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History’s baggage: Pakistan’s Punjab problem

Oh bhai I am not in mood of any long, scholarly discussion...

For one example: ALOT of people in 'slave' countries see white color as the standard of beauty...Why is it? For these people, it is 'natural' to like/admire white complexion..and they think it is by 'nature'..but actually, they are admiring white color b/c they are socially constructed to do so over centuries by the 'white' colonists.

I partially agree. The biggest factor in colonialism is how they break your self esteem. The Chains forged from iron and fire pale in comparison to the chains we forge in our mind, comprising of our fears, insecurities and twisted memories.

The worst part is, we know how to fly from our mental prison, and yet Humans have tried lifetimes and failed to do so.
This article is just another attempt at trying to blame Punjabis for the problems of all Pakistanis, it is pathetic and honestly quite redundant.

Couldnt agree more. I mean there was a guy saying at the beginning of this thread somewhere that Punjab is keeping the rest of the country backward, and yet if one looks at pretty much any socio-economic indicator, Punjab is ahead of any other province in the country, be it literacy rates, fertility rates or HDI levels. Further it contributes more to the national gdp than it takes back in the national budget. So rather than Punjab holding the country back its the other way around. Punjabis have done and sacrificed so much for this country (including their language!), and still they get taunted for holding the country back. Oh the irony!
Couldnt agree more. I mean there was a guy saying at the beginning of this thread somewhere that Punjab is keeping the rest of the country backward, and yet if one looks at pretty much any socio-economic indicator, Punjab is ahead of any other province in the country, be it literacy rates, fertility rates or HDI levels. Further it contributes more to the national gdp than it takes back in the national budget. So rather than Punjab holding the country back its the other way around. Punjabis have done and sacrificed so much for this country (including their language!), and still they get taunted for holding the country back. Oh the irony!

Not to mention all other ethnicities run to Punjab to settle and are welcomed with open arms meanwhile if a Punjabi heads to another province they are despised and in some cases killed for being Punjabi.
Majority of people of unfortunate countries like ours are psychologically colonized by West..

As I said

If you admire and quickly copy the hard working ways of Number 1 student in your class, you will be in the top group.


if you hate the guts of the number 1 student, and utterly refuse to learn the value of hardwork, then you will surely be among 3rd rated failed students.


only 3rd rated failed students and nations become slaves

not the top rated. Why? top rated nations eventually become allies. And if one of them messes up, the next in line takes over.

However a 3rd failed students and nations will remain slaves even if the power changes hands at the top.

Thank you

p.s. reading books is only the first step, Don't refuse to take the next step and make your OWN assessments instead of this blind eyed marxist mumbo jumbo peddled by so many university professors.
Sir even the hindu jaats don't have much to show about their prowess except few small kingdoms. Introspection is a good thing but digging into the skin with hook and sinker is not advised.

Even though I agree

But allow me to add a bit.

-- Let's not bring in Hindu/Muslim if we can avoid it.

-- Many parts of the world can go into the same historic category that you mention, but that is not a license to remain there for ever.

Even though I agree
But allow me to add a bit.
-- Let's not bring in Hindu/Muslim if we can avoid it.
-- Many parts of the world can go into the same historic category that you mention, but that is not a license to remain there for ever.
Obviously the past is not a reason to be stuck in the same place forever. But we are entangled in false sense of perception of superiority so much that we can see beyond our own prejudice. We from sub-continent are so pious that we look each other with judging eyes. The day we can teach OURSELVES that collective efforts would lead us to success we can start seeing a positive change.
Bottom line is punjabis always had everything and therefore they were always in their comfort zone and didn't need to change anything.

We on the other hand had nothing therefore we were and are risk takers, we had nothing to loose but everything to win.

Punjabi taunting is just banter, deep down we all know that when Shyte hits the fan we drift to Punjab.
Bottom line is punjabis always had everything and therefore they were always in their comfort zone and didn't need to change anything.

We on the other hand had nothing therefore we were and are risk takers, we had nothing to loose but everything to win.

Punjabi taunting is just banter, deep down we all know that when Shyte hits the fan we drift to Punjab.

Wrror, every inch of Pakistan belongs to all of us ! :pakistan:
OP should have devoted at least one para to Syed Ahmad Brelavi Shaheed who was martyred fighting the combined English and Khalsa troops.
OP should have devoted at least one para to Syed Ahmad Brelavi Shaheed who was martyred fighting the combined English and Khalsa troops.

First, that mad Mullah was concentrated in Peshawar.
Second, he was brought down by MUSLIM Pashtun uprising.

Third he was a mad Mullah, who didn't realize that he is adding religious $hit to the region.

Please do not bring him up.

Such praises for Mullahs have resulted in so much death and destruction in the region.

Muslims being dominant majority in Punjab at that time
Muslims were going to own most of the land in Punjab

meant that

Muslims had to be a tolerant bunch in order to progress and prosper

But this Mullah brought poor mentality Islamist mentality from Muslim minority states of North India.

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Heck - I'm an ethnic Kashmiri born & bred in Punjab just like my Father & his Father before him - I can't recall a single instance where I've even been differentiated against let alone being discriminated !

Yes they were not able to establish seperate states based on Muslim Punjabi nationalism quite simply because Muslim Punjabis saw themselves as mentioned before in terms of their tribes and never formed some kind of organized coherent group that nowadays people tend to believe Muslims Punjabis are.

I think the article is one big pile of bullsh1t. Any one who lives in Punjab can see how flawed it is. Punjab means the land of the of five rivers. Anyone who lives in this land of five rivers becomes a punjabi.

Unlike in the case of Pukhtoonkhwa, or Baluchistan, it is not the people who give the land its name, it is land which gives people its name.

Punjabi = One who lives in the land of five rivers.

Just google search a bit and look at the list of ethnic groups in Punjab.

Tagay Zai

And probably there are much more than this.

I found this article to be ignorent, distorted, intolerant, b1tchy and offensive.
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Bottom line is punjabis always had everything and therefore they were always in their comfort zone and didn't need to change anything.

We on the other hand had nothing therefore we were and are risk takers, we had nothing to loose but everything to win.

Punjabi taunting is just banter, deep down we all know that when Shyte hits the fan we drift to Punjab.

Punjab is for all Pakistanis. It is the land of Pakistanis, and it is for us Pakistanis to enjoy it.

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