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HongKongers were More Happy under British than Chinese

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Chinese city of Guanzhou



Chinese city of Shenzhen

A guy from my work just visited India. In his own words, India is such a backward, dirty and disgusting place that he would not want to go back there again. I would suggest that India should clean up its country first before invite people to come over. Just like if you have guests coming over, wouldn't you want a clean and tidy house to welcome the guest. Why welcome others with *****. That is just an insult to guests.

In other words, you insist and remain stubborn about keeping your vow of not giving up ignorance.

Great.. enjoy the bliss of ingorance. It may give a better sleep .. but won't change reality.
Chinese city of Beijing



since some people here say that 3 out of 5 top cities in the world are like hell,please show your cities here and let us see what are your cities like..
Chinese city of Beijing
since some people here say that 3 out of 5 top cities in the world are like hell,please show your cities here and let us see what are your cities like..

So, why do you stop US embassy from publishing the true pollution figures about "The Haze"?

In any case, the topic is about Hong Kong ..and while it is also a lot polluted (as my colleagues and friends from HK tell me), the real problem they face is the flooding of their hospitals and other sevices due to ingress of mainlanders.

Thank God, no such problem of ingress. in Singapore !!!!
The 10 Most Air-Polluted Cities in the World
By Bryan Walsh | @bryanrwalsh | September 27, 2011

Ulan Bator, Mongolia—the second-most polluted city in the world. Credit: Doug Kanter / Bloomberg / Getty Images
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution. But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse.

That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world. The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries. No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world. But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City. The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos.

(PHOTOS: The Terrible Beauty of Industrial Pollution)

Here’s the top—or rather bottom—10:

1. Ahwaz, Iran

2. Ulan Bator, Mongolia

3. Sanadaj, Iran

4. Ludhiana, India

5. Quetta, Pakistan

6. Kermanshah, Iran

7. Peshawar, Pakistan

8. Gaberone, Botswana

9. Yasouj, Iran

10. Kanpor, India

congratulations,Indian, you've got 2 spots on the world's top 10 list.
So, why do you stop US embassy from publishing the true pollution figures about "The Haze"?

In any case, the topic is about Hong Kong ..and while it is also a lot polluted (as my colleagues and friends from HK tell me), the real problem they face is the flooding of their hospitals and other sevices due to ingress of mainlanders.

Thank God, no such problem of ingress. in Singapore !!!!

Why so many indians want to speak on our behalf? Nothing for you guys to brag about your beloved India? LOLOL.
^^^.. Ok, go sleep under the illusion.

You probably don't have option to move out of your "haze" !!!!
Hongkong under Chinese rule now is the top No.1 global financial center,world most competitive economy.it now holds many world No.1 title which it didn't get during the British rule.and Singapore get its position under ethnic Chinese management,not the British.are there any Indian cities can even come close when comparing to them.
What an unwelcome indi speak on our behalf again!

Who are "you"? and Who is "our"?

I live in S'pore and like it... and what I hear from people.. HK is absolutely nowhere, compared to here !!!!

Ask, any sensible peson..

Hongkong under Chinese rule now is the top No.1 global financial center,world most competitive economy.it now holds many world No.1 title which it didn't get during the British rule.and Singapore get its position under ethnic Chinese management,not the British.are there any Indian cities can even come close when comparing to them.

Singapore has less population but more income than HK...

HK showed promise for a while .. but has started declining. Close your eyes, if you can't face the truth.
The Topic is not about Singapore.

It is about How Hongkongers think themselves as White Man and Spit on Yellow Man.
World’s 10 most polluted cities of all time
piccano April 19, 2012 0
Every second a new guy is born on this planet. Population increasing day by day and become a really big problem, because with big population the pollution of the Earth is bigger. Pollution and garbage are the biggest problems for us. Ten most polluted cities are next.

1. Baghdad (Iraq)
Baghdad is one of the most polluted cities because of the war which still wages on in this country. Frequent bomb attacks and destruction are significantly increasing pollution in this town.

2. Brunei Darussalam
Brunei is a small country in South Asia but that didn’t stop her to be on this list. In this country are measured enormous amounts of carbon dioxide produced by vehicles.

3. Dhaka (Bangladesh)
Dhaka is the capital city of Bangladesh, a country seated in South Asia. In this city are very frequent water pollutions so the city is fighting all the time against the pollution causes which threatens this town.

4. Karachi (Pakistan)
Karachi is the biggest and the most developed town in Pakistan. Karachi is the biggest industrial center of this country which causes the most pollution in this town. In Karachi is noted constant increasing of diseases (eye, skin, heart diseases) and 35% of population is hit with some of this diseases.

5.Lagos (Nigeria)
Lagos is with its 12 million citizens the biggest town in Nigeria and one of the biggest city on African continent. This town is facing large air pollution. Center of this town is almost always foggy.

6.Mexico city (Mexico)
Mexico City is one of the biggest city in the world and one of the most polluted as well, even though Mexico entitled as one of the cleanest among the most dirtiest cities. Dense traffic and exhaust gasses are making the big part of the city to be in the fog most of the time. The biggest polluter in this town is nitrogen dioxide.

7. Moscow (Russia)
Moscow is the capital city of Russia and it’s ranked among the most polluted cities. Among the traffic and exhaust gasses one of the biggest problem for this city is lack of places to put away the garbage. In some parts of the town cholera appeared.

8.Maputo (Mozambique)
On the streets of Maputo you can find huge amounts of garbage because there is no enough developed system for putting away the garbage. Also, the sewage is in need of refining. One of the deficiency of this city is lack of sewage development.

9.Mumbai (India)
Mumbai is one of the most populated and most busiest city in the world. Huge waste dumps on the streets and the stench are the things that are spoiling and jeopardizing life in this Indian metropole.

10.New Delhi (India)
New Delhi is the capital city and one of the biggest cities in India. Like in Mumbai, huge amounts of waste and garbage are causing stench and many diseases in this town. Waste and non-regulated sewage are polluting water which is leading to increasing sickness among the newborns.
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