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Hotter than the human body can handle: Pakistan city broils in world’s highest temperatures

I guess the term climate refugees will become common in the coming decades. Atleast i belong to cool place in the north. I will be providing real estate to those who want to migrate north to habitable zones.

New Zealand has already sent back climate refugees from Kiribati.

Most countries do not have legislature in place that legitimizes climate change victims as refugees.
People are paying through their nose for electricity. Just getting an a/c is just one issue.

The article strongly suggests that heat is just one of the problems facing the community.

Water tops the list again as this is still agriculture country.

Pakistan has lost another fiscal year without a water security plan in the budget.
Yeah too hot here, its about to hit 44 C in about a day. On top of that, this week there is going to be electricity shortage because of retarded management by the gov, because of LNG issue.
Stop moaning, I walked up Qurn mountain in Egypt in 52C just over a decade ago. Every step was like you walked a mile, A whole gallon of drinking water was drunk in 15 minutes. At the top of the mountain (really a hill) was an Egyptian army post and I had to pay them money for half a gallon of water which didn't last long either. Due to the heat I started hallucinating and almost fell down the cliff above Queen Hatshepsut's temple, I am sure she was beckoning me down, lol. When I reached Queen Hatshepsut's temple below (no, I didn't fall down) I drank the most bottles of fizzy drink the Egyptian drink vendors had ever seen, and that is where I made an Egyptian friend, Khayed. I learnt a brutal lesson, respect the Sun and heat. I learn the hard way very similar to respect the mountain.
No wonder the Pak Army is one of the most battle hardened forces in the world! Couple it with -40c @20K+
feet at the Himalayas!!! And, some folks think it'll be like a cake walk....
Stop moaning, I walked up Qurn mountain in Egypt in 52C just over a decade ago. Every step was like you walked a mile, A whole gallon of drinking water was drunk in 15 minutes. At the top of the mountain (really a hill) was an Egyptian army post and I had to pay them money for half a gallon of water which didn't last long either. Due to the heat I started hallucinating and almost fell down the cliff above Queen Hatshepsut's temple, I am sure she was beckoning me down, lol. When I reached Queen Hatshepsut's temple below (no, I didn't fall down) I drank the most bottles of fizzy drink the Egyptian drink vendors had ever seen, and that is where I made an Egyptian friend, Khayed. I learnt a brutal lesson, respect the Sun and heat. I learn the hard way very similar to respect the mountain.
Correct. With water and shade there are no naturally occurring temperatures that humans can not withstand on planet earth. This article is just sensationalizing.
Hotter than the human body can handle: Pakistan city broils in world’s highest temperatures

Experts fear Jacobabad's extreme heat and humidity may worsen with climate change – and that other cities may join the club
Ben Farmer
28 June 2021 • 12:30pm

When the full midsummer heat hits Jacobabad, the city retreats inside as if sheltering from attack.

The streets are deserted and residents hunker down as best they can to weather temperatures that can top 52C (126F).

Few have any air conditioning, and blackouts mean often there is no mains electricity. The hospital fills with heatstroke cases from those whose livelihoods mean they must venture out.

“When it gets that hot, you can't even stay on your feet,” explains one resident, Zamir Alam.

“It's a very, very difficult time when it goes beyond 50C. People do not come out of their houses and the streets are deserted,” Abdul Baqi, a shopkeeper, adds.

Nawab Khan, who sells battery-powered fans from his market stall
Nawab Khan, who sells battery-powered fans from his market stall CREDIT: Saiyna Bashir
This city of some 200,000 in Pakistan's Sindh province has long been renowned for its fierce heat, but recent research has conferred an unwelcome scientific distinction.

Its mixture of heat and humidity has made it one of only two places on earth to have now officially passed, albeit briefly, a threshold hotter than the human body can withstand.

With this region of Pakistan along the Indus Valley considered one of the places most vulnerable to climate change in the world, there are fears that Jacobabad's temperatures may increase further, or other cities may join the club.

“The Indus Valley is arguably close to being the number one spot worldwide,” says Tom Matthews, a lecturer in climate science at Loughborough University. “When you look at some of the things to worry about, from water security to extreme heat, it's really the epicentre.”

Shama Ajay resides in an informal settlement without water and electricity in Jacobabad's unrelenting heat
Shama Ajay resides in an informal settlement without water and electricity in Jacobabad's unrelenting heat CREDIT: Saiyna Bashir
Mr Matthews and colleagues last year analysed global weather station data and found that Jacobabad and Ras al Khaimah, north east of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, have both temporarily crossed the deadly threshold. The milestone had been surpassed decades ahead of predictions from climate change models.

The researchers examined what are called wet bulb temperatures. These are taken from a thermometer covered in a water-soaked cloth so they take into account both heat and humidity.

Wet bulb thermometer readings are significantly lower than the more familiar dry bulb readings, which do not take humidity into account. Researchers say that at a wet bulb reading of 35C, the body can no longer cool itself by sweating and such a temperature can be fatal in a few hours, even to the fittest people.

Mehboob Ali showers under a hose at a water filling point, where he fills canisters to sell in Jacobabad, one of the world's two hottest places
Mehboob Ali showers under a hose at a water filling point, where he fills canisters to sell in Jacobabad, one of the world's two hottest places CREDIT: Saiyna Bashir
“It approximates how warm it feels to humans because we cool via sweating,” Mr Matthews says. “We rely on that exclusively. When you use that measure, the wet bulb temperature, the two regions that stand out on earth are the shores of the Gulf and the Indus Valley in Pakistan. They are truly exceptional.”

Jacobabad crossed the 35C wet bulb threshold in July 1987, then again in June 2005, June 2010 and July 2012. Each time the boundary may have been breached for only a few hours, but a three-day average maximum temperature has been recorded hovering around 34C in June 2010, June 2001 and July 2012. The dry bulb temperature is often over 50C in the summer.

Patchy death records mean it is not clear whether the crossing of the threshold resulted in a wave of fatalities. The effects of entering the danger zone are likely to be blurred, for example with cooler interiors of buildings temporarily sheltering residents from the worst. It also depends on how long the threshold is crossed.

Mr Matthews said: “Even though it's theoretically been crossed according to the weather station measurements in that part of the world, whether or not it's been crossed in the hyper local environment where people are living, and for long enough to really translate into widespread deadly conditions, is another question.”

Muhammad Hanif carries and sells ice on the roadside which is quite common in the summer months in Jacobabad
Muhammad Hanif carries and sells ice on the roadside – a common sight in the summer months CREDIT: Saiyna Bashir
Jacobabad and Ras al Khaimah may share fierce temperatures, but they are otherwise very different and illustrate the different challenges that places will face under climate change.

In the wealthy UAE, where electricity and air conditioning are plentiful, the threshold may have little effect on residents. In Jacobabad, where many subsist on wages of only a couple of pounds a day, residents must find other ways to adapt.

Jacobabad's crown for unsurvivable temperatures may conjure pictures of Death Valley-like deserts, but it is an agricultural hub fed by irrigation canals. The city in Sindh's rice belt is named after John Jacob, a long forgotten British general and colonial administrator. The region sits on the Tropic of Cancer, meaning the sun is close to overhead during the summer. The winds blow already warm and humid air off the Arabian Sea and it gets more muggy as it travels up the valley.

Stretches of the town's bazaar are dedicated to keeping cool. Shops sell electric fans and low-tech washing machine-sized coolers that emit a refreshing mist.

Electric solutions are undermined by frequent power cuts however. In the city centre, residents often lose power for three or four hours, while in more distant areas the gaps are longer.

Nadir Ali and Ali Murad get some from respite from the heat outside the rice mill they work at in Jacobabad
Nadir Ali and Ali Murad get some from respite from the heat outside the rice mill they work at in Jacobabad CREDIT: Saiyna Bashir
The solution for some is a solar panel, though at £36 each they are expensive for many. Cheap Chinese batteries are also available. “Everyone needs electricity here. It's not for television, it's for keeping cool,” says one electrical goods trader called Mohammad Iqbal.

Ice is also popular, with factories making huge blocks which are then hacked into 10p chunks at roadside stalls. When all else fails, there are hand fans and people also simply dunk buckets of water over their heads.

For those who can afford it, there is the chance to spend the summer in Quetta or Karachi, which are still fiercely hot, but offer some relief. Most stay.

“The people are used to it, they have developed a resistance,” shrugs one administration official. People also said the heat was only one of many problems they faced. Price hikes have caused economic devastation, while there is a lack of fresh drinking water and the city's supplies are brackish.

Workers fill cannisters at a water point, ready to sell to the sweltering citizens of Jacobabad
Workers fill cannisters at a water point, ready to sell to the sweltering citizens of Jacobabad CREDIT: Saiyna Bashir
High temperatures have also recently made headlines in the US, where Portland, Oregon, hit an all-time local high of 42C (108F) on a dry bulb scale.

World Bank research in 2018 warned weather changes risk badly denting the living standards of hundreds of millions in South Asia. Scorching weather comes with increasingly short, warm and early spring seasons which have left Pakistan's farmers struggling to deal with new weather patterns. The heat has dried out farmland and hit profits by causing fruit and vegetables to ripen earlier, meaning they are smaller.

As temperatures rise and rainfall patterns shift, difficulties with farming, irrigation, disease and labour are predicted by 2050 to badly hit people's quality of living in parts of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Jacobabad's residents said they felt the temperature in the town was getting higher, but they had few options.

“People are aware that the heat is getting up and up, but they are poor people. They can't go anywhere, they can't leave their places,” said Zahid Hussain, a market trader. “I myself have been thinking about shifting, but have never got around to it.”

In this kind of heat, one needs to be deep inside caves or under a layer of rock/soil where the temperature does not vary a whole lot.

Weather of Jacobabad seems similar to Southern Arizona.

In Southern Arizona it routinely exceeds 125 degrees in the summer and people have found that in caves, berm construction houses or rammed-earth houses, temperature remains about 30-40 degrees cooler than outside.

Of course they use air-conditioning in Arizona, which poorer people in Pakistan may not have, but the mass weight of thick earthen walls (18 to 24 inches thick) acts as excellent heat insulators anyway, which cannot be warmed or cooled as quickly as a sheet of tin. Thereby lessening the effect of temperature swings in dry desert-like climates like Jacobabad. One significant benefit of rammed earth is its high thermal mass: like brick or concrete, it can absorb heat during daytime and nocturnally release it. This action moderates daily temperature variations and reduces the need for air conditioning and heating. Rammed earth is getting very popular in hotter climates in US (Texas, Nevada, New Mexico and Arizona).

In Arizona, they also use water misting systems outdoors, which is another way to lessen heat by about twenty degrees in dry desert-like climates, using cooling effects of water evaporation.


The Moghul Sultanate in Delhi and other dry climates used wet purdah system to cool air coming into jenanah areas. The purdahs used to be wetted by water piped into ducts above where the purdahs were hung.

The same concept is used in modern poultry farms, like this one in China. Note water inlet on top and drainage outlets below.


All this was common knowledge three/four hundred years ago during Mughal empire. Now everyone has forgotten these practical ideas.
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