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Homosexuals of Pakistan

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The homosexuality issue is a bit like the issue of womens rights.

You couldn't be more wrong. Homosexuality was an accepted part of society during the Greek and Roman times. It became unacceptable only after the advent of Christianity and other Abrahamic faiths. Also, to play the devils advocate, your base assumption in your argument is that homosexuality is not immoral. Most people in the world, even in "progressive" countries, despite what they may say, would actually disagree with this assumption, yet some may say (me not being one of them) that elite will push for the erosion of the common moral ethos. But in a society that rejects any kind of moral absolute, any kind of deviant behavior, sexually deviant behavior in particular, eventually becomes allowable.

In conclusion, you need only wait.
Best of luck trying to get gays "accepted" in a society which is made up of a majority of Muslims.
sad to see some of my countrymen to resort so low. these people are just like us.
Dude there are gay people in every country. Pakistan is no exception. Others have different views of them, however to shun them out from society isn't acceptable either.

I posted before also , gays in Pakistan become HIJRAS and they have evry Right NOW, ID Cards, Can work anywhere And Vote for elections too and Run for parliament!
I posted before also , gays in Pakistan become HIJRAS and they have evry Right NOW, ID Cards, Can work anywhere And Vote for elections too and Run for parliament!

I'm not talking about some cross dresser. Not all gay people are cross dressers lol
Pakistani government should protect these people. They are born that way and they are Pakistani so they deserve the same rights as other Pakistani citizens.

Sorry but no one born gay rather than raised as a gay. what you have said is nonsensical and unbacked western theory unless you provide scientific evidence.
Just to make it easy for you.There are no scientific proofs that homosexuality is determined by genes. To conclude this, homosexuality resulted of many social factors not biological relevant.
I posted before also , gays in Pakistan become HIJRAS and they have evry Right NOW, ID Cards, Can work anywhere And Vote for elections too and Run for parliament!

Gays and transsexuals are different. You accept trans-sexuality, not homosexuality.
This is the kind of mentality that has Pakistan in shambles. When a country just starting to allow it's women citizens to drive has no right to start preaching lol

Wow dude, you are a dumbass. Women have been driving for quite some many years in Pakistan. Maybe it is time for you to go and see your country.
Wow dude, you are a dumbass. Women have been driving for quite some many years in Pakistan. Maybe it is time for you to go and see your country.

Chill dude. I was talking about Saudi Arabia.
This is the kind of mentality that has Pakistan in shambles. When a country just starting to allow it's women citizens to drive has no right to start preaching lol

Thats what uneducated person would say...I see nothing wrong in my OP unless you could refute my point that homosexuality is biological unrelated.
The homosexuality issue is a bit like the issue of womens rights.

You couldn't be more wrong. Homosexuality was an accepted part of society during the Greek and Roman times. It became unacceptable only after the advent of Christianity and other Abrahamic faiths. Also, to play the devils advocate, your base assumption in your argument is that homosexuality is not immoral. Most people in the world, even in "progressive" countries, despite what they may say, would actually disagree with this assumption, yet some may say (me not being one of them) that elite will push for the erosion of the common moral ethos. But in a society that rejects any kind of moral absolute, any kind of deviant behavior, sexually deviant behavior in particular, eventually becomes allowable.

In conclusion, you need only wait.

How can something that occurs naturally and that you have no control over be "immoral" ?
Sorry but no one born gay rather than raised as a gay. what you have said is nonsensical and unbacked western theory unless you provide scientific evidence.
Just to make it easy for you.There are no scientific proofs that homosexuality is determined by genes. To conclude this, homosexuality resulted of many social factors not biological relevant.

Incorrect. Homosexuality is naturally occurring and people have no control over it.

Your theory that it's a "choice" or base on how they are raised is stupid and false. All we need to do is look at the animal kingdom. There is alot of homosexual animals and most don't have half the brain capacity of humans, so that shows it isn't a "Choice"
We shouldn't harass or insult someone for just being gay, I'm not saying I'm for legalizing gay marriage in Pakistan as that would cause a major backlash but mistreatment isn't good either. We should be civilized and use our senses and less brutality and harshness.
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