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How China Began World War III in the South China Sea

Banana makes just a small percentage of our trades. Haven’t you ever eat banana? The fruit is healthy full of vitamins lack of them make chinese to retards. See yourself!

Chinese never committed mass killings mass destruction?

Rediculous clown!

Calm down, you totally lost track of the topic. The topic is not the composition of Viet foreign trade, or the nutritional value of Viet bananas; I couldn't care less about any of that lol. The topic is about atrocities and outrages committed by whites. And on this topic, I totally reject your theory that white atrocities can be justified or excused because they sell us shampoo or baby powder (wtf?)

People of color all concur that whites need to be caged and neutered, and never again allowed a position to repeat their historical atrocities. Even if you disagree, most of your countrymen would agree that it was evil and outrageous for whites to use agent orange which historically caused devastation to Viet agriculture and banana crops, and even brain damage to innocent civilians.

White supremacism and Islamic extremism are the 2 biggest issues facing the world.

The white supremcists think they are the master race and people of colour should be living as slaves to serve the master white race.

Islamic extremists think everyone in the world should convert to Islam and live under Sharia law where women have no rights, child marriage is accepted, gays are beaten to death, female genital mutilation is accepted.

White supremacists and Islamic extremists are the 2 biggest problems in the world. Most of the problems in the world are because of these 2 groups.

White supremacism is a more pressing problem than radicalized Islam. In fact, when one investigates the origins of radicalized Islam, one finds whites lurking and acting in the shadows.
Calm down, you totally lost track of the topic. The topic is not the composition of Viet foreign trade, or the nutritional value of Viet bananas; I couldn't care less about any of that lol. The topic is about atrocities and outrages committed by whites. And on this topic, I totally reject your theory that white atrocities can be justified or excused because they sell us shampoo or baby powder (wtf?)

People of color all concur that whites need to be caged and neutered, and never again allowed a position to repeat their historical atrocities. Even if you disagree, most of your countrymen would agree that it was evil and outrageous for whites to use agent orange which historically caused devastation to Viet agriculture and banana crops, and even brain damage to innocent civilians.

White supremacism is a more pressing problem than radicalized Islam. In fact, when one investigates the origins of radicalized Islam, one finds whites lurking and acting in the shadows.
What you think is irrelevant!

You are just a little clown. Don’t overstate your importance.
and WW III will be finished in mainland China. :usflag:
@cochine is sorry for you, Oriental betrayer, Western lover, American shit is also fragrant (spoiled, dogs eat shit:)) =))), US & West treat you as much as you do in a western house dog, hehe haha :)) =))

@cochine you know the truth is, the whole world wants to erase America and young Vietnamese buffalo.
@cochine you know the truth is, no country can defeat China.

hehe haha in my heart, in my head(cochine)too understand the real truth :)) =))
@Get Ya Wig Split
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A partial nuclear exchange is likely if not unavoidable. The most likely scenario would be nuclear strikes on all US assets west of California including Hawaii and Guam. A full nuclear exchange is also possible if not probable. In that scenario, China will focus on striking the richest neighborhoods in America while leaving ghettos intact so the ghetto people can take over the remanents of the US after the war.

The world will suffer so much more
Stock pile with US , Russia and China can destroy the 3 times size of earth.
The crimes and atrocities perpetrated by whites are not irrelevant. Humanity should not forget them. And especially, people of color like yourself should not defend or apologize for them.
You are a racist scum. Chinese generally are well known as racists. Rediculous if you attempt to educate other people.

Even the Whites as Germans know you are a racist.

Pls don’t talk of humanity. You don’t know what it is. You use it as a tool to fool other people.
You are a racist. Chinese generally are well known as racists. Rediculous if you attempt to educate other people.

Even the Whites as Germans know you are a racist. Chinese domestic laws and people behave discriminate non Chinese.

I don't know any Chinese Racist. This is more of a Japanese Feature Thou.
Domestic Laws are not as good in middle east as well for expats.
& common ground its the same as every where.

Being nationalist doesn't make one racist.
White supremacy from 17th century is significant.
May be his opinion is wrong but intend is right
You are with them or against them
END RESULT of being with white is same.
I don't know any Chinese Racist. This is more of a Japanese Feature Thou.
Domestic Laws are not as good in middle east as well for expats.
& common ground its the same as every where.

Being nationalist doesn't make one racist.
White supremacy from 17th century is significant.
May be his opinion is wrong but intend is right
You are with them or against them
END RESULT of being with white is same.
he is a racist not nationalist. Read his posts. he tends to generalize people in groups: white, yellow and other colors.
he is a racist not nationalist. Read his posts. he tends to generalize people in groups: white, yellow and other colors.

He might be separating the masses based on their colors, But my friend when you assault a general statement "Chinese generally are well known as racists"
That is you who need be checked not him. Therefore Hold your horses.
Nobody can steal a medal from you for being a Vietnamese veteran.
You are a racist scum. Chinese generally are well known as racists. Rediculous if you attempt to educate other people.

Even the Whites as Germans know you are a racist.

Pls don’t talk of humanity. You don’t know what it is. You use it as a tool to fool other people.

And yet Chinese didn't spray your grandparents with agent orange and give them brain damage. Chinese have never used agent orange to defoliate Viet banana crops and drive Vietnam's GDP down to $0. Chinese have never used chemical weapons on anyone in history. Chinese have never used nuclear weapons on anyone either. Chinese never rounded up Jews and gassed them to death en masse. In fact, only whites have ever resorted to these kinds of atrocities. So evidently you are using a very dubious criteria of racism if it somehow exculpates whites but inculpates Chinese.
And yet Chinese didn't spray your grandparents with agent orange and give them brain damage. Chinese have never used agent orange to defoliate Viet banana crops and drive Vietnam's GDP down to $0. Chinese have never used chemical weapons on anyone in history. Chinese have never used nuclear weapons on anyone either. Chinese never rounded up Jews and gassed them to death en masse. In fact, only whites have ever resorted to these kinds of atrocities. So evidently you are using a very dubious criteria of racism if it somehow exculpates whites but inculpates Chinese.
Not changing the fact you are a racist, not differentiate between right and wrong, only between white and yellow.

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