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Homosexuals of Pakistan

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Sir it is very very very low still in Muslims countries and even the small amount will be finished really very soon and sex without marriage is also not allowed

Sir it is rampant in Saudi sir. As is incest. I can put forward references sir. Can you do the same to prove your claim that it is negligible?

ALLAH never said to be moderate towards evils or sins Sir we have to finish them and establish the punishment which ALLAH and his PROPHET SAW has given for crimes like homosexuality

Your prophet was Arab sir.

The same people today are heavily into homosexuality and incest sir.

It is an abomination that you must right first sir.

As it otherwise threatens a trickle down effect on to the rest of the Muslim world sir.
Sir it is rampant in Saudi sir. As is incest. I can put forward references sir. Can you do the same to prove your claim that it is negligible?

Your prophet was Arab sir.

The same people today are heavily into homosexuality and incest sir.

It is an abomination that you must right first sir.

As it otherwise threatens a trickle down effect on to the rest of the Muslim world sir.
Yes Sir because I have lived in these areas it is really very low in Muslims countries even in those who are the most secular one Sir Muslims countries still have very low number of these pathetic
ALLAH never said to be moderate towards evils or sins Sir we have to finish them and establish the punishment which ALLAH and his PROPHET SAW has given for crimes like homosexuality

On one hand, Islam says that murder is biggest sin and it's punishable by death BUT still a person can avoid death penalty by giving blood money...... OTH other sins which comes after murder there is no chance?... Mullah's of your kind are trying to prove that Islam is illogical religion.

As far as knows Islam, If someone realize his sins and seek God's forgiveness, God is kind enough to forgive him.

Punishments are must to maintain law & order and morality in society but punishments must be in a way that it should discourage others and also gives a chance to the person to come on right path, (Murder is exception) --- period
On one hand, Islam says that murder is biggest sin and it's punishable by death BUT still a person can avoid death penalty by giving blood money...... OTH other sins which comes after murder there is no chance?... Mullah's of your kind are trying to prove that Islam is illogical religion.

As far as knows Islam, If someone realize his sins and seek God's forgiveness, God is kind enough to forgive him.

Punishments are must to maintain law & order and morality in society but punishments must be in a way that it should discourage others and also gives a chance to the person to come on right path, (Murder is exception) --- period
Yes first Islam encourages to take revenge and other crimes are different and also very high Sir they are spreading a evil which will destroy society Sir and bring diseases which have to be stopped and only those who are innocent their murder is forbidden not of homosexuals or rapists or adulterers or those who commit blasphemy

On one hand, Islam says that murder is biggest sin and it's punishable by death BUT still a person can avoid death penalty by giving blood money...... OTH other sins which comes after murder there is no chance?... Mullah's of your kind are trying to prove that Islam is illogical religion.

As far as knows Islam, If someone realize his sins and seek God's forgiveness, God is kind enough to forgive him.

Punishments are must to maintain law & order and morality in society but punishments must be in a way that it should discourage others and also gives a chance to the person to come on right path, (Murder is exception) --- period
No Sir those crimes which are punishable by death can't give a chance have to kill the person that is order of Islam
Yes first Islam encourages to take revenge and other crimes are different and also very high Sir they are spreading a evil which will destroy society Sir and bring diseases which have to be stopped and only those who are innocent their murder is forbidden not of homosexuals or rapists or adulterers or those who commit blasphemy

No Sir those crimes which are punishable by death can't give a chance have to kill the person that is order of Islam

1st. Islam always encourage forgiveness not revenge.
2nd. Hadiths you are quoting to support killing clearly says that kill both persons, now take one of many cases where Gay Mullah had sex with his student, The kid is innocent who doesn't knows too much about it but as per those Hadiths that kid must be killed as well. You can't say that now kid is innocent so must not be killed because there is nothing mentioned in those hadiths that if one is innocent don't kill him and you can't do interpret the things to suit your needs.
3rd. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) clearly said that if you find my Hadith contradictory with Quran than discard my Hadith and follows Quran.
4th. The reason Muslims don't believe in today's bible is that people added/deleted the things to suite them and same is happened with Hadith's
5th. I think homos are mentally sick persons and legislation must be in a way to help them to get ride of this sickness and come on right path i.e. Put them behind bars for certain period and provide them physiological treatment.
6th. Why there is no death penalty of backbiting which in Islam is equal to cannibalism and destroys social fabric, Lie which is root of many crimes, Bribing where both giver & taker belongs to hell, Passing rumors which also effect society adversely and thousands other things which also corrupts the society
Yes first Islam encourages to take revenge

WRONG: Islam teaches forgiveness- Prophet Muhammad PBUH is an example of the word forgiveness-

and other crimes are different and also very high Sir they are spreading a evil which will destroy society Sir and bring diseases which have to be stopped and only those who are innocent their murder is forbidden not of homosexuals or rapists or adulterers or those who commit blasphemy

WRONG: Homosexuality is Haram- but is not punishable by death-
if you think otherwise- show me your source- Hadith?- Quran?- I will resent the sources other than that- that includes religious Scholars-

No Sir those crimes which are punishable by death can't give a chance have to kill the person that is order of Islam

WRONG: Every one deserves a chance- Islam gives even a Murderer a chance-
If not- All we Muslims should be going to Hell directly without been given any chance-
The Zoroastrian faith has historically been strongly opposed to homosexual behavior. Zarathustra's writings, the Gathas, are silent on homosexuality or bisexuality. They tend to give broad guidance on basic principles without going heavily into commandments.

The Zoroastrian law book, The Vendidad (written circa 250 to 650 CE) contains "laws against demons" which touch on homosexuality. These purity laws are still followed by some conservative Zoroastrian communities. The Vendidad states:

"The man that lies with mankind as man lies with womankind, or as woman lies with mankind, is the man that is a Daeva [demon]; this one is the man that is a worshipper of the Daevas, that is a male paramour of the Daevas"

An ancient commentary on the Vendidad states:

"Four men can be put to death by any one without an order from the Dastur [high priest]: the corpse-burner, the highwayman, the sodomite, and the criminal taken in the deed."

One principle that might influence condemnation of homosexuality is the importance of family life within the faith. Orthodox Zoroastrianism currently does not accept converts from other religions; one must have a Zoroastrian mother and father in order to be accepted into the faith. To preserve and expand the religion, homosexuals as well as celibate persons would be pitied and pressured into marriage.

Many Zoroastrians in the Internet and media are promoting the suppression of homosexuality within their community. Others, of a more liberal persuasion, are more accepting of homosexuality.


(pretty graphic stuff)
1st. Islam always encourage forgiveness not revenge.
2nd. Hadiths you are quoting to support killing clearly says that kill both persons, now take one of many cases where Gay Mullah had sex with his student, The kid is innocent who doesn't knows too much about it but as per those Hadiths that kid must be killed as well. You can't say that now kid is innocent so must not be killed because there is nothing mentioned in those hadiths that if one is innocent don't kill him and you can't do interpret the things to suit your needs.
3rd. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) clearly said that if you find my Hadith contradictory with Quran than discard my Hadith and follows Quran.
4th. The reason Muslims don't believe in today's bible is that people added/deleted the things to suite them and same is happened with Hadith's
5th. I think homos are mentally sick persons and legislation must be in a way to help them to get ride of this sickness and come on right path i.e. Put them behind bars for certain period and provide them physiological treatment.
6th. Why there is no death penalty of backbiting which in Islam is equal to cannibalism and destroys social fabric, Lie which is root of many crimes, Bribing where both giver & taker belongs to hell, Passing rumors which also effect society adversely and thousands other things which also corrupts the society

homos are not sick.. they are like that.. you need to accept it and move on.
hinduism doesnt mind it and has totally accepted it.

No it has not. And definitely not totally.

The views are diverse. Often at loggerheads with each other internally.

Its just that sexuality is looked at differently by Hindus compared to the West.
Now Now.

You might wanna change the building you live in before Grand Mufti Zarvan proclaims a fatwa against you and comes after ya :D

Maybe he will get the building wrong and burn down a bakery or something. :D
no he will take the simpler route and burn a few photos, tyres and flags in pakistan. maybe if he feels like it stone a few buses and burn a few vehicles.

No it has not. And definitely not totally.

but hindu stories in mahabharata talks about homosexuality and eunuchs as if they are there and part of the society
I have at least 1 friens who is gay. and I know guys in the office who are gay. and it doesnt seem odd at all to me.

I had a gay hit on me once.

And I never knew he was gay. Till the rest of the guys laughed about it and told me later.


But the point is, yes, they are normal in every other way.

Did you know the popular Anderson (of Anderson 360 on CNN) is gay?
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