If I was to answer each reply to my posts I'd be here all day so I'll just give my opinion and let others comment on it.
Each and every individual has the right to think, to form an opinion, to voice it.
But there is a condition. It has to be within the law.
It doesn't have to conform to a preconceived narrative, whether national or official, whether universal or parochial, whether popular or unpopular.
It only has to conform with the law.
That is why the law exists. It defines boundaries, it tells people what they can or cannot do and how far they can go.
A citizen is free to do or say what he wants within those legal boundaries regardless of whether he is in any one person's opinion, right or wrong. He does not have to take into account someone else's political or religious sensibilities. It is for each person that disagrees to counter his argument intellectually and peacefully.
If what that person says is illegal then he must be arrested, charged and punished according to law.
If he is within the law, but you don't think he should be allowed to say what he is saying, you write to your MNA and ask him to change the law.
This is how democracy works.
This is basic stuff but it is a concept a lot of people in Pakistan don't seem to understand.
They would have opposing voices silenced rather than confronted intellectually.
They would pick up a gun to silence them rather the pen.
It was Voltaire who said "I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it".
It is an adage Pakistanis need to understand and respect.