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history of hate and violance against muslims in india

Also, take a look at this "chilling" documentary from Channel 4 (British TV). Its about the Gujarat riots.
(sorry it was posted in five parts on youtube)

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Ok, u talk of Indians discriminating against muslims? What about pakistan? Isnt pakistan discriminating against hindus and christians?

Hell isnt pakistan discriminating against fellow muslims? Isnt PA still fighting in NWFP and Balochistan where muslims are killed? Didnt Pakistan commit the Bangladesh genocide where about 3 million muslims were killed? Atleast India never killed 3 million muslims!
Open a new thread or if there is existing thread on that issue, we can discuss there, no problem.

Do not dilute this thread by diverting and beating around the bush.

If you have something to contribute here, please do.
i dont see how i diverted off topic! the topic is Re: history of hate and violance against muslims in india. i just pointed out that pakistan has committed more violence against muslims than india. its not strictly on topic, but its not completely off topic either
Then batter give a reading to above facts and try to contribute something which is not "half cooked" but relevent to above barbaric acts against Muslim in India, rather then bringing in Pakistan.

If you want to discuss the Pakistan issue, i would be happy to join you if you open a new thread.
i dont see how i diverted off topic! the topic is Re: history of hate and violance against muslims in india. i just pointed out that pakistan has committed more violence against muslims than india. its not strictly on topic, but its not completely off topic either

Pakistan is created so that all races could live in the country.
Ok, u talk of Indians discriminating against muslims? What about pakistan? Isnt pakistan discriminating against hindus and christians?

Hell isnt pakistan discriminating against fellow muslims? Isnt PA still fighting in NWFP and Balochistan where muslims are killed? Didnt Pakistan commit the Bangladesh genocide where about 3 million muslims were killed? Atleast India never killed 3 million muslims!

Kashmir son is an issue where india is reported to Have Massacred, raped, murdered and occupied illegally. And dont get confused with Bangladesh the civil war was India's grand plan to take East Pakistan. Baloch is an area disputed because India is suplying these people with weapons as they were found to be Indian made.
No , there was a civil war because Pakistan was commiting genocide against muslims in Bangladesh. Doesnt speak much about Pakistan does it. Infact maybe just enough to stop the Pakistani's talking about human right violations in Kashmir.
Well, you can stop any one talking anything, when some one can not argue, it is the best tool.

If freedom struggle in Kashmir was merely a cross border insurgancy, then a couple of thousand troops would been enought on control line.

Why 7,00,000 Indian troops are deployed there, the 80,000 innocent Kashmiri women and children have been killed by these troops and almost entire young male population of occupied area have been vanished.

Have you had a chance on UN reports about killing of innocent civilians or Human Rights Commissions reports.

Why on earth your entire nation is in a state of denial?

Your own troops are commiting succides every day because of the guilt of killing innocent civilians, at least pitty your own people.
We are back again to 700,000 Indians,
Why dont they just nuke that place, half of India army is already gone, and Pakistan might as well walk into New Delhi.

Difference between civilians and military men talking about War: Logisitics.
What about other 120 seperatist organisations killing thousands and thousands every year? Do not India need troops to station there now, I mean Maoist issue is getting out of hand, in todays incident police says they can not keep law and order as they are busy fighting insurgatnts.

Dont you think you need at least 5/10 million troops to keep a 1.2 Billion people under suppression?
Let them kill, kill all the wierd indians, we need to reduce our population... 1.2 billion is just too much, in reality maoist is funded by the Indian government to reduce the population

Ahhhhh, these kids kill me
haha. Well, we dont have a problem, so piss off. No soldier would leave. Im VERY bored of people bringing up kashmir here, cuz really your writing reports, etc, does not make one bit of difference. India wont leave. Kashmir is in India. Thats the bottom line.

For Kashmir,

"we will fight for a thousand years"

Zulfikar Ali

Yeah son your stay is your own demise already the Indians are getting killed in great numbers.
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