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How Bias in Text books fuels division in Pakistani society

Then discuss the whole articles and videos starting from 1 to 14.
You start since you posted them! I already showed you not all are valid coz many are pre- 2011
You didnt even answer any of my replies...Shows you either havent read the articles yourself or you basically are just trolling! @waz

First answer the 1st 13 you were crying about:

How Bias in Text books fuels division in Pakistani society | Page 10
How Bias in Text books fuels division in Pakistani society | Page 11

You are just trolling and wasting my time...Coz a discussion is only possible with someone who is willing to learn or between 2 people who KNOW what they are talking about...Go read the 150+ page report and the 27 page report then quote me!

Till then I know you are just wasting time!
Someone claiming that all these are false, questioning articles and TV debates and constantly asking for proof. I am just giving that person proof.

Proof of what? What you are presenting is correct in portraying only one side of a complex issue. What others present is correct for other aspects, equally.

That, I am afraid, is an adversarial, zero-sum-game world-view. This should end with our generation and not allowed to poison our children.

Nonetheless, that is how international geopolitics really works. All nations raise their kids as they see fit, including education syllabi.
I would prefer to stop debating here with you to avoid a situation where I end up commenting something that might be against the rules of this forum.

Thank you.

That would be a wise course of action. It should be very clear to you by now that she plays bait-and-switch? Notice the number of times she does/threatens to involve the mods. She is weeding PDF.

And we are discussing the sorry sate of Pakistani schools with exhibit A in the matter.


Bingo! Finally you get it!
You start since you posted them! I already showed you not all are valid coz many are pre- 2011

I gave you articles from 2012 onward in post number 182. Here are some more post 2012:

Hate speech in high school textbooks on the rise - thenews.com.pk

SWM 2014: Countering hate content in Pakistan's school textbooks · News · Minority Voices Newsroom

Content Analysis of Textbooks of Social and Pakistan Studies for Religious Tolerance in Pakistan (PDF Download Available)

Proof of what? What you are presenting is correct in portraying only one side of a complex issue. What others present is correct for other aspects, equally.

Proof that the topic of discussion is real, and not a false propaganda.
the day you can reply to the 13 I have answered will be the day you have ANY rights to talk on the subject...Until then we all have seen your trolling of throwing articles and not discussing a single word!

Heck you are not even reading what you are posting as it has all the answers for you...Here is 1 example:

Hate material in books has impacted entire generations - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
So changes have already been made so why is your stomach hurting?:

They discussed a Supreme Court judgement of 2014 which is the very first reinterpretation of Article 20, which calls for religious freedom in Pakistan.
Same guy who was quoted in 1 of the articles took a U-turn:
Dr Parvez Hoodbouy said that media was one of the major players openly promoting hatred. It was the media, he went on, that considered the theory that foreign agencies could be behind the massacre of the Ismailis, sparing militant outfits which were proudly claiming the attack.

Supreme Court’s decision to revise the curriculum should be taken very seriously.

MPA Qamarul Islam Raja the government had made a Publishers’ Regulation Committee which would consider laws for publishers and that no books would be printed without the permission of the textbook board. He said an authority on curriculum was also recently formed to discuss and eliminate hate material from text books.]
Proof that the topic of discussion is real, and not a false propaganda.

Of course the topic of discussion is valid in the sense that it is a complex issue that is always evolving. Fixation on any one aspect or point of view will be a mistake.
I gave you articles from 2012 onward in post number 182. Here are some more post 2012:
And I gave you replies something you havent managed to discuss or answer!

Stop wasting my time with your trolls! Please!
Another lie or troll?

Here are some more post 2012:

- Received: October 5, 2010 Accepted: November 30, 2010

As usual you are trolling/ LYING since you didnt even read what you posted!

@WebMaster @Jungibaaz @Manticore @Horus @Jango @waz @T-Faz @TaimiKhan @Emmie @Slav Defence @Icarus kindly close the thread he is trolling and lying prosperously!

Just toying with hypocrisy. :)
and he finally admitted!

I rest my case
Of course the topic of discussion is valid in the sense that it is a complex issue that is always evolving. Fixation on any one aspect or point of view will be a mistake.

Not a very complex issue, Pakistan was created with the idea of religious exclusivity, and anti-Hindustan in general and anti-Hindu in specific gives Pakistan it's very reason of creation and existence as a separate country, those textbooks are in line with the narrative of Pakistan as a sovereign nation separated from India. I am not complaining about it, my issue is with someone who is denying the very existence of this issue (I am not calling it a problem, hope you noticed). Though it's nothing new for her, I have encountered this attitude when she was hellbent on denying any involvement of Pakistanis and Muslims in 26/11 and 9/11 terrorist attacks...
Not a very complex issue, Pakistan was created with the idea of religious exclusivity, and anti-Hindustan in general and anti-Hindu in specific gives Pakistan it's very reason of creation and existence as a separate country, those textbooks are in line with the narrative of Pakistan as a sovereign nation separated from India. I am not complaining about it, my issue is with someone who is denying the very existence of this issue (I am not calling it a problem, hope you noticed). Though it's nothing new for her, I have encountered this attitude when she was hellbent on denying any involvement of Pakistanis and Muslims in 26/11 and 9/11 terrorist attacks...
predetermined mindset and "Claims" to want to discuss.... actually discuss his mindset is what he wants :what:

my issue is with someone who is denying the very existence of this issue (I am not calling it a problem, hope you noticed). Though it's nothing new for her, I have encountered this attitude when she was hellbent on denying any involvement of Pakistanis and Muslims in 26/11 and 9/11 terrorist attacks...
and this is what I was talking about....He admits he was trolling!!

@WebMaster @Jungibaaz @Manticore @Horus @Jango @waz @T-Faz @TaimiKhan @Emmie @Slav Defence @Icarus kindly close the thread he is trolling and lying prosperously!

What I have written on this thread is for everyone to see...also do notice how he jumps to conclusion creating his own meanings out of my words....Now that is his habit ...
Not a very complex issue, Pakistan was created with the idea of religious exclusivity, and anti-Hindustan in general and anti-Hindu in specific gives Pakistan it's very reason of creation and existence as a separate country, those textbooks are in line with the narrative of Pakistan as a sovereign nation separated from India. I am not complaining about it, my issue is with someone who is denying the very existence of this issue (I am not calling it a problem, hope you noticed). Though it's nothing new for her, I have encountered this attitude when she was hellbent on denying any involvement of Pakistanis and Muslims in 26/11 and 9/11 terrorist attacks...

Look, if it is any consolation to you, I am on record here with my criticisms of the present system of education, and I can understand what your are trying to say. However, it must also be acknowledged that it is Pakistan's right to make the curricula to educate its children as it sees fit. You and I can disagree with it all we want, but that right overrides our concerns, no matter how valid they may be to us.
or that its a habitual rant based on 2 old reports- 1 of which doesnt exist on the web :o:

Talk about the authenticity!

2nd problem is that it was claimed - even in the articles you posted that reform started in 2011 and they talked about what was changed!

So a blind eye to updated answers is actually reflecting your denial to want to know the truth and you satisfaction of living a lie!

Even you have not read the 150+ page report nor the 27 page report!

So how should I discuss anything with you? THAT and the very fact you are satisfied not wanting to know the updated version post 2011 even after posting it!

Yes...But right now I need to also wake people up that hello stop quoting pre 2011 reports!

And to indians to stop getting excited regarding the BS propagated pre 2011...or even new articles which are quoting an article which is further quoting a report that doesnt exist! Or those articles which quote the 2005 report instead of something post 2011 - basically people are spreading lies (knowing or unknowingly I dont know)

Okay. Firstly, please bear in mind that I neither have the patience nor the fortitude displayed by @rainman and @Jacob Martin. So I will be easily confused and tired out by your obfuscation. However, I did note something strange, which I must point out. In most of the first few replies you made to this thread, you were defending teaching "Islamiyat" to the toddlers. It seemed that your point was that Christians brainwash in convents, so must we. Now you are saying that the course has been changed, and you are all for it.

I don't get it. In normal parlance, that is called "cognitive dissonance". Interestingly, that is one of the problems frequently cited against Pakistani school textbooks, that they lead to cognitive dissonance. The brain becomes confused with contradictory information and therefore invents its own hypothesis to reconcile the conflict. For example, "live in peace with everyone" conflicts with "the Jew/Hindu/etc. etc. is our enemy and it is glorious to fight them". Conflicts such as these lead to cognitive dissonance, and it is a dangerous thing.
the day you can reply to the 13 I have answered will be the day you have ANY rights to talk on the subject...Until then we all have seen your trolling of throwing articles and not discussing a single word!

No you didn't, you just picked up one comma or one full-stop. Discuss entire article one by one starting from the first one if you wish to.

So changes have already been made so why is your stomach hurting?:

There are articles from 2015 also mentioning the same thing, are these articles false? Do you want me to re-post those articles for your convenience?

and he finally admitted!

I rest my case

I was talking about your hypocrisy.

I never knew this forum has so many mods..anyone still left out @Akheilos ? And who is trolling, I gave you half a dozen video links of Pakistani TV debates so far on this issue, and you replied that you don't watch talk shows, who is trolling here @Akheilos ?

Look, if it is any consolation to you, I am on record here with my criticisms of the present system of education, and I can understand what your are trying to say. However, it must also be acknowledged that it is Pakistan's right to make the curricula to educate its children as it sees fit. You and I can disagree with it all we want, but that right overrides our concerns, no matter how valid they may be to us.

Absolutely true.

Okay. Firstly, please bear in mind that I neither have the patience nor the fortitude displayed by @rainman and @Jacob Martin. So I will be easily confused and tired out by your obfuscation. However, I did note something strange, which I must point out. In most of the first few replies you made to this thread, you were defending teaching "Islamiyat" to the toddlers. It seemed that your point was that Christians brainwash in convents, so must we. Now you are saying that the course has been changed, and you are all for it.

I don't get it. In normal parlance, that is called "cognitive dissonance". Interestingly, that is one of the problems frequently cited against Pakistani school textbooks, that they lead to cognitive dissonance. The brain becomes confused with contradictory information and therefore invents its own hypothesis to reconcile the conflict. For example, "live in peace with everyone" conflicts with "the Jew/Hindu/etc. etc. is our enemy and it is glorious to fight them". Conflicts such as these lead to cognitive dissonance, and it is a dangerous thing.

Brilliant !!

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