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History of Pakistan from 3000 BC to the present

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May 19, 2012
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Pakistan from 3000 BC to the present:

1. Indus Valley Civilization: 3000-1500 B.C. i.e. about 1500 yrs. Independent, separate from India.

2. Aryan period: 1500-522 B.C. i.e. about 978 yrs. Independent, separate from India.

3. Small semi-independent states: 522-326 B.C. i.e. about 196 yrs. Under the suzerainty of Iran's Kayani (Achaemenian) Empire.

4. Conquered by Alexander and remained under his successor: 326-300 B.C. i.e. about 26 yrs. Under Greek rulers, not part of India.

5. Province of Mauryan Empire which included Afghanistan: 300-200 B.C. i.e. about 100 yrs. Part of India, mostly Buddhist rule.

6. Graeco-Bactrian period: 200-100 B.C. i.e. about 100 yrs. Independent, not part of India.

7. Saka-Parthian period: 100 B.C.- 70 A.D. i.e. about 170 yrs. Independent, separate from India.

8. Kushan rule (1st phase): 70-250 A.D. i.e. about 180 yrs. Pakistan-based kingdom ruled over major portion of north India.

9. Kushan rule (2nd phase): 250-450 A.D. i.e. about 200 yrs. Independent, separate from India.

10. White Huns and allied tribes (1st phase): 450-650 A.D. i.e. about 200 yrs. Pakistan-based kingdoms ruled over parts of north India.

11. White Huns (2nd phase--- mixed with other races): 650-1010 A.D. i.e. about 360 yrs. Independent Rajput-Brahmin Kingdoms, not part of India.

12. Ghaznavids: 1010-1187 A.D. i.e. 177 yrs. Part of Ghaznavid empire, separate from India.

13. Ghorid and Qubacha periods: 1187-1227 A.D. i.e. about 40 yrs. Independent, not part of India.

14. Muslim period (Slave dynasty, Khiljis, Tughlaqs, Syeds, Lodhis, Suris and Mughals): 1227-1739 A.D. i.e. about 512 yrs. Under north India based MUSLIM govts.

15. Nadir Shah and Abdali periods: 1739-1800 A.D. i.e. about 61 yrs. Iranian and Afghan suzerainty, not part of India.

16. Sikh rule (in Punjab, NWFP and Kashmir), Talpur rule in Sind, Khanate of Kalat in Baluchistan: 1800-1848 A.D. i.e. about 48 yrs. Independent states, not part of India.

17. British rule: 1848-1947 A.D. i.e. about 99 yrs (1843-1947 in Sind). Part of India under FOREIGN rule.

18. Muslim rule under the nomenclature of Pakistan: 1947-present. Independent, not part of India.

The above table reveals that during the 5000 years of Pakistan's known history, this country was part of India for a total period of 711 yrs of which 512 yrs were covered by the MUSLIM period and about 100 years each by the Mauryan (mostly BUDDHIST) and British (CHRISTIAN) periods. Can anybody agree with the Indian 'claim' that Pakistan was part of India and that partition was unnatural? It hardly needs much intelligence to understand that Pakistan always had her back towards India and face towards the countries on her west. This is true both commercially and culturally.
What about the Arab Invasion under Muhammad Bin Qasim ?
keep dreaming and bottom line is Indus valley civilization is Indian civilization and no one can take it away from us if that is the case then Muslims who do not do idle worship how come they find gods and goddess idles in the Indus valley this is the proof that the civilization is not Pakistani and also the date of origin of Indus valley and the date of birth of prophet Mohammed who is the founder of Islam do not add up guys.......... here this is in reference to the time line BC
Aryan means to be from Iran zamin, or Iranian land. according to the oldest inscription in the world about Aryans in behistoon Iran.
so I have no Idea what you mean by Aryan period...unless for that period your country was taken over by ancient Iran.
Indu Valley civilization not a part of India? Thats some good stuff you are smoking there bro.

Indus Valley Civilization is a civilization that India has exclusive rights to. Pakistani claims to the Indus Valley civilization is as much as Pakistani claims to Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. Pakistan saying IVC belongs to them is similar to Pakistan saying that they own Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. Culturally and civilizationally, you guys are the exact opposite of what IVC people were.

IVC major language was Sanskrit(which the Bhagvad Geeta, Hindu religious book is written in), not Urdu or Arabic. How many Pakistanis know Sanskrit? In India, Sanskrit is taught in schools and many people know it.

Next religion in IVC:

The religion of Hinduism probably has its roots in the Indus Valley civilisation. Hindus and Indus people both worship a 'mother goddess' (her names include Parvati and Sakti), and both regard the cow as sacred. Hindus and Indus people both bathe in the River for religious purposes and consider rivers holy.[59]

Some Indus valley seals show swastikas, which are found in other religions (worldwide), especially in Indian religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. The earliest evidence for elements of Hinduism are alleged to have been present before and during the early Harappan period.[60] Phallic symbols interpreted as the much later Hindu Shiva lingam have been found in the Harappan remains.

Many Indus valley seals show animals. One motif shows a horned figure seated in a posture reminiscent of the Lotus position and surrounded by animals was named by early excavators Pashupati (lord of cattle), an epithet of the later Hindu gods Shiva and Rudra.[63][64][65]

In view of the large number of figurines found in the Indus valley, some scholars believe that the Harappan people worshipped a Mother goddess symbolizing fertility, a common practice among rural Hindus even today.[66] However, this view has been disputed by S. Clark who sees it as an inadequate explanation of the function and construction of many of the figurines.[67]

There are no religious buildings or evidence of elaborate burials. If there were temples, they have not been identified.[68]
In the earlier phases of their culture, the Harappans buried their dead; however, later, especially in the Cemetery H culture of the late Harrapan period, they also cremated their dead and buried the ashes in burial urns.

It is possible that a temple exists to the East of the great bath, but the site has not been excavated. There is a Buddhist reliquary mound on the site and permission has not been granted to move it.[69] Until there is sufficient evidence, speculation about the religion of the IVC is largely based on a retrospective view from a much later Hindu perspective.[42]
Ram Prasad Chanda, who supervised Indus Valley Civilisation excavations, states[70] that, “Not only the seated deities on some of the Indus seals are in Yoga posture and bear witness to the prevalence of Yoga in the Indus Valley Civilisation in that remote age, the standing deities on the seals also show Kayotsarga (a standing or sitting posture of meditation) position. The Kayotsarga posture is peculiarly Jain. It is a posture not of sitting but of standing. In the Adi Purana Book XV III, the Kayotsarga posture is described in connection with the penance of Rsabha, also known as Vrsabha.”[71]

Christopher Key Chappel also notes some other possible links with Jainism.[72] Seal 420, unearthed at Mohenjodaro portrays a person with 3 or possibly 4 faces. Jain iconography frequently depicts its Tirthankaras with four faces, symbolizing their presence in all four directions. This four-faced attribute is also true of many Hindu gods, important among them being Brahma, the chief creator deity.[73] In addition, Depictions of a bull appear repeatedly in the artifacts of the Indus Valley. Lannoy, Thomas McEvilley and Padmanabh Jaini have all suggested that the abundant use of the bull image in the Indus Valley civilization indicates a link with Rsabha, whose companion animal is the bull. This seal can be interpreted in many ways, and authors such as Christopher Key Chappel and Richard Lannoy support the Jain interpretation.[72]

Pakistan did have the Indus valley civilization geographically, but in civilization terms, you guys are the exact opposite of IVC people who worshipped idols and spoke Sanskrit. Also, a sizeable portion of IVC is part of present day India.


Dude, great job putting this together, but chodo na...him taking selective pride for a piece of land does not in any way change the true history...

Aryan means to be from Iran zamin, or Iranian land. according to the oldest inscription in the world about Aryans in behistoon Iran.
so I have no Idea what you mean by Aryan period...unless for that period your country was taken over by ancient Iran.

That's the gist...some Pakistanis take a lot of pride at having been invaded by Arabs and Iran than be associated with anything with India...then again, look at the guy's username and you will understand his mindset...
Pakistan's Indo-Aryan History (Indo as in Indus Valley Civilization, not india) Part III

Hellenistic world in 200 BCE


Greco-Bactrian kingdom (250-125 BCE)


Indo-Greek kingdom (180 BCE-10 AD)

Indo-Greek Kingdom

Gupta Empire

Hephthalite dominion (520)

Stuff like Hinduism were invented in Pakistan (IVC as it was called back then); but when Islam came the original practitioners of this religion switched to Islam and our eastern neighbours kept on with practising it.

Not only did they keep practicing it but they evolved it into something else.

Pakistan's Indo-Aryan History (Indo as in Indus Valley Civilization, not india) Part IV

Indus Valley Civilization (Ancient Pakistanis)

Indus Valley Civilization - YouTube

Indus valley civilization(mohenjo-daro) - YouTube

Remnants of Ghandara in Swat, Pakistan
Nemogram: Ancient Buddhist site in Swat - YouTube

Taxila, Pakistan by Asiatravel.com - YouTube

Buddhism originated in Pakistan
Pakistan Gandhara Heritage - YouTube

There was no such thing as india before 1947.
Pakistan's Indo-Aryan History (Indo as in Indus Valley Civilization, not india) Part V: Pre Islamic Traditions

The Attan:







'Attan (Pashto: اتڼ) is a form of dance that originated in the Pashtun regions of Afghanistan, the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, Khyber Pukhtunkhwa and north Balochistan. Attan began as a folk dance conducted by Afghans in the time of war or during wedding or other celebrations (engagement, new year and informal gatherings). It is now considered the national dance of Afghanistan.[1]

The performance of the attan dance in the open air has long been customary in the Afghan culture.[2] Performed in a large circle to the accompaniment of drums and pipes, the dance begins slowly but grows in momentum for two or three hours without a break except for changes in tempo or changes in song. Its duration differs - anywhere from 5 to 25 minutes.

Attan is a traditional Afghan dance. It is said to be one of the oldest forms of Afghan Pagan dance. Some identify Attan as an a religious ceremony of early Zoroastrians placing it 2000 BCE, while others have placed even older going back to King Yama's celebration of Nowroz and warriors dancing and circling around the fire. This was later modified into an Islamic dance to allow the dancers to get "closer to God." This virtual Attan practised by many Afghan poets and mystics had even reached to corners of Turkey, known in Europe as the Rumi Dance. It is usually performed with a Dhol, which is a double-headed barrel drum. The dance can be anywhere from 5 minute to 30 minutes long. There are many different regional variations of Attan, the most famous being Kabuli, Paktiyaya, Mazari, Kandahari, Sistani, Herati, Pashayi, and Nuristani. During King Yama's time, Attan was performed before going to a war because it used to give the army the confidence that they could win the battle.

Attan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Pakistan's Indo-Aryan History (Indo as in Indus Valley Civilization, not india) Part V: Pre Islamic Traditions continued

The Kalash:




The Kalasha (Kalasha: Kaĺaśa, Nuristani: Kasivo) or Kalash, are indigenous people residing in the Chitral District of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. They speak the Kalasha language, from the Dardic family of the Indo-Iranian languages, and are considered a unique tribe among the Indo-Aryan peoples of Pakistan.[1]

They are related to the Nuristani people of the adjacent Nuristan (historically known as Kafiristan) province of Afghanistan. An autochthonous and polytheistic group like the Kalasha of Chitral, the Nuristani were forcibly converted to Islam by the 'Iron Amir' Abdur Rahman Khan in the late 19th century, while the Kalasha of Chitral maintain their own separate cultural traditions.

Kalash people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Kalash People of Pakistan - YouTube

Kalash Valley Dance - YouTube
Aryan means to be from Iran zamin, or Iranian land. according to the oldest inscription in the world about Aryans in behistoon Iran.
so I have no Idea what you mean by Aryan period...unless for that period your country was taken over by ancient Iran.

You are completely wrong. There are three types and definitions of Aryans that need to be kept in mind.

Aryan - A Sanskrit word which means "noble people".

Indian Aryans: A civilizational identity definition which has nothing to do with race/ethnicity/skin colour. Refers to ancient civilizations in India whose identity was defined by Sanskrit, idol worshipping and a trade based economy.

A popular misconception among people in this forum is that Indian Aryans refer to high caste or light skinned Indians. This is completely false and is a misconception that is created because of the German misuse of the word for racial purposes. You can be dark/light/high caste/ low caste etc and still be an Aryan if your ancestors were living in India and doing the things mentioned above.

German Aryans: Superior race theory. Refers to Christian blonde blue/green eyes "superior race" that will rule over the world, etc, etc. Supported by the German Nazi Party led by Hitler.
You are completely wrong. There are three types and definitions of Aryans that need to be kept in mind.

Aryan - A Sanskrit word which means "noble people".

Indian Aryans: A civilizational identity definition which has nothing to do with race/ethnicity/skin colour. Refers to ancient civilizations in India whose identity was defined by Sanskrit, idol worshipping and a trade based economy.

A popular misconception among people in this forum is that Indian Aryans refer to high caste or light skinned Indians. This is completely false and is a misconception that is created because of the German misuse of the word for racial purposes. You can be dark/light/high caste/ low caste etc and still be an Aryan if your ancestors were living in India and doing the things mentioned above.

German Aryans: Superior race theory. Refers to Christian blonde blue/green eyes "superior race" that will rule over the world, etc, etc. Supported by the German Nazi Party led by Hitler.

Can you not read? THE OLDEST evidence about aryans is in Iran, so who cares what Indian says or hitler says? Aryan means to be from arya or Iran...darius the great inscription in behistoon does not matter according to you Indians?
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