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Hong Kong's immunised who died of Covid-19 mainly got Sinovac vaccine: Media

They didn't adjust for more people with preexisting health problems tend to take sinovac.
Despite eager to promote mrna, SG tells those too weak for the side effects of mrna to take Sinovac instead. They don't advise the same about Sinovac side effects.
That's all one needs to know about the safety profile of Sinovac vs mrna & how those with poor health are pushed to Sinovac.

Spike Protein in The Blood of Vaccinated​

Study finds the amount of spike proteins in the blood of vaccinees is similar to the patients of acute COVID.​

Executive summary

Pfizer-BionTech vaccinated individuals showed the amount of spike-proteins in their blood that was similar or more than the amount of spike-proteins in the blood of an acute-COVID patients.

High levels of spike-proteins in the blood were observed for two days following the vaccination in 96% of the individuals.................................................................
Then why does it seem like most of your posts are anti-China, yet you don't hold similarly critical attitudes towards the West?

Because you have selective reading? A quick search can bring you results in recent months, never mind the fact that I joined since 2016.

You disguise your deep colonial mentality and deep need to gain approval by your White masters by bashing China, yet you try to pass it off as your own opinion. Yet, the West commits far more heinous and egregious crimes against humanity worldwide and it is complete silence from your kind.

The Anglo Zionists have basically declared an unofficial race war against the Chinese race, and regardless of your citizenship, if you are Chinese, you are a target. By blasting their fake news and villifying propaganda non stop, you and I will also experience being targeted everywhere we go around the world because of the vile Anglo Zionist propaganda machine despite the fact that we are not Chinese nationals.

You're the one reeking full on insecurity.
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Because you have selective reading? A quick search can bring you results.

You're the one reeking full on insecurity.

Well, I stand corrected about you being full on anti-China. I've just met a lot of Singaporeans and HKers who acted that way, completely clueless about how they are perceived in the West.

My behavior is actually not insecure. Insecure people beg for the approval of their "social superiors", that's why you see rat faced HKers like Jonathan Wong do the dirty deeds for his colonial masters.

I'm the opposite. When I see someone dish out hatred against me like how racist and anti-Chinese White society has become, I serve it back to them 10 fold. I am quick to punch back.
Really fed up with all those lies made up by western media and pro-west HK health authority, experts and medical practitioners. HK reached this kind of fatality rate is completely their own fault, with ultra high residential density, no contact tracing and low vaccination rate to the very vulnerable elders.

Every of those fuckers should be fired instantly.

And those shameless "reporters"

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Well, I stand corrected about you being full on anti-China. I've just met a lot of Singaporeans and HKers who acted that way, completely clueless about how they are perceived in the West.

Among the advanced countries, we're arguably already the most pro-China. That's because we're bilingual and exposed to news from different sources, understanding China's way of thinking. But that doesn't mean we have to agree on everything, like for instance in this thread on vaccines. What's annoying are the little pinks jumping on and insulting anybody who holds a contrary opinion which may shade China in a negative light. Such behavior just repels people away. And yeah, their excessive hubris as well.






Among the advanced countries, we're arguably already the most pro-China. That's because we're bilingual and exposed to news from different sources, understanding China's way of thinking. But that doesn't mean we have to agree on everything, like for instance in this thread on vaccines. What's annoying are the little pinks jumping on and insulting anybody who holds a contrary opinion which may shade China in a negative light. Such behavior just repels people away. And yeah, their excessive hubris as well.

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TBH, there is a lot about Mainland Chinese culture that annoys me as well. And I used to be a lot more critical against China. But when you get barraged with hatred against you because of your race and fake news dehumanizing China and people of Chinese descent 24/7, you turn your anger and hatred against the people perpetrating it.
TBH, there is a lot about Mainland Chinese culture that annoys me as well. And I used to be a lot more critical against China. But when you get barraged with hatred against you because of your race and fake news dehumanizing China and people of Chinese descent 24/7, you turn your anger and hatred against the people perpetrating it.

I see where you're coming from, that's human nature.

For me, well, I'm privileged to be born as a majority race in my own country and take a more dispassionate view. The media here threads very carefully on issues relating to race and religion.

It's your PM that had convinced and brought the evil Yankees back to Southeast Asia and South China sea to counterbalance and contain Chinese influences there during Obama's time.

TPP's goal in the very long term is to eventually include China and the US in a high quality trade deal in Asia-pacific under a multilateral framework which gives economic space for small countries like us.

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TPP's goal in the very long term is to eventually include China and the US in a high quality trade deal in Asia-pacific under a multilateral framework which gives economic space for small countries like us.

I mean Lee Kuan Yew went to to the white house and convinced Obama to bring back US forces involvement in Southeast Asia to balance out the Chinese navy in South China Sea. That became what is Obama's "Asia Rebalancing Policy" as we know it. And few years ago, your current PM was attacking China and siding with Japan and Philippine on issues on the disputes between China and Philippine in South China Sea and the disputes between China and Japan on Japanese atrocities against Chinese in WW II.
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I mean Lee Kuan Yew went to to the white house and convinced Obama to bring back US forces involvement in Southeast Asia to balance out the Chinese navy in South China Sea. That became what is Obama's "Asia Rebalancing Policy" as we know it. And few years ago, your current PM was attacking China and siding with Japan and Philippine on issues on the disputes between China and Philippine in South China Sea and the disputes between China and Japan on Japanese atrocities against Chinese in WW II.

When did we side with the Japanese on the disputed islands, and especially on their atrocities when we ourselves are victims as well?
3.5 million vaccines all made in China has been administrated there and how many cases and death so far for the year?
How many needed oxygen and how many in ICU?

Stop reading manipulated data created by MoH of the ex-British Colonies?
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When did we side with the Japanese on the disputed islands, and especially on their atrocities when we ourselves are victims as well?
Yeah, few years ago, he said that China should forget about what atrocities Jap committed in China in WWII and get on relation with Japan, not on the disputes of Diaoyu islands, you can easily find that on records. That is also happen to be Jap's position on their atrocities in China during WW II.
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Do this banana man think biontech and moderna are singaporean companies or something? Is there someone forced him to take sinovac instead of moderna,so that he is so angrily complains on sinovac for years?
Yeah, few years ago, he said that China should forget about what atrocities Jap committed in China in WWII and get on relation with Japan, not on the disputes of Diaoyu islands, you can easily find that on records. That is also happen to be Jap's position on their atrocities in China during WW II.

Yeah, few years ago, he said that China should forget about what atrocities Jap committed in China in WWII and get on relation with Japan, not on the disputes of Diaoyu islands, you can easily find that on records. That is also happen to be Jap's position on their atrocities in China during WW II.

This is the closest source I can find, and basically you twisted the narrative.

SINGAPORE – Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has urged Japan to admit to its misdeeds from World War II so it can play a more active role in the region.

“Japan needs to acknowledge past wrongs, and Japanese public opinion needs to be more forthright in rejecting the more outrageous interpretations of history by right-wing academics and politicians,” Lee said in a keynote speech at Friday’s opening of the Asia Security Summit conference, also known as the Shangri-La Dialogue.

“Japan has already expressed remorse or apologies for the war in general terms,” he said. “But on specific issues like the ‘comfort women’ and the Nanjing Massacre, its positions have been less unequivocal.”

He observed that even though this year is the 70th anniversary of the end of WWII, it “continues to cast a shadow over relations between the old adversaries, in particular between Japan and its neighbors China and Korea.”

“After 70 years, it is past the time to put this history behind us properly, like the Europeans have done. This requires statesmanship and largeness of spirit on both sides.”

While Beijing and Seoul do not think Tokyo has done enough to atone for the suffering caused by its aggression, Lee urged them to “accept Japan’s acknowledgements and not demand that Japan apologize over and over again.”

“The history of the war should not be used to put Japan on the defensive or to perpetuate enmities to future generations,” he said. “Such a reconciliation will also help Japan to become a normal country if it wishes to be.”

Concerning the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, he expressed hope that Japan and the United States will eventually join it. The two countries have not joined the launch of the bank for now due to concerns about its transparency and impact on existing financial institutions like the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank.

Lee went on to say that although most Southeast Asian countries want Japan to play a more active regional role, they are also wary of the possibility of being embroiled in the rivalry between Tokyo and Beijing.

“They will welcome a resolution of the war issues, as they themselves have done between themselves and Japan,” he said.

The annual Asia Security Summit opened on Friday evening with unabating tension over the South China Sea territorial disputes expected to take center stage, security analysts say.

In reference to the disputes, Lee urged China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to come up with a code of conduct on the South China Sea at the earliest opportunity, while warning against an outbreak of violence in the waters.

“But even if we avoid a physical clash, if the outcome is determined on the basis of ‘might is right,’ it will set a bad precedent,” he said.

Defense ministers from major powers and regional countries have gathered in Singapore to discuss security issues of concern to the region at the three-day forum, which was organized by the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies.

The speakers include defense ministers or military chiefs from the United States, Japan, China, Indonesia, India, Cambodia, Britain, New Zealand, Germany, Australia and Singapore.

On Saturday, Defense Minister Gen Nakatani, who is representing Japan at the security forum, warned in his speech that land reclamation projects in the South China Sea risked plunging the region into disorder and urged nations, including China, to behave responsibly.

“If we leave any unlawful situation unattended, order will soon turn to disorder, and peace and stability will collapse,” Nakatani said. “I hope and expect all the countries, including China, to behave as a responsible power.”

Tensions have risen in the South China Sea in recent months over China’s construction of artificial islands as it tries to assert its claim to the potentially energy-rich waters around the Spratly archipelago. The Spratlys are claimed by half a dozen countries including the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and China.

Nakatani proposed what he dubbed the “Shangri-La Dialogue Initiative,” three measures to bolster maritime and air safety in the region, including round-the-clock monitoring of airspace by ASEAN members.

His uncle was a victim, and his dad almost became a victim.

The Second World War holds different meaning for each generation, because of the different memories they have formed about it, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in Tokyo on Thursday, before illustrating the point with his personal stories of what he remembered.

"My generation didn't live through (the war) but we know from our parents what it was like - and their stories. If my father had been taken away, he would not have come back and I would not be here today. My uncle - my mother's brother - was taken away, and never came back. So these memories mean something," he said.

He also said he remembered clearly when sites of mass graves of people killed during the Japanese Occupation were uncovered in Singapore in 1962, because one of the sites was beside his school, and he saw people digging up the graves.

But Mr Lee noted those from his children's generation would be further removed and have fewer memories of the war, just as those from his parents' generation would have much more painful memories, having lived through it.
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