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How can we get the Iranian Air Force to buy new fighter jets?

Qaher 313 a 5 th gen? please do not despise Qaher 313.... it is defintly out of this world. Our humanly knowledge is not enough to define or classify this marvel.

Iranian aviation industry is capable of building a 5th Generation Qaher 313 which rivals the F-35 and F-22s. This was stated by an elected Iranian head of state, so who are we to question?
Iran does not think to invade any country, most of Iranian equipments are defensive. Iran has missles enough to defend itself. Anytype of missles for any target. Anyway Iran has many old Amercian aircrafts and several Russian aircrafts and also has built many efficient aircrafts like Shafaq and Saeqeh.

Other aircrafts like Qaher 313 are built but they have a little problems and still soon for mass production plus a little economical problem.

Qaher 313 and another 5G aircraft are two Supreme aircrafts that Iran is working on them. In future Iran will surprize the world.

Despite having deadly and anytype misslies lacking the best fighters is not a negative point for Iranian army.

UAVs are more important for Iran now.

Anyway in future Iran will have the best fighters.
We have to be serious here and have a long discussion on how the Saegah will be equal or better than a Super Hornet. One of their general said that word for word. And this is the perfect place to have such a debate.
You are back!!!!

Iran can't buy JF-17s as it contains items banned under international sanctions.

Under current geopolitical situation, selling JFTs to Iran would be harmful to our goals in the Middle east as the Arabs would be pissed deeply.

Azarbaijan is a neutral candidate though.

Exactly. We won't and can't sell. I'm just letting the Iranian members to understand, not sugar coating it, sanctions have taken their toll.
Why don't you guys do what Chinese do? Buy, study, understand and develop one on your own? You have tried it with F-5. A more modern piece would allow you to understand the mechanics of a fighter jet and allow you to build one on your own. Iran has the political will power to become self-reliant.

Iranians can achieve it, but all the need is to move beyond a plan to buy. Slowly and steadily you can definitely develop a modern fighter. Maybe not 5th gen. But 4th gen you can. Take the baby steps and then improve.
Iran doesn't need to buy new fighter jets.... They are more than capable of producing fighter jets this world had ever seen... The Qaher 313 a world master piece of all marvaleous plastic fighter jet engineering....not to mention they sliced the asz of F-5 to produce an another unmatchable stealth fighter jet....these are really grreat achievements by Iran..:enjoy:
You are saying the ayatoilet dont have the power to reverse the law if he wants it ? Stop spreading anti-ayatoilet rubbish here

I get the point and I won't discuss with you anymore , after all my time is more valuable to be wasted by debating with bigots ...
go ahead and insult them , perhaps this make your feeling better .
As far as know Iran attempts to have an independent foreign policy that's why Iranian commanders prefer to invest in a domestic military industry ,which could be trusted in hours of need, instead of wasting on purchasing from others .... surely it takes time but once it flourishes its fruits are so sweet , during Iran-Iraq war we didn't know what a missile could be look like , we started from zero and now we are capable to destroy targets within 5000km range aka Diego Garcia base.
In current geopolitical situation where Russia needs friends due to US & EU sanctions Iran can ask for fighter jets specially Mig-35s with local production, Mig is struggling to get orders while Sukhoi is doing well, so it will give life to them and Iran can ask for Joint development and TOT which will increase capacity of Iranian defense industry to develop advance fighter jets or trainers.
They've got 5th generation Qaher 313 under development, therefore they won't require the JF-17s.
Firstly , if it wasnt for iran , dear india would have conquered all of pakistan during its assault .so as an admin and a friend of mine who knows farsi :

خود گویی و خود خندی ، عجب مرد هنرمندی

we know each other for 2yrs now , and u know i make good points :D so here u go :

1- the same qaher that ur laughing at , will leave ur face red in 2015 when its supposed to do the first flight . and heck yes its 5th Gen .

2- iran already produces fighter of its own (not license built like pakistan but seriously indigenous like south africa)

3- JF-17 is a multi-national project and pakistan plays no part in it and just assembles the parts in its lands . tell me which parts are pakistani ? radar ? engine ? other avionics ? seriously what ? :D i doubt that even the stick is pakistani :D

4- its not the proper place to compare iran - pak air forces , but let me tell u sth : a country who cannot prevent an attack from small shEtty american drones , wants to sell iran a fighter jet ? are u serious ?

5- let the indigenous projects alone , iranian air museum as u guys mentioned is strong enough to keep US at bay for 35 yrs :)

your country has been attacked for more than a dozen times in the past 10 yrs :)

peace brother
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Firstly , if it wasnt for iran , dear india would have conquered all of pakistan during its assault .so as an admin and a friend of mine who knows farsi :

خود گویی و خود خندی ، عجب مرد هنرمندی

we know each other for 2yrs now , and u know i make good points :D so here u go :

1- the same qaher that ur laughing at , will make leave ur face red in 2015 when its supposed to do the first flight . and heck yes its 5th Gen .

When did i laugh at Qaher?

2- iran already produces fighter of its own (not license built like pakistan but seriously indigenous like south africa)

Saeqah are ripped off F-5s, not Iranian designs, and South African Cheetahs were a derivative of Israeli Kfir which was a derivative of Dassault Mirage-III/V

3- JF-17 is a multi-national project and pakistan plays no part in it and just assembles the parts in its lands . tell me which parts are pakistani ? radar ? engine ? other avionics ? seriously what ? :D i doubt that even the stick is pakistani :D

You have answered your own question. Its a joint venture with all of its sub systems developed by Pakistani and Chinese scientists together as a joint effort. Pakistan is building 65% of its parts at PAC which would increase to 88% in 2016. Most test and evaluation, induction facilities are in Pakistan. China does not build the JF-17s so far, Pakistan does.

4- its not place to compare iran - pak air forces , but let me tell u sth : a country who cannot prevent an attack from small shEtty american drones , wants to sell iran a fighter jet ? are u serious ?

Because we get to choose who gets killed in those strikes. This is a war and bad people need to be killed. There is no better weapon for killing them than the drones.

5- let the indigenous projects alone , iranian air museum as u guys mentioned is strong enough to keep US at bay for 35 yrs

your country has been attacked for more than a dozen times in the past 10 yrs

peace brother

US does not have an interest in attacking Iran, nor Pakistan has been 'attacked' in the last 10 years. The last war we fought was in 1971.
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