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Hong Kong's immunised who died of Covid-19 mainly got Sinovac vaccine: Media

Erm, did you even read what I posted above? Twice somemore?

Lee urges Japan to come clean on WWII atrocities

SINGAPORE – Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has urged Japan to admit to its misdeeds from World War II so it can play a more active role in the region.

“Japan needs to acknowledge past wrongs, and Japanese public opinion needs to be more forthright in rejecting the more outrageous interpretations of history by right-wing academics and politicians,” Lee said in a keynote speech at Friday’s opening of the Asia Security Summit conference, also known as the Shangri-La Dialogue.

“Japan has already expressed remorse or apologies for the war in general terms,” he said. “But on specific issues like the ‘comfort women’ and the Nanjing Massacre, its positions have been less unequivocal.”

He observed that even though this year is the 70th anniversary of the end of WWII, it “continues to cast a shadow over relations between the old adversaries, in particular between Japan and its neighbors China and Korea.”

“After 70 years, it is past the time to put this history behind us properly, like the Europeans have done. This requires statesmanship and largeness of spirit on both sides.”


Will China acknowledge Uyghur genocide because US claims so? Asking abe to acknowledge the issues of local political theatre in China/korea will wield no result.
But, Japs won't ever admit they committed the war crimes and invaded China and Korea. Japs won't show any remorse and apologies for their anti-human crimes in WW II in Asia. And now, you want Chinese and Koreans just to forget all the atrocities committed by Japs, pretending nothing has ever happened ? You think Chinese, Koreans and other Asians are just animals or what and don't deserve common human dignity ? Why don't you SG condemn Japs for their crimes, instead blaming on Chinese and Koreans also ? Becos SG wants to be in USA and Jap camp in the Asia Pacific region, simple as that !

Korean gov is trying to rapprochement with the Japanese,there's a cabal of Nippon Kaigi,which now believe catering to US geopolitical agenda is Japan's own benefit,, Japanese civilians are the most anti-war masses in the world,China needs to court the leftist politicians and anti war Japanese public with a friendly gesture,instead of letting Abe and his cohorts from hijacking the nation completely ,when China peddles the Nanjing massacre for local nationalism ,the Japanese people are greatly offended,not because they are indifferent toward the suffering of Chinese but because they see the whole thing as staged for nationalism among Chinese.

After the end of Mao era, China needed anti-Japan sentiment for nationalism to fill the void left after the old ideological struggle lost appeal among general public . Now there's US ,which is an existential threat to what we know as China,China don't need anti Japanese nationalism,it should be replaced by anti US nationalism.China should wean off the old anti-Japanese propaganda, every dime or any effort spend against Japan is a gain for US.

Japan isn't manufacturing Uyghur genocide,targeting Chinese semi industry, or spreading anti chinese propaganda across the globe with 300 million disinformation bill or attacking Chinese looking asian civilians;US is, China should laser focus on US and their Western cronies.
I was just point out you don't have any data to backup your ridicules claim of ~13.4x

Maybe I'm exaggerating that Pfizer is ~13.4x more effective than Sinovac, since it's not age adjusted and you pointed out that 2/3 took Sinovac instead, contrary to the other guy's claim that 2/3 took mRNA (assuming you're right, I didn't verify which of you is right though). I made that rough estimation because that guy was saying 2/3 took mRNA and yet 87% of vaccinated deaths are Sinovac, which just further strengthens my point without him realizing because he can't do math lmao.

Based on Singapore's stats and data analytics, it's closer to ~4x (for Delta).
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If these savage Jap bas***** are offended, let it be ! Chinese don't give a sh*t about Japs' feelings and you Indians don't try to lecture Chinese here on that the Chinese should care about what these bas***** feel ! Have you thought how Chinese feel to be mass massacred and raped in Nanjing, germs experimented in Harbin, poisonous gases unleashed on the crowds in many places, carpet bombed on the cities, the country destroyed and more than 20 million Chinese savagely killed by the Japs are like ? You think the Chinese are subhuman or what ? Only the Japs are human deserve the dignity ? That only Japs deserve to remember their dead in WW II every year even though they are the war criminals ? When Chinese remember their dead at Nanjing massacre is called peddling ? You think Japs are unhappy is China's fault ? These Jap bas***** should never be forgiven becos they don't have any remorse on the unforgivable crimes they did to the Chinese and Asians. You Indians chose to side with Japs in WW II, so your sympathy with these bas***** are no surprise, but, you Indians are on the wrong side of history as usual ! China today doesn't give a dam if Jap stays with USA becos one thing Chinese learned well is that Japs are treacherous and untrustworthy to the soul to the Chinese, period !
There was no massacre in nanking according to your own The Red Swastika Society (a voluntary association founded in China in 1922 by Qian Nengxun) which recorded the figure was 40k burials in Nanjing, that's your death toll for battle.Only 0.3 percent consisted of women and children. The burial list has the distinction of sex and rough age.

germs experimented in Harbin
So far all the photo evidence that are showcased as biological experiment turned out to be fake and taken at different location. So I'll refrain from going all-in on that. I can post more documented cases about the other party indulging in germ warfare,the japanese were dominant,they had no reason to resort to such means in battle.

Only the Japs are human deserve the dignity ? That only Japs deserve to remember their dead in WW II every year even though they are the war criminals ?
The Communist didn't even fight at Nanking,it's the KMT that fought,so that again makes no sense for Communist party to commemorate the Nanking battle with self-claimed 300k victims,that figure which makes the Chinese authorities look ridiculous,no serious academician will agree with such a figure and it make the whole thing appear just for theatrics.

carpet bombed on the cities,
For any bombing ,Japanese leaders already apologized ,like at least a dozen times and paid huge reparation fees and played pivotal role in the early development of China as apology.

Also ,I wouldn't say carpet-bombed,that would be like the tokyo firebombing,Japan targetted mainly specific locations at pre designated zone,no indiscriminate mass bombing like US did on Japan.
There was no massacre in nanking according to your own The Red Swastika Society (a voluntary association founded in China in 1922 by Qian Nengxun) which recorded the figure was 40k burials in Nanjing, that's your death toll for battle.Only 0.3 percent consisted of women and children. The burial list has the distinction of sex and rough age.

So far all the photo evidence that are showcased as biological experiment turned out to be fake and taken at different location. So I'll refrain from going all-in on that. I can post more documented cases about the other party indulging in germ warfare,the japanese were dominant,they had no reason to resort to such means in battle.

The Communist didn't even fight at Nanking,it's the KMT that fought,so that again makes no sense for Communist party to commemorate the Nanking battle with self-claimed 300k victims,that figure which makes the Chinese authorities look ridiculous,no serious academician will agree with such a figure and it make the whole thing appear just for theatrics.

For any bombing ,Japanese leaders already apologized ,like at least a dozen times and paid huge reparation fees and played pivotal role in the early development of China as apology.

Also ,I wouldn't say carpet-bombed,that would be like the tokyo firebombing,Japan targetted mainly specific locations at pre designated zone,no indiscriminate mass bombing like US did on Japan.
Just f off you filthy Indian ! Try to insult and annoy Chinese here by quoting fabricated garbage sources ? You Indians are also WW II war criminals in that your country's ( the only country in the panel ) judge openly chose to side with Japanese war criminals at the Tokyo international court on war crimes committed by the Japanese in WW II. You choose to deny any war crimes and atrocities committed by the Jap in China just tell what are filthy sc** you Indians are ! That's why you dirty Indians had to be rightfully punished by China in 1962 war and there maybe more to come in the future ! The communists did not fight in Nanking doesn't mean the current government has no right to remember the atrocities committed by the Jap, they are all Chinese, what is your monk*** logic ? Play trick trying to divide Chinese from current Chinese government ? Try to insult Chinese here, you filthy Indians can go eat ** !
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Just f**k off you filthy Indian ! Try to insult and annoy Chinese here by quoting fabricated garbage sources ? You Indians are also WW II war criminals in that your country's ( the only country in the panel ) judge openly chose to side with Japanese war criminals at the Tokyo international court on war crimes committed by the Japanese in WW II. You choose to deny any war crimes and atrocities committed by the Jap in China just tell what are filthy sc** you Indians are ! That's why you dirty Indians had to be rightfully punished by China in 1962 war and there maybe more to come in the future ! The communists did not fight in Nanking doesn't mean the current government has no right to remember the atrocities committed by the Jap, they are all Chinese, what is your f**k monk*** logic ? Play trick trying to divide Chinese from current Chinese government ? Try to insult Chinese here, you filthy Indians can go eat sh** !
Did you walk out of a cave? uncivilized foul mouth being.

Japanese war criminals at the Tokyo international court on war crimes committed by the Japanese in WW II.

Tokyo Trials is a sham,like any trial staged by the victor of a war,to humiliate the loser .

What about Mao? Chiang Kai sek? STALIN?Churchill? Trueman? Douglas Mac Artur? -these are all war criminals based on similar criteria;such hypocrisy.

The communists did not fight in Nanking doesn't mean the current government has no right to remember the atrocities committed by the Jap
The communist leader gave credit to Japanese for getting in power,the communist were surely happy inside for Japan got rid of KMT .
Did you walk out of a cave? uncivilized foul mouth being.

Tokyo Trials is a sham,like any trial staged by the victor of a war,to humiliate the loser .

What about Mao? Chiang Kai sek? STALIN?Churchill? Trueman? Douglas Mac Artur? -these are all war criminals based on similar criteria;such hypocrisy.

The communist leader gave credit to Japanese for getting in power,the communist were surely happy inside for Japan got rid of KMT .
You filthy evil beings deserve such rough response becos you intentionally tried to insult the Chinese by fabricating your stinky BS in your previous reply !
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Reporters spawned up misleading information
You filthy evil beings deserve such rough response becos you intentionally tried to insult the Chinese by fabricating your stinky BS in your previous reply !
OMG I'm so scareeeed by your "rough response"!!!!!

Grow up kiddo
Yeah, you filthy Indians have to be put into your proper place by force from your delusions and BS.
such force keyboard warrior; talking about delusion while peddling personal narrative in unhinged fashion , without sense of reason.
such force keyboard warrior; talking about delusion while peddling personal narrative in unhinged fashion , without sense of reason.
Yeah, like the 1962 Sino-Indo war and Galwan Clash in 2020 are real. You Indians haven't learned anything from the consequences of your delusional BS and adventures. Many more lessons are waiting for you people.
Yeah, like the 1962 Sino-Indo war and Galwan Clash in 2020 are real. You Indians haven't learned anything from the consequences of your delusional BS and adventures. Many more lessons are waiting for you people.
Lessons are there for ccp for now they are having to pander toward the out-of-leash raging nationalistic clowns like ya.
Lessons are there for ccp for now they are having to pander toward the out-of-leash raging nationalistic clowns like ya.
What the ccp and Chinese at large do are none of you filthy Indian's business. First, go build more toilets in your country to solve your disgusting shitting on the streets inhuman problem before you have the right to come out to teach Chinese on how they should behave in the world.
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