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How China Began World War III in the South China Sea

We're not racist since we love you long time.
Has China communist chief not repeated calling the nation ready for war? Thanks to numerous brainwashed nationalists and racists his dream may come true. Either way, I wish you much of luck.

Gambit = dothead who got rejected by white women in the US.

The obssesion with everything white is astonishing. No Vietnamese would rant about, whites, whites, whites all day long, for they, just like other fellow East Asians are proud of the homogenous cultural integrity of all Yellow people, especially when the rest of the world today were assimilated to its various former Western colonists's culture in various ways.

His inferiority complex towards all things white is reminiscent of those that I see in dotheads. He thus, defends hinself against this inferiority by redirecting them onto another group of ppl he envies and feels jealous of in his inner self- the Chinese.

Everything he says of the Chinese worshipping whites is exactly how he feels about the latter himself. Psychological projection, I would say.
He'll get all butthurt now coz I said all white women run to black males.

Has China communist chief not repeated calling the nation ready for war? Thanks to numerous brainwashed nationalists and racists his dream may come true. Either way, I wish you much of luck.
Don't worry. We love you all long time. No war.
He'll get all butthurt now coz I said all white women run to black males.
gambit is a Vietnamese American. He was a young man in the 1970s and not currently unmarried. You put two and two together.

Aa per one study, China will loose 40 pc of their navy to sink one US aircraft carrier. China wants to be a super power with 70 era of USSR technology.
LOL at the Indian inferiority! :rofl:
There u go: non-reality again.
Your claim about China 'helped' the US in defeating Imperial JPN in WW II is the 'non-reality' here. I bet you never heard of the Kwantung Army until now, let alone know what it is and what it did.
You? Maybe not. But enough of your fellow Chinese countrymen have at least favorable feelings towards whites in particular and Western things in general. It is no secret that a white man can find a pretty Chinese girl. White men passing themselves off as 'English teachers' are plentiful in China. Skin whitening is popular in China. Same for cosmetic surgery that incorporate Western facial characteristics.

Vietnamese women have an obsession being with white men.

Vietnam has white men as ‘English teachers’.

Skin whitening is popular in Vietnam.

Cosmetic surgery seeking white facial characteristics is popular in Vietnam.

If you want proof of a Vietnamese worshiping the whites....go look in a mirror and you’ll find one.
Your claim about China 'helped' the US in defeating Imperial JPN in WW II is the 'non-reality' here. I bet you never heard of the Kwantung Army until now, let alone know what it is and what it did.

You wanna go back to history? Why don't we go to back to the Cold War, where China sided with the US against the Soviet Union and led to its collapse soon later?

Why wouldn't a Chinese know what the Japanese did to their ancestors? Chinese are very well aware of the horrendous war crimes done by the Japanese army because their parents felt it directly. Chinese are very aware of what the Japanese did when they occupied part of China and enslaved our people. The Chinese are strong and work hard today because they knew their history.

China clearly did help the US back in WWII that's why China is now one of the 5 permanent UN members.
You wanna go back to history? Why don't we go to back to the Cold War, where China sided with the US against the Soviet Union and led to its collapse soon later?
Why was it called 'Cold'? Because there were no real shooting between the superpowers. Not talking about proxies like Viet Nam, Korea, or the Latin America countries.

We are talking about WW II where diplomacy took second seat to military, that is why Clausewitz said war is 'continuation of politics by other means'. Politics are inevitable when there are different desires. Politics exists between friends, husbands and wives, siblings, and in the workplace. War is when the diplomacy part of politics failed to resolve those differences.

Now that is out of the way...

WW II was a shooting war, not merely a 'war' of words. As such, the only way you can win a shooting war is when you are able to put PHYSICAL pressure on the enemy's abilities to wage war. Words do not work. Remember, words already failed and that led to a shooting war.

China did not contribute to the defeat of Imperial JPN. Yes, China fought JPNese troops, but that was on mainland China and against an army that was entrenched on Chinese soil for yrs. China was fighting a war of repulsion: to expel someone. That last thing China focused on was on how to put any kind of PHYSICAL pressure on JPN or any of JPN's overseas holdings. No Chinese military assets fell on JPN regarding that PHYSICAL pressure necessary to defeat an enemy. The Kwantung Army was defeated by the Soviet Army. Sure, you can argue that China's own forces contributed to the weakening of the Kwantung Army that enabled the Soviet Army to executed the coup de grace, but between China and the Soviet Union, only the Soviet would be able to land troops on JPN.

It was US bombs that fell on JPN, going all the way back to Doolittle's raid on April 1942. It was US naval engagements that drained JPN's national resources. Ships requires support, land forces less so and the Kwantung Army received next to nothing from JPN. Back then, China could not cross the East China Sea to land on JPN, but the US could, and the JPNese military leadership knew it. JPNese ships lost at sea meant more pressure on JPN than JPNese troops lost on mainland China.

Ultimately, it was US nuclear weapons that exerted the final physical pressure on Imperial JPN to surrender, not what Chinese forces on mainland China did to JPNese troops.

You guys, and your supporters on this forum, do not understand these military issues simply because none of you ever served. Am not saying that to be mean but to point out reality.
Why was it called 'Cold'? Because there were no real shooting between the superpowers. Not talking about proxies like Viet Nam, Korea, or the Latin America countries.

We are talking about WW II where diplomacy took second seat to military, that is why Clausewitz said war is 'continuation of politics by other means'. Politics are inevitable when there are different desires. Politics exists between friends, husbands and wives, siblings, and in the workplace. War is when the diplomacy part of politics failed to resolve those differences.

Now that is out of the way...

WW II was a shooting war, not merely a 'war' of words. As such, the only way you can win a shooting war is when you are able to put PHYSICAL pressure on the enemy's abilities to wage war. Words do not work. Remember, words already failed and that led to a shooting war.

China did not contribute to the defeat of Imperial JPN. Yes, China fought JPNese troops, but that was on mainland China and against an army that was entrenched on Chinese soil for yrs. China was fighting a war of repulsion: to expel someone. That last thing China focused on was on how to put any kind of PHYSICAL pressure on JPN or any of JPN's overseas holdings. No Chinese military assets fell on JPN regarding that PHYSICAL pressure necessary to defeat an enemy. The Kwantung Army was defeated by the Soviet Army. Sure, you can argue that China's own forces contributed to the weakening of the Kwantung Army that enabled the Soviet Army to executed the coup de grace, but between China and the Soviet Union, only the Soviet would be able to land troops on JPN.

It was US bombs that fell on JPN, going all the way back to Doolittle's raid on April 1942. It was US naval engagements that drained JPN's national resources. Ships requires support, land forces less so and the Kwantung Army received next to nothing from JPN. Back then, China could not cross the East China Sea to land on JPN, but the US could, and the JPNese military leadership knew it. JPNese ships lost at sea meant more pressure on JPN than JPNese troops lost on mainland China.

Ultimately, it was US nuclear weapons that exerted the final physical pressure on Imperial JPN to surrender, not what Chinese forces on mainland China did to JPNese troops.

You guys, and your supporters on this forum, do not understand these military issues simply because none of you ever served. Am not saying that to be mean but to point out reality.

I see that you have some obsession with PHYSICAL pressure? Since the invention of atomic bombs, we've moved on from those days. Cold War was a war where major powers used diplomacy to fight. Along the line of today's 'Trade War' that is being fought by economic means. I don't even know why you bring this up. LMAO

"Sure, you can argue that China's own forces contributed to the weakening of the Kwantung Army that enabled the Soviet Army to executed the coup de grace" So China did contribute to the defeat of the Japanese?? What's news? To say that China didn't even contribute to the defeat is just funny.

I actually agree that without western powers, China would be in big troubles in WWII. However, I could also argue that without western powers, China wouldn't in such a bad spot in the first place. Thanks to the Opium War and western imperialization, China was taken advantage of and destroyed. Do you remember this side of the history?

I don't ever serve but I sure can read :)
I see that you have some obsession with PHYSICAL pressure?
What 'obsession'? That is reality. If someone punched you, you do not talk your way out of the fight. You retaliate in kind. When states engages in a war, the only way to end the war is for one side to be either defeated or by capitulation, and the only way for either possibility to occur is for one side to literally beat the other side to exhaustion.

Since the invention of atomic bombs, we've moved on from those days. Cold War was a war where major powers used diplomacy to fight. Along the line of today's 'Trade War' that is being fought by economic means. I don't even know why you bring this up. LMAO
It was YOU who brought on the Cold War back in post 112.

So China did contribute to the defeat of the Japanese??

To say that China didn't even contribute to the defeat is just funny.
Facts are not funny. People are. :enjoy:

I actually agree that without western powers, China would be in big troubles in WWII. However, I could also argue that without western powers, China wouldn't in such a bad spot in the first place. Thanks to the Opium War and western imperialization, China was taken advantage of and destroyed. Do you remember this side of the history?
Whatever the Euros did to China is for a different discussion. To be fair about it, the US had no colonial interests in China the way the Euros did.

I don't ever serve but I sure can read :)
Good for you. But are you willing to read all sides?
Nonsense. I was born and grew up in Vietnam. Thanks to great education in both worlds East and West, Vietnam and Germany, I am immune against chinese bullshit. But you right, I got some lessons in laws when attending universities.
When did he even mention you? He was talking about Gambit.

Vietnamese women have an obsession being with white men.
Remind him of the term, "Mail Order Bride".
What 'obsession'? That is reality. If someone punched you, you do not talk your way out of the fight. You retaliate in kind. When states engages in a war, the only way to end the war is for one side to be either defeated or by capitulation, and the only way for either possibility to occur is for one side to literally beat the other side to exhaustion.

It was YOU who brought on the Cold War back in post 112.


Facts are not funny. People are. :enjoy:

Whatever the Euros did to China is for a different discussion. To be fair about it, the US had no colonial interests in China the way the Euros did.

Good for you. But are you willing to read all sides?

Yes, I read all sides. That's why I see the hypocrisy and lies the US constantly make up to take advantage of other people. America today is no longer how the founding fathers intended it to be. It's politicians play war games and use freedom as an excuse.

What 'obsession'? That is reality. If someone punched you, you do not talk your way out of the fight. You retaliate in kind. When states engages in a war, the only way to end the war is for one side to be either defeated or by capitulation, and the only way for either possibility to occur is for one side to literally beat the other side to exhaustion.

It was YOU who brought on the Cold War back in post 112.


Facts are not funny. People are. :enjoy:

Whatever the Euros did to China is for a different discussion. To be fair about it, the US had no colonial interests in China the way the Euros did.

Good for you. But are you willing to read all sides?

Fact is neither did the US fight the war alone, nor did the Soviets, nor did the Chinese. We fought together and all members in the alliance will always be credited for winning the war. Fact is China at that time was against Nazi and was sided with the allies.

Korea and Vietnam were basically where the proxy Cold War took place, so your PHYSICAL claim is false anyway. There were PHYSICAL exchanges.
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Fact is neither did the US fight the war alone, nor did the Soviets, nor did the Chinese. We fought together and all members in the alliance will always be credited for winning the war. Fact is China at that time was against Nazi and was sided with the allies.
The specific question is what was the military impact of China's contribution to the defeat of Imperial JPN. Once all the facts are examined, the answer is not strategically or tactically significant.

Korea and Vietnam were basically where the proxy Cold War took place, so your PHYSICAL claim is false anyway. There were PHYSICAL exchanges.
The point is that there is no comparison between WW II and the Cold War. In WW II, the diplomacy component between powers was largely discarded. In the Cold War, diplomacy between the superpowers were still active and at the forefront. Proxy wars do not count as actual military conflicts between the US and the Soviet Union.

Looks like you still have a lot of reading to do, preferably none approved by The Party. :enjoy:

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