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History of Afghans (Articles and Pictures)

Honestly dude..Samndri..I may like or not about the intent of your post..But its really qualitative one..You really posted nice historical facts which might be relevant for some research people who are studying about your tribesmen and their histroy..Keep it up...
Thank you kanishka for your encouraging comment.

History of Afghanistan from 1792 to 1844, also including second Rohilla war, from articles of British newspapers of that time. Interesting read. One learns from news reports of that time that British were quite worried when Zaman shah of Afghanistan when marching towards delhi, in alliance with Tipu sultan request. Too bad, iran invaded Afghanistan and the invasion of delhi was cancelled.
Afghanistan' history 1793 – 1844 from the newspapers
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Thank you kanishka for your encouraging comment.

Is Pastun and Pathan are having simillar culture within Islamic religion? Sometimes i wonder, Islamic religion is having a strict rules and way of living, how your religion accept a culture within a religion...My point is do you have any scope to have variation in your way of living as a part of your culture which may not be in allignent with your religion?
Is Pastun and Pathan are having simillar culture within Islamic religion? Sometimes i wonder, Islamic religion is having a strict rules and way of living, how your religion accept a culture within a religion...My point is do you have any scope to have variation in your way of living as a part of your culture which may not be in allignent with your religion?
Actually there are many customs and traditions of Pashtuns which dont matches with islamic princeples. Our way of life surround around pashtunwali code.

Forexample Bride is given gold in addition to islam's haq mahar from groom family. Its unique to pashtuns. Buying Golden jewellary, in contract of marraige, is given more importance than haq e mahar. Haq e mahar is only few thousand rupees or even ignored.
(mehr is mandatory payment to bride in islam, in the form of cash, property etc)
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Actually there are many customs and traditions of Pashtuns which dont matches with islamic princeples. Our way of life surround around pashtunwali code.

I have even heard about it from my Muslim friends...Even i was going through your pages of histroy..I am not sure if you like my suggestion...I would like to see more facts and presentation about Pastun community and leaders and how they get engaged in a positive way in ancient India..Keep up your good work in this thread..
I have even heard about it from my Muslim friends...Even i was going through your pages of histroy..I am not sure if you like my suggestion...I would like to see more facts and presentation about Pastun community and leaders and how they get engaged in a positive way in ancient India..Keep up your good work in this thread..
Thank you for your valuable suggestion, i would definately share some thing on that pattren.

@Kanishka I did posted a "Pashtun corner" thread on this forum , sharing articles on food, dress,culture, notables and history of pashtuns few years ago but it was trolled and accused of promoting ethnic divisions. Mod first renamed it to pakistan corner then closed it due to it being trolled by members here. I would give it an another try, may be it works this time.
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Honestly dude..Samndri..I may like or not about the intent of your post..But its really qualitative one..You really posted nice historical facts which might be relevant for some research people who are studying about your tribesmen and their histroy..Keep it up...

Samandri's posts are very informative about Pashtun people whose history is very much linked with the history of Indo Pak region. Same way Ghoul's knowledge of Punjab tribes in particular the Pothahar region is also very fascinating. Have also learned a lot from Shamir's and SaveGhenda's posts. It's because of all these guys I keep coming to this forum.
Samandri's posts are very informative about Pashtun people whose history is very much linked with the history of Indo Pak region. Same way Ghoul's knowledge of Punjab tribes in particular the Pothahar region is also very fascinating. Have also learned a lot from Shamir's and SaveGhenda's posts. It's because of all these guys I keep coming to this forum.

Thanks for the kind words man. I know very little about Sikh missals. Perhaps you can sometimes enlighten us on them. And Gakhars were defeated by the Bhangi Missal after a mutiny in which some Gakhars murdered their own chieftain. The infighting Gakhars were easily defeated by the Bhangi Missal, who got supported by the local muslim gujjars, who knew the land the well. The same Bhangi Missal also tried its luck in Bhimber and Mirpur(called Khari-Kharaili before), but were defeated twice or thrice by the local muslim Chib rajputs. Perhaps on another topic of discussion, you can aware us of the Bhangi Missal.
@Jaggu Thank you sir for your encouraging words.
Map of Durrani empire at its peak.
The Marwat, hereditary enemy of Khattaks says, "Friendship is good with any one but khattak : may the devil take a khattak".
And "Khattak is a hen. If you seize him slowly , he sits down ; and if suddenly he clucks".
Another proverb runs thus: "Though khattak is a good horseman, yet he is a man of but one charge".
Full text of "Panjab castes"
Thanks for the kind words man. I know very little about Sikh missals. Perhaps you can sometimes enlighten us on them. And Gakhars were defeated by the Bhangi Missal after a mutiny in which some Gakhars murdered their own chieftain. The infighting Gakhars were easily defeated by the Bhangi Missal, who got supported by the local muslim gujjars, who knew the land the well. The same Bhangi Missal also tried its luck in Bhimber and Mirpur(called Khari-Kharaili before), but were defeated twice or thrice by the local muslim Chib rajputs. Perhaps on another topic of discussion, you can aware us of the Bhangi Missal.

That's the thing. Sometimes it's just one from among one's own ranks that causes the downfall. The Gakhars in 1700s were a powerful force. They were in expansion mode under their energetic leader who unfortunately was murdered by a fellow Gakhar. Pothohar always had a fascinating history. They are located right next to central Asia along the indus. Being located next to the most dangerous warriors from central Asia, they themselves also became accomplished warriors and great horsemen for thousands of years.

No matter which part of Punjab you read about in regards to 1700s, it's all very interesting to read about. Every tribe and group was up in arms due to the fall of the Mughal empire and repeated Afghan invasions. Each group contending with each other and even within the group itself there was internal politics between brothers or rivals.
Samandari real informative thread .Thanks
Samandari real informative thread .Thanks
Thank you bro, keep checking my thread.
Lol at OP deleting his own comments after realizing how retarded he sounded. At first he said Mahmud of Ghazni defeated Muhammad of Ghaur's father, named "Amir Suri" not realizing that the Ghauri and Mahmud predated each other by around 200 years lol. Maybe Muhammad Ghauri was 200 years old according to whatever rasaala he read.

As for Hindkowans, well people of southern Hazara are no different than Potoharis. The chief family of Haripur, commonly known as "Zaman family" is of Gakhar stock and owned almost 80%+ of land in Haripur before Ayub Khan took over a lot of their land citing land reforms. The Haripur Gakhar family is the spiritual royal family of Gakhars. I don't know if Gakhars were always native to Haripur or if they migrated there after Mughal collapse. They defeated Yousafzai incursions there under their last independent and almost unstoppable Gakhar chief, Sultan Muqarrab. The rest of Southern Hazara natives and landowners, Dhund Abbassi and Karlals are also Potohari and are found in Murree and Rawalpindi too. In Hazara, they're found all over the margalla hills region and southern Abbottabad. As for the other Hindkowans like Tanoli, they're not generally considered Pakhtuns and don't look like them either. Their learned men claim descent from a Mughal general of Babur, but some Afghani wikipedia and twitterati try to give them lodhi or ghilzai origin all the time. The only truly Pashtun origin Hazarewal are the Tareens, Chachis and maybe Jadoons. About the Chachis of Attock, they only moved in 100 years ago as economic migrants during the British raj. They're said to have come from Kandahar etc. The ruling family of Chach, nonetheless are the Malik Awans of Shamsabad. Malik Awan is the highest caste in Attock along with Gheba and Khattar.

As for Peshawar, one there are no Kianis(Gakhar) there. Second, Peshawar was always a Hindko majority city and the eastern regions of Peshawar district are still Hindko dominated. The Pashto speakers formed the majority after Afghan invasion, when literally millions of illegal immigrants poured in and got Pakistani citizenships via bribery.

About awans and arab ancestry, i can't remember name but pdf user who is awan did genetic test and his y chromosome was similar to arabs and not found in subcontinent.
@kalu_miah i just shared a piece of article, i may not agree with it 100%. The issue is not whether khilji were turks, hepthalites or some thing else, you made a very big claim that ghilzais have nothing to do with khiljis. I remember you said you trust encyclopedia of islam and westren scholar boswarth in the matter of ghorids. Both are asserting that ghilzais are khiljis. I challenged you to prove that ghilzais have nothing to do with khiljis, you went silent. Open a thread and explain to us why ghilzais have nothing to do with khiljis

The genetic tests of Ghilzai afghans show that their closest gentic cousins are Durranis/abdalis , they are genetically almost indistinguishable from durranis/abdalis. The same genetics of the two tribes shows that Abdalis and Ghilzais are descended from the same ancestors. The recent genetic analysis of Pamiri tajiks of Badakhshan and Ishkisham (whose ancestral languages are closest to pashto language) have shown that these pamiri tajiks are genetically the closest group to both Durranis and Ghilazais afghani pashtuns.
The pakistani pashtuns/pathans of kpk are mostly pashtunized populations of local geographical origins and have only some genetic input from ancestral pashtun tribes such as durranis and ghilzais. This shows that the original pashtuns were most probably the genetic ancestors of Durranis and Ghilazis only.
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