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How can Pakistan and India help each-other in Economic and Trade!!!!

First tell me r u an Indian or a Pakistani:lol:
How does that matter?

Times have changed madam we r now living in the 21st century now a days Economics matter havent u seen how Pakistan has changed the position in Kashmir n so has your country too now yr country is not talking abt Lahore n if u wanna stick to that then in that way Pakistan can also talk abt the way u had back stabbed us in 1971 in East Pakistan, 1984 in Siachin, Sir Creek if we let go Kashmir issue there is enough reasons 4 us also not to pursue with the Friendly, Economic n Trade relations but like i said times have changed we must not live in the past. You know that if u would have said about trade, Economic n friendly ties to me personally in just as near as 2008 i would have laughed at u. But situations Global Scenarios have changed n its actually our Army's move to have the relations with India to Make some kind of Regional Alliance that may not b of Military it will be of Economic needs. Pakistan has learnt this by China who has Adversities with many countries but it not let that influence on the trade n Economics like Taiwan,Japan,Vietnam, America n India.
ok then lets start with MFN first.PPP gas gone back on it many times already.

Well I as a Pakistani can ensure u that only real center of power in my Country are Pakistan's Armed forces as long as they r here no one can do anything stupid who ever comes in Gov comes will continue in same direction also look at our situation. We dont have much Choices to chose where will we go towards America?:lol:
Yes and india is not talkig to any of the PA generals.and India is not even sure which PA general supports the civilian govt on india issue and which dont support.After all Gen.kiyani wont be head forever like Gen Musharraff.

We as a country realize that region Alliance is very important for our country's progress and in the end of the day we are neighbors we can run away from each-other. Now abt yr country being worried well i dont buy that as far as i know Army n yr Gov had decided to work on the time frame in 2009 i dont wanna go into details. But i can assure u that now atleast we r in the right track because before yr Gov used to think that our Army n Intelligence r Rogue elements n they never used to talk to each other but now your own politicians who have toured Islamabad have said otherwise abt Army like Foreign Minister have said othervise n Mani Shanker Arya had actually defended Pakistan Army the best way he knew in the Capital Talk (i suggest u to plz watch this its in u tube type the name Capital Talk with Mani Shankar Arya) im shore u will b shocked.As now yr Gov has also learnt from past mistakes of not engaging with Pakistan Army now it has then Results have started to come thick n fast.
Foreign policies and foreign relations are not made in the studios of talk shows.

Just read what i have posted in my Post above fully n with a cool mind yr country requesting abt MFN status n it was given Quickly n all of them i have elaborated above post, the purpose of my post was to show that what maximum can the two countries can gain from one n other yes its all counting chicken before the eggs hatch situation:lol: But have heard abt anything which is called Family planing:kiss3::laugh:
I've read it all before itself.Let me point it out that you are not the first one to propose those points here there were many here now they got converted to extreme positions.............:lol:
Good post but the issue of Pak India conflict is deep rooted in India's hardliner Hindu .
How do you know ?? Are you an Indian Hindu ?? :lol:
If however this is rooted within hindus , then there is high chance that conflict issue is also deep rooted among Pakistan's Muslim .
Good post but the issue of Pak India conflict is deep rooted in India's hardliner Hindu nationalist.

We have to be grateful for having Pakistan, India is not all the gloom people perceive it to be.

All that glitters is not gold.

People like u on both sides of is the main reason as to why we r living in such a mess
N don't worry Hindu Nationalists r no where near the transnationalist jihadis...:hitwall:
Good post but the issue of Pak India conflict is deep rooted in India's hardliner Hindu nationalist.

We have to be grateful for having Pakistan, India is not all the gloom people perceive it to be.

All that glitters is not gold.

your are putting full blame on the indians. you have to accept that for things to have gone so bad, both sides are partly to blame.

and thanks for saying things are not gloomy in india.
the gold phrase seems out of place though.
Good post but the issue of Pak India conflict is deep rooted in India's hardliner Hindu nationalist.

We have to be grateful for having Pakistan, India is not all the gloom people perceive it to be.

All that glitters is not gold.
Hindu nationalists are not roaming with Ak-47 and grenades to cause mayhem in other countries.

India gave Pakistan MFN status in 1996 just 4-5 years after inviting the foreign investment in 91 or 92 then just last year i think India officially requested Pakistan to give India MFN n it was then accepted by Pakistan. Now Pakistan n its military had atlast learnt from their mistakes in the Past actually we were fools to have fought each other when our real enemy is someone else who had actually Divide our Union together, before them there was no hate no body used to think that way we used to b humble with each other n used to fight together against the invaders like Taimur, Babur n then British if u remember Mangal Pandey, Syed Ahmed Shaheed in 1830s, 1857 war 4 liberation of Hindustan, then in 1913 Tahreek-e-Reshmi Rumal.

Pakistan army has realized this, afterall it was she who used to b in the line of fire in Battlefields :lol: thats what Foreign Minister of India said after the tour of our country n Mani Shankar Arya said in ''Capital Talk''. Its a political talk show and he was invited in the show in February in Islamabad (i suggest u all to watch that full show its in utube type there name of show along with his name) then your country now wants us to give the transit routes upto central Asia where all the resources r available n let me remind u that cheapest way of trade is through land. We can save our expanses to help 4 the prosperity of people of our countries more. So Pakistan is n was part of India's development plans 4 now and future. This is because and depends on the Goals of India as a country. Try to understand that what India wants from this first quarter of 21st century (i know u will b thinking i being a outsider telling u what yr country wants) but plz try to understand with a cool mind/ open mind that every country no matter who they r they learn through diplomatic sources that what is going on in a particular country. That is same way we learn n India learns about whats going on now a days in Pakistan, India wants to become a financial Hub in the World or atleast in Asia for the time being n for a long enough future, so now where Pakistan fits?

Its the location of Pakistan who fits in this plan. Pakistan is one of the few countries in the World which r situated in a very strategic important Location of region specially when we talk abt trade and its routes. Look at China they r getting full use of our location, now a days their whole western front depends on Pakistan for import/export. I was reading a post from a Chinese member that from Beijing/shanghai to western china the journey costs more n same goes 4 trade thats why u c the western China who doesnt share sea ports r much less developed and the containers with trade goods when they reach from shanghai to western states of China they become expensive bcoz then the transport expenses n taxes taken in the roads like from Toll Plazas plays a role in making Goods cost much higher for the local market n local dealers to purchase n sell in the profit to Public hence the area doesnt really grow like the rest of the country. Since 2007 their western states have become economic hub in CA specially in regional trade because Gwadar port was launched at Arabian Sea in southwestern Pakistan in 2007 n immediately China started to use most of it now those goods r costing much less then those which comes from Shanghai or Beijing n it gives a much needed boost to the pace of their economy bcoz Pakistan is not very big country in Land mass compared to the regional countries surrounding Pakistan so transport expenses n time interval r very less to reach in market n go back :) and now a days China's 90% trade happens through Pakistan their oil from GCC countries, their import/export happens through here with entire Africa, Western Europe, ME, South Asian Countries n some of the South East Asian Countries who dont share border with them and r in western side of the region.

Now as far as i know these r the same problems that india faces in northern states who dont have sea ports that could be one of the reason y they r not much developed eg like states surrounding Dehli. If we go in East the states like Nagalands, Assam n the disputed state b/w china n india now that could be same role that Bangladesh may play in that region for India to develop these states much cheaply n in rapid pace because main port lies in Kolkata in north east n they have to bye pass through entire western and Northern Bangladesh to reach there. The problem of having a big country with a big population is this that u struggle to keep every state running with the same pace of growth as the rest of the nation is growing. If we somehow dont do that, then those particular places dont grow economically well and living standards doesnt improve then people of those states some how feel ignored n underrated which leads the misunderstandings. Then a time comes they become terrorist or anti state elements because they fell betrayed(Same as in Baluchistan province of Pakistan). That is the reason why we see Red corridor in india and around 600 separatist movements in all over the country.If u take a look at that, most of them r from less or underdeveloped states. All of them like MOISTS, NEXELS, Kashmiri Freedom Fighters/Movement etc are from such states.

Now how abt western India, there Pakistan is most-most important Country to India not just western India but for entire Indian Nation then what Bangladesh in the East is for India n Pakistan is for China. Because Pakistan covers entire Land in the west of India and India as a whole wants to develop and for that it requires resources, a lot of them for their Big population n the resources like Gas, Gold, Oil which comes from ME n CARs n most those states dont share sea ports so then Pakistan comes in this Plan it can give u all the required routs upto CARs yr problem is to just pass through Pakistan then from there u can go anywhere, into Iran, Afghanistan, or from using Karakarom Highway to China n from there straight into CARs its yr choice what route u wanna follow/select. There is railway track from Pakistan-Iran-Turkey n then it leads to Eastern European States like Bulgaria,Albania,Serbia,Romania n once in Europe u can do trade with everyone in EU through this route, Pakistan n Turkey already use this route 4 trade with each other n Turkey through this trades with Far East (through Gwader n Karachi Sea Ports) n by Karakoram Highway with China. Yes india may have big ports which opens towards indian ocean but sea routes r expensive n it takes a long long time for ships to go n return, as compared to a simple Cargo train which is much less expensive. In addition Indian states which r less developed (generally) in the Northern Front can get boost through the region trade system like in east with Bangladesh, Western China with Pakistan n Iran. Yes abt the Developing Chahbahar port! but still from Chahbahar the Cargo will be carried by ships and from Dubai to Mumbai who is the main operational port in west right now, cargo ships take a week to complete a one way trip bcoz cargo ships with fully loaded take more time to reach just like trucks and trains. From Chahbahar it will take even longer to reach Mumbai and from there to say states like Punjab, Haryana, Kashmir, Southern India or in east. The same goods will take much time to reach and then the longer transport issues + Expenses. This will make prices of these imported items very high and the common man will not b able to purchase. So for the time being dealers will try to sell them anyways by a low or loss in the profit.This will result in the losses in economy of the state and then will influence the overall economic of the country if that state is economical Hub locally.

Now to avoid that region trades r very important the items from Gwader or Karachi Port can reach in Kashmir,Punjab,Rajastan n Gujarat state much quicker and in less expenses as well from there they can go into Haryana,Lucknow, Dehli, Kanpur, Agra n so on.... by this way common people of the countries will gain more and Pakistan will get transit fees and taxes through the toll plazas (if by Road) which will give a much needed boost to development of Pakistan.Through the same way Pakistan can trade with India, Bhutan Nepal, Southern China, Bangladesh, Myanmar n other far eastern countries that costs us more from sea n air its same way the EU do b/w their local countries.

India can also invest in Pakistan and Pakistan is also a market of alteast 180 million its the second biggest market after India in the region specially for those companies who r struggling in india as it already has economic giants locally they can invest in Pakistan n make profits easily as there is not much competition b/w companies and for those who r already economic Giant companies they can also expand their business in here also.

Thats how things work give and take. Ours cast is particular because we share a common history in which we both equally can be proud off n more then that, we r neighbours n we will b like that we r naturally connected to one n other.

Now if that to happen, just ending of hostilities wont do the job because the common people will always hold grudges against each other in their hearts n they will feel that our country is being invaded economically by india, So that is why we in Pakistan need something to tell to our people as well and that i see will come in guaranty of the prosperity of people in Kashmir valley as its not an issue for a piece of land anymore, and other Muslims in rest of India. Actually as the time is progressing people in general r getting sick n tired of hating each other which leads to terrorism in our country as times have changed World has became a Global Village now its the time of internet, education same way the new generations of Kashmir have changed as they have started to go into schools n universities. Pakistan is not anymore their priority. Lets not judge by the people of both sides in this forum they dont fully represent their entire Nations n most of them either from Pakistan or India join this for different reasons.Things in atleast Pakistan have started to change overall those who r fighting they r basically fighting against Pakistan itself (because we have given Nato the transit routes n allowed them to do Drones) and some r fighting western powers in Afghanistan.All that is for the time being as long as Western Powers r here in the region, once they r gone the development in the tribal regions, like Schools, Hospitals n infrastructure is enough to guaranty their positive future. Its same way what India is doing in Afghanistan investing in Education, Infrastructure and in economy.

We must have to come in the friendly relations once 4 all for regional trade to really happen. There is a common saying that there is no shortcut of success. The success comes from its proper way now its upto us that how much we want to follow that.

My dear friend...you have really made a nice thread...The issue between India and Pakistan is not the case where traditional rivallary happens between 2 nation...Its the emotional distrust between the people of 2 nation....Government of both countries will come and go and same also the Army will come and go....unless otherwise fundamental concern is addressed ...there is remote chance of friendsip....Yes...it can happen like both country will be opportunistic enough to show their friendship to gain some advantage from 3rd party....but at best India and Pakistan can have best relation to be come neutral to each other...

So let us hope for the best ...
i have the following suggestions -

1. i think that their should me more student exchange programs between both nations as these helps to clear various misconceptions about each other
Like there is one school i don't remember the name but it has branches in both India n Pak as its a pre independence school n it do run exchange programs across our borders...

I m saying these bcoz its very much necessary for the young generation to clear its misconceptions as there is already to much hatred in present n older generations

2. Pakistan needs to seriously rectify its books with respect to historic fact(u know what i mean) and try to focus more on science n commerce rather than history
As i think its a compulsary subject in Pak till senior classes n a lot of emphasis is give on it

It only results in deep rooted hatred among children that all

3. I think people on both side of border should understand the converting LOC into IB is the most logical n pratical approach
Pakistanis need to understand the fact that there is no point in fighting for Kashmir with India n general public should stop supporting these jihadis

4. Trade should be given its due importance like there is still no MFN for India its struck in paper work only n no actual results r coming out other than bogus promises

I mean when u guys can have free trade with China than u can atleast have proper trade with India maybe with some restrictions....:undecided:

Its Lawrence College. The problems r in both societies they need to change equally but all this things r for the time being they r not gonna stand in our way forever.There r some facts abt history that Pakistan also wants to b based on facts n figures but they r taught in India.Specially abt the result of 1965 war n Muslim rule in Indian History n how it is perceived in Indian Books. Nations take times to change completely. I believe that will be eventually done.

Its Lawrence College. The problems r in both societies they need to change equally but all this things r for the time being they r not gonna stand in our way forever.There r some facts abt history that Pakistan also wants to b based on facts n figures but they r taught in India.Specially abt the result of 1965 war n Muslim rule in Indian History n how it is perceived in Indian Books. Nations take times to change completely. I believe that will be eventually done.

Delegation of Lawrence College of Pakistan meets chief minister - Hindustan Times

U will be surprised to know that we weren't taught about a single war in our history classes n i have studied from CBSE board which is the central board in India n almost every decent school is affiliated with it. Let me summarize our history course for u-

1. History starts from class 6th onwards only n generally ends at class 10th unless u opt for arts which rarely people opt these days

2. Our history starts with Chandraguta n ends with Independence

3. There were praises about Akbar n how he expanded his empire through marriage treaty n wars execpt for Aurangzeb generally all good is taught about others Mughal kings

4. Even in class 10th all i studied in history was about Structural details with regard to Buddhist Stupas, Hindu temples n Muslim Mosques thats all

5. Even history wasn't even a 100 marks subject it just constituted as a part of Social Studies along with Civics n Geography n history contributed 20 marks only

All the knowledge about wars that most Indians have is through Movies, Media, our elders n Internet but our history books r nearly silent about them....:D

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How can Pakistan and India help each-other in Economic and Trade!!!!

By remaining away from economic cooperation of any sort.
simply both sides stop trolling on internet so we lose interest in internet life and work more in real life . so our countries economy grow faster :P
simply both sides stop trolling on internet so we lose interest in internet life and work more in real life . so our countries economy grow faster :P
I'll set up an illegal desi tharra shop in front of your house.As i understand it will do brisk business....:cheers:

How can Pakistan and India help each-other in Economic and Trade!!!!

By remaining away from economic cooperation of any sort.
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