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History lessons.....British Indian Empire.....

Let me ask a question from all of you aspiring history analysts: why were people from Calcutta known as Ditchers?

A reference to the early days of the city when Calcutta was ringed by a circular dry moat known as the Maratha Ditch dug to keep out the marauding Marathas. Anyone who lived within the charmed circle of the ditch was known as a Ditcher.
Yes, right.

And why would such a powerful coloniser cower behind a ditch? Because of the power of the Marathas.

So what happened? Why did the Marathas move from keeping the British penned up in a self-made prison to deciding who the Peshwa would be?

the way i see it, British did not come to India to colonize... they came here to trade. They were in foreign lands, with mighty armies and myths that surrounded. As they cemented there place, they started understanding the game, and they realized that we can capitalize and slowly and surely they did.

Indian kingdoms were past beyond there prime, marred with factionalism and infighting 2 centuries before the british arrived. The last ray of hope was Maratha's but after the death of Shivaji and Sambhaji, they went through the same transition, where hard work, struggle and ambition was replaced by royalty, grandeur, and laziness (Rajshahi). Once the fighting spirit dies and vision is stagnant, it's just the matter of time for the kingdoms to collapse. That's how the mughals got in, thats the same way brits got in too.
And you seriously thought I'm going to read all that and reply?:partay: Stop mentioning me in boring posts:nono:
dear all,
I would like to create series of thread on history of india Ancient, medieval and Modern... we all know india is one of the greatest land with great civilization but also we know our land have been raided and looted many times...and one of the looters were British...they came here in name of trade and set up stocking centers(for goods storage) in port towns and from there they started to manipulate indians and then ruled over us..their best policy to rule was "divide and rule" in mughal time india was a unitary mass combined of Pakistan, India and Bangladesh and even parts of afghanistan...later it broke down in many but again british used many policies and tricks to bring the land together....
In this thread we will first discuss the Advent of British to india and then till the war or 1857...I will open a new thread later to cover the story from 1858 to 1947...
here we will discuss of the coming of british to the court of jahagir and getting of farman for ttrading rights for East India company... how they misused this right in their favor and how declining mughal empire played a major role in expanding and setup of british empire....rise and fall of Maratha empire, Anglo french rivalry, Annexation of Bengal and fall of suraj-u-daula . and then their annexation and other policies of british with other princely states... we will discuss about the rani of Jhasi( the only man among the woman) and many more...

please discuss the topic as it will enrich our knowledge and help us understand our past....members form all the tri nations are welcome namely INDIA, PAKISTAN, BANGLADESH... and any other international members who want to discuss the topic are welcome too.....:)

Actually I was away getting my daughter admitted to one of the top 6 National Law University. I know what you want others to contribute (I mean what is going through your mind). But if you ask for history of Individual states from where each members come from, then people will learn a lot and will be inquisitiveness among other members to know about history of other states. Each and every state of India has an rich and interesting History.

@scorpionx @levina @Sidak @Indischer @Ravi Nair
Congratulations for your daughter and I wish her all the best for her bright future.

If individual states are concerned, I would recommend every one interested to read this brilliant work piece from Eaton where he eloquently explains the theories and counter theories about the spread of Islam in Bengal. It's an excellent read.

The Rise of Islam and the Bengal Frontier, 1204–1760
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