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'Horrible': Christian churches throughout Egypt stormed, torched

He doesn't mention the MB controlled media, which was taken off air when the coup began and he also doesn't mention Morsi's administration trying to take over the all Egypt's media when they were in power.

Don't ever believe him, he never tells the whole story, just bits of what he thinks is injustice.

Read post #51 by media professionals.
The military coup has closed down, or otherwise hampered, all unsympathetic media coverage in Egypt.

Australian media reported that, in recent days, local Egyptian media has shown pro-Morsi crowd with weapons, but many media outlets have not shown the rows of dead civilians in makeshift morgues. Local Egyptian media is completely compromised now and under military guidance.


The newspapers carried photos of protesters brandishing weapons and throwing stones, but none from makeshift morgues where dead protesters were lined up in rooms slick with blood.
:))) well the Christians from NATO claim that they are against terrorism how come they support same terrorists against Egypt and Syria then?

What terrorists in Egypt? It's just the army trying to protect the nation from backwardness. And EU and USA have both condemned violence, EU is calling for a review of aid, US cancelled military exercise in sign of protest etc.....

As for Syria, it's mostly Saudi and Turks' game.

Read post #51 by media professionals.
The military coup has closed down, or otherwise hampered, all unsympathetic media coverage in Egypt.

Australian media reported that, in recent days, local Egyptian media has shown pro-Morsi crowd with weapons, but many media outlets have not shown the rows of dead civilians in makeshift morgues. Local Egyptian media is completely compromised now and under military guidance.

I like this news. Sounds so good i won't even go and doublecheck if it's true.

“After the coup, the state press immediately stopped publishing anything by Islamist-leaning writers, while all state-run television channels – and most private ones – stopped hosting Islamist-leaning guests,” he said.

this is from post #51, meaning Islamists already suceeded in gaining control of the media and the slow process of Erdoganization began. Good thing Morsi didn't decapitate the army like Erdogoon did, though i have no doubt, given time he would.
What terrorists in Egypt? It's just the army trying to protect the nation from backwardness. And EU and USA have both condemned violence, EU is calling for a review of aid etc.....

As for Syria, it's mostly Saudi and Turks' game.

It's exactly like the position of Erdogan,everybody is barking at the West for Syria and Egypt without uttering a single world against the ones who are actually financing and publicly back these endeavours.Is it hypocrisy,stupidity?
this is from post #51, meaning Islamists already suceeded in gaining control of the media and the slow process of Erdoganization began. Good thing Morsi didn't decapitate the army like Erdogoon did, though i have no doubt, given time he would.

Read it again.

It is saying that, after the military coup, state-controlled media stopped airing dissenting views.
I also saw the Army and Christian Copts burning Mosques in Egypt so they all can go to hell.
Read it again.

It is saying that, after the military coup, state-controlled media stopped airing dissenting views.

For this reason, the appointment of Salah Abdul Maqsoud, a Brotherhood member, as information minister earlier this month has been viewed as an attempt to wrest control of state media from supporters of Mubarak and the military, which assumed presidential powers after his resignation.

Mr Abdul Maqsoud acted as a spokesman for Mr Mursi during his election campaign, and was a senior figure in the Egyptian Journalists' Syndicate.
The current Shura Council, controlled by Islamists from the FJP and the ultraconservative Salafist Nour party, decided to change the way editors-in-chief were appointed.

New criteria for applicants were introduced, and a selection committee, chaired by someone affiliated to the Brotherhood, was established. Many complained that the Islamist-dominated committee would only offer posts to loyalists.

Despite a wave of protests by journalists and a number of lawsuits seeking to overturn the changes, the selection committee chose new editors for state-owned newspapers on 8 August.

A number of other developments have been interpreted as attempts by the Brotherhood to suppress opposition voices.

A court order saw the 11 August edition of the privately-owned newspaper al-Dustour, which has been critical of Mr Mursi and his group, seized over allegations that it had insulted the president and instigated sectarian discord.
Several days earlier, the privately-owned TV station al-Faraeen was ordered off the air for a month and warned that its broadcast licence could be cancelled after it was alleged that Tawfiq Ukasha, its owner and leading presenter, had called for the overthrow of Mr Mursi. Mr Ukasha is a fierce critic of the Brotherhood and supporter of the military.

Al-Faraeen went off air shortly after the new Investment Minister Osama Salih, whose ministry regulates the licensing of private TV stations, reportedly warned all channels not to broadcast "rumours" or "false news" under the pretext of improving the investment climate.

BBC News - Egypt's Brotherhood accused of trying to control media
oh meant you meant- ' military actions lead to this reaction' - LOL. I thought you were saying military did this to churches under the guise of Islamist doing it.

How about the 200,000 Kashmiris killed and 50,000 Kashmiri women raped.

You low life Hindus should look at your own deeds instead of pointing fingers at others.
How about the 200,000 Kashmiris killed and 50,000 Kashmiri women raped.

You low life Hindus should look at your own deeds instead of pointing fingers at others.

considering that atleast 80 million hindus were murdered by sunni islam in the , you are talking about peanuts.

If you read the thread, no one has denied that the MB tried to overstep its bounds, but the mere fact that the military coup happened at all proves that MB did NOT control the Egyptian media. Most of the coverage of the anti-democracy protesters came from Egyptian media itself.

By contrast, objective coverage of the pro-Morsi crowd is almost exclusively from foreign media because the military and Mubarak loyalists have shut down all dissenting media within Egypt itself.
you must be talking abt Kandhamal Riots

More than 18,000 were injured and 50,000 displaced. Another report said that around 11,000 people were still living in relief camps, as of October 2008. Some tribals even fled away to border districts in neighbouring states.[310 villages were affected with 4,640 homes, 252 churches, and 13 educational institutes torched during attacks.Multiple Hindu temples and an unknown number of Hindus were also killed during the riots, excluding the five Hindu sadhus (including Saraswati) who were killed in the beginning itself.

On 14 October 2008, Cuttack Archbishop Raphael Cheenath moved the Supreme Court seeking Rs 3 crore as compensation to rebuild the demolished and vandalized churches in the riot-hit areas. He also sought Rs 5.5 lakh for the kin of those killed in the riots and compensation of Rs 60,000 to those whose houses were damaged or torched.

On 6 November 2008, Dhanu Pradhana, a VHP activist was murdered in Kandhamal. Dhanu Pradhana was shot when he was at a school in Kumbharigaon.The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) leader of Eastern Odisha, Prabhat Panigrahi, was killed by Christian Maoist insurgents in late March 2009.Hindus have also been attacked by members of their own faith, for having Christian relatives. One woman, who is herself a Hindu, says she was gang raped by her grandparent's neighbors due to her uncle's refusal to renounce his Christian beliefs.
Why do you allow JayAtl to troll on this forum but nothing happens to him?
He is constantly spewing anti-China f*lth but he never gets warnings or infractions but when a Chinese responds to him, we get warnings and infractions.

Are Pakistani mods afraid of Indians on PDF?

Can you give him a permanent ban next time he gets a ban?

@JayAtl Has mood swings, most of the time he behaves. We are looking into your complain,though. It has been forwarded for review.
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MB and Morsi tried to use the opportunity to convert Egypt constitution into non tolerant country.

So the liberal youth turned it out. I think there is a war going on b/w the extremists and the liberal Egyptians. The Liberal Egyptians are lucky that the Army is secular and liberal. Otherwise Egypt would have soon become like Taliban controlled areas.

MB is acting like Taliban.
If you read the thread, no one has denied that the MB tried to overstep its bounds, but the mere fact that the military coup happened at all proves that MB did NOT control the Egyptian media. Most of the coverage of the anti-democracy protesters came from Egyptian media itself.

By contrast, objective coverage of the pro-Morsi crowd is almost exclusively from foreign media because the military and Mubarak loyalists have shut down all dissenting media within Egypt itself.

So, what's the problem here? You're crying because MB didn't have enough power to quickly stiffle dissent and the army has? Shit happens.
So, what's the problem here?

Hundreds of people have died. The evolution to democracy has taken a severe, perhaps irreversible, beating, and the repercussions will surely flow beyond Egypt to other Middle Eastern countries.

Shit happens.

The point of an orderly democracy is precisely that sh!it doesn't happen; neither by the civilians, nor by the army.
the difference is that the govt. was removed by the people and not by army....
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