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History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

seriously, this site is retarded, I wrote post and then it says I can't post then auto log off

only joking Viets!

is there any Viet here who is expert knowledge in ancient Vietnam history because I was reading some stuff and it seem like Viets weren't in the delta until much later, the original Dong Son people and Baiyue is something to do with Austronesian and Tai-Kadai, all the cultural markers depicted on the drums or recorded later all match up with Austronesian

Taizong appealed to Le Hoan

Taizong of Song was in 10th century so if Viets ancestors were always in the delta aren't they already supposed to have been heavily Sinicised by then, from this quote Viets was still so primitive so it must be that Viets were only recently came from Nghe Tinh in the mountains starting from around the Black emperor time

does any Viets know about Viet Thuong/yueshang? Viets was not Baiyue but different Yue of Viet Thuong clans, yue just mean beyond, i.e from Zhou etc realm right?
you mixed too many things with different periods of time together: Dong Son people and Baiyue, Austronesian and Tai-Kadai (what?), Taizong and Le Hoan, Viets and Black emperor (what?), Viet Thuong/yueshang. But what is your conclusion?
Chinese poisoned their country children for money.

The 2008 Chinese milk scandal was a food safety incident in the People's Republic of China, involving milk and infant formula, and other food materials and components, adulterated with melamine.
By November 2008, China reported an estimated 300,000 victims,[1] with six infants dying from kidney stones and other kidney damage, and an estimated 54,000 babies being hospitalised.[2][3] The chemical appeared to have been added to milk to cause it to appear to have a higher protein content. In a separate incident four years before, watered-down milk had resulted in 13 infant deaths from malnutrition.[4]




If you didn't know the person responsible was prosecuted and executed. What have you done about the 73000 liters of Agent Orange sprayed in your country? Did you try suing the USA or just tucked tail and pretend it didn't happen?
If you didn't know the person responsible were prosecuted and executed. What have you done about the 73000 liters of Agent Orange sprayed in your country? Did you try suing the USA or just tucked tail and pretend it didn't happen?

idiot chinese. How many innocent Vietnamese were killed by Chinese PLA murders 1979 ?
idiot chinese. How many innocent Vietnamese were killed by Chinese PLA murders 1979 ?

So according to your logic, your so called Vietnamese lives are expendable to your white masters but not in the hands of the Chinese?

So according to your logic, your so called Vietnamese lives are expendable to your white masters but not in the hands of the Chinese?


PLA were murders. Dirty hands of traitors. China Deng kissed @ of USA 1972, 1979; your white master in cold war.
PLA were murders. Dirty hands of traitors. China Deng kissed @ of USA 1972, 1979; your white master in cold war.

As for VPA, they kill their own people. Vietnam has poor human rights. This doesn't make Vietnam any better than China.

"The Vietnam government systematically suppresses freedom of expression, association, and peaceful assembly, and persecutes those who question government policies, expose official corruption, or call for democratic alternatives to one-party rule. Police harass and intimidate activists and their family members. Authorities arbitrarily arrest activists, hold them incommunicado for long periods without access to legal counsel or family visits, subject them to torture, and prosecute them in politically pliant courts that mete out long prison sentences for violating vaguely worded national security laws.

In 2012, police used excessive force in response to public protests over evictions, confiscation of land, and police brutality.

Land confiscation continues to be a flashpoint issue, with local farmers and villagers facing unjust confiscation of their lands by government officials and private sector projects. Those who resist face abuses from local authorities."

World Report 2013: Vietnam | Human Rights Watch
PLA were murders. Dirty hands of traitors. China Deng kissed @ of USA 1972, 1979; your white master in cold war.
I have no idea why ur Vietnamese like to talk China Deng welcomed U.S, i think that's not about Vietnam business it's only China foreign policy in that time.

I must say, during the Cold War China made a good choice for this country. And what ? In 21century Russia and China become the military allies, they set up the ShangHai Cooperation Organization and both sides had a joint military drill each year.

Vietnamese call us as traitors again and again. I didn't hear China and Vietnam ever signed any agreement to show our allies, in Cold War China not Vietnam's backer we stayed in different sides and Vietnam violated China interests in Indo-china areas.

BTW 1960s Chinese fought with Soviets at North of China, 1980s we worked together with American and Pakistan to support weapons to Taliban against Soviets, 1990s-2000s Chinese worked together with new Russian to defend American threat. 1950s Chinese fought with U.N at Korean peninsula, 1970s-1980s we worked together with the West and American in Afghanistan and punished Vietnam in Indo-china, 1990s-2000s Russian and Chinese set up new allies. <=== This is the POLITICAL GAME, only the weak need 'FOREIGN FRIEND'. A smart country have to know how playing the BALANCE in this world.
If you didn't know the person responsible was prosecuted and executed. What have you done about the 73000 liters of Agent Orange sprayed in your country? Did you try suing the USA or just tucked tail and pretend it didn't happen?
let's all be honest and call these Vietnamese what they are...dogs, it's just too easy for someone like me to hate them so much, always complaining about communism or something else when they don't even understand reality but when it comes to papa America these apologists will get on their knees quicker than you can blink, also I think it was a lot more than 73000ltr more like 43 million

THE U.S. attempt to starve Vietnam out, through a political and economic embargo, is senseless. Most Americans are not even aware that such a campaign is under way. After all, within the past year the U.S. government has re-approved most-favored-nation trade status for China, prepared to donate food to the Soviet Union, found a way to coexist with the brutal new SLORC regime in Burma, and applied a forgive-and-forget economic policy to most nations other than Iraq. But in Vietnam the U.S. embargo remains the central fact of economic life. It makes existence undeservedly miserable for many millions of people, while doing no visible good for anyone -- except, perhaps, for businessmen in Taiwan, Singapore, Australia, and Japan.

The second part of the embargo policy consists of U.S. pressure on the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and the International Monetary Fund to keep them, too, from dealing normally with Vietnam. Although the United States is the single biggest force in each of these organizations, on its own it cannot dictate their policies. But the Japanese representatives, who make up the second-largest voting bloc, have lined up behind the United States on this issue, and together the two countries have stonily kept most international organizations out of Vietnam. The United Nations operates a few small development-aid programs and an extensive refugee-processing system within Vietnam, but in general Vietnam must exist outside the network of loans, international credits, financial restructuring plans, and so forth that countries from Ghana to Peru to Bangladesh can participate in. (Technically, the IMF excludes Vietnam not because of the embargo but because Vietnam hasn't paid off some $140 million in old debts. Vietnam is hardly the only Third World country in arrears. Its problem could be cleared up with bridge loans, as has been done in many other countries, if Japanese and American banks could get involved.) Apart from the Soviet Union -- which has for the past decade subsidized Vietnam's economy, received tens of thousands of Vietnamese guest workers, and provided cut-rate shipments of fertilizer and oil -- Sweden and Finland are the only nations that have given Vietnam substantial amounts of foreign aid.

Of the two components of the embargo, the pressure on international organizations is the more important. Vietnam has what is politely referred to as an "infrastructure problem." The roads, the telephones, the electrical-power network, and the water and sewage systems are terrible or nonexistent. I asked Vo Dai Luoc, of the Institute for World Economy, in Hanoi, "which problem is most urgent? Transportation? Communications? Power?" He answered, "yes" -- and not because he misunderstood me. The amount of money needed to create a telephone system for 6 million people, rebuild roads not maintained for twenty years, and renovate antique seaports and airports is more than any private investor will put up. Since the end of the Second World War mammoth infrastructure projects in many parts of the world have typically been sponsored by the World Bank or other international lending organizations; this is how Japan built its Bullet Train system in the 1960s. Other countries throughout Asia draw constantly on World Bank and Asian Development Bank advice and loans. Vietnam cannot, because the United States says no. Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam are inching toward cooperation on several Mekong River projects, to cope with the environmental ruin of the Southeast Asian forests. The Mekong committee's office in Hanoi has a thick folder of requests for funding: so much to monitor water quality, so much to restock fish, so much to offset the intrusion of salt water into the Mekong Delta region. None of this can go anywhere so long as Vietnam is classified as a pariah.

Shut Out - 91.03

there were bandits created by imperialism.
again with the lies! Vietnamese are so pathetic that they copied everything from the Chinese even to the point of terming the indigenous non Kinh populations as 'Moi' and the Chinese word 'Man' for savages/barbarians and pushing them up to the mountains
you mixed too many things with different periods of time together: Dong Son people and Baiyue, Austronesian and Tai-Kadai (what?), Taizong and Le Hoan, Viets and Black emperor (what?), Viet Thuong/yueshang. But what is your conclusion?

I don't have conclusion, I have to read more stuff that's why I asked the Viets here if they know about Viet Thuong, what is the reason people say Vietnamese were in the Hong plains during Dong Son period, An Duong Vuong, Nanyue etc?
It's time to end the ill north vietnamese government

The end was in 1976.

I have no idea why ur Vietnamese like to talk China Deng welcomed U.S, i think that's not about Vietnam business it's only China foreign policy in that time.

I must say, during the Cold War China made a good choice for this country. And what ? In 21century Russia and China become the military allies, they set up the ShangHai Cooperation Organization and both sides had a joint military drill each year.

Vietnamese call us as traitors again and again. I didn't hear China and Vietnam ever signed any agreement to show our allies, in Cold War China not Vietnam's backer we stayed in different sides and Vietnam violated China interests in Indo-china areas.

BTW 1960s Chinese fought with Soviets at North of China, 1980s we worked together with American and Pakistan
to support weapons to Taliban against Soviets, 1990s-2000s Chinese worked together with new Russian to defend American thread. 1950s Chinese fought with U.N at Korean peninsula, 1970s-1980s we worked together with the West and American in Afghanistan and punished Vietnam in Indo-china, 1990s-2000s Russian and Chinese set up new allies. <=== This is the POLITICAL GAME, only the weak need 'FOREIGN FRIEND'.

1969, china attacked on Soviets to kiss @ of USA, to let China joined to UN. 1972 China kissed @ of USA in Peking, 1974 China robbed Islands of Vietnam. 1979 China kissed @ of USA in Washington and attacked Vietnam to show of her trust to new master.

and now, China turned back to russia. It's wrong something in mentality of China. You are black chess in hand of USA, not game pleyer.

let's all be honest and call these Vietnamese what they are...dogs, it's just too easy for someone like me to hate them so much, always complaining about communism or something else when they don't even understand reality but when it comes to papa America these apologists will get on their knees quicker than you can blink, also I think it was a lot more than 73000ltr more like 43 million

Shut Out - 91.03

again with the lies! Vietnamese are so pathetic that they copied everything from the Chinese even to the point of terming the indigenous non Kinh populations as 'Moi' and the Chinese word 'Man' for savages/barbarians and pushing them up to the mountains

What are you barking here ?

1969, china attacked on Soviets to kiss @ of USA, to let China joined to UN. 1972 China kissed @ of USA in Peking, 1974 China robbed Islands of Vietnam. 1979 China kissed @ of USA in Washington and attacked Vietnam to show of her trust to new master.

and now, China turned back to russia. It's wrong something in mentality of China.
LOL, ur statment lacked historical datas
1. When 1972 PRC return U.N, U.S voted against it. Pls wiki: Voting records of the United Nations General Assembly Resolutions 505 and 2758, UNITED STATES voted No.

2. Islands from South Vietnam government , not today Vietnam.

3. American fought Vietnam War in 1960s, Chinese fought another version of Vietnam War in 1970s~1980s. Anyway China were not allies with S.U and Vietnam in Cold War.
The end was in 1976.
1969, china attacked on Soviets to kiss @ of USA, to let China joined to UN. 1972 China kissed @ of USA in Peking, 1974 China robbed Islands of Vietnam. 1979 China kissed @ of USA in Washington and attacked Vietnam to show of her trust to new master.

and now, China turned back to russia. It's wrong something in mentality of China. You are black chess in hand of USA, not game pleyer.
What are you barking here ?

you are just another Viet worshipping big papa America never speaking against their crimes but always complaining about the Chinese
But in Vietnam the U.S. embargo remains the central fact of economic life. It makes existence undeservedly miserable for many millions of people, while doing no visible good for anyone -- except, perhaps, for businessmen in Taiwan, Singapore, Australia, and Japan

Of the two components of the embargo, the pressure on international organizations is the more important, Vietnam has what is politely referred to as an "infrastructure problem." The roads, the telephones, the electrical-power network, and the water and sewage systems are terrible or nonexistent. I asked Vo Dai Luoc, of the Institute for World Economy, in Hanoi, "which problem is most urgent? Transportation? Communications? Power?" He answered, "yes" -- and not because he misunderstood me. The amount of money needed to create a telephone system for 6 million people, rebuild roads not maintained for twenty years, and renovate antique seaports and airports is more than any private investor will put up. Since the end of the Second World War mammoth infrastructure projects in many parts of the world have typically been sponsored by the World Bank or other international lending organizations; this is how Japan built its Bullet Train system in the 1960s. Other countries throughout Asia draw constantly on World Bank and Asian Development Bank advice and loans. Vietnam cannot, because the United States says no. Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam are inching toward cooperation on several Mekong River projects, to cope with the environmental ruin of the Southeast Asian forests. The Mekong committee's office in Hanoi has a thick folder of requests for funding: so much to monitor water quality, so much to restock fish, so much to offset the intrusion of salt water into the Mekong Delta region. None of this can go anywhere so long as Vietnam is classified as a pariah.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-...want-know-about-vietnam-34.html#ixzz2f9Eo2yN5

Vietnam agreed Monday to repay more than $145 million in debts to the United States incurred by the defeated South Vietnamese regime, eliminating a major roadblock to the eventual normalization of economic and trade relations between Washington and Hanoi.
wtf is this?
Vietnam to Repay $145 Million for U.S. Loans to South Vietnam - The Tech

Throughout the Paris negotiations, the North Vietnamese tied the prisoner issue tightly to the issue of reparations. They were adamant in refusing to deal with them separately. Finally, in a Feb. 2, 1973 formal letter to Hanoi&#8217;s premier, Pham Van Dong, Nixon pledged $3.25 billion in &#8220;postwar reconstruction&#8221; aid &#8220;without any political conditions.&#8221; But he also attached to the letter a codicil that said the aid would be implemented by each party &#8220;in accordance with its own constitutional provisions.&#8221; That meant Congress would have to approve the appropriation, and Nixon and Kissinger knew well that Congress was in no mood to do so. The North Vietnamese, whether or not they immediately understood the double-talk in the letter, remained skeptical about the reparations promise being honored&#8212;and it never was. Hanoi thus appears to have held back prisoners&#8212;just as it had done when the French were defeated at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 and withdrew their forces from Vietnam. In that case, France paid ransoms for prisoners and brought them home.
McCain and the POW Cover-Up | The American Conservative

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