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How can we get the Iranian Air Force to buy new fighter jets?

There are no permanent friends and enemies in International Politics .. If your interest aligns with Russia then you are friends; if not then enemies ..
At the moment; in my views; Iran and Russia have common interests and this can last a long time because Russia vs West standoff in Ukraine is not going to end any time soon. Russia backed out of the S300 deal because of pressure from West but now they are in a standoff themselves.
The truth is that Russia wants a weak Iran who begs Russia for arms. So, they would never give Iran good arms, since Iranian influence in caucasus and central asia may become a threat for Russia.
Good arms !!! :rofl:
good, useful, state of the art, ... whatever you want to call them.
It is a fairly simple fact that Russians would only sell bunch of junk, and not really useful arms to mullahs.
I get sad every time I open Wikipedia and see what IRIAF has for aircraft.
Iran has money, why not buy it because of poor purchasing strategy.

Therefore, I would start a campaign to get IRIAF to check on the matter anyway.
Do not think that I'm kidding, but the 1000 message to the armed forces should make a difference.

Even if it does not meet our requirements so it should think about it.
Now I'm not kidding, take me seriously.
The answer is obvious:
When it walks like a duck
quacks like a duck
then iranians must love america alot
good, useful, state of the art, ... whatever you want to call them.
It is a fairly simple fact that Russians would only sell bunch of junk, and not really useful arms to mullahs.

So , what was the last junk sold ?
There are no permanent friends and enemies in International Politics .. If your interest aligns with Russia then you are friends; if not then enemies ..
At the moment; in my views; Iran and Russia have common interests and this can last a long time because Russia vs West standoff in Ukraine is not going to end any time soon. Russia backed out of the S300 deal because of pressure from West but now they are in a standoff themselves.

and that why our Parliament just pass a law for this case ... you can't rely on others especially in military matters and in wars .
if Russia even doesn't deliver S-300 ( a defensive system ) in peace time , there is no guaranty to support sold fighters in war time
Russia is not our ally , they were just tactical ally but they showed to us that they are just after money .
I suggest JF -17 Block III which is being developed as the most advance fighter as the next Iranian purchase, but it will cost Iran money to get these.
I get sad every time I open Wikipedia and see what IRIAF has for aircraft.
Iran has money, why not buy it because of poor purchasing strategy.

Therefore, I would start a campaign to get IRIAF to check on the matter anyway.
Do not think that I'm kidding, but the 1000 message to the armed forces should make a difference.

Even if it does not meet our requirements so it should think about it.
Now I'm not kidding, take me seriously.
That's not a fair assessment, IRAF is not weak by choice, its a result of decades of sanctions. If someone sells them a plane they would by it tomorrow.
First find 1 country who will sell us jet fighters now.
I think Russia at least can be convinced to sell if Iran buys $10 billion worth of planes. The sweeter the pot, harder for Russia to refuse as they already pissed at USA. China won't sell to Iran just yet.
JF-17 is for sale :rolleyes1:
Why do you think Pakistan can sell it to Iran? Our relations with middle eastern allies are already in shambles, being the only country that sells fighter jets to Iran will be a big fu to ksa.
JF-17 is single engine, right? Do you have any plans for building a two-engine fighter? 2 WS-13A would have 200KN thrust with after burner which is amazing!!!(Then thrust would be comparable to F/A 18)
Twin engines planes don't necessarily have twice the thrust. Bring twin engines helps flying in large countries like Canada but not Pakistan.
i dont thin iran can still freely buy planes if it wants the miltiary ones
To answer the question: May be donate money to air force charity program so buying J-10 crap wouldn't be so painful after all?

I don't see which plane we can buy no one is selling jets that is worth buying as a an investment for the country like what we bought 40 years go. Our F-14s, F-4s and F-5s lasted decades and still working. Su-30 has crappy engine, J-10 is outdated by the time we receive it. PAK-FA is not complete and I bet Su-35 and the rest of eastern planes are not a good match for the money!
To answer the question: May be donate money to air force charity program so buying J-10 crap wouldn't be so painful after all?

I don't see which plane we can buy no one is selling jets that is worth buying as a an investment for the country like what we bought 40 years go. Our F-14s, F-4s and F-5s lasted decades and still working. Su-30 has crappy engine, J-10 is outdated by the time we receive it. PAK-FA is not complete and I bet Su-35 and the rest of eastern planes are not a good match for the money!

Well its seems alot of Iranians here arent interrested in buying any foreign fighter jets at all, which is ofcourse extremely unrealistic. I would advice Iranians to pick their personal favorite because considering the limited production of F-5 copies, down right ancient air planes and the failure to produce a decent intermediate fourth gen fighter shows me that Iran should atleast buy a couple squadrons of foreign fighter jets. Atleast until they can actually organise a proper fighter jet program that has a good budget with a realistic plan and approach, not something like the Shafaq or Qaher-313 but a decent program where the Iranians should focus on possibly with foreign help.

As stop gap solution Chinese J-10 and Sukhoi deritives seems to make sense considering the limited budget of IRIAF, if you cant get ToT from the Chinese then you wont get any anywhere at all. Not a personal fan of Ruskie alternatives for obvious reasons.
Well its seems alot of Iranians here arent interrested in buying any foreign fighter jets at all, which is ofcourse extremely unrealistic. I would advice Iranians to pick their personal favorite because considering the limited production of F-5 copies, down right ancient air planes and the failure to produce a decent intermediate fourth gen fighter shows me that Iran should atleast buy a couple squadrons of foreign fighter jets. Atleast until they can actually organise a proper fighter jet program that has a good budget with a realistic plan and approach, not something like the Shafaq or Qaher-313 but a decent program where the Iranians should focus on possibly with foreign help.

As stop gap solution Chinese J-10 and Sukhoi deritives seems to make sense considering the limited budget of IRIAF, if you cant get ToT from the Chinese then you wont get any anywhere at all. Not a personal fan of Ruskie alternatives for obvious reasons.
I don't say we should build by ourselves but at the moment the offers are crap! Whatever we buy from chinese won't hold the regional balance. So what is the use of buying it? If the enemy start bombing us now it would be less costly than buying 5 to 6 billion dollars crappy planes that can hardly stop a regional air force. The 150 J-10 Debka says is ridiculous unless the Chinese have told us that is how they are only going to pay back our money!

I prefer a joint venture with SAAB and it may be possible if political conditions improve much further in couple of years, Rafaele is also good and France may be willing to sell in few years. France used to be a little independant but with the sales to GCC I doubt they would for now.
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