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Hitler’s Strange Afterlife in India

Why Hitler is praised in India...

1. 20 year ago most of Indian never knew there is a country name Israel, our relation with Israel was not convincing.
2. Many of Indian don't know about Hitler's crime against Jews and Indian (India origin Roma).
3. Hitler was praised coz he stand against Greedy nations. He was not entirely wrong...

If Hitler wouldn't have killed Indians (India origin Romas) and Jews I would have been greatest admirer of him. Except his holocast part I find nothing wrong about him..


Last but not least Many Indian don't diffrentiate these religions//
a) Judaism (Most of us thing Judaism and Xianism is same religion Jesus and Jeus are same person)
b) Parsi and Muslim are same. Many I met identify Indira Gandhy's husband as Muslim.
I've realised pakistanis think nothing wrong in hating hindus and jews, its part of their identity. But now they are shedding crocodile tears about some people admiring a man who caused the holocaust which did not even occur according to the same pakistanis. Truly cursed indeed, to have no choice in hating your ancestors and loving their rapist.

All that hostility :lol:

Don't worry, I still love you lot.
All this comparo between Hitler and Thackery in some previous posts is silly to say the least. But it amused me to see that just one man with courage and conviction to speak openly about Muslims got the collective balls rolling across the border (no pun intended). All this bravado and chest thumping reduced to whimpers about a deceased man.
You folks should genuinely admire us, that your hafeez(s) etc leave us unfazed.

Also if Modi actually becomes PM of our country, Pakistanis will be in for some interesting times, i am sure.
world knows the reason of attack on golden temple and i also know the reason of murder of your PM gandi.so if you have given so much previliges to sikhs then by they shoot down your loving PM and why every year they protest against indian government world wide and why their is a seperatist movement in every state of india.Think about it UNCLE!

By you great logic pakistan is supposed to be the saviour of muslims and every muslim should be safe in your country.. ever counted number of mulims are killed every day by the same muslims...

My dear friend india is not what u think.. india is such a big country that every 100 kms the culture changes the way of living changes so are the poeple... I admit There are people who thinks little extreme and if they did so they will be brought to justice.... My dear friend indian muslims lead a better life than what the life you guys are having.. (atleast they dont have to fear a bomb every day they wake up)

I am a hindu and my best friend is a muslim so??????... dont assume that all hindu's are against muslims becuase we have the second largest population of muslims living in india....

Note : I dont believe every pakistani share your view on this..
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