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history of hate and violance against muslims in india

Islam is the only religion which has a sizeble number of moderates, true believers and educated people who are silent to the minority extremist in them. who have been able to do havoc in a global scale.

Actually there are no moderates; there are 2 kind of people.
1) who know their religion; 2) who don't & are used as a fodder by the leader for political gain.

Of course If Media shows the real and peacefully side of Islam; their ratings will go down & no one will be interested. In nazi times the Jews were the favorite subject of Media; now its the "Muslims who call for Jihad". Believe me I have yet to see an extremist Muslim ; I never had an opportunity of meet one.

I mite agree, But Media will always go behind the people who make the loudest noise,ISnt that part of their job too. The one who knows the religion are silent. Maybe there are couple of processions here and there to show the true side, While you the terrorist bombing everything and anything; as well as doing something as spectcular and mind-boggling as crashing Aircarfts into buildings. Didnt the Media start high-lighting islamic terrorism after the birth of such a thing.
Jew bashing has been happening for centuries, Unless and until the people who know about the religion stand up and fight for the religion they believe in and against extremist who are using it gain political browine points. dont expect people from other faiths to go to a maulvi and understand the true meaning of yours. it is your duty to project it in such a way.

I mite agree, But Media will always go behind the people who make the loudest noise,ISnt that part of their job too. The one who knows the religion are silent. Maybe there are couple of processions here and there to show the true side, While you the terrorist bombing everything and anything; as well as doing something as spectcular and mind-boggling as crashing Aircarfts into buildings. Didnt the Media start high-lighting islamic terrorism after the birth of such a thing.
Jew bashing has been happening for centuries, Unless and until the people who know about the religion stand up and fight for the religion they believe in and against extremist who are using it gain political browine points. dont expect people from other faiths to go to a maulvi and understand the true meaning of yours. it is your duty to project it in such a way.

People who know religion have been syaing it for years; but western Media doesn't show them; Below is just a sample.

ISNA Denounces Terrorism in the Name of Islam

05-22-04 00:00


Not In the Name of Islam

"We, the undersigned Muslims, wish to state clearly that those who commit acts of terror, murder and cruelty in the name of Islam are not only destroying innocent lives, but are also betraying the values of the faith they claim to represent. No injustice done to Muslims can ever justify the massacre of innocent people, and no act of terror will ever serve the cause of Islam. We repudiate and dissociate ourselves from any Muslim group or individual who commits such brutal and un-Islamic acts. We refuse to allow our faith to be held hostage by the criminal actions of a tiny minority acting outside the teachings of both the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

"As it states in the Quran: 'Oh you who believe, stand up firmly for justice, as witnesses to God, even if it be against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be against rich or poor; for God can best protect both. Do not follow any passion, lest you not be just. And if you distort or decline to do justice, verily God is well-acquainted with all that you do.'" (Quran 4:135)

Signed by:

1. Muhammad Nur Abdullah, ISNA President
2. Ingrid Mattson, ISNA Vice President - USA
3. Syed Imtiaz Ahmad, ISNA Vice President-Canada
4. Dr Sayyid M. Syeed, ISNA Secretary General
5. Faizul Khan, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
6. Faroque A. Khan, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
7. Sayed Gomah, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
8. Kareem Irfan, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
9. Jamal Badawi, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
10. Yusuf Ziya Kavakci, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
11. Khadija Haffajee, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
12. Abdalla Idris Ali, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
13. Siraj Wahhaj, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
14. Muzammil Siddiqi, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
15. Ameena Jandali, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
16. Tarek Elgawhary, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
17. Bassam Osman, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
18. Khurshid A. Qureshi, Member, ISNA Maljis Ashura
19. Rafik Beekun, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
20. Parvaiz Malik, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
21. M. Anwarul Haque, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
22. Hanaa Unus, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
23. Qaiser Imam, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
24. Ilyas Ba-Yunus, Member, ISNA Majls Ashura
25. Azhar Azeez, Member, ISNA Executive Council
26. Mohamad Magid, Member, ISNA Executive Council
27. Mohamad Rajabally, Member, ISNA Executive Council
28. Hatim Zagloul, Member, ISNA Executive Council
29. Afshan Khan, ISNA HQ
30. Ahmed ElHattab, ISNA HQ
31. Anbareen Khan, ISNA HQ
32. Anjum Khan, ISNA HQ
33. Ashfaq Lodhi, ISNA HQ
34. Bahauddin Bade, ISNA HQ
35. Basharat Saleem, ISNA HQ
36. Gulamali Kapadia, ISNA HQ
37. Habibe Ali, ISNA HQ
38. Hanane Elabbassi, ISNA HQ
39. Kariem Abdullah, ISNA HQ
40. Louay Safi, ISNA HQ
41. Mohamed Elsanousi, ISNA HQ
42. Mukhtar Ahmad, ISNA HQ
43. Omer Bin Abdullah, ISNA HQ
44. Pamela Taylor, ISNA HQ
45. Sandra Asbury, ISNA HQ
46. Shariq Siddiqui, ISNA HQ
47. Taneeza Islam, ISNA HQ
48. Tipu Ahmad, ISNA HQ
49. Abdel Mannan Alo, MD
50. Abdul Alim Khandekar, MD
51. Abdul Rauf Mir, MD
52. Abdul Wahab
53. Ashraf Sufi
54. Ayman Rayes
55. Faroque A. Khan
56. Ghulam Nabi Mir, MD
57. Hashem Mubarak, MD
58. Husain Nagamia, MD
59. Ihsanul Haque, MD
60. Khalid Bhatti, MD
61. Laeeq Khan
62. M. Ashraf & Mubeena Balti, MD
63. Mohammad Saleem Bajwa, MD
64. Mohammed Zaher Sahloul
65. Muhammad Akram Dar, MD
66. Samir & Samar Shakfeh, MD
67. Shakeela Z. Hassan, MD
68. Sheikh Abdul Rahman, MD
69. Tajuddin Ahmad, MD
70. Talal Sunbulli, MD
71. Tayeb Jukaku
72. Waheed & Raana Akbar, MD

CAIR is asking Muslims around the world to help correct misperceptions of Islam and the Islamic stance on religiously-motivated terror.

Western media has shown both sides, I have seen personally CNN , BBC and various India Channels airing the True Side of Islam, "Islam we dont know" etc.... They can only do that much, at the same time, you have one a daily basis people blowing themselves up in the name of religion. Should they turn a blind eye to that.

I know about extremist distributing Osama CD's and discussing violent acts, though there are those who are termed good muslims who are aware of it, but never say it out , makes sure it reaches the authourities, A person who doesnt say the truth as culpable as its prepetrators.
CAIR is asking Muslims around the world to help correct misperceptions of Islam and the Islamic stance on religiously-motivated terror.

Religious motivated terror, people of other faiths will always try to generalize, just like muslims do on other people.
The current strength of this help is miniscule compared to the enormity of the problem.
Why are you arguing on Islam when it is used by the Indian government as a tool. The Kashmir's want to side towards Pakistan and they are fighting Indian occupation since day one but India allways sees that as terrorism and when Indian army murders, rapes and kidnaps this is fine we can live along. As for the media Kashmir's are screeming there longs out to be heard the Media isn't interested the only interest that is shown is Indian propoganda.
Victims of bias, Muslims at bottom of social barrel’


Jayanth Jacob

Sachar panel initial findings Most BPL Muslims can’t access welfare schemes, 60% landless, equal number skip school

NEW DELHI, April 17: Discriminated against and pushed to the sidelines, the Muslim community in India is at the bottom of the heap when it comes to benefits from Government-run welfare schemes, access to education, employment, even the system of credit, including bank loans.

This is the disturbing conclusion emerging from the initial findings of the Prime Minister’s High Level Committee, headed by Justice (retd) Rajinder Sachar, looking into the “social, economic and education status of the Muslim community in the country.” The final report of the committee is expected to be submitted in June this year.

Since August last year, the committee has collected data after visiting several states, holding talks with government departments in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Delhi, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, NGOs and Muslim organisations.

The data, accessed by The Indian Express, shows:

• 94.9 per cent of Muslims in Below Poverty Line (BPL) families in rural areas do not receive free foodgrains.

• While only 3.2 per cent of Muslims get subsidised loans, just 1.9 per cent of the community benefit from the Antyodaya Anna Yojana Scheme, a programme meant to prevent starvation among the poorest of poor by providing food grains at a subsidised rate.

• 60.2 per cent of Muslims do not have any land in rural areas. National average: 43%

• Just 2.1 per cent of Muslim farmers have tractors. With 15,25,000 tractors, India ranks No.4 after US, Japan and Italy

• A mere 1 per cent own handpumps.

• On the educational front, the picture is equally dismal: 54.6 per cent Muslims in villages and 60 per cent in urban areas have never attended schools. National average: 40.8 per cent in rural areas and 19.9 per cent in urban areas.

• Only 0.8 per cent of Muslims in rural areas are graduates.

• Although in urban areas, nearly 40 per cent of the Muslims now receive modern education, only 3.1 per cent of the community in urban areas are graduates. Just 1.2 per cent are post-graduates.


These are just few points, the detailed Sacher report have a true picture of condition of Muslim, compare these figures with Muslim in Pakistan.
Although its offtopic, i hope, mods do not mind, but Hindu's in Pakistan are much more prosperous the Muslims, although we do not have classification on basis of religion for our citizens but still Hindu's are very visibly well off.

You mean like this?


A comparison between the human rights records of India and Pakistan in 1992, which was released by the US State Department, reveals that if human rights were considered to be abused in India, then the situation in Pakistan could only be described as "appalling", with human rights "brutalized" on a systematic basis. US State Department accused Pakistan of persecuting minority Hindus, Christians and Ahmadis. Hindus asserted that they are subject to kidnappings, the forced conversions of young women, and the desecration of Hindu shrines. They also state that they are not permitted to freely practice their religion (The Ethnic Newswatch, 01/29/93

Or this?

1000 hindu temples destroyed in 1992 for babri
By Shahnawaz Khan

LAHORE: The Hindu community on Thursday demanded the reconstruction of more than 1,000 temples across Pakistan, which had been demolished by violent Muslim mobs in December 1992 in protest against the demolition of the Babri Mosque in India, while Muslims in India commemorated December 6 – the day Babri Mosque was demolished by Hindus – as a “day of resistance” and demanded the Indian government reconstruct the Babri Mosque and take action against those responsible for the incident.

APBS Balochistan President Atnay Ram Chohan said that more than 1,000 Hindu temples had been damaged in Pakistan following the Babari Mosque incident and the government had assured the Hindu community that their places of worship would be restored, but that promise has yet to be fulfilled.


The Hindu minority in Pakistan has also been the target of violent attacks. After extremist Hindu mobs destroyed a 16th century mosque, the Babri Masjid, in Ayodhya, India, in December 1992, mobs in Pakistan destroyed Hindu temples, as well as homes and shops owned by Hindus. Hindus were attacked and murdered, in some cases in the presence of officials. The persecution of Hindus and other minorities in Pakistan will be the focus of a 1994 Asia Watch report.


According to the report of commission set by President of India, the literacy rate in rural Muslim is 3% only and 97% of Muslims do not have a luxury of "water pump" for derinking water as well, I would try to post the report here.
Like this?

Muslims spend more than Hindu peer

NEW DELHI: Forget all half-baked opinions you may have heard on the economic state of religious communities in India. Truth be told, at the national level, Hindus and Muslims are closer than you thought as far as average household income, expenditure, savings and even ownership of select consumer goods go.

In fact, in rural India, the gap between the two communities’ narrows appreciably and even reverses in some cases in favour of Muslims. Not surprisingly, the Sikhs are the most prosperous lot in India, with highest household income, expenditure and ownership of cars, two-wheelers, TV sets and refrigerators. Christians and other smaller communities don’t lag too far behind either.

Hindu 61,423
Muslim 58,420
Christian 70,644
Sikh 91,153
Others 101,105

Average annual household income (Rs At 2004-05 prices)

In the first ever exercise mapping the economic contours of different religious communities in India, ET presents an exclusive peek into the National Council of Applied Economic Research’s (NCAER) data analysis from its National Survey of Household Income and Expenditure (2004-05), which was led by senior fellow Rajesh Shukla.

Hindu Muslim Christian Sikh Others
Car 5.1 4.3 10.9 17.3 13.1
Two Wheelers 35.3 31.3 41.7 54.7 57.0
TVs 62.8 54.0 77.6 86.6 85.2
Radio 49.5 51.3 56.0 36.3 47.2
Fridge 17.9 15.9 28.0 45.7 37.0

Ownership of selected consumer goods (% of households owning)

The survey collected primary data from a sample of approximately 63,000 households out of preliminary listed sample of 4,40,000 households spread over 1,976 villages (250 districts) and 2,255 urban wards (342 towns) covering 64 National Sample Survey (NSS) regions in 24 states/UTs.

If you thought Muslims alone were steeped in poverty, read on. Hindus and Muslims, at a national level, run neck-and-neck on average annual household income (AHI) of Rs 61, 423 and Rs 58,420, respectively.

Or, to put it differently, an average Hindu household has an income of Rs 168 per day, while an average Muslim household earns Rs 160 a day. In rural India, an average Hindu AHI is Rs 49,077 with Muslim close behind with AHI of Rs 47,805. On income parameters, at least, Hindus and Muslims are, indeed, bhai-bhai

Marketers planning an ethnographic pitch to grab mindshare or policy makers preparing ground for affirmative action may do good to remember that an average Muslim household, at the national level, spends more than a Hindu one, with annual household routine expenditure (AHRE) at Rs 40,327 compared to Rs 40,009 for the latter.

Sikh household AHRE is highest at Rs 60,475 with Christians at Rs 45,291. In rural India, Muslim AHRE (Rs 33,711) is higher than Hindu (Rs 32,555) and compares well with Christian (Rs 38,068).
--The Economist

The Sacchar Report is hugely biased, it favours reservation without the basis of merit , typcial congress vote bank politics.

It is UTTER USELESS REPORT. The report you see above is not even a week old.


Give me the power to explain if your not able to understand, the rich and powerful gets away in Pakistan and India both.

Minorities are given more rights than majorities and the beneficirias which are originally meant for the poor and needy never gets to them in proper manner.

The sacchar report is loads of thick BS, which will be enjoyed by MP's kids only.

What is needed is a different form of government, There exists huge stereotype among Muslims concentrated in certain places, Recent debate on it in CNN IBN had Muslims as senioor citizens coming and saying loudly,

"What India has given us noone would, yeh hamara mulk hain, We are Indians first"

Another one criticized the muslim board and said,

"The mullahs are only there to keep beards and issue fatwas".

The system of vote-congress-mullah angle needs to be broken.

This is total politics, I know a lot of Muslims who admires BJP way more than Congress, but issue is there are some extremist groups in BJP which is underminiing what they did for years, look at Muslim social satus in Gujrat and in Uttar Pradesh to have a idea.

As they say, "You cannot be perfect".

Then there is Communism, in West Bengal the so called Muslims are lowest in the social status and why is that? everything is free here, it is because;

"They are not capable to break certain stereotype and go ahead with what suits best".
Why are playing the blame game by the WAY YOU QUOTED ME WHEN I HAVENT EVEN TYPED THAT QUOTE stop playing it you know you lost anyways. You didn't show consensus whole of India and you didn't show Kashmir the crisis where the entire world knows India is doing wrong.

done that interceptor, I'm sorry :frown:

ok now back to topic, my 2 cents, The reason why even Supreme court of India with 2 judges Denied implementation of Sachchar report as a whole has a reason, there is a reason why all doctors of AIIMS to all colleges of India went on strike after the report said to give reservation of 50% without even merit.

Its a crooked up report!

There are stereotypes in India in all societies which exists among certain person/place/time , part of society, unfortunately the one who suffers are the poors, who are used under the guise of Caste/Muslims/Hindus for politics.

Poverty and education eradication is the strongest way of breaking stereotypes.
joey said:

According to the report of commission set by President of India, the literacy rate in rural Muslim is 3% only and 97% of Muslims do not have a luxury of "water pump" for derinking water as well, I would try to post the report here.

Can you see what I mean. I never wrote that.
Victims of bias, Muslims at bottom of social barrel’


Jayanth Jacob

Sachar panel initial findings Most BPL Muslims can’t access welfare schemes, 60% landless, equal number skip school

NEW DELHI, April 17: Discriminated against and pushed to the sidelines, the Muslim community in India is at the bottom of the heap when it comes to benefits from Government-run welfare schemes, access to education, employment, even the system of credit, including bank loans.

This is the disturbing conclusion emerging from the initial findings of the Prime Minister’s High Level Committee, headed by Justice (retd) Rajinder Sachar, looking into the “social, economic and education status of the Muslim community in the country.” The final report of the committee is expected to be submitted in June this year.

Since August last year, the committee has collected data after visiting several states, holding talks with government departments in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Delhi, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, NGOs and Muslim organisations.

The data, accessed by The Indian Express, shows:

• 94.9 per cent of Muslims in Below Poverty Line (BPL) families in rural areas do not receive free foodgrains.

• While only 3.2 per cent of Muslims get subsidised loans, just 1.9 per cent of the community benefit from the Antyodaya Anna Yojana Scheme, a programme meant to prevent starvation among the poorest of poor by providing food grains at a subsidised rate.

• 60.2 per cent of Muslims do not have any land in rural areas. National average: 43%

• Just 2.1 per cent of Muslim farmers have tractors. With 15,25,000 tractors, India ranks No.4 after US, Japan and Italy

• A mere 1 per cent own handpumps.

• On the educational front, the picture is equally dismal: 54.6 per cent Muslims in villages and 60 per cent in urban areas have never attended schools. National average: 40.8 per cent in rural areas and 19.9 per cent in urban areas.

• Only 0.8 per cent of Muslims in rural areas are graduates.

• Although in urban areas, nearly 40 per cent of the Muslims now receive modern education, only 3.1 per cent of the community in urban areas are graduates. Just 1.2 per cent are post-graduates.


These are just few points, the detailed Sacher report have a true picture of condition of Muslim, compare these figures with Muslim in Pakistan.

These figures are not disputed by Indian government, the talk about baisedness is only comming from Hindu extremist parties.

And secondly this is not a comparison thread, you want to talk about Pakistan, you can open a new thread and we would discuss there, UN, HRCI, Amensty International and every other organisation agrees about the opression faced by Muslims in India.

Other minorities are facing same treatment, you want more, I can give you further facts.
These figures are not disputed by Indian government, the talk about baisedness is only comming from Hindu extremist parties.
Indeed, AIIMS students are extremist Parties, IIT students are extremist parties, IIM/ISB students are extremist parties, what? wait! since when did PResidency became extremist as well?

Oh i forgot you'll probably say the supreme court is extremist party as well. :lol:

Does it takes rocket scientist to figure out the Quota politics? :lol: 50% reservation in elite institutes without merit is the way of bringing the minority upwards? or making more instutions in colleges and stopping the mullahs to go to bed with congress and lecture mass on whom to vote? :lol:

good joke!

my 2 cents, The reason why even Supreme court of India with 2 judges Denied implementation of Sachchar report as a whole has a reason, there is a reason why all doctors of AIIMS to all colleges of India went on strike after the report said to give reservation of 50% without even merit.

Its a crooked up report!

There are stereotypes in India in all societies which exists among certain person/place/time , part of society, unfortunately the one who suffers are the poors, who are used under the guise of Caste/Muslims/Hindus for politics.

Poverty eradication and education is the strongest way of breaking stereotypes.

Ps : I never denied, communities facing problems or opression in certain places but that has to do with the social status of person concerned more which compells others to exploit through the mask of community.

Indeed, AIIMS students are extremist Parties, IIT

Ps : I never denied, communities facing problems or opression in certain places but that has to do with the social status of person concerned more which compells others to exploit through the mask of community.


What you are calling "Certain places", the UNO have called it "systamatic Opression of Minorities" in report published for 2006.

here are few more things which prove that it is not at some places, but all minorities in India are facing same treatment, however Muslim are worst oppressed because of the long standing rivelries.

Dalits, Sikh, Christains are no different. Here is the proof that it is a "state sponsored opression of Muslim", the article is from a notable Indian writer;


India accused of discrimination against Dalits

New York, Feb 14 (IANS) India has systematically failed to uphold its international legal obligations to ensure the fundamental human rights of Dalits, a New York-based human rights watch group has alleged.

Despite laws and policies against caste discrimination, more than 165 million Dalits in India are condemned to a lifetime of abuse simply because of their caste, said a report issued Tuesday by the Centre for Human Rights and Global Justice (CHRGJ).


21 Jan 2007
Source: Reuters

BANGALORE, India, Jan 21 (Reuters) - Hundreds of Hindu activists burnt shops owned by Muslims and set vehicles ablaze in the southern city of Bangalore, India's technology hub, on Sunday, police and witnesses said.

The violence occurred as activists moved through the city to join a rally organised by the right-wing Hindu fundamentalist organisation Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS -- National Volunteers' Corps).

On Friday, thousands of Muslim demonstrators protesting against last month's execution of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, clashed with police and destroyed shops and cars in the city.

Bangalore is home to about 1,500 global and Indian IT firms. Their operations were not affected by the violence as they are located on the city outskirts.

Police used teargas and batons to disperse the crowds and prohibition orders, restricting movement of four or more people together, were issued in central Bangalore.

More than 2,000 police officers patrolled the affected areas as mobs targeted Muslim shops and vehicles, forcing the closure of some businesses, witnesses said.

Police said there were no injuries but witnesses said about five people were wounded in stone-throwing incidents.

"Prohibitory orders will be in force until Tuesday," city police chief N. Achuta Rao, told Reuters. He said there had been some arrests but did not give a number.

The Indian state of Karnataka, of which Bangalore is the capital, is ruled by a coalition of the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party and a regional party.
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