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History of Afghans (Articles and Pictures)

Samandari brother can you post some thing about pukhtoonwali it's origin and how is it different from Islamic sharia laws ?
Samandari brother can you post some thing about pukhtoonwali it's origin and how is it different from Islamic sharia laws ?
would soon open a separate thread about it, pashtun laws runs parallel to islam.
would soon open a separate thread about it, pashtun laws runs parallel to islam.

Great please go ahead
@samamdri - I am just beginning to read this thread so you may have covered this in one of the later posts, or may be not. I will ask anyway.

1) is it true that the Gandhari and Shakuni of Mahabharath were from Afghanistan - what does the Afghan history say about them and their periodicity if any?

2) About 'kash tura' being the origin of 'kshatria' - the Veda periodicity is now taken to between 8000 and 6000 BC for when they were compiled - after the recent submarine evidences which obviously the german and british historians (for that matter anyone) had no knowledge of. Wouldn't that reverse the direction assuming there is that link?

3) At what point did Pahtoons become islamic? what were they befor that?

fascinating posts - keep them coming!

(corrected to BC, not AD)
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@samamdri - I am just beginning to read this thread so you may have covered this in one of the later posts, or may be not. I will ask anyway.

1) is it true that the Gandhari and Shakuni of Mahabharath were from Afghanistan - what does the Afghan history say about them and their periodicity if any?

2) About 'kash tura' being the origin of 'kshatria' - the Veda periodicity is now taken to between 8000 and 6000 AD for when they were compiled - after the recent submarine evidences which obviously the german and british historians (for that matter anyone) had no knowledge of. Wouldn't that reverse the direction assuming there is that link?

3) At what point did Pahtoons become islamic? what were they befor that?

fascinating posts - keep them coming!

Qais Abdur rashid on his visit to Madina/Makka accepted Islam(during the early days of Islam) and upon return to his Afghanistan,His people also accepted Islam.

Qais Abdur Rashid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
@samamdri - I am just beginning to read this thread so you may have covered this in one of the later posts, or may be not. I will ask anyway.

1) is it true that the Gandhari and Shakuni of Mahabharath were from Afghanistan - what does the Afghan history say about them and their periodicity if any?

2) About 'kash tura' being the origin of 'kshatria' - the Veda periodicity is now taken to between 8000 and 6000 BC for when they were compiled - after the recent submarine evidences which obviously the german and british historians (for that matter anyone) had no knowledge of. Wouldn't that reverse the direction assuming there is that link?

3) At what point did Pahtoons become islamic? what were they befor that?

fascinating posts - keep them coming!

(corrected to BC, not AD)
1- About Gandhari and Shakuni, Gandhara region (Peshawer-swat-taxila) was inhabited by people of non-pashtun stock at that time, most probably ancestors of todays Hindkowans and related to punjabi people......pashtun people started settling in peshawer-swat region in 8th or 9th century. Mongol invasions in 13th century further pushed some more pashtun tribes to migrate eastward towards present day KPK. The final large wave of migration and settlement of pashtuns in KPK, happened in late 15th and early 16th century when yousafzais and allied tribes, gagianis , ghoria khels migrated from kabul-nangarhar and settled in bajaur, swat, peshawer etc by defeating dilazak tribe of pashtuns.

2-Are you referring to this,

"The ancient Arians of the Vedic period who moved towards the east from Afghanistan called their soldiers Kshatria. This word (kash+tura) means a swordsman in Pashto. The title suits the warrior soldiers and the name of the Tarakay tribe is related to this same root. There are a number of other similar Afghan names of this type like Turman, Turyalay, Turkalanay with an initial tur+a suffix."

Honestly speaking i am clueless about alama habibi analysis, it can be easily refuted.

3- Large number of Pashtuns had already converted to islam at the times of Mohammad bin Qasim, a contingent of Afghans or Pashtuns accompanied Muhammad bin Qasim from Roh in his expedition to multan. Their complete conversion to islam took place during period of mahmud ghaznavi. It is not yet established what was the religion of pashtun tribes of koh sulieman before islam. The Bani israel theory is a false one.

Qais Abdur rashid on his visit to Madina/Makka accepted Islam(during the early days of Islam) and upon return to his Afghanistan,His people also accepted Islam.

Qais Abdur Rashid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Qais Ghar do exist in zhob but the character you are mentioning, never existed and was fabricated in the mughal court by khan jahan lodi and naimatullah harvi.
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