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Have I missed some good analysis, op-eds or blogs/vlogs? :meeting:

No, it's mostly ego and not substance. Alot of members chase the TTA titles, but post more garbage then anything else. TTAs have posted some good info. @Penguin @SvenSvensonov @Aepsilons @LeveragedBuyout @PARIKRAMA @S.U.R.B. @SpArK @Fenrir (yup, me. I was a TTA and a mod here years ago:D) and many more were fantastic posters, their quality was how they got the TTA title in the first place. But overtime the forum got to them and they either left or stopped posting quality info. Hell, even Armstrong used to post good info before he went Troll Supreme:o:!

You did miss some good info, but it wasn't because of the TTA title. Rather it was because of that quality that those members got the TTA title, and many of them disagreed with being awarded for their posts and didn't want a special title.

What exactly does the think tank do?

Nothing really. It was a title invented to differentiate members who frequently posted higher quality info from the rest of the forum's chaff. It let you know that this member was supposed to post good and in-depth info, but now is often mocked or derided since some TTAs just flat out don't deserve their title anymore, or ever, and don't uphold the qualities the title was meant to represent.

I really think this forum needs a "Troll" title too:enjoy:.
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No, it's mostly ego and not substance. Alot of members chase the TTA titles, but post more garbage then anything else. TTAs have posted some good info. @Penguin @SvenSvensonov @Aepsilons @LeveragedBuyout @PARIKRAMA @S.U.R.B. @SpArK @Fenrir (yup, me. I was a TTA and a mod here years ago:D) and many more were fantastic posters, their quality was how they got the TTA title in the first place. But overtime the forum got to them and they either left or stopped posting quality info. Hell, even Armstrong used to post good info before he went Troll Supreme:o:!

You did miss some good info, but it wasn't because of the TTA title. Rather it was because of that quality that those members got the TTA title, and many of them disagreed with being awarded for their posts and didn't want a special title.

Nothing really. It was a title invented to differentiate members who frequently posted higher quality info from the rest of the forum's chaff. It let you know that this member was supposed to post good and in-depth info, but now is often mocked or derided since some TTAs just flat out don't deserve their title anymore, or ever, and don't uphold the qualities the title was meant to represent.

I really think this forum needs a "Troll" title too:enjoy:.
Can you create a thread in GHQ and let me know which users don't deserve the title anymore. We would like to revamp this group. thanks for your help.
Can you create a thread in GHQ and let me know which users don't deserve the title anymore. We would like to revamp this group. thanks for your help.

The status quo of the forum must change if it intends to better itself as norms of evolution.

Title holders who clearly have a bias and sometimes downright fascists in their beliefs must go, nobody needs this selective approach and has proven detrimental to the sanctity of the forum.
Is it possible to add advanced search functions? I'd like to be able to search by phrase but can't do so, even if I use quotation marks.
Could we add a rule for video posting please ?

The rule I want is when I post a video or link of video, I must add a tag as comment like :


When someone want the find a specific video, he has to fill following Search criteria :


That will facilitate the search function for videos.

What do you think ?

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