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history of hate and violance against muslims in india

Malay please avoid useless one-liners, personal attacks, or sarcasam.

Yeah webby, i am tired though of explaining the same thing over and over again. It was more of a 'whatever dude' kind of post.
Yeah I know Kashmir don't like Hindu extremist they want to Oust them out there country as they are fighting them....

Its about the topic.
Kashmir didnt have insurgency problems before the 80s. then suddenly, in 80s, problems erupted. why? because the soviet war in afghanistan.

its common knowledge that the ISI, with CIA help and funding, trained terrorists to fight soviets in afghanistan. the ISI also used these terrorists to brew trouble in kashmir. with the withdrawal of the soviets, the ISI threw most of these terrorists into kashmir to 'kill India with a thousand cuts'. And the IA has been fighting these terrorists since then. kashmir is under a stage of sponsored terrorism.

And what about the 1971 bangladesh massacre. i havent got the answer to that yet. isnt that discrimination? isnt that worse than anything done in india so far?
You are sitting in lap of CIA for decades, you are blaming CIA for funding, how much sense do it make?

You mean its insurgents for who you need 700,000 or so troops?

Then tell me for what 80,000 Kashmiri's have been killed if it was insurgents sent by ISI?

For havens sake, dont kae fun of yourself.

You are denying all facts, reports of UNO, human rights commission and singing same song.

In 1980's freedom struggle in kashmir got organised when 100's of innocent civilians were masacred like in Gujrat and people stood up against occupation.
i never said CIA had anything to do in kashmir. i said that ISI trained terrorist with CIA help to use in afghanistan. after afghanistan, ISI sent those terrorists to kashmir.

anyway if u wanna argue on kashmir, here's an article about EU supporting India on kashmir

European Union report on Kashmir backs India's stand

NEW DELHI: A European Parliament's hotly-contested report on Kashmir - largely backing the Indian stand - finally made it through its foreign affairs committee (AFET) on Wednesday.

While India has officially said little about the report, letting it do the talking, there was a quiet thumbs-up for Indian diplomacy in the MEA this week.

Drafted by British member Baronnes Emma Nicholson, the Kashmir report was attacked repeatedly by Pakistani lobbies and even British MPs. Sixty AFET members voted in favour, following 28 amendments, 11 abstentions and one negative vote by Sajjad Karim, of Pakistani origin. The amended report will now go before the plenary of the European Parliament (EP) for approval in May.

Pakistan had lobbied relentlessly over the past few months to trash it. In fact, Pakistani officials told newspapers the vote wouldn't happen. Although the substance of the report remains intact, the most controversial provision on plebiscite in J&K was diluted.

The panel says the "resolution of the continuing conflict along the LoC can best be achieved jointly by a constant engagement between the governments of India and Pakistan, involving the peoples of all parts of the former princely state".

The report reaffirms in a general vein that "all peoples have the inalienable right of self-determination", pointing to the fact that "the pre-conditions for using the plebiscite have not been met at present".

"We are against the plebiscite in principle but believe in self-determination," said Nicholson. The original draft said "continuing calls for a plebiscite on the final status of J&K are out of step with the needs of the local people and thus damaging to their interests".

In what is seen as a clear endorsement of India's position, the report observes, "India is the world's largest secular democracy and has devolved democratic structures at all levels", while "Pakistan still lacks full implementation of democracy in Azad Jammu & Kashmir, and has yet to take steps towards democracy in Gilgit and Baltistan
Who gives a damn to what these morons in any such parliment talk?

You have simply avioded my above question and brought in that article which have no impact, there are UN resolutions as well, plz post these too, my questions above still need an answer.
You are sitting in lap of CIA for decades, you are blaming CIA for funding, how much sense do it make?

You mean its insurgents for who you need 700,000 or so troops?

Dude those 700 000 troops are not only for insurgents. they are aso there as borderguards, in case of a PA invasion through kashmir.

Then tell me for what 80,000 Kashmiri's have been killed if it was insurgents sent by ISI?

Dude, when insurgents blow up buildings in kashmir and shoot civilians, please dont put all the blame on the IAs head. i dont deny that IA has killed civilians there, but thats because insurgents attack from between civilians and as such the army is forced to attack, often resulting in civilian casualities.

just look at Iraq. terrorists are blowing up people eveyday. will u put those deathtolls on the head of the americans? just like that ISI sonsored terrorists are causing civilian casualities in kashmir in their attempt to oust Indian soldiers from there.

For havens sake, dont kae fun of yourself.

You are denying all facts, reports of UNO, human rights commission and singing same song.

U r the one who keeps avoiding the question of the bangladesh genocide and keep talking of how muslims are treated in india. why dont u reflect on how pakistan has treated people (hindu, muslim, christian etc). there's an old saying for this: "the pot calling the kettle black!"

In 1980's freedom struggle in kashmir got organised when 100's of innocent civilians were masacred like in Gujrat and people stood up against occupation.

This is debatable. indians are told that ISI sponsors terrorism in Kashmir and sprads fanaticism in the pople there. Pakistanis are told that Indian occupy kashmir and kill civilians. I believ my country's version and u believe your country's. we can go about this the whole day, but i doubt it would get us anywhere.

And speaking of insurgency against occupation, what about insurgncy in balochistan and NWFP?
Gujarat govt says Muslim man killed wrongly



NEW DELHI (Reuters) - The Gujarat government admitted on Friday its police killed an innocent Muslim man in a staged gun battle known as a "false encounter" in 2005, wrongly accusing him of plotting to kill its chief minister. Sohrabuddin Sheikh was shot dead by Gujarat's anti-terrorist squad in a controversial shooting on the outskirts of Ahmedabad. His wife has been missing ever since.! That original news that a Muslim plotted to assassinate Narendra Modi, Gujarat's top politician, caused apprehension among Muslims at the time, worried it could spark a backlash against their community in the state. Police claimed Sheikh was an activist of the banned Kashmiri militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba and was plotting to kill Modi to avenge the death of hundreds of Muslims in the 2002 riots.

"It was a false encounter," senior counsel for Gujarat, K.T.S Tulsi, told a three-judge bench at the Supreme Court headed by the chief justice. "Senior police officers are involved. We are prepared to take immediate action," he added. The counsel sought some time to take action against the officers which the court granted. Human rights groups in India say that "false encounters" in India are common. In Kashmir, the government is probing reports that security forces staged gun battles and passed off victims as militants in order to win promotions and cash rewards. Rights groups accuse Modi of doing nothing to stop the religious rioting in which they say about 2,500 people, mostly Muslims, were killed. Officials say about 1,000 people died.Police say Modi had been under threat from Muslim militants after the riots. The Supreme Court case came after Sheikh's brother Rubabuddin accused top police officials, including the chief of the anti-terrorist squad, of
staging the encounter. Another petition pending before the court alleges Gujarat police killed 21 terror suspects in staged encounters between 2003 and 2006. The court sought more details about these cases.
Official: 3 police officers arrested for fake gunbattle killing in India

Wednesday April 25, 03:24 PM

Authorities have arrested three senior police officers for allegedly killing a petty criminal in western India and claiming he was an insurgent from a Pakistan-based Islamic militant group, a court official said Wednesday.

Chief Metropolitan Magistrate K.J. Upadhyaya, in whose court the three appeared on Wednesday, said the officers would be kept in police custody for six days for questioning.

The arrested officers claimed they fatally shot Sohrabuddin Sheikh while he was planning to kill some senior Hindu nationalist leaders, including Narendera Modi, the top elected official of western Gujarat state, two years ago.

Human rights groups accuse the Gujarat state government of shielding police officers since 2002, when a train fire killed 60 Hindus returning from a religious pilgrimage. Muslims were blamed for the fire, and more than 1,000 people, most of them Muslim, were killed by Hindu mobs in Gujarat.

Human rights groups said the state government, led by the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party _ which at the time also controlled the national government _ did little to stop the violence.

The arrested police officers falsely showed in official records that Sheikh belonged to the Lashkar-e-Tayyaba, a Pakistan-based Islamic militant group fighting Indian rule in Kashmir, The Times of India newspaper reported Wednesday.

However, the victim's brother took up the matter with India's top court, which ordered a probe by the state police.

The state government ordered the arrest of the police officers on Tuesday after the inquiry revealed they had allegedly killed Sheikh in a fake gunbattle, the daily said.

Open a new thread or if there is existing thread on that issue, we can discuss there, no problem.

Do not dilute this thread by diverting and beating around the bush.

If you have something to contribute here, please do.

why , bcoz u have nothing to say mir bad? tum karo to vo shai , ham kare to galat , first rectify ur fault , then point out others , look bro we all indian are equal , and not even for a single minute we think of pakistan , we dont care for it , wat u r doing in ur hell , u r not our competitors , so get lost , :flame:
Kashmir son is an issue where india is reported to Have Massacred, raped, murdered and occupied illegally. And dont get confused with Bangladesh the civil war was India's grand plan to take East Pakistan. Baloch is an area disputed because India is suplying these people with weapons as they were found to be Indian made.

see bro , i have to say one line , doodh mango ge to khiir denge , kashmir mango ge to cheer denge:flame:
I visited Hyderabad in south India, there Muslims are the one who got greater say.
Personally, I feel that minorities in India are better off(as far as freedom is concerned not economical status) then the minorities of other Hard line countries
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