim) from mainstream n that's a different debate....
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