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Homosexuals of Pakistan

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You said everything I wanted to say, pulling the words out of my mouth! But, the bolded part above is slightly inaccurate.

Homosexuality as well as heterosexuality have genetic, hormonal and environmental reasons. So it is not just the genes. Sexual identity and preference is a complex topic. So in reality, by allowing gay people to be together you wont stop gay people from being born. A gay person can be born to completely heterosexual couples too. I mean they HAVE to, there could be no other way.

Technically speaking you can only pass on the genes that you have. If there is a history of homosexuality within the heterosexual couple they may pass it.

Eventually in due time, heterosexuality will only prevail, if homosexual people are not peer pressured into making babies with the opposite sex.

"Hormonal" factor may also have something to do with the genes.

"Environmental", I don't know about that one.

^^^ There is no such thing as 'pure homosexual' ... Its always bisexual. Your solution will cause AIDS and STD going pandemic...

STDs are exclusively an issue with promiscuity and unsafe sex. If you have just one partner or wear rubber - you're good.

Otherwise gay or not gay, eventually you'll catch something.
^^ Mathematicaly speaking the probabilities of getting STD are more in Homo/Bi than in Hetro.
Thats why homo/Bi are banned from blood donation in UK and many other countries.

And no scientific evidence of 'gay gene' has been found and wont be found,its just an excuse to try and justify their desires towards same sex.
Technically speaking you can only pass on the genes that you have. If there is a history of homosexuality within the heterosexual couple they may pass it.

Eventually in due time, heterosexuality will only prevail, if homosexual people are not peer pressured into making babies with the opposite sex.

"Hormonal" factor may also have something to do with the genes.

"Environmental", I don't know about that one.

STDs are exclusively an issue with promiscuity and unsafe sex. If you have just one partner or wear rubber - you're good.

Otherwise gay or not gay, eventually you'll catch something.

You are basing your theory on the assumption that these are exclusive homosexuals. But there are bisexuals among the homosexuals - The Kinsey scale covers this in a scale of 0-6 - 0 being exclusive heterosexual, 6 being exclusive homosexual, 1-5 - bisexuals predominantly or equally bi depending upon the numbers.
Technically speaking you can only pass on the genes that you have. If there is a history of homosexuality within the heterosexual couple they may pass it.

Eventually in due time, heterosexuality will only prevail, if homosexual people are not peer pressured into making babies with the opposite sex.

"Hormonal" factor may also have something to do with the genes.

"Environmental", I don't know about that one.

Well, human reproduction itself would have started with heterosexuality. But since homosexuality as well as heterosexuality do not have a scientific justification it is not just about the genes. It has certain other factors as well, but it has never been conclusively proven why either types of preferences exist. If it was the genes then why weren't the parents homosexual? Or for example what about bisexual and pansexual people? (Pansexual people are attracted to men, women, transgendered, transexual people).

So what am trying to say is, homosexual people do not beget homosexual people. I mean if a homosexual man has a kid with a homosexual woman (which would be wrong for them, but still lets consider that), then it is not a given that the kid will be homosexual himself/herself. Similarly if 2 heterosexual people have kids, its not a given than the kid will be heterosexual. So its not purely genes alone. What am trying to say is that you cannot stop homosexuality altogether. It will exist and it has always been there. Not just in humans but also in animals like Giraffes, cats etc.,

You are basing your theory on the assumption that these are exclusive homosexuals. But there are bisexuals among the homosexuals - The Kinsey scale covers this in a scale of 0-6 - 0 being exclusive heterosexual, 6 being exclusive homosexual, 1-5 - bisexuals predominantly or equally bi depending upon the numbers.

Yeah regarding the Kinsey scale, I remember reading that people for the most part would generally fall in the bisexual category!!
Well, human reproduction itself would have started with heterosexuality. But since homosexuality as well as heterosexuality do not have a scientific justification it is not just about the genes. It has certain other factors as well, but it has never been conclusively proven why either types of preferences exist. If it was the genes then why weren't the parents homosexual? Or for example what about bisexual and pansexual people? (Pansexual people are attracted to men, women, transgendered, transexual people).

1. Parents don't have to be homosexual, genes can remain latent for some generations and then emerge out randomly in one offspring.

2. Its not a proven fact, but I'm just saying it makes some sense over the theory that people get peer pressured or enticed into being gay. Multiple sexuality preferrences can also be due to conflicting genes or a type of gene of that sort. It depends all upon attraction. Why do men like women of multiple types? Attraction is THE most primal instinct in the human kind.

So what am trying to say is, homosexual people do not beget homosexual people. I mean if a homosexual man has a kid with a homosexual woman (which would be wrong for them, but still lets consider that), then it is not a given that the kid will be homosexual himself/herself. Similarly if 2 heterosexual people have kids, its not a given than the kid will be heterosexual. So its not purely genes alone. What am trying to say is that you cannot stop homosexuality altogether. It will exist and it has always been there. Not just in humans but also in animals like Giraffes, cats etc.,
Its not like if a gay and a lesbian got together they would be a homosexual baby making machine, but there is a high chance they would pass some of the DNA into their heterosexual child and hence seed the population with those genes which when further mixed can again produce homosexual individuals.

But if homosexuals did not marry the opposite sex then their gene pool ends there. Thats a guarantee.

You are basing your theory on the assumption that these are exclusive homosexuals. But there are bisexuals among the homosexuals - The Kinsey scale covers this in a scale of 0-6 - 0 being exclusive heterosexual, 6 being exclusive homosexual, 1-5 - bisexuals predominantly or equally bi depending upon the numbers.

Sure but it will have an inhibiting effect on homosexuality.

Many bisexuals will also end up in homosexual relationships and they would also eventually end their gene propagation.
1. Parents don't have to be homosexual, genes can remain latent for some generations and then emerge out randomly in one offspring.

2. Its not a proven fact, but I'm just saying it makes some sense over the theory that people get peer pressured or enticed into being gay. Multiple sexuality preferrences can also be due to conflicting genes or a type of gene of that sort. It depends all upon attraction. Why do men like women of multiple types? Attraction is THE most primal instinct in the human kind.

Its not like if a gay and a lesbian got together they would be a homosexual baby making machine, but there is a high chance they would pass some of the DNA into their heterosexual child and hence seed the population with those genes which when further mixed can again produce homosexual individuals.

Yes, am not ruling out genetic factors. Am just saying we cannot stop homosexuality, although it appears to be a reasonable argument to make. I mean there are tons of people that dont come out of the closet. There are people who are bisexual. There are people that are pansexual. There are people who are transgendered and transexual. And according to the Kinsey scale, MOST people fall in the bisexual category. Does that mean most people have latent homosexual genes?

But if homosexuals did not marry the opposite sex then their gene pool ends there. Thats a guarantee.

Only that particular pair. What if the Kinsey scale was true? What if most people were actually bisexual, but LEANED heavily towards one sex when it comes to preference? Even if you consider it as SOLELY genetic, then the Kinsey scale would mean that you cannot truly stop homosexuality because most people probably in some way carry that trait atleast from a genetic standpoint.

BTW, in history, like in ancient greece, they did have homosexuality as a way of life. This practice was called Pederasty.


Pederasty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So it begs the question, was this just cultural? Were the people in those relationships abused? Or are people more bisexual than they think they are?

Many bisexuals will also end up in homosexual relationships and they would also eventually end their gene propagation.

Not really. I have friends who are bisexual. Infact I have a friend, a woman who is straight in a relationship with a man that is bisexual. And they are married. So bisexual people seem to have their degree of preferences. If you ask those people they'd tell you that within the sexes they lean X% toward the same sex and Y% toward the opposite sex etc., So how they end up depends on a case by case basis, we cannot generalize and say, many bisexuals will end up in same sex relationships.
For all those who are in favour of Homosexuality in Pakistan, please read the story of People of Prophet Lot/Lut (AS).
Thank you!
For Muslim,

I do agree that Homosexual is born with the genes he/she don't really have a choice in this, but As word of God forbids it, then you should know that you are living with a (mental disorder) and should avoid this will and submit for Gods logic, God will bring justice and rewards to you in after life as He made you like this, it's passive test in your life.
^^ Mathematicaly speaking the probabilities of getting STD are more in Homo/Bi than in Hetro.
Thats why homo/Bi are banned from blood donation in UK and many other countries.

And no scientific evidence of 'gay gene' has been found and wont be found,its just an excuse to try and justify their desires towards same sex.

Its not necessarily one gene, but a combination of genes occurring within the same individual. Tell me why would anyone have "desires" to have sex with the same sex out of the blue? It has to be a biological state of the individual that drives them towards homosexuality - just as sex drive is determined in heterosexuals too.

Studies have been done to corroborate this theory and while there isn't a proven fact for this, there is less evidence that people get enticed into homosexuality. The science, the logic, all makes sense.

This is an interesting article: The Gay Gene: New Evidence Supports an Old Hypothesis | Think Tank | Big Think
Yes, am not ruling out genetic factors. Am just saying we cannot stop homosexuality, although it appears to be a reasonable argument to make. I mean there are tons of people that dont come out of the closet. There are people who are bisexual. There are people that are pansexual. There are people who are transgendered and transexual. And according to the Kinsey scale, MOST people fall in the bisexual category. Does that mean most people have latent homosexual genes?
Scales are not really scientific to the genetic level, they are based on behaviors. We don't know what the factors really are. Over the course of life we may adopt certain behaviors which may be miscontrued as homosexual - for example the recent fad among men to be overly well groomed, but these behaviors ultimately have a heterosexual backdrop since women are more and mroe attracted to the well groomed man these days.

Only that particular pair. What if the Kinsey scale was true? What if most people were actually bisexual, but LEANED heavily towards one sex when it comes to preference? Even if you consider it as SOLELY genetic, then the Kinsey scale would mean that you cannot truly stop homosexuality because most people probably in some way carry that trait atleast from a genetic standpoint.
Well I'm basing it on a more simplistic example - is the attraction strong enough for you to want to have actual sexual intercourse?

So it begs the question, was this just cultural? Were the people in those relationships abused? Or are people more bisexual than they think they are?
I think the sex drive factors of ancient times and sex of today are two very different things. Most non-abrahamic faiths have a more lax approach to sex and in our faiths civilizations were destroyed for certain sexual behavior.

Not really. I have friends who are bisexual. Infact I have a friend, a woman who is straight in a relationship with a man that is bisexual. And they are married. So bisexual people seem to have their degree of preferences. If you ask those people they'd tell you that within the sexes they lean X% toward the same sex and Y% toward the opposite sex etc., So how they end up depends on a case by case basis, we cannot generalize and say, many bisexuals will end up in same sex relationships.

Yeah but each time they end up same sex, they would be eliminated from the gene pool. Still improves odds of their elimination than if they were not allowed to hook up together.
One slightly sensible evolutionary explaination I have heard about homosexuality remaining is that evolution so favors sex that the most successful spieces will those that are "over-sexed"...even to the point of freakyness.
Another 'gandoo' thread...
Thanks for sharing....
A little searching will reveal that the topic has been discused to death multiple times with hundreds of comments in very long threads...

Another 'gandoo' thread...
Thanks for sharing....
A little searching will reveal that the topic has been discused to death multiple times with hundreds of comments in very long threads...
After a certain period...the older threads should be brought up...helps to categories the newbies and refine the arguments of the old hands (so we know who we are dealing with, and see who got reinforrcements)
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