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Hitler’s Strange Afterlife in India

Knowing Hitler for the mass muderer he is, his fighting British or supporting Netaji is not an excuse to even admire certain qualities of one of the history's monsters. Netaji is nothing but another commi like Nehru(along with Maulana professed socialism as opposed to Sardar in 1930s) but who preferred to take the help of fascists to get rid of the British. Who knows if Netaji and the axis forces had succeeded in defeating British and other allies - India would have ended up a commi state or would have become a colony under fascists Japan or Nazi Germany.
Not many bose admier consider this possibility, not sure why.
Not many bose admier consider this possibility, not sure why.

Because Indian independence being a non-violent movement never had many Swashbuckler figures and Netaji was someone who fits into that role along with Bhagat Singh and few others and people naturally get attracted to these kind of people(the reason why bond movies and other superhero movies appeal to people) that they forget to see the negatives in these people. :D
you have to admire Mein Kampf its a great book it can really play with minds
Yeh chutiapay ki baat apnay Indian logoon ke saath karna.

The country known as India today was founded on the 15th of August 1947.

No it wasnt. Your need for denial is not my problem.

The correct terminology is India gots its independence on 15th August while Pakistan was formed on 15th August. (not 14th August, which in itself is a politically manufactured lie).
those guys in shiv sena respect bal thakrey as much as you guys respect prophet mohammad.
probably bal will meet him in the afterlife whereever he goes and they will enjoy Bals favorite red wine and talk .
PM: welcome home ,mate. good job in creating bigots
BT: oh well , i have brainwashed some people and made them fundamentalists. but you are the idol for that. you are the Don bradman in that area , i am a mere Sachin tendulkar of creating bigots.
PM: well thank you.
BT: what was the secret of your enduring legacy. how is that people are still bombing others in your name.
PM: I dont know , maybe Im the Don.
BT: I will prolly get a statue or two in Shivaji park but not a prophethood like you.
PM: LOL, thats why I banned those fools from making any resemblances of my face.
BT: ah you evil ba$tard.
PM: thanks mate.. enjoy your stay , i got to go.. i am still entertainin OBL. he is unstoppable , the beast.

lol..i can see why missy was banned...:lol:
Any leader worth his salt would give an arm and a leg to acquire the kind or leadership and oratory skills he had. I have heard and seen a few recordings of his speeches, he was a formidable motivator.
This is not to say i agree with the methods he employed. Fit to be a devil. I say pick the good and leave the rest.
By all accounts, Timur's campaigns in India were marked by systematic slaughter and other atrocities on a truly massive scale inflicted mainly on the subcontinent's Hindu population.

The Islamic World to 1600: The Mongol Invasions (The Timurid Empire)

Scholars estimate he killed 17 Million people, for the population of the era, he was a much worse mass murderer and a racist ba$tard and a religious bigot than hitler. Yet Pakistanis and their warped sense of everything is cool about Timur but they will hype the hitler following in India which is miniscule and not mainstream.

Timur slaughtered lots of people in what is pakistan today, but since your identity has been highjacked now you love your rapists and murderers. A true curse.

@v9s - I'm not your dad.

ohhh what a thought provoking and touching post :lol:

times were different....yes his army and conquests saw a law of displacement and good amount of bloodshed but find me any major empire that didnt see such; to his credit -- he did help promote renaissance in Islamic arts and culture and he was pretty instrumental in uniting Muslims in almost all of Middle East to Central/South/Eastern Asia.

in fact his army consisted of multiple ethnic groups so you cant really say he had an ethnic agenda.....it was just about power projection, economics, influence and reach in those days

what i dont need, Fateh, is some hindustani dead-weight on the net lecturing me on who are my heros and what is my identity :laugh:
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By all accounts, Timur's campaigns in India were marked by systematic slaughter and other atrocities on a truly massive scale inflicted mainly on the subcontinent's Hindu population.

The Islamic World to 1600: The Mongol Invasions (The Timurid Empire)

Scholars estimate he killed 17 Million people, for the population of the era, he was a much worse mass murderer and a racist ba$tard and a religious bigot than hitler. Yet Pakistanis and their warped sense of everything is cool about Timur but they will hype the hitler following in India which is miniscule and not mainstream.

Timur slaughtered lots of people in what is pakistan today, but since your identity has been highjacked now you love your rapists and murderers. A true curse.

@v9s - I'm not your dad.
The concept of genocide is a foreign to ancient India, there were several wars and loss of life from war among rival indian kingdoms, but no genocides. genocidal tactics and fighting without any honor is trademark of invading savages. The same ones who are glorified by certain mindsets. Hitler was bigot, people in India who do admire him are purely idiots, but then again actions of some remote individuals is not a social indicator. Whereas countries who glorify invaders and mass murdered have time and again proven their hate mongering mindset.

As far as hitler's following in india is concerned, it is almost nil. Few uninformed people who might admire him do not represent the majority or the national rhetoric of the country. And if there are certain people who want to label us indians as admirers of hitler based on actions of couple of whack-jobs, I wonder what label they burden themselves on with!
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its no surprise one terrorist supports another

still thakerey terror lives among indian hearts and out of fear they start admiring him, stolkholme syndrome :angel:
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3662453 said:
its no surprise one terrorist supports another

still thakerey terror lives among indian hearts and out of fear they start admiring him, stolkholme syndrome :angel:

yeah ... sell your BS somewhere else....there is no fear of thackrey, admiration of thackrey stems from moral corruption of congress in maharashtra and mumbai in particular. Shiv sena, didn't sell out for appeasement of minority votebank and had the reform rhetoric which appeased certain votebank. But the rhetoric didn't deliver as any other political party and as a result the votebank started looking elsewhere.
ohhh what a thought provoking and touching post :lol:

times were different....yes his army and conquests saw a law of displacement and good amount of bloodshed but find me any major empire that didnt see such; to his credit -- he did help promote renaissance in Islamic arts and culture and he was pretty instrumental in uniting Muslims in almost all of Middle East to Central/South/Eastern Asia.

in fact his army consisted of multiple ethnic groups so you cant really say he had an ethnic agenda.....it was just about power projection, economics, influence and reach in those days

what i dont need, Fateh, is some hindustani dead-weight on the net lecturing me on who are my heros and what is my identity :laugh:

hafeez saeed, lakhvi and your identity is arab wannabe
those guys in shiv sena respect bal thakrey as much as you guys respect prophet mohammad.
probably bal will meet him in the afterlife whereever he goes and they will enjoy Bals favorite red wine and talk .
PM: welcome home ,mate. good job in creating bigots
BT: oh well , i have brainwashed some people and made them fundamentalists. but you are the idol for that. you are the Don bradman in that area , i am a mere Sachin tendulkar of creating bigots.
PM: well thank you.
BT: what was the secret of your enduring legacy. how is that people are still bombing others in your name.
PM: I dont know , maybe Im the Don.
BT: I will prolly get a statue or two in Shivaji park but not a prophethood like you.
PM: LOL, thats why I banned those fools from making any resemblances of my face.
BT: ah you evil ba$tard.
PM: thanks mate.. enjoy your stay , i got to go.. i am still entertainin OBL. he is unstoppable , the beast.

:cheesy: :rofl:
ohhh what a thought provoking and touching post :lol:

times were different....yes his army and conquests saw a law of displacement and good amount of bloodshed but find me any major empire that didnt see such; to his credit -- he did help promote renaissance in Islamic arts and culture and he was pretty instrumental in uniting Muslims in almost all of Middle East to Central/South/Eastern Asia.

in fact his army consisted of multiple ethnic groups so you cant really say he had an ethnic agenda.....it was just about power projection, economics, influence and reach in those days

what i dont need, Fateh, is some hindustani dead-weight on the net lecturing me on who are my heros and what is my identity :laugh:

As lame as expected, excuses can be made to justify hitler too, he built a nation out of ashes, he fought imperialists like the british who were ruling us, he helped freedom fighters like Bose etc etc etc...

Your hatred of your ancestors and hindus is so well internalised that you do not see it at all. You are making excuses for timur, who again as per all scholarly accounts caused useless destruction that had no merit in war, slaughtered people that would be counterproductive to economic interest and persecuted and forcefully converted non muslims that had nothing but religious bigotry as agenda.

As a victim, enjoy your stockhold syndrom and stop worrying about hitler following in India.

I've realised pakistanis think nothing wrong in hating hindus and jews, its part of their identity. But now they are shedding crocodile tears about some people admiring a man who caused the holocaust which did not even occur according to the same pakistanis. Truly cursed indeed, to have no choice in hating your ancestors and loving their rapist.
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