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@WebMaster :raise:

Can we move the science and tech thread from the Pak section.....coz I feel it is misleading as contributions on science mentioned in that thread isnt always related to Pakistan nor are the scientists Pakistani!
@WebMaster :raise:

Can we move the science and tech thread from the Pak section.....coz I feel it is misleading as contributions on science mentioned in that thread isnt always related to Pakistan nor are the scientists Pakistani!


There is a sticky Bangladesh economy thread and yet the forum is flooded with BD economy threads. Sometimes multiple threads are running on same topic. Can you please merge all these threads into one?
Each time I refresh my screen I see BD economy related threads on a PAKISTAN defence forum.
Please take some action.
This forum is being swamped by radical Hindutva Modi supporters.

Any thread about Pakistan origin, history, culture, heritage is flooded with Indian accusations of 'rape products,' Pakistanis are all Arab invaders, mocking Pakistanis for Turk/Persian cultural links, abuse about Kashmiris, and outright insults to Islam and Prophet Muhammad saws.

Unfortunately many BD members also join with Indian trolls to abuse Pakistanis when they have the chance.

Something needs to be done at the higher level about these issues.


There is a sticky Bangladesh economy thread and yet the forum is flooded with BD economy threads. Sometimes multiple threads are running on same topic. Can you please merge all these threads into one?
Each time I refresh my screen I see BD economy related threads on a PAKISTAN defence forum.
Please take some action.

Too many threads about BD and Indian economy. Every time I open new posts, this is all there is.

Pakistani forums should focus on Pakistani issues, and we should be more strict on trolls whose only purpose is to malign Pakistan.
That's what I saying. I come here to learn more about my beloved country and to keep myself updated with current affairs.
Totally not interested if BD will be the next super power or not. Nor do I want to see all those threads on my screen.
I just had an idea while reading some posts and threads from random members. I think to encourage more constructive dialogue and discussion, we should have a member of the week or something. Someone who hasn't gone out of their way to be abusive, or unnecessarily trolled anyone (I don't mind a little bit to be honest). I have a member in mind who I have noticed is trying their best to start interesting discussions, although they can be a bit more respectful I think.

Maybe you guys want to make a criteria, so that it can't be the same person every week and it has to be someone who shows consistency and improvement in their posts. Maybe voted by a discreet panel of senior members/mods. It also gives posters a goal to strive towards, instead of just trying to become think tanks or tanked trolls.

Just my two pence.
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