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HK student leader Joshua Wong goes on hunger strike

I think people are missing the point here. The fact that Joshua Wong has to go on hunger strike to get attention means he and his movement have lost. No one is interested in their message anymore and the vast majority of Hong Kong no longer pays them any heed, let alone supports them. This moron at one time had hundreds of thousands of people on the streets backing him but through terrible leadership (CIA really knows how to pick 'em:omghaha:) and causing chaos and economic damage, he's set the "democracy" movement in HK back by 3 decades. And now he's going to "hunger strike" by "only" eating congee and candy bars. Truly the actions of a desperate loser.

You know who else uses hunger strikes when they don't get their way? Terrorists detained at Guantanamo Bay. Congrats Joshua Wong for elevating yourself to such esteemed company. :rofl:
I think people are missing the point here. The fact that Joshua Wong has to go on hunger strike to get attention means he and his movement have lost. No one is interested in their message anymore and the vast majority of Hong Kong no longer pays them any heed, let alone supports them. This moron at one time had hundreds of thousands of people on the streets backing him but through terrible leadership (CIA really knows how to pick 'em:omghaha:) and causing chaos and economic damage, he's set the "democracy" movement in HK back by 3 decades. And now he's going to "hunger strike" by "only" eating congee and candy bars. Truly the actions of a desperate loser.

You know who else uses hunger strikes when they don't get their way? Terrorists detained at Guantanamo Bay. Congrats Joshua Wong for elevating yourself to such esteemed company. :rofl:

They have only damaged HK's economy, and there is practically no effect on PRC's economy.

With bad HK economy = diminishing western influence in China. Since HK always serves as an outpost with the purpose to stir up the color revolution in the Mainland China.

Because of the scumbag like him, some people are starting to question about HK's political model.

Some frustrated HKers will become awakening and see China's political model as the superior one.

This is how people managed to shoot themselves on the foot.
Some insider information on these troublemakers taken from the net::tdown:8-)


J Wong caught in a pic with a bunch of foreign financed democratic goons long before O C has come to play

Do you know this scumbag below?


Some insider information on these troublemakers taken from the net::tdown:8-)


J Wong caught in a pic with a bunch of foreign financed democratic goons long before O C has come to play

Do you know this scumbag below?



These idiots have kept antagonized the Mainlanders by labelling them as the locusts.

Yet they expect the Mainlanders will support them to fight against CPC?

If all HKers beheve like them, then the Mainlanders will probably request CPC to cut off the water/food supply and to starve them to death.

These scumbags are definitely putting HKers on a dangerous position, and they didn't realize that China never had a history of being nice with the traitors.
Some frustrated HKers will become awakening and see China's political model as the superior one.

I already see the Mainland's political and economic model as the superior one. :enjoy:

I've actually always wanted to actually go and live in a Mainland city. Shanghai comes to mind, or maybe Suzhou.
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I already see the Mainland's political and economic model as the superior one. :enjoy:

I've actually always wanted to actually go and live in a Mainland city. Shanghai comes to mind, or maybe Suzhou. :woot:

China needs more HKers, Macau people, Taiwanese and overseas Chinese with your mindset Dragon! Bravo! :-):tup:
China needs more HKers, Macau people, Taiwanese and overseas Chinese with your mindset Dragon! Bravo! :-):tup:

Well, it's just a fact that the Mainland system is superior. :tup:

They lifted 800 million Chinese people out of poverty in only a few decades... a feat which has never been done before in human history.

What I care about is what works. And the Mainland system works. That's what matters.
to me, Joshua look like a Japanese young man I ever met,
Interesting, isn't it?


Happening NOW: The NYPD just used a LRAD sound cannon, which can cause permanent hearing damage, to disperse a small group of peaceful protesters on 58th Street.


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