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How Does this Happen?

Wrong Sire!!!
Gandhi might not be my fav but still I strongly believe that he was one man who never wanted to see India divided because he wanted a state where hindus and muslims were equals.
In 1924 he fasted when a riot broke out between hindus and muslims in Kohat.He walked from village to village in riot-torn Noakhali (Bihar) in 40's, where Hindus and Muslims were sabre rattling B, and nursed the wounded and consoled the widowed.
Do you know that he tried to spread respect for Muslims by reading from the Koran at public meetings,???and for this some Hindus called him "Muhammad" Gandhi, a traitor and Jinnah's slave.That should be the reason Mountbatten famously called him a "one-man boundary force" between Hindus and Muslims.
And then after partittion when riots started again between hindus and muslims then Gandhi protested against the continuing violence against Muslims. He fasted, and some Hindus chanted "Let Gandhi die."
Nehru was outraged over the hostility expressed toward Gandhi. The violence against Muslims in New Delhi finally died down and Gandhi ended his fast.
when did he try to oppress muslims @Horus ???
I want you to give us some proof.

we have so much in common that one day we might unite again. And that would be the end to all woes of both the countries.

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